Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1459: 420 Compatriots

Slowly climbed from the second floor to the sixth floor, the light came up here, but the wind began to shine, the wind in the hallway never blew in a window without glass, gathered in the hallway, let everyone here's hair flicker, Zhang Xiaoqiang's short hair was OK, the previous few people all became weeds in the wind, the floating appearance made Zhang Xiaoqiang look at the cold, deeply afraid that the dirty things on their hair floated on themselves.

Zhang Xiaoqiang followed the people in front of him and climbed and climbed. He didn't know how many floors he had climbed. Suddenly, they couldn't feel the cold wind blowing over their heads. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang went through the window and could almost look over half the sea cucumber.

On the next floor, the light starts to dim again, and the windows above are mostly blocked by the open wooden doors, which, though dim, also appear to be a little warm.

It used to be a huge conference room, now it's the living room of the survivors, all sorts of messy beds staggered across the floor, beds all looking like one, dirty, ugly, messy, with thick dark curtains and a shadow bent over his back hiding in a dark corner.

The guide continued to invite them up to the rooftop, the wind on the rooftop was huge, the smell of the ocean, several large rain cloths leaning against the windward side, a few thick desks, more than a dozen wooden chairs that didn't look too dirty, some empty wine bottles and dirty Simmons mattresses were placed in one corner, and the rest of the place was a man-made field covered with dirt, a potato seedling half-dead growing in this aerial field.

It's really easy for those who lead the way to get here. Please sit down with Angel and let someone bring you a few cups of hot water. There is still a layer of powdered tea in the hot water.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was insensitive to this thing, put it in his hand, pulled out the kettle and drank it himself, Angel continued to argue with Akim who led the way, the two of them spoke without controlling the volume, everyone around them heard it, the people on Akim's side with a little despair and anger, Angel's side with a little helplessness and pity.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the two people arguing, a little impatient, stood up to their observation point, measured the view of the whole city, the city's tall buildings were rare, most buildings were relatively low, a large portion of the green space was the main color of the city, the street, the zombies were swimming beside the old car, the car was mostly rusty, farther away, the wide sea was like a huge mirror, the sun was shining gold.

Downstairs there was a gradual cloud of zombies. Before they burned the remaining smoke, the swarm of zombies surrounded it and seemed to be preparing to eat. At that time, Zhang Xiaoqiang understood that his previous assumptions were correct. There were zombies dead, and Z-type zombies would not waste resources. Using these bodies to upgrade the evolutionary level of zombies was a good deal.

Z-shaped zombie's expectations were doomed to fade. Zhang Xiaoqiang cautioned him to burn all zombie corpses to the ground. At one time, zombies could not find complementary evolutionary materials and began to become anxious. This anxiety can only be seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang. In the eyes of many people on the roof, zombies are still those zombies, which seems to be no different.

One of Ishihara's most successful findings is the exploratory formation of the zombies. The zombies appear to be cluttered. In fact, they are separated by a distance. Three zombies become isometric triangles. Once there are zombies due to the loss of terrain, the later zombies will replenish and reshape the triangles. Now, the large and small triangles collapse, and the zombies swim amongst themselves. From time to time, the zombies are collided by their peers. As long as they are collided, they can no longer get up without luck.

The contention still didn't stop. Angel stood up and pointed at Zhang Xiaoqiang's excited shout. Others saw Zhang Xiaoqiang looking back, all bowed their heads, and refused to give up their insistence. Zhang Xiaoqiang had some regrets that he had not brought Karina out, at least he would not listen to Heavenly Book here.

Perhaps feeling Zhang Xiaoqiang's impatience, Angel rushed to come here so that Akim could build a power umbrella. Akim had to move with more than 30 of his people alive. There might be nothing wrong with the transfer of 30 people. The question is, is the food supply after the transfer?

Akim has already starved three people to death and the rest are in a precarious state. Their own food can only last until the next season's potato harvest. Thirty people are not helping them, but a disaster, let alone waiting for these people to integrate into them. Who's in charge then? Once Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves, it is imperative that the customer is strong and weak, and it is not impossible to focus on the anti-guest at that time.

“Akim, I repeat, we have no food, no…, your relationship with us has not been as good as that, now you have only one choice, come with me, help me build that damn power umbrella, as long as I can build that thing, I can convince this Chinese man to help you find food… ”

Angel once again said his request and sat across from him, shaking his big beard like a dog bear, he refused, pulling up the volume and shouting:

“Angel, you stingy bastard, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, you've got food, you've got the size of a botanical garden to grow, you've got to have as many potatoes as you want. My people can't leave me, I'm going to live with them, they believe me, and I'm going to be able to trust them... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang had no indication of the noise behind him, his body burst out the protective wall, half bent to look downstairs. The view was that hundreds of dead bodies had gathered where they climbed up to the second floor. It must have been the three Angels who left sweat there, so that the dead bodies could smell it, that is, the dead eyes found their location, and if they continued to delay, it could not be said that a new sea of dead bodies would form here.

Zhang Xiaoqiang gently jumped on the protective wall and looked down, causing Angel and Akim to shut their mouths, remembered what, all in a panic, ran over together clumsily climbed the protective wall, pulled the lightning rod embedded in the wall and looked down, when they saw the zombie gathered below, couldn't help but shout, if the zombie continued to gather, the building would be surrounded.

“Ta……. ”

Jumping down the fence, Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at Angel, who had even pointed at the Botanical Garden and made an exit gesture, and Angel turned his head and said to Akim:

“Sorry old man, we are leaving, hope we can distract the devil's attention, I said, think about it, I really can't provide food for 30 people, unfortunately... ”

Angel turned around and walked away. Paul and Gustav looked coldly at the men standing opposite them. After Angel walked by, he followed them. Zhang Xiaoqiang was somewhat confused. Their aim was to get Akim back. Looks like the people on this side didn't want to make an agreement with them. In this regard, he decided to come back tomorrow and bring Karina...

The people behind them did not retain, stood behind them and looked at them. Angel walked resolutely, but his heart went up and down, failing to accomplish the set goal, and worried about Zhang Xiaoqiang's blame.

Suddenly, the man behind him shouted a few words, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Angel, who had stopped, and together they turned to Akim, who was shouting.

Akim, who was in great shape, took them down to the living room downstairs and shouted at the women and children standing in the corner. Half a mile later, a pregnant woman came out of the midst of the women and children, and the pregnant woman was covered in dirt. Zhang Xiaoqiang could not see the specifics. Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt that the pregnant woman was particularly short among a bunch of Russian women, like a minor.

When she walked to a slightly brighter spot of light, Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes closed, he saw the dark hair on the pregnant woman's head, the pregnant woman's body was very deformed, rolling around in the middle, her upper body was thin, her cheeks were almost like skeletons, the cowardly looking at the men in front of her, the pregnant woman, like the men here, had not bathed, her body smelled like sour smell, the men were a little better, because to keep an eye out on the roof, the sun was always shining, the smell was just bad, there was nothing unbearable yet.

Angel pointed at Zhang Xiaoqiang and said something. Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he did not understand. Angel pointed at the woman again. The woman looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise and opened her mouth weakly, using some muted plain language:

“My name is An Xiaohui. I'm from Beijing. Are you Chinese? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked strangely at this woman called An Xiaohui. Her eyes were cloudy, her cheeks were thin and she stood in front of him. Both legs were shaking a little, not afraid. Her strength was not enough to support her for a long time. Her strength seemed to weaken to the extreme.

With An Xiaohui, Zhang Xiaoqiang had a translation, finally figured out the reason for the double opposite difference. If Akim hadn't taken An Xiaohui with them when they left, I'm afraid Zhang Xiaoqiang was all covered in drums from the beginning.

“Tell them all to leave, I'll take charge of their food, I just need a power umbrella... ”

Thirty people's food problems were not a problem in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. With his current ability, as long as the logistics kept up, the body was burned and the zombie or something could no longer stop him.