Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1922 880 Follow Me 1/3

The demonic sword clenched the right hand of the firebird's curved knife with a slight tremor, the arms were full of vertical and staggered wounds, some wounds were still bleeding water dripping along the knife body, others were crumbling, emitting a stink, trembling right hand not because of pain, but he was scared by the giant beast in front of him, which was no worse than the mutant beast surrounded on the day, bullets were not affected on it, the only thing that could harm it was the anti-aircraft guns erected at various points.

Shanghai is a luxurious city in China. It is also the site of the Donghai fleet and the settlement of Jiangnan shipyards. It focuses most on air defense. Thousands of anti-aircraft guns are collected in various weapons warehouses. There are also more anti-aircraft guns waiting to be corroded. Today, all of them have been found by evolutionaries to fight the mutant beasts, only to see the sudden outflow of anti-aircraft guns placed on the top of five floors at the corner of the street. Star-shaking columns of light, more than 37 shells in a row blow up on the monster, can destroy armoured car armour-piercing incendiary bombs blow up a flesh-flowing crater on the monster, blue blood along the face-size wound like a tilted waterfall, suddenly makes the monster angry, makes a high scream, shatters the glass of the surrounding building, in When countless armed men covered their ears screaming, the monster's peristaltic belly was like a bouncing leather ball, jumped, like a mountain peak to fire artillery shell anti-aircraft gun, huge body jumped quickly, blinking to the fifth floor, the building instantly collapsed and parsed, countless fragmented bricks like volcanic dust rushed up, then the new dust layer swept up in the wreckage of the small building, then the monster rushed out dust, continue to creep toward the city, the wound that was not slightly injured was filled with white liquid in a short moment, a few breaths made the wound recover almost, except for some depression on the skin, basically invisible.

Seeing that the monster was so powerful, the sword cut all over his body so tight and powerless, he had no idea that the monster was so powerful, it had exceeded his imagination, it could easily destroy the tall building, but it was not possible for an evolutionary to do it, suddenly a figure appeared in his eyes, the figure waving a huge flat bone knife to a four-legged monster rushing dust, the monster was about the size of a Land Cruiser, full back armor, dragging a long tail, close to the alligator, but the monster had a rhinoceros-like head, from the nose to the forehead with eight black horns, two lizard-like eyes on each side of the black horn.

Seeing the shadow, the sword hesitated for a moment, suddenly the knife rushed up toward the side of the building, he heard about the guy, a teenager, not strong and weak, much worse than him, with a breath of blood than he lived for three more days, just after he jumped up, his body fell like a falling meteor downstairs, the next moment he fell into the shadow and disappeared into the invisible.

Chen Yu's touch is much worse than that of a sword. He didn't have a good skin on his face. The indestructible bone knife in his hand was filled with gaps. His clothes had long been a rag. At this moment, he completely ignored the wounds on his body. He only stared at the monster in front of him and drank loudly. The long knife in his hand was cut apart. The blade was still a few meters away from the monster, and there was a sharp whistle. The air was torn in half, slight vibration appeared, and the smoothness extended to the monster. Then the monster shouted his ears. Chen Yu sucked like a big, long tail lightning bolt. Chen Yu swung his knife and bounced back. I didn't expect the tail to come too fast. The blink reached his eyes. Chen Yu had been fighting for several days at the most critical juncture, and had a loud drink. Raise the knife across...

Big bone knife came out of Chen Yu's hand, Chen Yu spit out blood and flew backwards, the monster's tail had not yet been retracted, and suddenly a few other raw stiffs burst out of the surrounding ruins. Among them, the famous man jumped high and struck the back of the monster's brain with a fist, so that the monster's big head hit the ground severely, then several other evolutionaries pounded on it, the sword in his hand, and cut it on the monster together.

“Ow……. ”

Before the tail retrieved by the monster had returned, it was held by two bloodthirsty evolutionists. The next moment, they were thrown out by the giant beast. Several of the evolutionists who attacked the monster messed up, but they could not hurt the monster in any way. Only the monster's head swayed, and the evolutionists who could not escape were pierced. In a scream, the other evolutionists retreated.

Just as the people were ready to evacuate, the monster suddenly accelerated, rushed toward Chen Yu, who was preparing to pick up the bone knife, pierced the evolutionary unicorn lightning to resign to Chen Yu, and let the surrounding evolutionists shout, the next moment, the monster's huge head suddenly flew up, the blood poured out to flush Chen Yu in front, and when the monster slowly convulsed, the sword cut from the shadow beside the monster to reveal its shape.

“Boom Lung...,”

In the distance, another building was collapsed by a giant monster, but the sword was chopped without a glance. Turning to guard against the surrounding evolutionists, the evolutionists pierced on the horn of the monster have become meat and mud. The remaining evolutionists have a poor colour, and their bodies are bleeding violently. Their eyes keep sweeping back and forth on the giant beast and the sword.

“My head is mine... ”

Sword swept off the front seven or eight evolutionists called flowers, waved to shake the blood on the firebird bender, these evolutionists eyes greedily stared at the sword chopped bender, several of them bad eyes, slowly cut the sword surround, just waved fist smashed monster head of the man suddenly opening:

“Are you the perpetual night assassin? ”

The sword slashed his eyes and tightened suddenly. Afterwards, a panic appeared on the big man's face, stretching out his arms and shouting:

“We retreat……. ”

In the blink of an eye, these evolutionists disappeared with a huge corpse. The sword chopped off his head and looked at Chen Yu, who was dripping blood all over his body. He swung his sword and severely split it it it into the monster's head. Seconds later, the sword chopped off its regrettable knife and turned his head and looked at Chen Yu and said:

“You must be Chen Yu. Someone asked me to take you out. Do you want to come with me? ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang had instructed Chen Yu to take him out if he saw Chen Yu alive. If his life was short, he would not pay special attention to the kid's qualifications, but he had promised Red Little Sister that he did not want to be an unbeliever. If he chopped the sword, he would fall into Chen Yu's ear to surprise him. Even then, he almost lost his life several times. When he reached the battlefield of life and death where even the most advanced evolutionists would tremble, he understood that he was not the protagonist of the third class novel every day. Here, he wanted to survive. First, he had to work hard, second, he had to be patient, and third, he had to clamp his tail to be a man. Even then, he almost lost his life a few times. When he heard the so-called perpetual night assassin's faint inquiry in front of him, he became alert.

“Who is it? I still have two days left to go out, what can you do to take me out... ”

The sword chopped without answering Chen Yu's question. The demonic eyes stared at the place near the sea. More than a dozen horrible beasts, unlike the others before, were slowly creeping this way. His eyelids twitched and he drank impatiently to Chen Yu:

“Walk or not? ”

Chen Yu also saw the giant beasts in the direction seen by the sword, a little despair appeared in his heart, don't say hold on for two days, I'm afraid the last line of defense today will fail, even nodded:

“As long as you can get me out of here, I will repay you... ”

The sword cut off at this time, turning around and walking, Chen Yushun knifed the monster's forehead on the ground to the bone at the tip of his nose, grabbed eight connected lunar teeth and followed them closely, thought it was what the sword chopped, but didn't know that the sword chopped the head wanted to see if there was a glue body, walked not long after, suddenly * up, hundreds of clothes panicked and the evolutionists rushed over, behind them, countless black multifooted beetles formed a red flood of heaven-covered land rushed towards them, many beetles rushed to the front of the curly tail, made a whipping crisp sound like a bullet flying, behind the evolution wandering, from time to time crushing a piece of collapsing concrete...

This beetle makes all evolutionary chills, and further afield, a giant poisonous scorpion followed closely. These scorpions were black all over their bodies, black crusts dissatisfied with the strange golden yellow pattern, with a long two short three scorpions, two short tails on the left and right turned like moving radar antennas. One of the giant scorpions' short tails suddenly locked one direction, and then the scorpion quickly climbed onto the pile of concrete stacked together, and the long scorpion tail lightning pierced the largest concrete. When the split concrete spread, a dying evolutionist was dragged out and sent to two bigger than man to chew and eat...