Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1757 719 Free Economy 1/3

Speaking of which, Venus also laments himself, he is also difficult to do. Tens of thousands of people need a lot of food every day, and pay them salaries. In this way, the food is more solid. These workers have to receive food on a daily basis in order to work. Without food, strikes are useless. Even intimidation is not helpful. After all, the habit of buying people's hearts and minds before. Besides, the ability to keep up, the food does not come up. Venus has come up with a way to supply military tickets, set up a Food Exchange Department, issue workers' military tickets, and let them freely exchange them. In this way, military tickets become a better value than food, but this can only circulate in the construction team, if it gets out, he can...

“Then I can't help it. In fact, the senior citizens don't have to be so careful. We already have more than a million people in our sphere of influence. Even before the end of life, we were comparable to the population of a small country. What's wrong with issuing banknotes on it? Think about it. If you have rice on your back and you have to pay for it with all kinds of materials, and you have to carry a pole scale. If the scales on both sides are different, it will be more lively. I hear that the main city is jailed because of this fight... ”

Song Weidong knows more than Venus, the righteous Mongolian. Venus, as a qualified businessman and half-handed administrator, is in the early stage of understanding this part of finance. Although he has obtained military tickets, it is also compelling. According to the development momentum of the third division now, he does not want to have extraneous branches. The Blood Wolf Brigade finally exchanged his achievements for the status of the righteous master of the church. He does not want to be easily cut off because of his reckless collision.

“Don't worry about these things, just do your job, you're just a foreman, not an official in the administration department... ”

Venus very politely denounced Song Weidong, but Song Weidong couldn't help it. If he couldn't complete his task during the construction period, he waited to lose everything and become a worker. Suddenly, thinking of the two people involved in the issue of military tickets, he thought of another way to turn around and look around without anyone approaching them within 50 meters, and said to Venus:

“Actually, the cement is also easy to solve, the cement behind us can't keep up, one can't keep up with the production, we control three or four major cities, iron ore is also abundant, steel is basically not lacking, only steel is valued above neglected cement, you see this week, they sent at least 180 cars of steel, but cement is only 98 cars, doesn't that explain the problem? ”

Venus heard something, touched the rough beard, the fox looked in front of this only in the early twenties Song Weidong silent, waiting for his words, Song Weidong is not old enough to settle down, then said his new method:

“Back variance cement, but not bad coal, we are in mountainous areas, a large area of limestone is everywhere, tens of thousands of workers to do three or five cement workshops is not like play, we can simply make our own cement, so as to avoid transportation problems, we also improve efficiency, after all... ”

“How does coal get up here? Ordos is not bad for coal mines, but not enough luck or blindness, and you're not afraid to delay the project? ”

Venus interrupted the words of Song Weidong, and Song Weidong was already ready.

“Workers take their wages and naturally focus on engineering, but we can't conflict with building cement workshops. We have two shifts down here to give workers a good rest, but they have all suffered, and there is no need to care so much about them. By then, the rest of the group will be able to produce cement, as long as they are paid, or simply sell the cement they produce back to us, so that they will have the motivation.

Transportation problems are also easy to solve, the survivors cannot be drawn by men in order to prevent them from getting together, but there are many women who do not have jobs. We let those women form a transport company to help us deliver coal, so that we don't have to worry about their food and supplies, we can just pay them in Ordos, and the rest can be ignored, or let them pay for themselves, so that they can do their best... ”

Jin Xing looked at Song Weidong with amazement, how could he not have thought that Song Weidong would come up with this solution. This solution is good, but it is not something he can decide on. We have to let him discuss it above. Zhou Jie's Political Affairs Department belongs to the simplified department of personnel refinement. All sorts of things are complicated. It is not too much to call it JL Wan. When do they have to wait for their idea?

“Minister, a suggestion from the General Council was sent by Brother Cockroach. Let's find a way to improve it. The person in charge of each city has one. You are the mayor of Ordos City, and this is you... ”

Venus' beautiful secretary suddenly came and handed Venus a document. After hearing instructions from Brother Cockroach, Venus quickly made a respectful appearance and took it with his hands. Then he swept a glance at his incomplete Chinese characters and looked at the beautiful secretary's face with doubts. This is what his secretary did. When he cleared his voice, he wanted to tell Venus, but Song Weidong had twisted his neck and read the Chinese characters on the document:

“The proposal for commercial liberalization of civilians and its regulatory norms…. ”

Guo Qiming's monetary lending policy released the productivity of the inactive population of Jiangxi Branch, along with Zhang Xiaoqiang's thinking. He made a decision to reach all the cities under Guo Qiming's system, gradually transforming the privatized economy into a privatized economy with the exception of a few key sectors, so as to maximize the incentive to release survivors, while also supplementing many previously unnoticed details. Gradually shifting from an outwardly searching looting system to a self-sufficient business chain, although it can cause a lot of inconvenience in the beginning, all materials were based in the past, people rely on their own labor to obtain materials, and can maximize the unified arrangement of resources. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that one day there will be a move from collectivism to private ownership, this was the case in the previous State-owned system reform, under no great pressure from Hubei base, gradually liberalize, eventually let the free economy open The result of the flowers is Wang Dao.

In this way, Hubei and the grasslands increased the previous productivity by at least 30% without much population growth, greatly relieving the pressure on the executive branch and allowing more emerging industries to gradually form, which is happening slowly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang found a solution to China's strong from the idea of the transformation of commercialization. The solution is simple, trade plundering, resulting in unequal value exchange in the name of commerce, they have a large amount of spare materials, China's strong population, and in the absence of sufficient resources, let China force its people to gradually exchange goods, so that the population under China's strong can be converted in the most moderate way, and Zhang Xiaoqiang's proposal is confirmed by others and prepared.

Another morning, this is the third week of Zhang Xiaoqiang reaching Jiangxi Branch. The peripheral reconnaissance force and the new Special Mission II have already mapped out the defense system of China's powerful forces. China has done more than Zhang Xiaoqiang imagined. 20,000 troops are stationed in various points within the sphere of influence. More than 100 kilometres of the lake shore have also been completely sealed off. The Interim Government of Jiangxi has expended a lot of human and material resources to crucify the shallow water area along the lake, form an underwater plum pile to prevent the Yangtze River fleet from approaching. At various heights of the system, China's strong also dumped all kinds of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns at the bottom of the country, and prepared helicopters from the sky.

By the time the complete arrangement of China's strong appeared in Zhang Xiaoqiang's hands, he and Huang Quan and the peaks were laughing. The seemingly strict arrangement was actually the way China's strong self-destruct, the means of blocking the peripheral waters seemingly still seemed to be in full swing, the means of guarding against wooden warships, although this thing also worked for metal ships, but now there are underwater explosions not in the past, as long as the water ghost troops were sent to plant bombs on these piles, detonation at the same time, the work of this layer of defense Yangtze River fleet was a joke,

There is also the construction of air defense positions in various mountains, so as to disperse the firepower, the easiest for ground troops to land on the lake is equivalent to no more defense, and the effective distance of these air defense weapons is 1,500 meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang's men have fired several kilometers of field guns, and then a targeted clearance will be made, and China Qiang has no place to cry.

The funniest thing is that China is strong enough to prepare for war and seal off all access to his sphere of influence. Since then, they have locked themselves in a cell. With water and wood piles, they can't even fight to fish. Although there are some fields, Zhang Xiaoqiang still doesn't believe that they can master the method of using zombies to rush the dealers. Besides, China's strong population is too large, 270,000 people are 270,000 mouths. The daily consumption is an astronomical number, which is not good enough. Almost every once in a while, someone comes to Sanzi for a bite to eat. In this way, there is no need for Zhang Xiaoqiang blockade. China's strong solved the problem for Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Besides, the Interim Government of Jiangxi's turtle shell defense strategy will wreak havoc on all survivors of the entire Interim Government of Jiangxi. The army with 20,000 troops, thousands of rifles and all kinds of heavy weapons can't even see their faces. It will be treated as a shrinking turtle hair. It will only make the people below think that the enemy is powerful. The troops will panic without hitting the people below. Once the troops fight, they will not blow up their nest?