Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1434 395 Agreed

“Zhao Jun, let me tell you this, any appointment or strategic plan in the future, as long as it is about the army, must be signed by both of us, two people negotiated, about logistics, and civil affairs, must be signed and involved by Zhou Jie, otherwise, when Brother Cockroach comes back, neither of us can please... ”

Ishiharano's tone was a bit heavy, which made Zhao Junhang's attitude serious. He looked carefully at a serious Ishiharano, and Ishiharano Nagai sighed and said:

“Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun, I really don't know how to say you are good, you don't know how many times you have gone through the test to get to where you are now, some things are not as simple as you think, cockroach brother will not clearly say, if you do something wrong, he will only keep it in mind, wait until he feels OK, it is time for you and I to retire, so you must be careful what you say and do... ”

Zhao Jun was never a man who spoke around the corner, and he could not understand the words around the corner. Seeing what Ishihara said seriously, he also began to show seriousness, whispering:

“Minister Shi, I know I'm not smart, thank you for waking me up last time. I won't say anything else. If I'm confused, you have to keep waking me up. I'm just a little oblivious. Tell me, what do we do over Yin Mountain? ”

Ishiharano is just a satisfied nod. Zhao Jun is simple in his mind and not stupid in his own right. If he wants to cooperate with Zhao Jun and jointly manage the Prairie Corps, he needs to be careful at all times. Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to have delivered everything to them. In fact, otherwise, Zhang Xiaoqiang always has an army pinched in his hand, the Blood Corps.

The Blood Squad has never been divided. It has always been Zhang Xiaoqiang's direct report. At best, it cooperates with the battle. It will never be assigned to anyone. The Blood Squad is divided into several teams. Li Zhongyue, Han Yue, and Moon Teeth each belong to a large team. Not to mention, there is another Alisa hidden in Yinchuan City by Zhang Xiaoqiang. At least Alisa can direct Zhang Xiaoqiang's exclusive riding, the big black dog.

The Blood Corps has been expanding almost continuously, with civilians constantly being detected, trained by ghosts and others in mountain towns, and also fighters who have been scratched by zombies without dying, being rewarded by the Virus Institute to become new evolutionaries.

Even Ishihara no longer understands the bottom line of the Blood Squad, Zhou Xiong is no longer a secret. Zhou Xiaoqiang is invincible to ordinary people. Zhang Xiaoqiang also arranges a lot of evolutionary surveillance around Zhou Xiong. At the same time, Zhou Xiong's internal affairs department is under Zhou Jie's jurisdiction. Zhou Jie has the right to direct orders to Zhou Xiong. In this way, a system is formed. Even in the absence of Zhang Xiaoqiang, they are subject to certain control, because he and Zhao Jun are ordinary people. Zhou Xiong can easily dig any ideas against the Prairie Corps from their hearts, or Zhang Xiaoqiang.

There are no other thoughts on Zhang Xiaoqiang's arrangement. As a superior, the better the supervision procedure, the more careful the people below will be, the less careful they should be. No one is born a saint. There is always a time when they cannot control themselves. At this time, the supervision procedure is to remind them of the Sword of Damocles.

“The Yin Mountains are almost clear and the plan can't keep up with the change. Since Yuan Ping helped us figure out a better way, we can do as he says. However, we have jumped from the dark to the bright spot. We can no longer hide, notify Ting Ding to be strong and let them speed up the cleanup. We must open the road within three days... ”

Ishiharano's proposal did not provoke Zhao Jun's objection. At the same time, he nodded to Ishiharano and said:

“I think we should do something with Yuan Ping after we've cleared the road. Since Yuan Ping says we don't have the minds to host survivors, we might as well do enough to allow the troops in front to build all kinds of work on the mountain road to stop the spontaneous influx of survivors into us... ”

Zhao Jun's words made Shihara tangle, Zhao Jun's proposal itself is correct, if according to his idea, Yuan Ping can constantly put pressure on He Zilong and Zhao Zhigang. As long as they keep pressuring, there will always be a day crying for them to stay. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang's plan is to let the Northern Army go north, or dissolve the Northern Army, and break off will not leave him with him.

Moreover, doing so would cause discontent among survivors, blocking roads, killing lives, causing mutiny if one fails, and mutiny among hundreds of thousands of survivors, probably with catastrophic consequences.

“Have you thought about it? If all the survivors were red-eyed and spontaneous, they would take us for enemies, and attack us, if I said yes, if it did, would the cockroach kill us? ”

Ishihara smiled bitterly and said his thoughts. Zhao Junton stopped talking. No, maybe, he would really kill him. Hundreds of thousands of survivors were perfectly capable of pulling up 10,000 soldiers to accompany him to the burial. At that time, without Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand, he had no face to live.

“So... why don't we get someone else to add up the totals? ”

Zhao Jun knew at this time that he was going to consult with many people. Perhaps what he thought in his heart was that more people were involved. Something happened at that time, and more people were backing up the pot. Maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang did not blame the crowd, let him go?

“This is simple, just leave it to me, I promise it will be beautiful... ”

Venus vowed to take Dandan's next hot yam, several people in the room looked at him with a strange look, Zhao Jun's expanded meeting did not add many people, there was an additional Logistics Department Chen Fei, a Refugee Migration Coordination Department Lin Dongliang, and a Transportation Department Vice-Minister for East Line Transport, Alatan Warehouse, and the rest was Materials Coordination Department Minister Venus.

Ishiharano said the difficulty over there, Venus immediately stood up, without hesitation to show strong interest, as if he did not know how to write the dead word, leaving Zhao Jun a little heartless. Is Venus reliant?

“That's what I thought, when the cockroaches proposed blocking the zombies with the Yin Mountains, and in that name, we built all kinds of construction and defensive positions.

The people over there will only assume that we are defending ourselves against the zombies under the guise of building resistance to them, and the pressure will naturally increase, and we will never think that we really want to resist the zombies, so that we can summon the survivors brightly and generously, pay for their work, give them some food every day, and let them work, and if we have food, we will not make a scene.

At the same time, we can walk around rumours that if we work hard, it may be accepted by us and become one of us, which will also increase efficiency. Of course, we have more food to give them, so that they can have surplus food to feed their families, indirectly relief the whole group… ”

Venus' words are not finished yet. Shiharano and Zhao Jun looked at each other. At the same time, they resolved to turn their heads and say to Venus:

“You are in charge over there, everything is in your hands... ”

“You can prepare now, Lin Dongliang is responsible for assisting you, then the army can also cooperate with you... ”

The day after Zhang Xiaoqiang left, the meow who had been in the valley did not wait for the return of Yunpeng Big Bird. He was forced to take the two days of the big dog's anger. In the cry of the big dog, a big car transported the rainbow sculpture into the Holland Valley. After a day of rest, the rainbow sculpture fell into the palm of the meow, along with the bean candy, the bean candy could not leave the rainbow sculpture for a moment. Natural rainbow sculpture went anywhere, she followed.

Yunpeng did not return. For the time being, he did not keep Ishihara in mind. He constantly sent back all kinds of information in front of him, so that he could make his first judgement and issue new instructions. The Strategic Department slowly got on track to become the brains of the entire prairie army and coordinate the tasks and orders of the various forces.

Just this morning, good news finally came from Lakshen, whose clearing forces had recovered all the villages and bridges, whose bodies were almost cleared, leaving only a few zombies wandering in the wilderness. Lakshen's success meant that a brigade could be released from the Lakshen plain until the new guard regiment received a defensive area to guard a regiment and a second regiment, so that they could formally join the main division as the main regiment.

Venus first took more than a hundred cars of supplies and food to the Yin Mountains, although the troops ahead had not completely cleared the road, which was no longer a big deal for Venus, who was surrounded by cavalry battalions.

Yuan Ping received feedback from Cao Lidong. He had a deep breath in his heart. In the Joint Command, he continued to create a tangle between He Zilong and Zhao Zhigang. Unexpectedly, Cao Lidong's past cameras circulated in the upper realm of the Joint Army, letting many officers know the strength of the Prairie Corps and the scope of power.

Everything was carried out according to the track set before Zhang Xiaoqiang walked, and Zhang Xiaoqiang's destination, Hot Springs Base came to the biggest crisis at this time...