Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1425: 386 Disquieting

Zhang Xiaoqiang, in addition to thinking about being a vehicle housing, wanted to go further. They had solar bamboo as a motor drive battery. Generally, electric vehicles could not carry more kinetic energy and could not be used as transportation vehicles. Just because steel vehicles themselves consumed a lot of energy efficiency, it was impossible to have more load capacity.

The solution is also simple, improving the motor transmission efficiency, or using lighter and more robust materials to make the body, and materials, pearl tears are made of more than any other material, not to mention the advantages of resistance to high temperatures, but the Prairie Corps can't afford it.

Now that the ferrous vines have emerged, the opportunity has arisen to solve the problem of transport capacity, with a large number of solar bamboo as batteries and new human organizations offering ready-made solutions that allow them to make a large number of transport vehicles as quickly as possible, while also bringing their mobility to a certain level.

“Have you ever thought about making this iron wire vine into armor, with it, you don't have to worry about being scratched and bitten to fight a zombie... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked curiously about the old knife. This thing is lightweight, even if it is made of armor, it doesn't weigh much. Soldiers wear this thing with doubled fighting power. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang can't think of anything other than pearl tears to compare to this thing.

“Well, we've tried this before, this thing is made of a very large body armor, very tired behind the bed, very tired, not for ordinary people to use, if it is made of half armor, hands and feet are exposed, these places are the most susceptible to bites, so we didn't use... ”

The old knife answered honestly and sounded right. Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head herself. The old knife's eyes were too short. This thing can hide the smell of the human body. Put on a full body armor, which means that a zombie standing in the middle of a zombie doesn't necessarily ignore you. What does that mean? This means that wherever there are zombies, all their supplies will be at their disposal, and they can even live in the city with the largest number of zombies, feeding themselves with the whole city's supplies, as long as they can always guarantee the supply of ferrous vines, will the zombies have to be killed to be safe?

Zhang Xiaoqiang will not go to warn the old knife. The value of the Iron Wire Vine has exceeded the pearl tears in his heart. With this object, they will have a force that can only enter the middle of the zombie investigation. Perhaps they can empty all sorts of much-needed materials without consuming bullets at all.

“Does this thing have seeds? How did you get this? Was it high yield? ”

Since we decided to use this as the next R&D direction for the botanical research institute, Zhang Xiaoqiang is quite concerned about the yield and origin of this item, while thinking about the evolutionists who can transform it.

“Iron Wire Vine is a bridging plant that needs to be lived to grow. The environment for growth is not very critical. However, the yield is small. We found it by accident. This thing is very useful for transporting vehicles, but it is too difficult to obtain. If the cockroach brother looks like it, give it to the cockroach brother... ”

The old knife thought Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at these vehicles. Although they were not worth anything, they made them with great effort. It was also the cards on which they relied to break through heavy zombies. So they gave them to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and they were also heartbroken.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and refused the old knife's kindness. He could not see the vehicles yet. He turned his head and said to the old knife:

“Give me a live plant so that you can manipulate the evolution of the plant into my mutant plant lab, and I'll put electricity in your village so you can watch movies and use electrical appliances... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's promise within the Prairie Corps is nothing, falling into the new human ear is a great benefit. Although they have the ability to control electricity, they cannot really think of him as a human generator. Except for charging vehicle batteries, there are not many electric devices that can drive. Even with this person, it is unlikely that he will live like before the end of his life. You know, the electricity used by more than 700 people is a terrible number.

“Cheng Xiaomei, come here... ”

The old knife turned around and shouted at the team. Soon, a woman with a small body and Qi Liu Hai, the ponytail woman came over. The woman's body was very demonic and fertile. The buttocks, the flesh and skin are white, giving a very pleasant feeling. When she walked in, the man who had previously cared for her lost interest. Without him, the woman had too many goosebumps on her face, and her face was densely decorated with numbness, how ugly it looked.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't care if the woman looked good or ugly. He cared about one of the flower pots in the woman's hand. The flower pot was made of glass, only the size of a fist. There was a tiny vine in it. Three or two pieces of vine leaves were adorned with fine steel wire and thick vines. It was very lovable.

“In the future you will be a cockroach brother, cockroach brother ask you to do what you do... ”

The old knife reached Zhang Xiao Qiangrei. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly struck a chill. Why does that sound so harsh? As soon as he looked up, he found something wrong. The woman with the creeps was looking up. She measured Zhang Xiaoqiang with her shy and happy eyes. When she saw the look of Zhang Xiaoqiang's instrument hall, she hung herself on her cheek. Looks like the next second the woman nodded her head.

“Ha! It's an employee, it's an employee I hire, it's well paid, wages end, food and accommodation, holiday overtime pay triple, once the child gets used to it, wages increase triple... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang hastily interrupted, really stalled such a person, he would have nightmares. At this moment, he hastily pulled off the topic, he didn't know what he was talking about. Fortunately, he still had a little clarity, otherwise even the elderly care said it.

The remaining elderly woman Cheng Xiaomei's eyes dimmed, her hands held up the flower pot and lowered her head, just silent, like she was used to silence, Zhang Xiaoqiang awkwardly grabbed her head, beat a haha, turned her head and left. She didn't want to stay for another second, but there was an additional ghost behind her. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know, Cheng Xiaomei followed him quietly, and Cheng Xiaomei almost drowned under the pleated skirt on the ground, countless dark green vines fluctuated silently.

New Humanity, led by the old knife, went to their new home, hundreds of people suddenly came, suddenly went, left Cheng Xiaomei, left the radio genius Zeng Liangyu, and also a little lolly bean candy, precisely a little playmate that was meow carried.

The only impression is that bean candy versus canned or something is very gifted. Whatever the cans are, they will be opened in her hands, including hard longtooth fruit.

Rainbow carved into the toys of two little girls, a gorgeous feather crown Xia Xia became the original sin of mutant birds, beautiful things always attract the attention of women, whether this woman is Laurie or Mistress.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was somewhat disturbed when the meow and the bean sugar heart were twisted to teach the mutant bird. I don't know why, my heart always felt like something was going to happen. He didn't know what was going to happen. The northern military region has sent back a message. Cao Lidong has returned to the Yin Mountains.

The clearance of the river basin area is normal, every day new villages and towns are recovered, and county towns along the way are basically recovered. The rear sends a large number of transport personnel, constantly gathering the supplies found everywhere in Ordos City, and Ordos City gradually recovers its liveliness. Tens of thousands of logistics personnel officially reside in Ordos City and become the first settlers.

Zhao Jun and Ding are self-reliant. They have opened the Yellow River and started cleaning up the dead bodies on the other bank of the Yellow River. With Z2, the troops are cleared very smoothly. The dead bodies along the road are like moths bursting into flames. They are automatically sent to the door for the troops to clean up. Every day, long columns of smoke can be seen rising on the far horizon, which is the smoke that burns the dead.

The Galaxy Plains have been completely stable, and zombies across the Yellow River have not struck the Yellow River Bridge. Every day, as long as small squads of troops are dispatched to lure them, small groups of zombies are always introduced into the workforce to be hunted and eventually tied up by five flowers to where they are needed.

At this time, everything was normal, but Zhang Xiaoqiang just felt uneasy. Wang Xin suddenly walked into Zhang Xiaoqiang's office and reported to him.

“Brother Cockroach, the spa base has been out of touch since this morning and it has been five hours now, I suspect it has been affected by the outside weather... ”