Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 895: 388 Persuasion

Of course, the officers did not know that the soldiers who fought the zombies had been blocking them for two consecutive days. Ten fires with the zombies had been fired in two days, the camp was rigorous in military manoeuvres, those who had fled had killed them directly, not even the bodies had been taken away, several major wars had been fought down and the most cowardly men had become blood warriors.

“And why are you telling me now? I'm not afraid to tell you that I didn't have the guts for zombies before, but now I don't doubt that we can hold on, so keep watching...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he was silent here, the screen of the TV jumped, the image was played by Zhang Xiaoqiang with the final obstruction, when the officers saw more D2 zombies appeared, their faces were all frightened, so many D2 could not be stopped by anyone, then S2 zombies burst out in the mass clash, the whole obstruction front apart from Zhang Xiaoqiang, there was no other evolutionary, when they thought the position would definitely fail, but they saw S2 zombies in temporary cuts one by one, Zhang Xiaoqiang one bullet by one to kill them.

S2 zombies were eliminated without even a bubble drumming under Zhang Xiaoqiang's gun, and then the chaos on both sides of the hill attracted their attention. When more than a dozen soldiers ran down the hillside, they thought both sides would fail. They didn't expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to kill the zombie heartless. Killing his own men was even less soft-handed, and more than a dozen soldiers were plastered on the screen.

“Silk ~ ~"

Several officers caught a chill. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked ordinary, carrying at most a hint of the authority of the superior, but did not expect that his hands were so vicious, killing was more decisive than killing a zombie.

Finally, countless zombies filled the mountains on both sides, watched the well-shadowed zombies in the dense forest, no one believed Zhang Xiaoqiang and his men could continue to adhere, under absolute strength, quality could no longer compare. Suddenly, the dense forest on both sides set fire, the wind helped fire, more woods burned, countless zombies ran away in the fire sea, more zombies were lit, took the fire head elsewhere, ignited new fire head.

There were no more fights in the image, all scenes of zombies tormented in the fire sea, the lens kept pulling away, countless mountain forests were lit, on the hills on both sides of the road, lit zombies dumplings generally fell into the dead sea.

Looking at the bears on the screen, the hearts and minds of everyone watching, they want to sing, they want to howl, no doubt, the fire brings them a great victory, a great victory over the zombies, this fire burns at least 100,000 more zombies, maybe more than, maybe 200,000, 300,000, how many of them are evolutionary zombies? At least one type 2 zombie burned to death should be calculated in hundreds, right?

“Don't be happy too soon, although the fire hasn't been extinguished, there are Z-type zombie commanders in the sea, and the rear zombies don't just stand there waiting to be burned to ashes, there's always room for the zombies to hide, perhaps not to the maximum expected. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that there is some cold water, Qiu Gaolin is dense, there are countless dense forests on the mountains, these forests will not extinguish until all the trees burn up, I'm afraid from WH, most of the ground is these mountains, relative to the easy access road of the zombies, most of them are not wide, even if the zombies will hide again, there is not so many places to stand them.

Zhang Xiaoqiang believed that the loss of the corpse was at least half. Yesterday night, the burning mountains lit up the night sky, the flames on the road had been extinguished, no corpse had rushed through the empty unmanned strike position, even the smell of the corpse in the air had been replaced by the smell of protein burning. In three days' time, the corpse would not change, which was one of the reasons he dared to announce, because they had won a great battle.

“Zombies are afraid of fire, so... can we set a fire to the gathering place and burn the zombies... even if they come back, there aren't many more? ”

Seeing the corpses devoured by the flames, the minds of several officers previously repressed were bright and their emotions changed from pessimism to optimism, and in their eyes the flames became omnipotent.

“Impossible to repeat, the gathering place is this big, the entire gathering place can be submerged in one strike, the fuel is not enough, we have tried before, the elimination of 100,000 dead bodies will cost at least hundreds of tons of gasoline, how many tons of gasoline will the entire gathering place have?

Our only hope is that bridge, and with it, we can pull those people out, whether they're with me or on their own, better than staying in this dead place.

And don't be optimistic, it won't take long for the zombies to get here from WH. We were restricted by the road before. We burned 100,000, 200,000 zombies, and WH can replenish them with 400,000, 800,000 zombies. After all, 8 million zombies are in WH! ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that there were some conservatives. He knew that WH had D3 zombies, and D3 zombies would probably be controlled by Z. After all, if it weren't for Zhang Xiaoqiang's agitation last time, maybe the Z-zombie who was killed by D3 would have succeeded in subjugating D3, and Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't see the D3 zombie fighting the entire corpse.

“What do you mean you called us here? ”

Razor City figured out what was hidden. Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but live. He did not hold them accountable for their loss to surround the camp. Instead, he made them understand the crisis of the zombies. He also explained to them with pleasure that if there was no small Abacus, he wouldn't believe it.

“Nothing else, Liu Zhenghua left, you still don't have a unified commander, Feng Kun reminded me that if you continue like this, the whole force may split into small forces, which I don't want to see, I hope the whole gathering place can unite to cope with the mob of dead bodies behind. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, the two officers, led by Razor City, were happy. They had already set up the Abacus. In the last generation, they could only mix with the most powerful forces.

The other two have no opinions, hesitate, seem to be heartbeat, and also have worries. The other two are headed by Wang Bing, but a face of anger. How can they be regarded as regular soldiers? Can they be incorporated by a group of private armed men?

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the look on the faces of several people and did not rush them. He did not think to say:

“I still have a lot of regular officers in the base. They are stationed officers of the original missile base, of which the highest rank is Colonel, and my captain Huang Quan is one of them. His original status is Lieutenant. If you come to my side, there will be a lot of future prospects...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped at once, Zhang Xiaoqiang's words let the other officers completely let go. At least, there are bigger than their officers to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang, they shrimp rice is really nothing.

Finally, with the exception of Wang Bing, all the officers agreed to join the camp, only Wang Bing was upset and said:

“I swear, if I can't find the killer who assassinated Captain Liu, I will automatically become a soldier. If I find him, I will avenge him and I will be separated from the armed police...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded immediately, Wang Xiaobing was an evolutionist, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was really not short of evolutionists. In his mind, the biggest use of evolutionists was to deal with the raid of evolutionary zombies, and the best way to deal with evolutionary zombies was to deal with mutant beasts. Mutant beasts happen to be the grasshoppers of zombies. Even cowardly mutant water snakes became dragon tiger in the face of food, not to mention two young dogs who were not yet D2-type zombie calves tall were hard enough to kill D2-type zombies.

“Captain Zhang, you are the biggest gathering place right now. Tell me who did this to Captain Liu. If we can get your point, we would appreciate it...”