Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 771: 264 What's That? 4/5 More

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know how many mutant shrimps were below. All he saw was that the ground below was replaced by the red sea. Relatively speaking, mutant shrimp posed a greater threat than the tide of the body. A zombie could be killed with a rifle. Mutant shrimp had to be cleaned up. At least two people had to cooperate. One would lift the mutant shrimp and the other would pierce the chest armor of the mutant shrimp with a bayonet.

Dozens of them say that once thousands, there is no alternative to finding a place to climb where the mutant shrimp can't reach.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the retreating mutant shrimp, reached out to erase the cold sweat on his forehead, and turned around to see his team wipe the cold sweat at the same time. The crisis was finally handled by them. Zhang Xiaoqiang secretly swore that he would not come to the island for life.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and his team stood on the boat and watched the mutant shrimp retreat. Suddenly, the whole mutant shrimp herd suddenly got confused, and then a scream came from the shrimp herd. Countless screams combined into a huge wave that covered the whole island. This wave was like an air defense alarm pulled on September 18, but this time the alarm sounded a hundred times sharper and a hundred times louder than previously heard.

All the sleeping people and all the sleepless people on the boat screamed with their heads in their arms, the smart point quickly covered their ears with a big mouth shouting, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't stand it, compared to several team members covering their ears rolling over the dirty deck, he was much better, at least than the strange high-frequency noise of the Z-mortar zombie, to make him feel much better, so he still had time to see what was going on in the bottom and let the mutant shrimp flock mess up like this.

At the furthest point of the sea of mutant shrimp, the dark red tide seemed to meet the reef, began to confuse, and countless red dots took off and landed. Although far apart, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the red dots were all mutant shrimp, and did not know what lifted them up into the sky.

Since the constant takeoff of mutant shrimp, the shrimp herd is abnormally confused, the shrimp herd in front is screaming, and the shrimp herd in the back is screaming, as if to be exhaling their fears, and as if to warn the danger approaching, remind them to hide.

The confusion of the mutant shrimp Zhang Xiaoqiang did not worry, they were in a safe place, the shell of the big boat was enough to resist the attack of the big black fish, and there were enough heavy machine guns and backless guns, even if they encountered the big black fish, they were not powerless to fight back, you know, they also had two powerful weapons, type 87 35mm grenade launchers, and Red Arrow 8 anti-tank missiles.

These two weapons require a certain level of expertise in order to operate them. Previously, the team members did not possess the knowledge, they did not dare to use them at random, or the three captured paratroopers were used as instructors to train the team members, so they gradually mastered them. Zhang Xiaoqiang happened to bring these two weapons out in case.

A scream like an air defense alert lasted five or six minutes and gradually disappeared. The shrimp herd of ocean was torn apart and scattered around like a cracked red carpet, exposing large chunks of yellowbrown ground, like sand after the tide receded.

The red ocean made up of mutant shrimp continues to split apart, beginning with a large chunk, each chunk breaking apart again, slowly turning into a small chunk, and countless chunks continue to split apart. In an instant, the seemingly boundless red ocean becomes countless little strolls across the island.

An elongated figure appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, initially looking at the distance, like an elongated chopstick stirring in the shrimp herd, fast, constantly swimming, Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes could not even look carefully, reaching out to take the telescope off the searcher's neck, breathing heavily at his feet, and look that way carefully.

When the real face of that thing fell into Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang sucked in a breath of cool air, and in the frame of the 10x telescope, the mutant beast appeared, which was, of course, the legendary creature, Long...

The elongated body approached more than twenty meters, the width was not large, such as the body of a water snake, the whole body was blue and black, the head was as big as a grinding disc flat, the eyes were high drums, the pupils were dark as ink, the sides were red, there were some little pricks from the middle of the eyes, the little pricks were linearly arranged, the longer the little pricks extended along the middle line of the head, the longer they reached the top of the head, the more suddenly they grew close to the center of the head, the rice high pricks became horns, the long horns such as curved knives, pulled out half arcs, the corner tip pointed in the direction of its tail.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has never seen a real dragon, and I'm sure no one has seen it. The Chinese dragon has a different image every period, with horns and horns, with feet and feet. No one can say clearly, but it appears in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes that what greed devours the mutant shrimp is closer to the image of the dragon. For the dragon, as long as the Chinese people have a complex mind, because they have a title, called the dragon's heir.

“Well... what is that...”

Mutant shrimp stopped screaming, Zhang Xiaoqiang's toe rolling team stopped screaming, gasped for a few moments, climbed up on his own, vomited on the boat's side, vomited a few breaths of fresh water and the like, looked up to see what was eating Mutant shrimp, scared out, Mutant shrimp was so powerful, they had to work with two people skillfully to kill one, then the elongated one in front of them swallowed at will, isn't that too much better than Mutant shrimp?

That thing did not appear alone, more than ten more appeared before and after. These 10 mysterious mutant beasts are the natural enemies of mutant shrimp, large or small. The clamp of mutant shrimp has no effect on the scaly armor of the mutant beast. More than one mutant shrimp is clipped with a large chelate to tear it apart. Unfortunately, the mysterious mutant beast often slips away. The mysterious mutant beast lowers its head and swallows the whole mutant beast.

Seeing those mutant beasts, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not answer, he could not even recognize what it was. After the previous surprise, his heart had calmed down, and instead of thinking in the afterlife, it was obviously not a dragon. It's evolutionary mutant beasts like dragons, just coincidences.

More and more people recovered. The first thing they did was not climb up to see how the mutant shrimp was, but they vomited on the deck together. The previous screams made them feel nauseous and dizzy. The sound of vomiting at one time became connected, and all sorts of bad smells spread all over the big boat. Even Zhang Xiaoqiang had some nauseous stomach upset.

A scream rang from the top deck. It was Yang Xiaoqiang's scream. Zhang Xiaoqiang heard a sharp look back over there. He didn't see what Yang Qiao had encountered above, but heard Yang Qiao complaining behind him.

“Oops... stinks... stinks... stinks..."

When Yang Kel complained, Zhang Xiaoqiang relaxed in his heart and turned his head ready to continue to observe. He swept the corner of his eyes towards him with a bitter yellow spring shaking. There was still a little unknown liquid hanging from the corner of his mouth. Apparently, he was also one of the victims.

“Brother Cockroach, what's wrong? Those things got away? So... what's that? ”

Huang Quan asked three questions in a row. First, he asked what happened, then saw that almost all the mutant shrimp under the boat disappeared without a trace. Only the mutant shrimp stuck in the slope gap could not move in and out, and then saw that the distant mysterious mutant beast was swallowing the mutant little lobster. He was forced to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had been standing here all along.

Zhang Xiaoqiang handed the telescope to Yellow Springs for his own viewing, but heard Yellow Springs shouting:

“What a big locust...”