Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1690 653 Fall 2/3

Adena saw the paralyzed Marlena under the car, Marlena was pale, her hair was fluttering, her whole body was dirty, and there was no more seductive image of that demonic queen before, like a dying beast, shrinking into a bunch on the ground, looking at her godless eyes, obviously losing hope for everything, and the whole person was obsolete.

Seven crew members dressed in military uniform were on perimeter alert with G36 rifles. Ernst held up the electronics in his hand and seemed to be looking for something. Looking at the flashing fluctuations on the small screen above, it must be a search and rescue aircraft.

They hide less than 10 kilometres from the Yangtze River, a place where rescue troops fly by, are activated by the instruments in Ernst's hands, and where they can be found by the power of destruction.

Just as Adena was ready, Zhang Xiaoqiang's plane had crossed the Three Gorges dam and flown downstream. Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang was truly at ease. He had just seen the personnel and troops maintaining the dam, and Hubei Base was beginning to restore the power supply of the hydroelectric power station. Once the power station could be restored, Hubei's real era of great development would come.

Thinking about the flow of people and vehicles coming and going on the dam, Zhang Xiaoqiang shushed herself. Even if the plane fell again this time, it would fall on his own land, at least don't be afraid to get lost and find a home.

The further down, Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart grew more and more sour. Don't you think, when he really wants to go home, that kind of nervousness, the urgent psychology is more like torture. Even if he makes the aircraft fly fast, he doesn't want to be fast enough, he just wants to be faster, faster, he can fly over the hot spring base in the next second.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw another familiar dam. As soon as it jumped into his eyes, tears almost rolled out. This is the city where he was raised. Most of the corners of the city had his footprints, even that dam had traces of his work.

Looking at familiar power plants, sandpipers, boat gates, substations and material stores and office buildings, his thoughts inevitably drifted to the previous road to and from work by bike here, and then forward, on the city street where he lived, his home was on the banks of the Yangtze River.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stuck tightly to the window side, greedily looked at the lower building and the street, suddenly, a building that looked very ordinary, up to eight floors appeared in his pupil, he could see the garden downstairs, see the large platform upstairs, even see the tired bones on the platform, and he grabbed cabbage from the garden.

Almost let Paul get off the plane, let himself go home to see, look at the door, look at the room, look at all the arrangements in the house, okay, Zhang Xiaoqiang always missed his son and Yang Kel and they knew that where there was a family was the real home.

As they jumped into the city and followed Zhang Xiaoqiang's escape route, Paul suddenly turned his head and called Zhang Xiaoqiang in strange Chinese:

“Boss, there's something down there... ”

Speaking of the battle display in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang was frequently switched to the image in front of him, only the various symbols showed on the electronic display screen, there was a huge red dot shining, and many virtual pointers pointed in that direction, obviously to remind the pilot of the idea, even to the point of compulsion.

“Is it ours? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked curiously, this is his place, even if there is something, it should be something in his family. I didn't think Paul would shake his head very hard, shouting out loud:

“The equipment here will not be associated with the aircraft unless the place of manufacture is here…. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately slapped Paul on his shoulder and instructed him to fly down. The only thing that could relate to the plane was the New Era. He did not expect that the New Era thief's heart would not die and actually enter here. Further forward, it was in the direction of Hot Springs Base, almost to the door.

The map indicated a close proximity, less than 10 kilometres from the Yangtze River, and just after they flew through a forest, three Land Cruisers around several buildings appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes.

I saw the car, I saw the zombie corpses scattered around the building, I just didn't see a person, Zhang Xiao Johnton was a little confused, are the people below going to ambush them?

The helicopter circled over the complex, the building below remained motionless, suspicious, the transmitter was suddenly connected, an old and rigorous voice echoed in the ears of two people, a man with a low voice, the language neither Paul nor Zhang Xiaoqiang could understand, and in a moment of hesitation, two rockets with straight white smoke were suddenly flown out below.

The next moment the rocket fell into Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, the G36 rifle was raised by him, and the gunpoint hit the window of the machine, reminding Zhang Xiaoqiang that he was on the other floor from the outside, in a hurry, the fuselage suddenly swayed, following several flashing bait bombs to the bottom, while the helicopter rose in a straight line.

Experienced Paul was not Zhang Xiaoqiang, he had been under his guard, and at the moment when the anti-aircraft missile locked the plane, he reacted. When Zhang Xiaoqiang did not notice the red light flashing in the cabin, Paul began to operate in a complicated and fast manner, his hands flashing like a master pianist.

The missile blew up in the air, the flames and the roof beneath the clouds of nitrogen, and the next moment, the two rockets went through the remaining nitrogen flames, which spread into a disk, shooting at two small buildings.

Two three-story buildings spread half way like broken building blocks, countless bricks and furniture wreckage splashed together, and half of the debris was sprayed with blood water. Seeing that body cut through the military uniform of the new era, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very happy and couldn't help but yell. It felt so good to sit on the plane and bully the infantry.

Suddenly, the Land Cruiser parked on the side of the small building started, and one of the Land Cruisers accelerated sharply, flushing down the small building and into the weedy field, driving deep into the grass, turning to see only the shaky grass, and not the roaring car.

Paul turned the machine head, the two long fire tongues from the machine gun under the machine head, the long fire tongue pulled apart, scattered into countless light points, the grass below blew out countless storm debris, a layer of debris as if it were wind sand, followed by a huge flame to form a mushroom-like shape with the roar, spreading to the surrounding grass, countless vegetation burning in the flames, rolling smoke rushing into the sky, while Paul redirected his attention to the building group just now.

Machine guns were fired again, a long light point blew up a building into fragments, a massive splash of dust, a house supported by a blast collapsed, and in flames and smoke, the dense vegetation attached to the perimeter of the building was lit by flames, but no new era emerged.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who sat on the helicopter, immediately understood what was going on. The SUV that had escaped before was only a decoy, attracting their attention. Even the two single-handed anti-aircraft missiles were also decoys, circling and circling, together with the missiles, provoked their anger, attracting their gaze with the SUV. In the pursuit of the SUV, the rest of the people scattered into the dense jungle around them. Obviously, the enemy below belonged to a particularly cold blood, but also a particularly calm opponent, able to identify the enemy in the shortest time and find a way to live.

After Paul blew up all the buildings, he also woke up. Without disturbing Zhang Xiaoqiang's instructions, he actively shot the plants around the building that might hide the enemy from him. When the large vegetation was scattered into fragments, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned. The enemy below appeared strange, and the commander willing to let his men work for him was definitely not an ordinary person, and from their arrangement, it was obvious who they were trying to protect, but why did these people come here?

Zhang Xiaoqiang recalled the previous instructions, and remembered the interrogation they had just been asked. Suddenly it became clear that the people below were indeed waiting for the plane. However, it was not his Zhang Xiaoqiang's plane that was waiting. The people below were in a new era, which is no doubt confirmed. Then the people they were waiting for could only be in a new era, perhaps...

“Paul, the enemy… the enemy…, the plane…. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted in some languages, sobering up Paul from the mad fire. Paul heard Zhang Xiaoqiang's words, he would not understand at all for a moment. At the time of speculation, twelve black dots suddenly appeared in the distance...

Twelve bureaucrat helicopters appeared at a moment when Paulton was completely frozen, his fingers were stiff and immobile at this moment. There were only six helicopters in the entire Hubei base. Pilots flying other planes could barely ascend to the sky at most, and pilots in the new era paired, like clumsy hens paired with cunning Haidong Qing, up to two rounds would turn into burning hens.

Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw that a strange emotion suddenly appeared in his heart. Did God intentionally play with him? There is absolutely nothing good to do as long as he goes to heaven, even in front of his house, but now it is better than he falls somewhere unknown, at least without having to face this inevitable ending.

Unlike fighters, helicopters do not have an escape system. Pilots must live and die together with helicopters. Twelve bureaucrat helicopters are like night lords who find their prey. They are arranged in four pint squares to jump at Zhang Xiaoqiang's helicopter. They are less than 10 km apart from each other. If you want to escape, you still have time...

Just thinking about running, Paul turned his head and flew away, firing ten rocket fans at the bottom of the woods, rolling flames, swallowing the whole forest, turning the plane around lightly, flying away, but the battle display showed twenty-four arrows coming towards the plane beneath them.

“Shameless…. ”

This is the scolding of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Paul's heart flashing simultaneously. Twenty-four rockets are equivalent to 12 helicopters firing at the same time. Looking at the increasing distance, it is obviously impossible to escape undamaged. The helicopter swayed wildly under Paul's wild operation and finally turned its head before the missile caught up with the plane.

Before in the new era of cockroach base raid, Paul had been bitten on the tail. On that occasion, he and Yellow Springs had harvested injuries. For Paul, it felt too bad to be able to fight back on the sky, even if he died, he had to bite each other off.

When they faced 24 rockets pulling out white smoke and changing their trajectory, Zhang Xiaoqiang again felt the most obnoxious kind of persecution. He didn't like to sit aside and look helplessly at the things that could kill him fly towards him. Any one of them could blow him to pieces, while he stayed still and couldn't do anything.

Unfortunately, on the sky, Paul is the star, and Paul's performance determines the length of their fall. Neither Paul nor Zhang Xiaoqiang thought they could win, facing twelve bureaucrat helicopters, even if they were driving a classic collection of bureaucrats, they would not necessarily win.

Twenty-four rockets flew in the rain of ammunition sprayed in front of the helicopter, rockets at a certain point, a magical change of angle, forming a giant vortex, converging in chaos towards the central point of the vortex, the central point was the Nightingale, the instant the twenty-four rockets were concentrated, the rockets began to crowd, three rockets exploded in the sky, the giant fireballs flashed under the clouds, the Nightingale struck back again, only had time to fire six rockets, instantly, six more rockets exploded in turn, the fragments of the explosion detonated several other rockets around, the continuous explosion allowed the sky to open a fireworks, the fireworks had only one color.

A total of twelve rockets were intercepted, which was Paul's limit, and then he screamed, roared, tormented the operating instrument, the plane flipped instantly, and all the bait and jamming bombs were thrown out of the fuselage at this moment, and the helicopter quickly fell down.

Bait bombs and jamming bombs detonated four of them, but the remaining eight rockets hit the falling aircraft one after the other, causing the aircraft to explode continuously, scattering into countless fire points before landing, paving a dozen square meters of fire…