Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2024 980 Awakening and Disappointed 2/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang's defense allowed Zhang Xiaoqiang to pour oil on his anger, the squeak sounded from his teeth, saw Zhang Xiaoqiang's appearance, and Zhang Mingqiang also had some guilt, but besides Zhang Xiaoqiang, there were swords chopped, Huang Tingwei and Zhao Deyi, among others, she did not want to lose face in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, arrogantly rebutted.

“I know she's not my soldier, and I know you're short, but you have to figure out one thing. I'm in charge here. If you can't get used to it, you can go back to your Sichuan, you better never see each other... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's aggressive words pierced the heart of Laundry Moon like a sword. This is already a breaking word. Never seeing each other means that she and Zhang Xiaoqiang can no longer be moved together with other people's words. Is this a great extinction?

“How could you do that? How much did Her Majesty do for you? Who did she come all the way from Sichuan for? ”

Xiang Sheer couldn't help blaming Zhang Xiaoqiang loudly, but her eyes couldn't help but look at Huang Tingwei. As the first girl to Huang Tingwei, she and Huang Tingwei had an unclear story. If Zhang Xiaoqiang really drove Laundry to Sichuan, she wouldn't have had the chance to see Huang Tingwei again? It was good intentions, but I didn't know her words made Huang Tingwei angry.

“Shut up, it's not your turn to talk here... ”

Huang Tingwei shocked Xiangsher with a great drink. Huang Tingwei has always been a gentle and angry man with books. Why do you scold her like this? The thought just flashed, an invisible vibration, Huang Tingwei's chest like a heavy hammer, the whole person flew out, this suddenly, everyone couldn't react, only a shadow emerged from the shadow behind Huang Tingwei to catch him.

“My people don't need you pointing fingers...” Huang Tingwei chewed Ming Moon's teeth and said proudly. Zhang Xiaoqiang had been holding his stomach fire since he uttered his absolute words, but Huang Tingwei hit her at gunpoint. Huang Tingwei's appearance made Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes crack and he growled angrily:

“Fine. Are you really here to be grandfathers? I told you that I am not rare in everything you give me in the Moon of Laundry, you have taken the crystal core of the safe, I am quite right for you, now please leave, take your people... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang's unprecedented seriousness and seriousness at this moment made Laundry Moon suddenly have a heartache. He wanted to say a few soft words, but Xiang Meier walked forward and screamed at Zhang Xiaoqiang:

“Failure of the mission was not only my problem, but he also had a responsibility, and I would not have done so had he not deliberately provoked me... ”

Hearing Xiang Mier's words, the sword frowned and turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang. “I finally know what it means to be shot lying down. Your family problem is really serious... ”

The sarcasm of the sword chopping Zhang Xiaoqiang clearly heard white, he also knew what kind of man the sword chopping was, such a person couldn't help but scoff, obviously Chanel's inversion black and white also provoked the sword chopping, very sobering and boring said:

“Forget it, I don't hold you accountable now. From now on, all the people under the Laundry Moon will be separately divided and returned to her name, as will the supplies and weapons. From now on, she is me. From now on, we will not owe each other anything. As long as she is where she is, she will never come into contact within a hundred miles... ”

The face of the bright moon was still cold, but her eyes were still growing unprecedented pain and regret. She wanted to talk and didn't know how to say it. Zhang Xiaoqiang said everything she shouldn't have said, and she was a woman who was proud of herself in the bones. She didn't even know how to recover it. When she was anxious, Zhang Xiaoqiang threw away the words gently:

“Tomorrow you will return as transporters, I will not send... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked out, the shadow flashed room, there were only a few women in the room and Xianghai who stood in the corner without making a sound. At this time, the laundry moon turned its head on Xiang Mei, and Xiang Mei had to step back, explaining:

“I'm telling the truth, it's all that little white face...” Half the words found that the moon had become unusually strange. The cold and indifference brewing in the eyes of the moon had reached the extreme. The dull voice instantly pierced her heart: “I don't need to listen to you, control your thinking, I will know the consequences before... ”

In the frightened eyes of the other three girls, Chanel was caught in a state of shrine, her hollow eyes stared in front of her, and her expression became stiff, as if she were no different from those of those on death row controlled by the Laundry Moon, for a short time, after a few blinks, Chanel suddenly returned to normal, anxiously looking for the Laundry Moon to implore:

“Listen to me, I am doing this for you…. ”

“No, go explain it to him...” The heart of Laundry Moon has blown fast, her most trusted person deceived her, the young girl in front of her as a sister-in-law to ruin everything for so-called pride and discrimination, cold-mouthed to say this, the invisible cyclone wrapped the whole person of Chanel, then all the clothes on Chanel broke, revealed the white body, followed by a terrible scream from Chanel's mouth.

Chanel's painful howling, snow white body, a drop of green sweat gradually seeps out of the skin, as the eyes of the laundry moon add ice and cold, the stronger the shake of Chanel, the more sweat seeps out, until the end of the body is wrapped by this strange sweat, several other young girls clung to each other looking at Chanel in horror...

“I can give you, and I can take it back. Since then, you and I can live as normal people. You and I have nothing to do with this anymore... ”

The frost of the moon was a slight sadness on her cheek, Chanel was shocked and howled, but the previous scream had hurt her belt so that she could no longer shout... For the first time, the other three girls saw how harshly the moon treated them together to terrorize, especially Xiangyu, the fear of the moon of the laundry had reached a point where only Xianghai, from Claya, could stand idly by.

“Chanel advocated the sabotage of strategic tasks without repentance. I took back my ability. I also know a little bit about each of you. I used to indulge you too much... ”

At a glance, the anger of the moon burned on several other girls. They knelt together and shook. They looked at the moon with begging eyes. Only Xiang Yu lowered her head and did not know what to think.

“I see this today, I haven't spoken yet, you guys are more than a dancer, I don't know if you're helping me or ruining me? ”

Said the laundry moon took a thoughtful glance at Chanel and saw Chanel's goosebumps all upside down. Finally, he sighed:

“I was trying to help you out, and I knew it was wrong. Shanchelle gave me a shock and a frightening appearance? ”

Without waiting for Xiang Xueer to argue, the Laundry Moon said:

“Forget it, I've been with you for so long, I don't want to do it too much. Go out and disperse. There are men looking for men, and there are no men looking for work. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me... ”

The Moon of Laundry kept in mind the changes in each person's appearance and felt a strong sense of powerlessness. None of the maids below were good. On weekdays, she dragged her tiger skin to work as a blessing. She was arrogant towards the people in Zhang Xiaoqiang's system. She also gave way to Zhang Xiaoqiang's face, but made these young girls wander one by one. In their hearts, Zhang Xiaoqiang's abilities were not as good as the laundry moon, and naturally could not be seen very well. This situation was especially evident after they also became evolutionaries.

Now, Xiang Xiaoqiang is lucky enough to take over the status of the pilot of the ship and not let anyone else take over. She still thinks she is on a major mission, thus interrupting Zhang Xiaoqiang's plan. To this end, Zhang Xiaoqiang leads the entire operational department to ask the entertainer for guilt. If Zhang Xiaoqiang came to her privately, she would secretly punish Xiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang tears her face because she can't get off the stage with the others, and Xiang Xiaoqiang and Xiang Sheer rebut without permission.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiaoqiang left that she regretted it until she realized that it was not a private matter. In the end, Xiang Mier's bite back also deeply disappointed the young girl she was defending.

“Her Highness the Queen…. ”

The girls cried in horror and begged for forgiveness for the Moon of Laundry, but the Moon of Laundry was a stubborn man with a stiff look at the young girls who cried into tears and scolded:

“Don't call me Queen, you are all old enough to find a man. In his power, no one dares to spy on you. Find a man to live in peace for the rest of your life. The previous relationship is over, and you have nothing to do with me in the future... ”

After that, the laundry moon turned around and left the tent. At the same time, Xiang Haier was also taken away, leaving only a few young girls to mourn...