Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2272 Laboratory Secrets

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes violently, a ray of white light entered the corner to tighten his heart. When he was stunned, he was in the dark. He couldn't help but tighten his body and ready to release the flame at any time. But the next moment he relaxed. He saw that the lighting layout on the ceiling was very different from the material inside of the frigate. In his mind, he thought, did Ming Moon and Huang Tingwei find themselves at the last minute? I felt that I was not restrained all over my body. Zhang Xiaoqiang rose and sat up and saw the little Lori around me. At this time, the wound of Little Lori had been healed. She lay quietly in a shield like a crystal coffin and fell asleep. The two piercing wounds that had been severely injured before had begun to shut up, and the blood stains on her body had also been treated. It should look like nothing was in the way.

Then he saw the backpack under the bed and the firebird's curtain knife, and immediately relieved himself, at least these things were still there, making him wonder how the room was so small? You know how this infirmary is so much bigger than a toilet, even if there's plenty of room for a frigate? Put two beds on and you're practically out of space?

Just when he was confused, the two men walked in. When he saw them, Zhang Xiao Johnton was stuck. He didn't expect to come in as two new era officers he didn't know. Among them, the younger one was a little familiar. The other one had never seen him, but he saw two people smiling and nodding to him. The younger one said: “Brother Cockroach, last time, don't expect to meet so soon. I really miss the days of fighting underwater together. However, Brother Cockroach wants to come to Australia to visit, just tell me, there is no need to make such a wolf... ”

With a slight blessing of happiness, he was kind enough to be familiar, but Zhang Xiaoqiang took back the firebird curved knife and stared at him, spreading a slight homicide, so that Kessler next to Regel could not help but touch the pistol between his waist. Regel grabbed Kessler's back and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang's corner and said with a smile: “Cockroach brothers don't have to be so vigilant, we have to do it before. Also, cockroach brothers are on my boat, not in the ships of the new era, please understand this... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but relax. He was just trying to test two people. As long as the firebird curveknife was in his hand, even if the two constellations were standing in front of him, he had the confidence to retreat with little Laurie, put away the curveknife, and Zhang Xiaoqiang stared into Regel's eyes and said: “What do you want? Since you are not going to imprison me, there must be something I need to help you with. As long as you do not betray the interests of China, I am willing to give you some help. ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not a white-eyed wolf's personality. He would not be ungrateful if he did not say the bounty of dripping water. After he spoke, Regel nodded and said nothing. He turned his head towards Little Lori, his face was strange, and he said after half a while: “What if I wanted the cockroach brother to give her to me? ”

“Never...” Zhang Xiaoqiang refused without any hesitation, Regel did not turn his face, but compromised: “Then please protect her well, Dickus is a heretic variant that the chancellor will not let go, at least for some goals, I and Brother Cockroach are in agreement, so that we have a platform for dialogue that seeks common existence... ”

During the conversation, Zhang Xiaoqiang made an invitation gesture. Both of them spoke in Chinese. Keseler did not understand Chinese. Seeing that Regel had already spoken to Zhang Xiaoqiang, he let go of his pistol in his waist. First, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and looked closely at Lori. After that, the three of them followed a narrow passage to a micro conference room, but saw that someone was already waiting for them. There were less than five square rooms in this small conference room. Except for a few seats, there was no place for a coffee table. Instead, there was an alcoholic with red wine on the wall. Most of the wine disappeared, indicating the owner's preference for red wine.

There are two people waiting here, a blonde, beautifully looking but faintly panicked Mitsuyeh officer, and a woman wearing a tight suit with a collar, saw this woman Zhang Xiaoqiang slightly discolored, he recognized that this woman was the throne that drove him out of the core area, and this woman couldn't help but see Zhang Xiaoqiang standing up to prepare to do it, Zhang Xiaoqiang momentarily tightened her muscles, like a prey beast, the extended killing was intended to spin in a small space, to astonish Christina, they were inside the falcon, there was no soil and stone to her trend, here her fighting power was not even as good as an ordinary evolutionist, she had to bite at Regel.

“Brother Cockroach, she won't be a danger to you. See the collar around her neck? As soon as I press my finger, her head will be blown away, even if she is a goddess.” Regel took the lead in breaking the dangerous atmosphere that triggered it. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that Christina couldn't help but touch her neck and make sure she wasn't covered before relieving herself and making no noise. He picked up a bottle of wine in the wine cabinet and sat down.

After all the pedestrians sat down, Assad, who had been disturbed, spearheaded: "Lord Regel, what did you mean earlier that I had a chance? What about the chancellor?” Assad saw Zhang Xiaoqiang and Christina show up here, and there was a vague speculation in his mind that what Regel was looking for, I'm afraid, was not much worse in nature than the destruction of the lab than he dared to imagine.

Regel didn't have the first time to answer. He took out a multi-faceted metal square box the size of his phone from his pocket, pulled out an earplug attached to the silver thread from the side of the metal box and handed it to Zhang Xiaoqiang. “This is an interesting invention that connects the database of hawks to translate the language you don't understand in real time. Of course, you can only understand what you can't say, it's the worst kind of language decoding device. ”

Regel did a good job of knowing that Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand the next conversation. He did not need Zhang Xiaoqiang to find a solution one step at a time. All he needed to do was listen to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang silently took over the lightweight metal box and weighed it before putting the earplugs in his ear. The next moment he heard what Assad had said before.

“The purpose for which I invite you today is simple, to reveal to you the evil nature of Kruger, and although I am his son, I am deeply disgusted by everything he has done, with Ms. Christina of Genesis, the Supreme Leader of China, Mr. John, and my dear friend, the Governor of Australia, Kessel, and the Defense Commander of the Top Secret Laboratory of the New Era, the Assad Knights, we are hateful of each other and hostile to each other, and for our own ends, we can say that in some respects we are all dead enemies, but we are sitting here as one common enemy, Kruger… ”

The name Kruger was not the first to hear of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Malena had already told him something about the headquarters of the New Era. If he hadn't put his mind to it before, at least he didn't think Kruger could do anything about himself, but now he was much more cautious. A riot war made him realize the power of the New Era Shrine. Assad heard Regel list the Speaker as an enemy, and he couldn't help but then he calmed down. In any case, the Speaker would not forgive him unless he found evidence of Regel's betrayal and betrayed him.

“It is no coincidence that the laboratory can attract the attention of Genesis and Mr. John. Everything here was created by Kruger for his own desire. My task was to capture the escaped xenomorphic variants. The xenomorphic variants were a taboo and could be said to destroy the roots of mankind. I believe that Lord Assad should know best that you have been cooperating with this project, you explain it to us... ”

As soon as the topic turned, Regel pulled Assad out, Assad didn't want to answer, but in Regel's stark sight, he compromised, and his previous plea and despair told him that once abandoned by Regel, he had no other way to go but to commit suicide, took a deep breath, and Assad suddenly changed his face, biting his teeth and saying: “Variants Everyone knows that these walking carcasses in cities and on the earth are the greatest enemies of humankind, that they devour the flesh of humankind and transform humankind into something like them, but they are also bioevolutionary markers, and studies have shown that these variants will continue to be strong as long as there is enough food, and they can be said to be an alternative immortal, and the xenogenic variants are an alternative among the variants.

She's only a ten-million chance that the pregnant mother in the variant, through coincidences that lead to the normal development of the foetus, is discovered by humans before the variant is born, avoids being swallowed by the mother, and this coincidence creates an organism that we call taboo organisms, which are 10 times faster than agile evolutionists at birth, 10 times more powerful than force evolutionists, and they can eat human food, and they can also eat variant food, and their nature is brutal, extremely killing, and once these variants are provoked, they can kill a city's population in the shortest possible time.

Of course, none of this matters. It is important that these mutants are much more viable than ordinary mutants. Likewise, they also have the long life of the mutants. According to our reasoning, the life of the mutants may be much greater than that of ordinary mutants, that is, they may be the key to human immortality, but the risk to humans is greater than the benefit. The aim of the chancellor is to solve the dilemma of immortality through the mutants, and the purpose of the laboratory is to enable him to live indefinitely. ”

Now Christina and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Keseler are surprised, even the body is slightly trembling, human longing for eternal life is the fear of death in bones, no one is afraid of death, no one disdains the longevity of their own life, the first to calm down is Zhang Xiaoqiang, there is a serum improvement plan of Marebo in the base of women, as long as that thing is found, anyone can triple the life span, there is no need to lose themselves for this unproductive speculation, according to his deduction, so-called eternal life is one or two hundred more years.