Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1454 415 Disappearance of the Gap

Paul asked Karina to stand next to Zhang Xiaoqiang, smiled, turned around and stood behind Angel, Angel said a word, then a careful face Karina, translated in more difficult Mandarin than Eliza, Zhang Xiaoqiang Lian guessed that Mon only figured it out, so Angel welcomed him.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't mention how weird it is. These foreigners are going to starve to death, and they need to maintain courtesy and style, so that he is a little speechless. If he were in China, he would have scolded already. But this is in a foreign country, he can't show the foreigners light qualities. Zhang Xiaoqiang withstood the blush fluttering from his forehead and squeezed out a little smile.

What came to mind, he bent over and found a few boxes of silver boxed cigars in his backpack and handed them to Karina, then pointed at Angel and said in his mouth: "A gift... ”

Having had the experience of talking to Alisa, Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke slowly and tried to spew clearly. Karina stunned to react. She walked over and handed Angel her hands. Angel took them with some flattery and did not open them and put them on a small round table on the side.

When he saw that he had taken the cigar, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out an unknown card. All he knew was the price of the cigarette. He lit it with a sterling silver lighter. Then he turned around and looked for an ashtray. Without finding an ashtray, he moved the antique vase around him and used it as an ashtray.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's actions did not disgust Angel, just talking about their current situation, how many men, how many women, how many children, how many pregnant women, Karina even compared to the translated to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not express, just listening, for him, foreigners are no longer miserable, and it is not his turn to worry.

Just in Angel's description, time slowly passed. Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little impatient. He didn't move the fresh water in the cup around him. He pulled out mineral water in his bag and drank it. Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed a little impatient, Angel stopped talking and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to follow him when he got up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up helplessly, for a little face, he was really guilty today. He followed Angel to another room, a restaurant, a long dining table beside the bed, surrounded by the same style as the guest room, here plus Angel has four men, women only Karina.

Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that there was a banquet to be held, or, it was Zhang Xiaoqiang who picked up the banquet, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat down at Angel's behest, and the other men sat down in turn. As Angel ordered, several women came in with golden yellow dishes in their stomachs, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw those dishes and remembered the scenes seen in the movie.

There are five utensils in total, each man has one. When they are placed in order in front of the individual, the lid is opened. Zhang Xiaoqiang calms down immediately. He already guessed what it was, potatoes.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's plate was like Angel's, it was potato mud, the color was very good, and a thin layer of salt was sprinkled on the top. As for the other people, there was only one potato on the plate, and the head was not big. Zhang Xiaoqiang's memory seemed not to be any of the four potatoes he saw when he came up. Apparently, those four potatoes had just turned into potato mud.

In Angel's gracious gesture, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the spoon, inserted a spoon into the potato mud indiscriminately, hesitated, and stuffed it in his mouth. To be honest, the potato mud tasted good, it just slightly faded, the salt was not in place, Zhang Xiaoqiang tasted fresh.

Seeing that the others only had potatoes without salt, Zhang Xiaoqiang patted his forehead, he almost forgot, pulled the backpack, grabbed a few bags of salt and threw it on the table, then grabbed a few more bottles of seasoning that he didn't know what was on the table...

At the moment Zhang Xiaoqiang put out the salt, everyone stopped moving and looked at the salt on the table. They lacked salt more than food. Even if they lived by the sea, the main item they wanted to exchange with Zhang Xiaoqiang was salt. As for the exchange, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at it, they all wanted, gold, jewelry, antiques, or women.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang casually threw out the salt, he took out the seasonings, which made the throats of several people in the room itch. They haven't eaten any other flavors in a long time. One original potato was delicious for them. One potato clay with salt was a human immortal.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the five-listening cans, Angel was moved. These cans he knew, delicious Chinese food, as long as it was heated, it was delicious. Rarely, it was all canned meat. The Russians liked to eat meat. How long had they not eaten it?

Putting out these things is the traditional fine thinking of Zhang Xiaoqiang Chinese people. The Chinese are talking about the dripping water of the bounty of springs to report. He is not careless to entertain him, he refuses to take more. He also wants to use other things in exchange for useful information for him, about Vladivostok, about the seaport, and about the power of Vladivostok survivors.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took out these things as his cook for this meal. The cans were sawed open by him with a military knife. One person gave him a can. When there was only the last can left in front of him, he sawed it open and handed it to Karina, who stood behind him.

Karina took over the cans with no help, but a panic appeared on her face. Her eyes swept past several men in the room. When she saw Paul's angry eyes, she immediately put the cans on the table and backed away. When Zhang Xiaoqiang was confused, Angel said a few words to Karina, and Karina quickly turned around and ran away.

After Karina went out, everyone in the room stopped eating and gave their cans a little motionless. Zhang Xiaoqiang was getting confused about what these Russians were thinking?

Fortunately, it wasn't long, it was a footstep, and a few women and children came in, and Karena, there were six women, three younger pregnant women, three middle-aged Russian women, said that they were middle-aged, but only just after thirty, only in the last generation, women were old fast, thirty, it looked like more than forty.

There are four children, a man and a woman, four or five years old, and two girls, two years old, Russian children are bigger than Chinese children, according to this calculation, a little more than one year old, should be the late baby.

The children appeared to be very upbringing, came in to salute Angel and then nodded to the others. The older children took the children's hands and walked to their seats in peace, letting the women take them to their seats, no one to talk to, no one to fight with or even look at the plates of the others.

The woman took the tableware and the basin containing bread and bread soup and put it back to several people in order. Zhang Xiaoqiang's cans and salt were carefully taken away by the women. Soon, the banquet resumed. Zhang Xiaoqiang, in addition to his mashed potatoes, also had a soup, a mixed hot dish, and the women mixed the various cans and heated it up into a miscellaneous dish.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Angel are about the same. Only Angel's hot dishes are half smaller than Zhang Xiaoqiang's. Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at others and finds that everyone has hot soup. Only men have one more potato, women are moldy bread and paste vegetable soup, and children have hot dishes in front of them. Everyone is the same, absolutely average.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had some understanding of how this small survivors' organization survived to this day. To be precise, relying on Angel's rules, let everyone support each other in discipline and warmth. Potatoes are fed to men. They need strength to guard them. Women eat bread soup bread. They need men to protect and support them. Children eat hot vegetables. They need nutrition. As for pregnant women, bread paste soup is thicker, bread is extra slice.

Drink a sip of hot soup, the taste is average, it is made with a little canned main ingredient with salt and seasoning. For Zhang Xiaoqiang, it is generally, for others, it is delicious. Men and women are very comfortable. No, because they did not eat the canned food, the children are a little disturbed. They drink hot soup carefully, eat the hot dish in front of them a little bit, and their faces are incredible and happy. They can't imagine that there is such good food in the world.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a few bites and felt like he was not in the mood to eat again. Despite the rules, he put the hot dish in front of the pregnant women and put them in a eating position. He grabbed the two backpacks on the ground and shook the bottom. Dozens of tubes of cans and various foods and other clutter fell everywhere. He pointed at these things, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and slid his fingers. He stopped on several pregnant women and children, turned his head and looked at Angel. Angel stood up on the table with his hands and bowed to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and put the hot dish in front of him in front of the pregnant women. At this time, the diaphragm and the work of both sides disappeared...