Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1513: 472 Trouble

“Forget it, let Brother Cockroach decide. He should have a solution. Our main task now is 800,000 survivors and 70,000 troops in the Northern Military Region. ”

Ishihara was reluctant to continue thinking about it. For the time being, their population and military strength were considerable. Faced with countless times more zombies than they had, they seemed powerless, without adequate supplies of goods, and had to restore the development of the rear. Whatever they did, they were powerless. Only by receiving 800,000 survivors and converting the population into productivity could they be allowed to go further.

“Isn't that Venus boy doing great? Almost all of the top ranks of the Northern Military Region have been connected, and the officers leading the army know about it, as well as the lurker 13. He has already been connected to Yuan Ping, and Yuan Ping has also been in contact with the other two division leaders. As soon as the time is right, they will carry out an internal cleanup... ”

Zhao Jun remembered that the previous plan was to create pressure on the northern military region under the pretext of building defenses, while indirectly funding those survivors in the name of recruiting hard work, and asked Ishihara.

“How is the construction of the defensive workforce going? Besides, we have to rescue those people. Can the food keep up? ”

“Minister Kim, go check it out, the workers are making a scene... They think the pay is not polite, I want you to say something... ”

Venus is studying a fine emerald bracelet in his luxurious office, rushing in outside a young man with glasses, thin cheeks, the young man goes into the house and he dares not move his head down. Without him, the clothes on him do not match this office, the office floor is covered with gorgeous handmade cashmere carpets, the walls are decorated with a variety of old ink murals, and the archaeological shelf leaning against the corner of the wall, filled with antique porcelain, jade carved gold ornaments.

These things may be worthless in the afterlife, but behind Venus seats, in three or four square spaces, a box of cans, a bottle of wine, chocolate in an iron tongue, meat hanging from a beam, a cigarette case on the ground, and a row of guns hanging on the wall, these are treasures that all survivors can't resist.

Venus never knew the truth of wealth, and every time he went to a place, he put these things out to entrust his identity, and when he spoke to others here, he also used them to provoke greed in people's hearts and achieve his purpose by various means.

This young man with glasses is trembling like a jewel here, wearing a wrinkled suit, a broken suit, open leather shoes on his left foot, a ripped hiking shoe on his right foot, a skinny face like a wrapped skull, standing at the door and looking like a gust of wind could blow him down.

The incident reported by the young man was by no means good news, and when Venus heard it, he simply stopped to look at the bracelet in his hand and looked at the helpless young man and said:

“Song Weidong, right? I ask you three kilos of rice every day to help me manage those white eye wolves. I don't care how they mess with me. Your job is to make sure that they complete their work on schedule, no delay is allowed, you... understand? If you think you're incompetent, can I swap people, like a bad guy, and give him all the rewards? ”

Venus said carelessly, Song Weidong heard the frightening war. At this time, he finally determined that he did a stupid thing. His own high-calibre talent in Tsinghua Civil Engineering Department was just a foreman, not even a contractor. He was no different from the survivors of the hard work outside. The only difference was that the survivors worked hard and got a kilo and a half of rice plus lunch every day, while he was three kilos of rice plus two meals every day.

In addition to overseeing the quality of the project, his task was to coordinate with the heads of the survivors' team, who thought that he was just a nominal agent and that if he failed to complete his task, waiting for him would be relentlessly abandoned.

“No… no, I promise to let them work honestly, once they find those who have lost their virtues, not only will the workers not get paid, but even their lunch will be grabbed, so that no one will work hard... ”

Sung Weidong's defense made Venus laugh. He glanced at Sung Weidong with a pale face, gently dropped the object in his hand, picked up the cigarette light on the table, and pointed the finger of the cigarette at the door behind Song Weidong and said:

“You tell those guys that I'm not a charity here, they love to do it or not, they piss me off, blow them all off, replace them with someone else, I don't believe that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who are willing to work for a meal... ”

In the face of Venus' forced gaze, Song Weidong could not have dared to raise his head to a greater extent, carefully said:

“However, all of these people we recruit have experience in construction, and if we switch to someone else, construction efficiency could double…. ”

Upon hearing this, Venus burst out laughing, shook his head, and sighed in his plain language with an odd accent:

“Do you really think we need this defensive line? What does Yellow River Sky Insurance do? ”


Song Weidong, a thin figure, collapsed and then jumped like a rabbit, bowing deeply to Venus, and nodded:

“I understand what you mean, and I guarantee that the project will go smoothly and that these little things will never bother you again. ”

Venus leaned against the back of the chair and shot the toothflower, reaching out for a slight swing, saw the gesture, Song Weidong took a long breath, his face wrinkled a smile, turned around and went out, behind him, Venus' face became unusually ugly.

The cause of the workers' disturbances was clear to him that, according to their previous agreement, in addition to feeding the workers, some food would be distributed to them, whether they were used to address their physiological needs or to feed their families, or indirect relief, at least to relieve the precarious survivors.

But as their construction accelerates, more and more supplies accumulate here, and those workers are not satisfied, they become greedy and they want more goods to be used to reap greater benefits among the survivors.

Of course, this is only a small fraction of what some people think is unequal remuneration, and some workers with children get permission to receive half a kilo more food, and this half a kilo of Chen food makes those people blush, incited and spontaneous, perhaps the extent to which the Prairie Corps has always behaved, making them think that they can pinch the Prairie Corps.

Venus sank not because the progress of the project was disrupted, but because of his aversion to these troublemakers, according to their intentions, to convene workers to build, is itself a form of relief form of funding, but did not think that people are not enough to swallow snakes, a group of ungrateful people want to blackmail them with something they don't even need, but a group of white-eyed wolves?

Thinking about it, Venus will find the paperwork and write a book title order in Chinese, which is worse than Mandarin:

“The limited rear transport capacity and inadequate food supply have resulted in the halving of food for all staff, the total removal of dissatisfied persons and the selection of strong male replacements… ”

Written here, Venus suddenly can't write, he knows that once this order is issued, it can deter those workers who make trouble in the shortest possible time. There is no need to worry about people making trouble anymore, but in this way, it will inevitably drain the public opinion base previously laid down, leaving a hidden danger for future immigrants. Venus is a military idiot, a business genius. In this regard, he sees better than anyone else, so he said those words to Song Weidong...

Song Weidong walked out of the house and went to the place where the workers gathered. Outside the house, a whole battalion of soldiers from the Blood Wolf Brigade were guarded here, all kinds of work, machine gun nests, and car mounted recoilless guns were visible. These Mongolian soldiers were much tougher, full-body combat uniforms, black and bright guns, chest-filled magazines, hand grenades and army spurs hung on their waists, and clean combat leather shoes, which were virtually armed to the teeth.

Looking at these reddish soldiers, Song Weidong felt sad for those who were proud of the mess. He couldn't even see the form clearly. He wanted to pinch the power with powerful force just for a small profit of the flyhead. He really didn't know how to write the dead letter.

Just walked to the Bloodwolf camp defense area, drove to the face, saw several officers in the military car, Song Weidong immediately bowed his head on the side of the mountain road, his heart whispered to himself, the three giants of the northern military region came over, is there anything big about to happen?

What's at stake at the top is that it's not his turn to worry about this little man who's just had a few days to eat, and he's stepped up his pace to the boiling site, where thousands of men sit silently in broad open spaces, beside them, throwing all sorts of tools all over the floor.

More than a hundred slightly better looking men are gathered to discuss what they are doing, and they are the captains of the teams, with two kilograms of food each day, with dozens of different teams to complete the task assigned to them, and this mess has nothing to do with their provocation.

Standing at the entrance of the construction site, Song Weidong took a look at the fortifications, as well as the trench wall all built only one prototype, and was thrown aside, sighed in his heart, squatted together to discuss, and looked at his captains with a bad look.