Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1702: 665 Nightmare 1/3

Huang Quan himself drove the car on the highway, wondering why Yang Kel asked him to bring so many troops to pick up Zhang Xiaoqiang alone? Everything was weird. Yang Kel told him that the dock would be attacked. He took people to the dock to evacuate first. Zhang Xiaoqiang also said that he needed him to lead so many troops here, as if it were a contradiction.

Huang Quan could not have imagined, Yang Keol just did not want to bring the heavenly missile unit. For the hunter-type missile vehicle, the heavenly lean appeared heavy and could not be ambushed in the place she chose. In order to avenge Zhang Xiaoqiang, Yang Keol had nothing to worry about. Besides, she could not control the commander of the heavenly company who made a noise as a missile base. What if someone reported it?

It is precisely because the Hunter-type Missile Company Commander was one of the earliest heavy machine gunmen to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang, that Yang Keer's prestige should be higher than that of Huang Quan. For Yang Keer, the Hunter Company absolutely obeyed, so there was this riverside ambush battle to conceal Huang Quan.

“Cockroach, how are you? ”

The inconceivable Yellow Springs turned his head towards Zhang Xiaoqiang behind him, only Zhang Xiaoqiang changed his clean military uniform, his face also washed with dirt and oil stain, tired leaning on the back of the chair to keep an eye on him, from the cross scars on his face, and the only hair left burned on his head, Zhang Xiaoqiang ate a lot this battle.

Huang Quan did not receive a response to Zhang Xiaoqiang's query as he had just received. Zhang Xiaoqiang can only recognize him now. He cannot react much to his words. Seeing the huge crater that frightened people and the battlefield that burned into white ground, Huang Quan speculated that Zhang Xiaoqiang's eardrum had been damaged, but he always wanted to talk to Zhang Xiaoqiang. He had too many questions to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Call Commander Huang Quan, call Commander Huang Quan... Do you copy? Do you copy? ”

A call came from an on-board communication device, and Yellow Springs picked up the walkie-talkie and responded:

“I am Yellow Springs, I am Yellow Springs, please speak... ”

“Officer Huang, the hunter's troops are seriously injured and Miss Ke 'er is seriously injured, requesting backup... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes vigorously, stared at the road in front of him, and then jumped on the back of the front seat, grabbing the Yellow Springs walkie-talkie roaring:

“I'm the cockroach brother, where are you... ”

The formation of nitrous smoke pervaded the mountain, a small mountain that had been blown up half like a cracked bamboo shoots, could no longer be seen in its original shape, large pieces of collapse, exposed countless broken rocks, on the rock, cracked trenches stained with black burning marks, yellow soil mixed with stones of various sizes filled the trenches beneath the mountain, as if they were the excavation site of a worksite.

Dozens of grey-headed, dirt-faced soldiers and five dusty hunter Land Cruisers gathered on a small open space a kilometre away in front of the foothills, further afield, two transport vehicles were leading a radar command vehicle with a smashed radar, followed by seven or eight others carrying stretchers.

Long motorcade rushed to the soldiers to stop, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped out of the car and squeezed into the crowd, only Yuan Yi, with reddish eyes, was holding the unconscious Yang Kel to tears. When she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang's moment, silent tears burst out like a fountain, tears blurred Yuan Yi's gaze, and blurred Zhang Xiaoqiang's figure, but she couldn't help but close her eyes, afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang would disappear, her heart could not speak, only want to hold this person to cry painfully towards the thought.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes only Yang Keer, Yang Keer's face snow white, like solid white paper, only the corner of his mouth hung black and red blood, saw Yang Keer with closed eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly tightened his heart, rushed to kneel next to Yuan Yi to hold Yang Keer, then found that Yang Keer's back was wrapped in a layer of gauze strictly solid, appeared unable to move freely, he suddenly pulled Yuan Yi, shouted:

“What the hell happened to her? ”

“Chloe... she was hit in the back by a big rock and her spine was broken... ”

Before finishing, Yuan deliberately finally cried out, making Zhang Xiaoqiang impatient, then choked again:

“In addition to her spine, her back bone was broken a lot, and her back brain was also hit, and she is not awake yet... ”

“Tong……. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat heavily on the ground and stared at Yang Kel's more mature face. Compared to his previous childhood, Yang Kel has now truly grown into a flower girl. His little girlfriend finally grew up, but Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to howl. He originally wanted to see Yang Kel's face when he grew up. But he didn't expect to see Yang Kel's first glance, but this is what he received.

“Brother Cockroach, hurry and send Miss Cole to the doctor. He is now at the largest biological research center in Wuhan City. The whole Hubei District has only the highest medical treatment... ”

Huang Quan's words woke Zhang Xiaoqiang, hurried to find the military doctor to continue to provide emergency treatment to Yankee, wait for Yankee to be lifted to the ambulance, Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted nothing, just to follow Yankee to the car, suddenly, a terrible long howl sounded on the spot, let the busy people look over there together.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and saw a strong raised head whistling, shouting out a wolf howling. As he raised his head whistling, a tear of blood wet his hair. Under it, a huge mutant dog fell motionless on the ground, just a strong brother, Jiro God...

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and looked at Yankee, who was being plugged into various conduits by military doctors. He also looked at Jiro God, who was immobile. The whole person again flickered. The previous flickering was struck by the bomb's seismic wave, and is now smashed by the reality that he did not want to accept.

Looking at Erlang god, Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to see the taller naughty puppy, whether he walked or sat down, the puppy always circled around at his feet. Even if he was upset and kicked off, he would return to his feet with a thick face, revealing his favorite tongue. A naughty puppy the size of his palm had grown into a prehistoric monster's murderous object, but he could not move on the ground, even his belly had never ups and downs.

“Miss Cole will not be in danger of her life. Her physical fitness is strong, more than a few times that of the most professional athlete. We just need to try to keep her fit so that she can persevere in Wuhan... ”

Behind him came a slight shout of joy. When Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head, he was pointing to the ECG. He saw that the ECG beat fairly steadily. There was no ups and downs. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt slightly at ease. Yankee had already worn the armor made after the skin of the mutant water snake. His physical qualities were double those of ordinary people. He just broke the bone and did not cause secondary injury to the broken bone. Even though he was fortunate.

Zhang Xiaoqiang hears that Yankee will not die, is worried and happy, Yankee will not die, he will not lose his closest little girl, but Yankee does not have his self-healing power, the injuries he suffered and the injuries he suffered when he was hit by a giant black fish, maybe he will not be able to stand up again for the rest of his life.

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to Jiro God with his chest high in his strong and deep eyes. Under his strong body, which was half his head high, he held Jiro's big head in his arms. "Ooh... Ooh...” Once again, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, holding Jiro's heavily powerless head, staring at the dog's face with closed eyes. The wet black dog's nose was now like a dry coal ball. There was no breath in the corner of his mouth, as if he could feel his body temperature gradually becoming cold. Zhang Xiaoqiang's last glimmer of hope was extinguished, and he lost Jiro's god forever.

“It's me, it's me, cockroach brother. If I hadn't listened to Miss Cole's suggestion, I wouldn't have lost more than half of the team of hunters. Miss Cole was seriously injured and Erlang's death occurred to me... Punish me, I'd rather punish you... ”

Huang Quan was in a trance, the whole army around him was busy, he also ignored, just walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang and put all the blame on himself, as if this was how he dared to get better, a shadow flashed, Yuan Yi suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, tears blurred eyes just stared at this man she loved most, suddenly knelt down, crying out loud:

“I didn't take care of Kohl, Huang Quan made me watch Kohl, but I made a scene with her, secretly led troops here against orders to ambush him, and Erlang God was also dead because of me. I was the one who was supposed to die, all Erlang God used my body to crouch me, and saved me from the scope of the explosion... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang's thighs and cried hard. Huang Quan took off his military hat and fell hard on the ground. He felt it was all his fault. At the time, he gave all his control units to Yangkel, and there would be no casualties of this magnitude. Eight helicopters were shot down seven times. How proud was the performance of a newly established control unit? If he hadn't been too conservative and worried about losing too much defense troops, maybe this time they'd have zero casualties on all enemies.