Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1296 256 First Night 4/5 More

The number of corpse seas is too large and the area occupied is too wide. Although the troops of more than 10,000 people fought vibrantly, they will not cause enormous losses to the corpse seas for a short time. Instead, they are hidden gunfire, allowing the soldiers of Bamboo Shoots Mountain to listen carefully and have more than a few points of confidence to defend themselves.

The sea of zombies will not be indifferent to the attack on the troops, and three hours will be enough for the zombies to react. Numerous zombies will no longer approach Bamboo Shoots Mountain, but will instead storm the frontline forces in an attempt to destroy the flies that have been hanging behind them.

The response of the corpse was immediately detected by the command centre, which promptly led to the retreat of several potentially besieged forces and increased siege by others.

Troop soldiers were fighting and logistics personnel were not idle. After the rebellion, all logistics were strictly controlled, and they had the same task of collecting the bodies of zombies and burning them, in addition to supplying supplies and recovering shell casings.

Through the zombie war, Zhang Xiaoqiang and all the officers recognized that the corpse of the zombie was the most valuable thing for the zombie. The root cause of the zombie's lack of fear of casualties was the weak zombie in the Z-shaped zombie elimination team, then let the living zombie eat the dead zombie, accelerate the evolution of the subordinate, indirectly eliminate the ordinary zombie completely, and make more evolutionary zombies the main force.

Collecting and burning the corpses of zombies is also a dangerous task, and many logisticians react poorly and are overwhelmed by the response of zombies. The only weapon they have is a burning bottle with one hand. If they do not want to be eaten, they have to burn themselves.

The loss of logistics did not concern the military. For them, the person who abandoned them this time was logistics. Although most of the logistics did not participate, they did not have time to discern. Under the Great War, logistics was no longer deliberately protected and they felt the cruelty of the battlefield in earnest.

The cruelty of the war went beyond that. The casualties among the logistics personnel were only their reaction was not timely, but the warriors on the front line were really dancing on the tip of the knife, as opposed to the logistics that did not require contact with the zombies, the soldiers always stood in front of the logistics. They surrounded the zombies on the edge of the corpse sea in rows. As the S-type zombies in the zombie sea gradually moved from the middle to the edge, the casualties began to increase.

One S-type zombie rushed into the soldier at a rate that exceeded that of ordinary people, and once the S-type zombie was close, the wounded soldier was sentenced to death and executed by their commander with tears.

The van carrying the body was constantly running around the battlefield, on an empty space outside the temporary command center, and the dense and numb bodies were arranged in a neat square, waiting for the van to crash into the rear of Alashan.

Millions of dark smoke emitted a scorching smell rising in the grasslands. In the midst of black smoke, many deaths occurred every minute, either soldier or zombie. More than a hundred times the number of zombies in the army, under the lethal attack of the army, quickly melted away. Before dark, 300,000 zombies turned into coke in black smoke.

Compared to zombies who can fight 24/7, fighting at night is quite detrimental to humankind. Under the flares, countless zombies waver towards the army on the front. Under the night, they do not know where the safe place is, and because the electronic reconnaissance aircraft cannot be aerial, the state of the zombies becomes unknown. Instead, Ishihara ordered all troops to stop counter-attacks and retreat their troops for 50 kilometres.

On the first night, on Bamboo Shoots Mountain, the first wave of attacks launched by the zombies ended hopelessly. To be precise, it was a probationary attack of the Zombie Sea. Countless zombies piled together to form the Mountain. They wanted to conquer Sky Insurance in quantities. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not the first time he had experienced this little trick of the zombies. Before he gave up a lot of supplies, the gasoline and plastic pipes moved to Bamboo Shoots Mountain were singularly effective.

Under the stack of corpses stacked the yards together, constantly climbing up, under the protection of two mutant giant dogs, the warriors above, in the first trench, poured the reserves of gasoline onto the rising mountain of corpses, when the corpses layered one layer, stacked to a height of 10 meters, a fire shone down the mountain like daylight.

The flaming head of the fire ran for dozens of meters, forcing the frontal warriors to retreat to the back of the mountain, and the air became thin. Under high temperatures, the dry mulberry's throat desperately needed a lot of fresh water. Zhang Xiaoqiang had to drink some more fresh water with odors from each soldier, causing the water reserve to drop rapidly.

A big fire did not know how many zombies were burned down, burning the zombie fire, the bright night sky made all the stone fields 70 km away visible, standing on the hill but it was another thing, countless zombies rolled in the flame, even some of the zombies at the edge were lit, countless human torches spread out on the dark ground, looking at the zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the top of the hill with his sniper rifle and slowly slept over.

In the middle of the night, the flames gradually extinguished, the heat in the air began to dissipate, and the crowded warriors returned to the front trench. Despite the intense scorching smell in the air, no one complained. They were all excited to speculate on how many corpses had been burned.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was woken up by the words of the soldiers below, helplessly smiled for a while. Although they burned down at least tens of thousands of corpses, but the gasoline had run out, it was impossible to repeat it a second time. If the corpse couldn't think of it, they had to do it again, and they only had real guns to dry with the corpse.

Meow didn't have the warriors' tangles, and Zhang Xiaoqiang slept in his arms. For Meow, it was the same everywhere, so long as Zhang Xiaoqiang was around.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat quietly under the stars with a meow and a rifle. Looking at the dim night of the sky, he listened to the occasional howl of the D-type zombie below. His heart suddenly moved and he felt the humidity in the morning wind...

Sleepy Li Grassland was found and commanded by Zhang Xiaoqiang. He began to prepare a large oil cloth towards the cold wind. The warriors were also mobilized, took off their helmets, took out their linings and used the smooth curved helmets in the direction of the breeze.

“Coming out…, coming out…. ”

Li Grassland squatted beside the tarpaulin and watched the surface of the tarpaulin change. As he shouted, more officers ran to him and watched the tarpaulin together.

The tarpaulin ramps support the back of the hillside, a cool breeze with moisture breaks open on the tarpaulin, leaving tiny water molecules, countless water molecules condense on the smooth tarpaulin into a crystalline water bead, before the sun rises, a water bead slips on the tarpaulin, accumulating a small stream of water into the bucket below.

Thousands of helmets are arranged neatly in a single array, as opposed to huge tarpaulins, and the helmets themselves have a certain curvature, and the accumulation of dew water does not erode. In the glorious smiles of the warriors, every drop of water beads slowly converges into a small water berth.

When the sun officially rises, each warrior gets two small bites of water, which is only condensed by their own helmets, and more than a dozen tarps, each of which brings together a small half barrel of fresh water to ensure that all officers drink properly after the two mutant dogs are drunk.

Together, the water supply is enough for two hours, but these two small sips of fresh water are huge boosts to their morale. People without food may starve to death a week later, but without water, they can only last three days.

Finding a way to replenish the water supply is only the first good news. Seeing the results of last night in the early morning is the second good news. How many dead bodies have been burned, no one can say, under the mountain, slowly scorching the smoke of the dead mountain makes everyone look carefully, countless corpses entwined into coke.

Under the fire, all the zombies on the dead mountain were burned into a bunch of convoluted charred corpses. The already dark zombies became coarser and blacker than coal. The shrunken corpses were like a large coal ball, and countless coal balls piled up a coal mountain.

From beneath the coal mountain, the tumbling coke and black zombies unknown, laying a coke and black carpet on the ground, hundreds of meters away, countless zombies squeezed like canned sardines, although many zombies squeezed and crushed and stepped on their feet by other zombies, none of them took a step forward.

The front foot of the mountain is ring-shaped, filled with corpses like zombie coke, but the back of the zombie is unaffected, or there is still a weak climb at the foot of the mountain, but the number of S2 zombies rushing up is rapidly decreasing, only giving the mutant dog a half full breakfast.

“At least… we survived our first night and had another calm morning, informing the warriors of the number of enemies behind us, telling them that according to the number of enemies yesterday, only five days will pass and there will be no more than one zombie left under the mountain…. ”

Li Kuwon didn't say much, nodded away, but it was very heavy in his heart. The news just received was that yesterday, the troops in the rear lost 767 people, including more than 390 members of the death squad, more than 100 members of the logistics team, and a total of more than 100 other troops. If the battle was completed according to yesterday's consumption, combined with previous war damage, there would probably be 4,000 war damage...