Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2347: Wounded Battalion Cheers

Busy in the transit center, a large pile of materials piled up like mountains, the moving crowd is like ants, the crowds are like ants, the tide is like a colony of ants in a neat and orderly line of work, a truck dragging containers out of the tornado dust cloud days, under the command of long and short whistles, the crane puts huge containers neatly in the yard, hot in the transit center Noisy, the surrounding area is not safe, hundreds of excavators are arranged in pieces in dozens of kilometers of vertical depth, that huge digging can suddenly dig 122 shell crater size large pit, the robotic arm like chicken pecking rice ups and downs, in half a day, can dig out trenches more than kilometers long, the excavated earth does not need to be pressed away, unloaded on the side of the pit to form small mountains, before Digging is as tough as a beat, and the hammer is as solid as a beat on the earth.

Looking at it, countless trenches intersect like a spider web for hundreds of kilometres, forming a huge enclosure to wrap the transit center tightly, including the tower lining, strange traffic, a roll of barbed wire mesh layers, at first glance the World War II position, a few mountain bags above the front were accentuated, built countless fire points, countless deer triangles like Nanomandy beach, just more dense than Normandy, one by one, there was no void.

This indefinitely stretched line of defense will be built forever as long as it is not attacked by the sea, with an armoured plate of agricultural machinery welded to resist ice spears, a fully enclosed machine gun nest, silent waiting on a personal platform, and these earthy armoured cars will be the meat grinders for harvesting life once the sea returns.

Thousands of people are busy preparing for battle here, compared to the heat outside, the wounded camp is filled with intense sorrow, as if covered by clouds, just walking into the wounded camp, Zhao Deyi feels that the temperature in the air seems to be quite a bit lower than outside, cold and clear like a deserted town, an unscrupulous wounded man sitting in the shadow by the tent looking at the sky, they are wrapped in a bloody bandage, some without legs or feet, or without arms, and there is a slight cough from time to time, like a dying old man.

Seeing these soldiers, Zhao Deyi frowned, they were the elite of the first regiment, each one was practiced through the harshest battle, many people have been wounded more than once, the temper of departure from China on that day, to now the hollow atheism, the huge contrast makes Zhao Deyi some unacceptable, his soldiers have always been soldiers king, are the wicked men of the pissing wind station, how can they be sharply killed?

While complaining that the soldiers were not in competition, while complaining about how much they were doing, ignoring the feelings of the soldiers, accelerating the pace, Liso walked to the center of the wounded camp. Behind him, more than a dozen soldiers with rifles pushed six carts with large metal boxes in them, neatly lined up. Many wounded soldiers saw Zhao Deyi standing still in place, holding each other up, losing a one-legged cane, losing both legs in a wheelchair, slowly converging in front of Zhao Deyi according to the form of the inspection team.

Hundreds of people moving at the same time gathered in shock the wounded lying motionless in their beds, they felt the strange atmosphere outside and walked out of the tent. At the end of the day, even if they could not move, they went out with the help of the nurse. Except for the unconscious wounded who were still in danger, all the sober people stood outside in the playground.

Time went by, Zhao Deyi never spoke. He swept at the wounded soldiers with his bullseye eyes. In his blatant eyes, the decaying smell diffused on the wounded slowly retreated. A sharp force hidden deep inside broke through their hearts, completely exhibited, making those Australian army wounded in the distance feel an unnamed change, before the Chinese wounded and them, like waiting for rotten decaying wood, but now, just standing in front of that person, decaying wood retreated into disguise, transformed into a sharp military knife, that unstoppable sharp energy rushed into a fire, making the cold wounded battalion hot.

“You….” Zhao Deyi hung his voice high and burst out of his chest like a volcanic outburst of roar: “Whose soldier... ”

“Brother cockroach's soldiers...” The soldiers of the first regiment were all old bosses of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The soldiers behind them only knew Huaxia Renaissance. They always followed Zhang Xiaoqiang's example and responded with a scream that broke the silence of the wounded barracks.

“What troops are you….” Zhao Deyi pressed the screams of all the wounded with one voice, echoing in the ears of each wounded soldier like thunder.

“The first regiment….” Soldiers responded with a bigger yell, and even people collapsed from the wounds because of too much force, quickly staining the bandages into blood.

“Who are you….” Zhao Deyi's third question made a lot of people hesitate, they looked at each other, half a second later the hesitation of the divine color disappeared clean, sounded like an explosion: “We are elite... ”

“Chen broke out….” Zhao Deyi was not pleased. On the contrary, he did not show any other than normal appearance to the wounded soldiers. He knew that the wounded soldiers did not need comfort or encouragement. He simply had to lecture the soldiers as usual. He did not treat him as an injured soldier, but only as a soldier. As he yelled, a high response rang from injury to illness: "to…. ”

“Squeak, squeak...” The wheelchair sounded, and the young wounded with amputated legs slid out on the wheel. The young surprising wounded soldier was a soldier, and even without his legs he would have a straight upper body, like a vetted warrior.

“Can we still fight?” Zhao Deyi drank.

“You can still shoot….” The sergeant knew what he was missing, but he raised his hands and proved to Zhao Deyi that the flames in his eyes burned at this moment, finding the target as if he were reborn.

“Equip him….” With Zhao Deyi's order, the box behind him took out two metal false legs and sent them to the sergeant. Looking at the two mechanical legs, the sergeant was surprised, and also caused other wounded soldiers to shock. If the rules of the first regiment were not here, it would have to be said that they would have heard each other.

“Brother Cockroach once told you that if you want to fight, you can always fight, even if you lose your legs and feet, this is a mechanical prosthesis that Brother Cockroach urged the Australian side to develop, assisted by a more neuronal control system, using a high energy battery, better than a normal leg and feet, if this thing is not too expensive and limited, I would like to replace it with myself, cheaper for you... ”

Zhao Deyi's explanation caused Chen to burst into tears, and he dared not believe it. “Can I still stand? ”

“Don't say stand up, even if it runs fine, and more weird than everyone else, human legs will be tired, mechanical legs won't be tired, even if you walk from here to the southernmost tip of Australia, I will wait for you to adjust to these mechanical legs, and with it you will be able to return to the army... ”

Zhao Deyi bragged that there is no ground in the sky to speak of mechanical prosthetics. In fact, he is also right. Mechanical prosthetics are Australian technology evolutionists under the pressure of Zhang Xiaoqiang to optimize the mechanical prosthetics that existed in previous life, and Xiao Lang assisted them. So these mechanical prosthetics work very well. As long as they are not broken by Qi Ron, as long as there are only a few limbs left, they can control hundreds of mechanical nerves through the nerve nodes to make various actions, as usual, even better.

“Li Xuesong came out..., you broke one hand, only one mechanical prosthetic, trust me, you will regret not having both hands broken together... ”

“Jiang Cheng, you are an excellent squad leader, but you are a lousy machine gunner, hoping that you will be more accurate with a robot. ”

“Su Bowen listed, as a staff officer, your job should be to stay at the headquarters to analyze intelligence and give opinions. Unfortunately, you don't like to move your mind. Now that you have been demoted, you need a deputy company commander in Jiulian. In the future, you will no longer have to sneak into the front line. This time you lose your left leg. I hope the next time you won't lose your head, at least until the mechanical head is not invented... ”

“Lu Xing, you have two choices, one is to install a robot and a robot leg to roll back to your unit, and the other is to pack a clean, cockroach-committed frigate. Which one do you choose as a correspondent? ”

“Liu Xiaohong came out and the guy with the big beard took the name of such a woman. I suspect that you must have been born unpleasant. Take your prosthetic limb and get lost. I heard more than once that you fought with your comrades. If you let me know that you fought with a mechanical prosthetic limb, watch out for me... ”

As a name was shouted out, the crippled soldier was given a chance to rebuild, the whole wounded battalion burst into cheer over and over again, Zhao Deyi's laughing tone also made the soldiers feel more friendly to him, for a time, the atmosphere of the entire wounded battalion was refreshed, and it was believed that in the near future these elite fighters would be on the battlefield again.... ”