Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 950 443 Error 4/15

By the time D2 started crossing the river, more S-type zombies had fallen to the river. Although nearly half of them had fallen on the way to the assault, the D2 big target was blocked in the front, and the S-sex zombies in the back had not been treated with the focus of heavy machine guns, and the rifle bullets were not easy to hit flexible S-2 zombies.

At the moment the D2 zombie goes into the water, countless S2 zombies come out of the evolutionary zombie and jump two or three meters against the wall. Obviously, the idea of the Z-type zombie is to combine contradictions and contradictions. The thick D2 zombie blocks the front attracting fire. The thin S2 zombie hides in the evolutionary zombie and strikes a deadly blow. If the moat is not restored, hundreds of S2 zombies will be pounded against the wall, and the D2 zombie will follow, believing that even if the number of soldiers on the wall doubles, the number of evolutionists will increase threefold in space, and the wall will definitely be breached in the first place.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang faced the most intelligent and cunning Z-shaped zombie, the one who best summarized the zombie, starting from the node blockade across the river, to the back of the whole line blockade, in which constant learning of experience, and the biggest difference of this zombie is to know about restraint, it did not take all its troops with it at once to slow them down, but left part of it as a backup, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know, in fact, the whole WH zombie is its backup.

And only this marshal, other Z-mortar zombies, have the pride of using Type 2 zombies as cannon ash, but the evolution rate of Type 2 zombies is quite low, dozens of hundreds of them, and it doesn't matter, in the thousands, whatever the Z-mortar zombie is, they can't eat it, and according to the nature of the Z-mortar zombie, they always like to use the strongest zombie as a guard.

Since the beginning of the battle, whether it was a wide-line attack or a tidal surge, the corpse sea had been struck with sound and colour. Except by Zhang Xiaoqiang, he blew up the dam surrounding him upstream, and the giant wave swept the front of the Z-shaped zombie, which made the XZ-shaped zombie rush. He came up with the idea of using the D2 as a shield and the S2 zombie as a spear method of warfare.

It's just that Z-type zombies never thought that the river, which was once a tunnel, was now heavenly, and more than a thousand S2 zombies jumped a few meters together, pulling an arc in the middle of the sky towards the wall.

In the warriors' point shooting, heavy machine gun shooting, only a few corpses were shot down, and many more were dumplings in their gaze, fluttering in the river, and in seconds, hundreds of S2 corpses fell into the water.

Zombies can't swim. S2 zombies fall in the water, just stick their claws out and wave for a few moments, sink into the water, a vortex, and disappear.

When the S2 zombies were completely destroyed in the river, only half of them were left in the water. Hundreds of D2 zombies were hit by bullets. They could no longer stand in the turbulence and were planted in the water. Even if they were D2, they would not be lighter in the water than the scale. Like the S2 zombies, if they fell into the water, they would never have climbed up again.

At one point, until the onslaught of the zombies, all the zombies stopped, the zombies stopped, the firepower on the wall did not stop, whether it was 40 rockets of the armed police force or 57 mm recoilless guns, plus 15 14.5 mm double-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns, killed at least 10 D2 zombies at this moment, and before the D2 zombies had reacted, D2 zombies fell under 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, of which Yankee Zhang and three cat-eye heavy machine guns were machines, killing at least 60 D2 zombies with three eighty rounds in a minute.

The Z-shaped zombies reacted quickly, and it may have noticed that successive D2 zombies disappeared from their senses, so the whole river was buzzing, and hundreds of D2 zombies were still falling, but they had a new move. They had picked up the S-type zombies around them, raised their arms and threw them over the wall. Hundreds of D2 zombies were raised and more than a dozen were killed, but there were still hundreds of them. One S-type zombie was pinched in each of the D2 zombie claws, although most of them had been shot, and some of them had pinched their necks. The first was pinched, and the remainder, at least 890 live S-type zombies, were thrown over.

The D2 carcass had no eyes and could not speak with precision. Nearly half of the 890 carcasses were thrown into the water and turned into floating bodies. The other half were mostly smashed into walls, broken bones and split brains. In the end, only a dozen S2 carcasses were thrown into the walls. More than a dozen S-type carcasses were just smashed into a few people. They were also killed by gunfire when they rolled over the ground.

Fighting continued, perhaps the S-type zombies thrown on the wall were felt by the Z-type zombies, and the D-2 zombies kept grabbing the S-type zombies and throwing them at them. Although most of the zombies fell into the river or were thrown into meatcakes on the wall, there were still a large number of S-type zombies on the wall, causing injury to many people.

Not many people were killed by S-type zombies at the first time, most of them were scratched. The chances of these people turning into zombies were 99.9%. There was no time, and there was no energy to care if they were lucky enough to become corpses. Zhang Xiaoqiang let his men control these people and drive them under the wall to shoot them.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's sudden kung fu had a huge negative impact on the wall. Most soldiers on the wall had no experience of physical combat with zombies. At one time, everyone was endangered. Many people were overwhelmed. When they saw another S-type zombie being thrown over, they screamed and threw down their rifles and fled under the wall.

The sudden collapse surprised everyone, as they mechanically killed a fallen zombie and watched the escapees run downstairs, because nobody stopped them, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan put all their energy on the body of the D2 zombie, and successively someone threw their rifles downstairs.

At this time Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered something wrong, ‘...' he threw away the machine gun, pulled out the pistol and ran to the wall to raise the gun and shot it. Whether he fled first or backwards, whether he ran in front or backwards, he was all punched through the kneecap bone and held his leg to the ground to cry.

Broke his leg, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not enough, probed his head, waited for Zhang Xiaoqiang's command below, and the person who operated the catapult shouted:

“Throw these guys across the river...... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's orders were strictly executed. Hundreds of kilograms of weight had to be used for a large throwing machine. It happened that the flask prepared by Wang Le was also large. In the strange eyes of the people on the wall, a screaming deserter was thrown into the corpse, and instantly, the scream became a hog-killing cry.

Most people couldn't see if the deserters had been eaten up by the mutilation, screaming weaker and weaker until it disappeared. At this time, whether Zhang Xiaoqiang's men were passing through hundreds of battles of old team members or new fighters, they all freaked out a cold sweat. They decided that the deserters had been eaten alive, but not in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. He heard the screams not weakening, but getting farther and farther away. From the midline of the corpse sea, it was clear that the deserters had been taken to the end of the corpse sea.

The deserters were taken away by the zombie, Zhang Xiaoqiang regretted it. Obviously, those deserters will eventually fall into the Z-shaped zombie mouth. Isn't that the enemy?