Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2380: Sea Believers

Flander stared at the colorful snake woman in the mirror. If someone had told him before that she would become a woman, he would have thought it was the biggest absurdity in the world. At this moment, she really became a woman, a four-armed snake woman. Flander did not expect that it was so easy to merge the snake woman and make him dream easily, but when he merged this body, it was a little unacceptable.

The snake woman's consciousness is very pure, purer than the baby's consciousness, the snake woman does not have so much clutter desire, and there is no human mind. They are like a group of programmed robots that maintain their instinctive worship of meteorites. From a religious point of view, the snake woman is the most devout fanatic. There is nothing in her mind but the belief in meteorites. It is this purity that makes it easy for Flanders to occupy the snake woman's body, without even having to erase the snake woman's mind, so long as he inherits the worship of meteorites, it can blend perfectly.

It was strange for a man to suddenly become a woman, but Flander was too old for lust and fascination, nothing mattered to him. The only thing that mattered was to survive. Flander, who was half-stayed, opened his hands and weighed them carefully. His palms were fine and tender, perfectly like the hands of an angel. He could feel the tremendous power in his hands and nodded to his satisfaction. Then he lowered his head to see the two snowy peaks on his chest, and frowned.

Snake Girl. Perfect body, all snake girls are like a mold poured out, but that body is similar to the 3D image of the Japanese Plum Lu game, can make any man crazy and any woman envy jealousy, these two arrogant peaks for Flanders are just two burdens of flesh, hands can't help rubbing. It made his body react slightly, causing him a big headache.

Twisting the tail of the snake wandering around the room, thinking about it for half a day, Flander decided to cut off the two pieces of meat, at this time the door broke into the ground, the footsteps behind the bouncing door were messy, a team of heavily armed soldiers rushed into Flander's room, the next moment Flander was pointed at by more than a dozen rifles, sudden changes tightened Flander's body, nervousness and fear let him release the talented abilities of the snake girl, formed an invisible barrier around him, and there was strange and strange energy in both hands, as long as he moved his mind, he was sure to kill all these soldiers.

Just as Flanders was on full alert, one of the soldiers stood up and lifted his helmet and smiled at Flanders. It was the vampire Comand, who had made a deal with him, who looked up and down at Flanders' delicate white body with admirable eyes, flashed greed and lewdness, and made Flanders disgust for a moment, but he dared not move lightly. This body was not easy, and he did not want to damage it any more.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dr. Flander, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa? To be honest, I think you look better now...” Comand looked big, as if everything was in his hands, Flander felt the strength of his new body, his heart was full of breath, his bright and glorious eyes shined with a glowing glow, staring dead into Comand's eyes and asking with a dolphin-sounding Mystery Man voice: “What is your purpose? ”

“Come with me, I need the new weapon you are studying. Of course, I also need your body. I don't care if you are a man or a woman...” Comand was arrogant and did not put Flander in his eyes, his lewd eyes were always on the two pieces of red meat that Flander wanted to cut off, and if there weren't others here, he might have put his left hand in his crotch by now.

“Government, you have your people, you have your people in the army, but what makes you think I'm going with you...” At the time of Comander's colored soul, Flanders waved a cold-tailed rebuttal, Comander Haha laughed and let the other soldiers take off their helmets and said, "Why would America allow me to exist with the twelve top evolutionists behind me? It's that I have the strength, the power, maybe I can't fight the whole United States, but I can easily kill any general and congressman, which is my means... ”

Comand was an unreasonable guy, and he decided that all interests were spoken with fists, so Flander moved his fist, instantly unfolded the means, hundreds of water lines created a screen of white flowers in the air, covering Comand with the evolutionists behind him, Comand went through hundreds of wars, and the moment Flander started fighting back, three shields wrapped Comand counteracted the dense line, and at the same time the three layers of the barrier broke in front of Comand.

Flander's barrier was the support of the survivors behind him. His own abilities were similar to those of Blood Phoenix, but he was more dominant than Blood Phoenix's, and when he yelled, Flander felt his whole body's blood lit by flames. His boiling blood suddenly raised his temperature, feeling as if he had been cooked, and Comand's fierce eyes flashed with cruel ridicule, seemingly laughing at Flander's lack of self.

Comand took control of Flemish blood all over his body and tried to draw it out to make Flemish bleed out, but Flemish's barrier blocked Comand's rear hand, both sides were temporarily deadlocked, Flemish couldn't use the water line ice spear, and Comand couldn't move, and he shouted, “Kill me... ”

Comander's roar did not elicit a response. He turned to see that more than a dozen evolutionists behind him had all meteorized out. These evolutionists were killed in the first wave of Flemish waterline attacks. Flemish was in a hurry and yelled again: “Miriam... ”

Speeches fell, countless flying insects poured into the house like smoke, instantly wrapped Flander's barrier, snake woman's barrier is an excellent protection, even the top evolutionist may not necessarily be able to break through, countless insects eat on the protective barrier, as if eating Flander's mind, extreme fear made him create the ultimate in despair.

Comand's ability to trap Flander can be described as luck, Flander has never fought anyone else, and as an evolutionist before, he was more inclined to command in the back, and for the first time he mastered the body of a snake woman. Comand simply caused his blood to boil, which frightened Flander to death. It would not have been daring, let alone under double pressure, if it had not been for his unwillingness to fuck Coman, he might have surrendered.

He did not find that Comand could not harm him, nor did he find that Miriam's flying worm was ineffective to him. He just felt that it was going to fail, that Comand was going to kill him, that the anxiety in his heart made him despair. In despair, he could not help but pray to the meteorite that the Snake Lady had worshipped: "Lord, Holy Lord, your faithful followers, Flanders pray to you for great mercy, ask you to send down glory with me, may you give me courage, may you give me the power to sweep everything away, I offer you my soul and everything... ”

Flander did not pray according to the serpentine's original prayer words, the serpentine's prayer was only the most primitive worship, after all, Flander had also been baptized. In his prayer, his heart was suddenly enriched by an unknown feeling, an enlightenment arose in his brain, and instantly his mind grew millions of kilometers to a dark place, where he saw countless serpentine women floating in the water, worshipping to a large shadow film in the center.

There are obvious layers of serpentine worship distance, the outermost is the changing serpentine, they also have the shape of this Claya, legs are constantly growing, the body of the serpent has been transformed before them, this serpentine has four arms of varying length, belongs to the four arm serpentine who has just completed the transformation but has not yet been shaped, then forward is the shape of the four arm serpentine, Each four-armed snake woman is gorgeous, naked, beautifully twisting in the water like a witch's dance, followed by a six-armed snake woman, who is quite rare in the outside world, but here hundreds, hundreds of six-armed snake women worship in the same direction, sometimes snake women feel summoned, swim outside, there are also snake women returning outside to give away all kinds of bones in their hands Under a huge shadow.

The six-armed snake woman is not the apex, and there are more than a dozen tens of meters long giant snake women in front of the six-armed snake woman. They are like a magnified version of the six-armed snake woman, hovering around the closest to the shadow, surrounded by hundreds of pieces of stone, the largest of which is the size of a bathtub, the smallest of which is the size of a nail cap, and hundreds of crushed stones spiral around these giant snake women. Every turn, a drop of bright blue water flies out of the midline of the stone pieces, and the next moment it is held in a container like a thigh bone by a giant snake woman.

When Flander felt these things, the giant goddess suddenly transmitted something behind him as if it were dozens of meters high.

All sorts of mysterious knowledge, the origin of the Sea Nation, the origin of meteorites, and the ability of four-armed snake women to use all the mess to transmit to Vlad's brain. His mind suddenly confused and confused the direction and time. The next moment Flanders opened his eyes violently and still felt blood all over his body boiling, surrounded by oval-shaped barriers full of beetles, and women's voices coming from the outside: “My babies can't eat that thing, do something... ”

After Miriam screamed, Comander screamed: “I want to capture him alive, I want him to bow under my crotch, that full * * *, fine skin, and that wonderful tail, no, I can't think anymore, I'm going crazy, I have to get him, nobody can stop me... ”

Comand is a madman, he doesn't care about his subordinates' death, he only lives for his own desires, he doesn't even care about Flander Ben being a man's heart, he hears disgusting words, Flander instantly has a strong desire for destruction, the next moment, the unnamed warmth wraps his whole body around him, makes him feel like a mother's peace and tranquillity, this feeling is not replicable for him, he has never really felt this warm comfort, he couldn't help but cry and ask, “Is it you? The great Holy Joe, the great god, the king of the gods above all gods, the origin of everything, the fate of everything, the greatness of the world... ”

Comander's constant ability to use it led him to become weak, his mind wanted to maximize it more than once, to draw out all the blood in Flanders' body, unfortunately Fla's barrier cut off 90 percent of his power, Miriam's beetle didn't work, and time was running out, he had heard the outgoing exchange of fire, which was that his subordinate outside was engaged with the army, and Comander, who was not afraid of the heavens and the earth, began to feel weak, if he could not take Flanders, he would probably take it down in the hands of the government this time.

Just as he was about to give up, countless black beetles suddenly turned ice blue, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly, when Flander felt something wrong, he heard a scream behind him, but it was Miriam screaming, Flander was in a hurry, thought the army had rushed in, hurriedly gave up Flander was ready to kill out, turned around to see only seven tricks behind him bleeding Miriam, turned back sharply, an ice-blue spear flew suddenly, in his dilated pupil, with him on his shoulder flying back, over a distance of three or five meters, ice spear deep into the wall.

Comander looked at Flander, who had fallen by his side in horror, forgetting even the scream. Flander stared at Comander, twisting the tail of the snake, pressing the ice blue beetle clicking, constantly approaching Comander, before speaking, he threw out a long snake letter from his mouth.

“Do you want me? Do you want me to bow under your pants?” The delicate snake girl smiled in style, her naked body fluctuated with the twisting of the tail of the snake, her hands raised and her feet were tempting, but only fear in Comand's eyes, he could not figure out how Flander could turn the card, not wait for him to ask forgiveness, the ice spear appeared empty, crossed a short distance and stuck him hard on Comand let him scream like a wolf.

“You are a disgusting bug, you lowlifes, you have a stench of filthy races all over you, you should not live in this world, this world belongs to Saint Joe, all stains should be removed, and I, instead of Saint Joe walking, will clean up all disgusting human races, you will be the first garbage that I purify... ”

The Flanders proclamation was general, sacred and solemn, with an indifferent and proud glimmer in his eyes, that Comand could not understand what he said, and that he did not need Comand to understand. From this moment on, he will no longer be a human, but a member of the Sea Nation, which he will lead to the annihilation of all mankind.

Comand died and didn't know until death because of him, the sea people had the first fanatics among humans, only humans knew humans best, Flander became a sea people moment, will be the whole human catastrophe, he was the first human to be killed by Flander, but definitely not the last...