Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1674: 637 Appearance of the Girl One-Third

Withdrawal flows were not as vague as they had just been, and some officers began to converge the troops around them, reintroducing them into counter-attacks. Some of the places blocked by the zombies were reclaimed, and the positions were filled with flames of burning. Hundreds of flames appeared on the battlefield, burning a group of zombies into flames.

There are also new mortar shells of the new era, which are constantly split in the zombie sea with powerful incendiaries, a bomb that ignites everything within a circle of at least 350 metres, and nearly a hundred mortars that burn thousands of square metres at every launch. Here, the zombie sea is spread evenly in seven or eight square kilometres of valley, the distance between the zombies and the zombies is not very close, and once a fire is ignited, the zombies cannot be extinguished as easily as outside.

The troops previously isolated by the zombies have successively recovered their way out, and many heavy weapons have been retrieved, and the soldiers have been smoothly dismantled into parts and transported to the rear base.

There was also the brightness and loudness of the rocket explosions on the base, which made the valley all the more lively, and because they were no longer required to persevere, previous orders to save ammunition were overturned, and the soldiers were able to fire the ammunition around them, or else they did not have enough men to remove these burdens in the dark.

The Great Retreat was all along the line, and the guards who had been standing by at the entrance to the valley felt reminded of themselves. Although they had been asked to abandon their positions for a whole day, no one had given up. At this time, they had no bullets, no water or even lighting devices, and they were left over the heads of the corpses, no one was willing to do so.

The influx of zombie tides has become unstoppable, previous plans have been completely abrogated, and recovery of positions occupied by zombies will require at least ten times as much effort and effort. In crowded positions of zombies, the flames of explosions continue to sweep out rows of zombies, caused by shells and, more often, by the martyrdom of ammunition accumulated on positions.

At this point, many officers knew that even if they recovered their positions, they would not necessarily be able to hold them. Most ammunition dissipated in the fire, and without ammunition, how could they have stopped the zombies?

Large troops are being evacuated to the ground in chaos. The fighting outside is no longer to fight for the extermination of the zombies, but to fight for the evacuation. The flame of the battle stained the sky red. Inside the base, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the evacuated Lu Junyi and Huayang.

The image of the two men was very bad, their whole bodies were dyed black by various materials, their faces, necks and wrists were full of huge chunks of smoke, they didn't know what was happening from beginning to end, because of the emergency, Zhang Xiaoqiang only informed Yueyang to contact the frigate of the new era.

When they learned what had happened before from Song Kunhai, they had to sweat in cold blood. If this kind of super weapon that could destroy everything really erupted, the new era could still save some people. They could not keep any of the soldiers on either side of the valley. By then, the entire base was empty. Yueyang could easily occupy the base, and then they didn't know where to put themselves.

“It seems that we should quickly rearrange the air defense positions and make up for the dead sheep... ”

Floral thought about whether the new era would come back later, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not sure, he would never go before one thing was resolved, think about another thing, the biggest problem is that they are blocked by hundreds of thousands of large zombies, the outside zombies are densely crowded, once they complete their retreat, will mean that the type 2 zombies lost during the day in the Zombie Sea will most likely be repaired at night, and it will be even harder to solve by then.

“I think the priority is to solve the problem of the lady, which used to be okay, irrelevant, we assume it doesn't exist, but now, it almost killed thousands of people, the previous concern is correct, once it has wisdom, it becomes selfish, even if all the circuits are restarted, it has to be cleaned up... ”

Lu Junyi is good at electromechanical capability. In his eyes, the female maiden herself is a giant machine. The machine is made to be used by people. How can he allow the female maid to ride on their head?

Lu Junyi's words made all the surrounding screens extinguish, only the large screen unrelated to the woman showed countless flames and bouncing rain outside. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not go to surprise. Instead, thinking seriously about Lu Junyi's proposal, Song Kunhai explained in detail one step earlier:

“Previously we thought about the problem seriously, or did the control of the Female Female Female Power Plant remind us that as long as we mastered the power plant, none of the others were the problem, we just had to find enough people to let them learn to turn into maintenance, and we didn't need so many floors, just to make sure that Area A and the bottom Area E were fine, all the other areas could be abandoned, Area E was the essence of the entire base, there would be no problem with the program breakdown, if only Area A was available, we could complete the reset within a month... ”

Song Kunhai's words brightened everyone's eyes. They only thought about what would happen to the entire underground base before, but didn't think about it. In fact, things were far from as complicated as imagined. As long as they were willing to abandon something irrelevant and preserve the most core thing, it really wasn't hard to accept.

Although many areas will be closed for a long time, many devices will not be able to start, and information on the Lady's computer may be lost, but what does that matter? I haven't used it before anyway, at best it's just unnatural after something is missing.

Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was ready to agree, wanting to ask people, a twisted image flashed between them. The image was projected by different colors. As they retreated from their guard, a beautiful big beauty appeared before them.

This woman is beautiful, so beautiful that Zhang Xiaoqiang feels comparable to the moon of laundry. It doesn't look as exciting as the moon of laundry. It gives people a very comfortable, familiar feeling. After a closer look, it was discovered that this woman, whether five officials or her body, is perfect, as if one more point is not fat, one less point is not thin, the bones and flesh are even proportional, the eyebrows carry a classical Chinese beautiful woman with a sense of decency and joy.

At this moment, the dignified woman is looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a pleading look. Obviously, the woman in the Colonel's uniform already knows who can make the real decision.

For the first time, the image of a woman appeared in front of everyone with a projection. Lu Junyi and Song Kunhai and others had previously been of too low a rank. They had never seen the true face of a woman in Lushan. At one point, she was amazed by the beauty of this woman. Even the face of the flower that she did not value women very much was silly. They had never really seen such a beautiful woman at such a close distance, even if she was only projecting.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at this beautiful woman with a scornful smile and turned back to her wheelchair. After standing for such a long time, he felt that there was no pain in the area where his whole body was broken. Since the woman appeared, it meant that they had a conversation with each other. At the same time, they mastered the life line of the woman. As for how to clean up this virtual character, it depended on his mood.

“Nothing I did was malicious, and I didn't intend to regret it before. The base's missile launch system needs a lot of power, more than ten times the power of the entire C area. I was going to tentatively supply all the equipment and lights of the base, centralize the power supply, and then activate the defenses. It takes temporary control to activate the defenses. Did I really lie to you? ”

In her weakest gesture, Zhang Xiaoqiang pleaded. She felt pitifully like everyone except Zhang Xiaoqiang was infected. She exuded a sense of tolerance from the bottom of her heart and turned her head towards Zhang Xiaoqiang. She wanted to plead with him for her.

At this time, only Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xiang Mei are sober. Xiang Mei is a woman. Women will not be tempted by women. They will only produce climbing and jealousy. Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen the true face of Laundry Moon. At first glance, Laundry Moon may not be stronger than a woman. However, Laundry Moon is a woman with character, a strong woman, a woman with self. Often this kind of woman will make men really feel their desire to conquer.

Besides, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't even care about the laundry moon. How can this entity affect him if it is just a virtual woman of machines? The woman stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with her weakest eyes. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not look at her much. She turned her head and shouted to Song Kunhai:

“Lieutenant Colonel Song, you arrange the evacuation route of the surface personnel. All the people and horses of the new era have to stay on top, let Yueyang they set up a command center, and at the same time clean up all the potential hidden lurks in the new era. No one reported it. The aircraft of the new era will not come to the door so accidentally. The original soldiers and logistics of the base will all be evacuated to Area A, where to prepare defense, and Yueyang people will not cross the route... ”

Song Kunhai has finally passed the age of seeing a beautiful woman. Although he refuses to give up, he will keep Zhang Xiaoqiang's words in mind and enter the order at the console next to him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang then turned his head and looked at Lu Junyi and Huachuang in the gaze of the woman:

“Wipe off your saliva. How come you can't resist watching so many cartoons before? If the ground mission fails, we have to consider the tactical arrangements behind it. The bodies outside must be eliminated. Whatever the method, the staff you set up can begin to operate... ”