Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1832: 793 Four Heavenly Kings 1/3

The gentle and elegant words reminded the sword of his identity, he couldn't help but drool his head, his tight stretches were scattered, his eyes glanced at the grass leaves on the ground, and Zhang Xiaoqiang did not make sense. He let the broken ears cover his cheeks. Zhang Xiaoqiang threw him on the ground violently, stomped his feet on the sword's chest, and bowed his head to stare at his eyes and scornfully said:

“According to the defense and volume of the monster, even if your long knife is sharp, you may not necessarily be able to break its scalp. The only way is if you drill into its belly and kill it, but you have to be careful not to be dissolved by its stomach acid, everything has to be in your head... ”

When Zhang Xiaoqiang taught the sword to chop, the number of evolutionists gathered was increasing. Most people couldn't hold on, shouted forward. The mutant beast was obviously only interested in the anti-aircraft guns that had injured it before. He jumped over and made those evolutionists chase hens like hens, can't be caught, like a group of people playing the game of eagle catching chicks with the mutant beast.

At one time, the mutant beast gave all the evolutionists an illusion. At present, the evolutionist has taken the upper hand. The mutant beast invincible evolutionist has been chased everywhere. In this strange chase, all the high artillery positions have been visited by the mutant beast. With the exception of several drivers with good luck, all the other high artillery operators have been swallowed up in one bite, and all the bed crossbows with them have been looted again. It is true that the box car installed with the bed crossbow is similar to the high artillery train, which has been damaged by the pond fish.

Seeing the evolutionists chase behind the mutant beast, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but shake his head, saw the search for death, had not seen the collective search for death, happened that an evolutionist was not fast enough to chase him, climbed up an empty bed crossbow to turn direction, fired a few meters long crossbow arrow at the mutant beast, only saw a black shadow tear through the long sky, the mutant beast paused violently, turned his head and looked behind him, always arms thick steel crossbow was inserted on its ass, not deep, swayed on the monster a few drops and fell to the ground.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but want to cover his eyes. He saw the mutant beast's limbs on the ground. The whole body jumped toward the converging Evolutionist. Only a huge shadow quickly swept over the ground. All the evolutionists blocked in the shadow disappeared instantly. Evolutionists had no formation and no unified belonging. Beeches rushed toward the mutant beast. The chaotic crowd moved every second. Those disappeared evolutionists, apart from those seen from the distant periphery, did not find any nearby evolutionists flying over their heads, and twisted their heads to chase them backwards, for a time as if they were a vegetable market.

The mutant beast rushed towards the evolutionist, but the five coarse evolutionists were brainless, not dodging, but biting the teeth of the reinstalled crossbow arrow fired again, the bow string vibrated, the crossbow arrow heavily stabbed the mutant beast on the huge head and sank, along the gap in the squamous armor drilled in, as if a toothpick had been inserted on the watermelon, this time it was not ineffective, The mutant beast was suddenly struck, his body was unbalanced, he hit the trunk car heavily, and he rolled over and collided with the car. Instead, he let the evolutionist behind him cheer. The evolutionist who had fired the crossbow arrow before fell under the car with great luck, and flashed through the crash of the mutant beast's body. He suddenly got up in spirit and copied him. The arrow, which was thicker than the spear, jumped onto the mutant beast's body, along The smooth squamous armor continues to hit his head, making the Olympic standard throwing position and stabbing him hard in the eyes of the mutant beast.

Compared to the body of the mutant beast, the evolutionist was like an ant on the big blue insect, but at this moment his image was so great that Zhang Xiaoqiang stumbled. He felt like he was watching a movie about dragon hero slaughter, but the end of the movie was already flashing in his mind, only to see the mutant beast swing his head, and then he fell out of the evolutionist for a few dozen meters.

Evolutionists are also flying with skinhead dancing, a translucent mucus like a water arrow sprayed from under countless soaring scales, hundreds of arrows spread on the monster to form a water curtain onto it, on the ground, and on the survivors gathered around it, the information is asymmetrical, those evolutionists do not know what those things mean, spend the first panic, see themselves safe, even break their clothes with a mouthful, excited, at this time, only the evolutionists who came in four days as if nothing could rush fast, grinding slowly approaching the end.

Then the sun mapped, the translucent mucus was like pig oil melted by boiling water, instantly disappeared clean, the air was filled with the smell of candy melted, many evolutionists after smelling this smell were like drunk, shaking and punching drunk, an evolutionist spinning lightly in the original foot, at the moment when the mutant beast twisted their head, they were like chicken wings on a barbecue fork, connected and instantly disappeared into the mutant beast's mouth.

The huge mutant beast has eaten a lot of people so far, but its belly is like a bottomless hole, more people are not filled, every few seconds, several evolutionists are caught in the belly of the mutant beast, let the evolutionists lean far away together, the evolutionists are scared, at this moment, a shout, the evolutionists of the Four Days King began to swerve, rushing towards the mutant beast, as if they waited for a long time for this opportunity.

Watching the evolutionists of the Four Heavens King rush over there in gas masks, Zhang Xiaoqiang eyes cold, the empty right fist suddenly squeezed and pinched bones crisp, the Four Heavens King's previous calculations should be here, their goal is definitely not the mutant beast, but those trapped by the mutant beast, as long as they can compile these evolutionists, their strength will double, the territory will expand several times, then there will also be the principal money to counter the three forces.

Just when he couldn't help but want to do it, the afterglow of his eyes found more than a hundred evolutionists he'd met before, several groups of these evolutionists, divided into more than twenty groups, who surrounded the past from behind, knocked over an evolutionist hiding in the periphery, restrained them by various means, and they didn't need to use their abilities or any other kind of combat, but just shouted close to him and scared the evolutionists like the birds of the bow, and then they were captured, obviously, for those same evolutionists.

There is more than one such team, the number of evolutionists who spy on the mutant animals in the field is not much less than those who hide behind them. At one time, the whole battlefield has undergone new changes. The mutant animals are no longer the main characters. Instead, the evolutionists belonging to small and medium-sized forces have become the same kind of prey. The people of the Four Days King focus on the mutant animals. On the way they rush past, they do not forget to beat the rabbit with grass. An evolutionist is turned over by their hand and gathered together by those behind them. When they rush to the mutant animals, they immediately divide the evolutionists with the mutant animals, and everyone else carries the unconscious evolutionists on the ground to the rear.

By this time, everything was a trap. At this time, the evolutionists in the trap repented late. Both sides were surrounded. However, the evolutionists of the Four Days King were a little less than those of the Qinghong Dynasty. At this time, the mutant beast became powerful, and the huge body inflated, and began to spin rapidly. Like an iron ball, the evolutionists who wrapped around it flew, and the flying evolutionists were often swallowed up by the mutant beast in the middle of the sky.

Once the mutant beast lost control, the evolutionist of the Four Days King suddenly made a big mess, at this time, four people suddenly flashed beside the mutant beast, one bald man jumped a few meters high, waved his fist on the nose of the mutant beast, only saw a huge head earthquake, the mutant beast was actually beaten to a halt by this fist, the other with medium long hair, The young man who appeared to be Sven flashed to the big man who was landing, his hands blocked in the sky, a black tornado in front of him and the mutant beast, blocking the tongue of the monster, before the black form of tornado was dispersed, an icefish formed on the top of the mutant beast's head, reflecting the bright sun, swimming as if alive, crossing several arcs Drilled into the monster's mouth, blew out countless red foams, the mutant beast now ate a harsh, rolling neck, opened his big mouth and spit out countless white flowers, foam like a volcano erupted, instantly covered its shape, flying foam like Medusa's gaze, solidifying anything that sticks.

This is the monster's last ability, just as the monster prepared to bend the leg jump, a man appeared in the sky and flashed by the monster. At the moment he flashed, the black shadow suddenly appeared at the distance between him and the monster. At this time, the monster was leaning on his neck, only its left front paw and the man were even. The shadow was on his paw. When the man flashed enough, the shadow suddenly disappeared, and the paw suddenly disappeared, causing Zhang Xiaoqiang to pour in a breath of cool air. This ability was horrible. He couldn't think of anything to stop the shadow that could cut off the monster's paw.

A smooth incision appeared where the monster's front paw had been lost, as if it had been born, and had blended perfectly with the monster's body, while the man obviously had only one blow. When he rushed to the side, he lost his balance, and the whole person rolled up on the ground, and in the roll, more than two meters long, more than one meter thick paw appeared next to him empty-handed and rolled with him.