Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 893: 386 Split

At the end of Zhang Huai 'an point, in addition to the armed men on the wall, they also have a number of mobile units below. The two paratrooper combat vehicles behind the gate are not equipped with doorsteps. They are not afraid of any ideas from the armed police below. As long as they come in and lay down their weapons, they are not afraid of any wind waves.

Feng Kun waited not long below, the gate of the camp suddenly opened, the door exposed the inside of the camp to the eyes of others, saw the layout behind the camp, everyone saw a breath of cold air, behind the gate of the camp, two armoured vehicles long canisters pointed directly outside the door, around the tank, dozens of assault vehicles with anti-aircraft guns and recoilless guns surrounded by a half circle, the gate surrounded, anyone, as long as it was not a tank, would be broken into pieces at the first time.

Even if he drove a tank, he would not necessarily be able to rush in. As a veteran, Feng Kun saw a modified Hero military vehicle behind the assault car, and there was a missile launcher on top of the military vehicle. When he saw that thing, Feng Kun recognized at first glance that it was the Red Arrow 8 anti-tank missile launching system.

After entering the gate, Feng Kun was very upright and asked his subordinates to place their weapons directly on the ground. All personnel left the car and stood empty-handed waiting to be inspected.

Seeing that Feng Kun they were warmly welcomed by the camp, the remaining officers of the armed police only felt that Liu Zhenghua had just died, and someone was separated from the army. Although they could lead troops to stop it, there would be suspicions of the opposite in the nest. Liu Zhenghua was dead, and the murderer had not yet been found out. They doubted this internally. They doubted that, causing distractions. Everyone knew that the armed police could no longer become an iron plate in the future. Perhaps when it would automatically break up.

The armed police also ceased to be in a state of combat below, coming out of their respective hiding places and assembling in empty spaces, with several commanders discussing their future stay.

Just as these people were discussing it, three or fifty more people stepped out of the army and walked to the camp gate. When they saw those people, Wang Bing drew his pistol and had to stop it.

“Wang Bing, let them go. Maybe by tomorrow, it would be nice to have one squadron left. You don't see those who used to go out with Captain Liu. They know what's going on there. Now this world, everything is fake. It's only true that they can survive. Captain Liu is still here. They still have confidence to follow Captain Liu. Now that Captain Liu is gone, they are not confident to follow us...”

This is what Lei Zecheng said. Someone had suspected Lei Zecheng. It happened that Lei Zecheng had been waiting in the arsenal to count the ammunition, with alibi evidence and witnesses. At one point, the killer of Liu Zhenghua had no clue, but the armed police forces were on the verge of disintegration.

“What should we do? What are we going to do next, pull up a ticket and split the supplies? The captain's revenge is gone? ”

Wang Bing was very angry, they suddenly pulled the troops to let the camp give them a statement, just because Zhang Huai 'an said, the situation changed dramatically, there were only 700 martial police, saw that more than a hundred had passed, the remaining hundred years had been out of war, I was afraid that if someone's armoured car came out and washed, they would turn around and flee, maybe more people would not escape, but surrender their guns instead.

“What do you say? The captain died in vain. We ran out of time to find them. The force is no match. It's not on our side. What would the people down there think? Don't count on anything now, how to find the way forward is the key.

The captain left without a lead, now nobody wants to come forward, the beginning means there is suspicion, what can we do? In a few days, it'll all collapse... why don't we just take our hometown and pull the hill? ”

It was another captain who said this, he couldn't imagine, seemed to be the most united, the most powerful first force immediately reached the edge of disintegration, originally in the name of revenge for Liu Zhenghua, gathered all the hearts and minds, caused them internal suspicion by Zhang Huaian's words, not to mention the suspicions above, let alone the people below will think so.

“Why don't you... retreat first, take stock of the materials and ammunition, and explain to them that if we are willing to leave, we will not stay, if we are willing to stay, we will be treated as brothers, Captain Liu has left, we will still be alive...”

The more pessimistic a few people say, even Lei Zecheng doesn't know what to do, just think about how to divide the family and how to leave some principal money for himself.

“You! What are you thinking? I disagree. I strongly disagree. We are armed police fighters. We are soldiers. If you have not defeated the war, you will become scattered soldiers. I want to open the mountain to become the emperor of the land. I tell you, no way. As long as I am in one day, none of you will be allowed...”

“Come on, Wang Bing, are you just a lieutenant, or a lieutenant without a formal production, according to the management rules, you should obey my orders, you must obey everything I say, how can you be here by yourself? What's the use, evolutionists are amazing, there are fewer dead evolutionists in the gathering place?

We are all one of us, I just talked so well with you, don't slip your nose on your face, now is the time, you are still thinking, of course, I'm afraid you don't know, Captain Liu can't last long, always want to take us to that side, now that Captain Liu is not there, we can't figure out a way, if you want to stand the mountain yourself to pull the team together, if you don't want to stand the mountain, go with me... ”

Razor City was furiously spoken by Wang Bing. Wang Bing was inexperienced in the army. Lieutenant rank or Liu Zhenghua was promoted in private. As an elderly member of the army, Wang Bing was still in middle school when they were serving in the army. This made them how to bend to Wang Bing, even if Wang Bing was an evolutionary.

Wang Bing was interrupted by Razor City and heard the declaration of surrender of Razor City. The killing intent appeared on his face. He stood up to clean up Razor City. At this time, the sound of countless cars came from behind him...

“We will tell you some things in the hotel in front of you, you will understand some of the context, before you restrain the officers and soldiers, as for the stabbing of your captain, we will discuss together to see if we can find some seedlings...”

Dozens of military vehicles surrounded hundreds of martial police officers and Huang Quan found several uncertain commanders to convey Zhang Xiaoqiang's latest order. Lieutenant Feng Kun sat next to Huang Quan and glanced at several people to indicate their agreement.

Several other people saw their soldiers panicked, had no intention of war, knew that the great power had gone, nodded their heads and agreed, and walked with Huang Quan to the hotel.

Within 200 metres of the hotel, all idle miscellaneous people, etc. were expelled, hundreds of militiamen surrounded the hotel with water, inside the hotel, a television set in the middle of the lobby, a small camera connected to the television, and boundless tides of corpses playing on the television screen.

Inside the hall, apart from Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan, Huang Tingwei and others, there are only a few armed police commanders, including Feng Kun, when the scene shows the battle between type 2 zombies and evolutionists, as well as in the obstruction battle, the zombies have broken through several times, causing the blockers to have to retreat, the several people present are beautiful on each face, all iron and green.