Su Ran did not say anything, did not reveal any surprises, and did not say that he might be the first person to have encountered this "virus spore". He only vaguely said: "I have heard of some of them from my organization. It is extremely dangerous and can induce the judgment and behavior of others through pheromone pheromone."

Chen Ling glanced at him and said strangely: "Pheromone pheromone? Our current observations have not found that they are secreting such things in large quantities. It seems that your information seems a little inaccurate."

Su Ran was a little depressed: I was the information that almost came out with my life!Why is it not accurate?Where is the problem?

But he did not say this, but listened to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling said, "I don't know how much you know, so I will introduce everything to you first.

"After our counterpart’s check, the origin of the matter should have been the runaways from the Ice City. One of them was the chief steakhouse with a group of hundreds of people who had escaped and entered a team that had not appeared in any map or positioning system. In that village, encountered this'higher virus spore life'.

"This is what our team calls it. Its wisdom should not be lower than that of humans, but their life forms are extremely weird. Their knowledge in the biological nervous system is thousands of years ahead of our humans. Their invasion method is not you. The guessed pheromone pheromone is not the nauseous bug that parasitizes the human brain in science fiction movies. It seems to be very advanced-they are similar to the way of virus invasion. A single spore is a unit and enters the human body. After that, go straight to the brainstem and use the body itself as a'nutrient' to start multiplying on a large area. The dense'hyphae' will gradually erode the original human brain neural network, like a huge colony. The brain takes shape step by step, but in fact, it actually forms a brand new'brain'."

Su Ran said, "In other words, they are not parasites. After entering the human body, another brain will grow in the human brain?"

Su Ran suddenly remembered an absurd saying that had been circulated a long time ago, saying that human beings are actually a parasite, the brain is a parasite, and the body is the main body. For this reason, even if the brain is dead, human beings can still be in the form of a plant. It survives for a period of time without any external supplies, but the body dies. If the brain is not properly processed in time, it will die soon.

Thinking of this, Su Ran only felt his scalp numb.

But he suddenly remembered why Chen Ling knew so much.

He remembered that Chen Ling told himself before that she was a researcher in biology, and now it is normal to go to Xinjing to study this thing...

"Yes." Chen Lingdao, "Moreover, the most peculiar thing is that the second brain formed by them is completely attached to the original brain. The neural network is basically anthropomorphic, and only the most critical part of the nervous system is retained. This greatly saves space, and we believe that it is precisely this way that it solves the problem of human body rejection, and also completely realizes the control of the human brain and the inheritance of memory."

Hearing this, Su Ran changed color slightly.

Memory inheritance.

This is like a fantasy.

However, at this time Su Ran suddenly thought that without inheriting the memory, the erection of the true and false grandson monkeys he had considered before would not hold true.

If these high-level virus spores cannot possess memory, they are essentially no different from the infected person, and cannot hide themselves. This is an ability that the infected person does not possess. Compared with the real human being, the infected person is stiff and rigid. Slow, it is impossible to hide.

"This is the real horror of it. With memory and wisdom no less than human beings, once they parasitize successfully, they can survive like normal humans without being discovered by anyone." Chen Lingdao, "We I don’t know how they did it, but the memory they can read should be time-limited. They shouldn’t be able to "remember" things that are too long and too detailed. They are like reading a computer with a USB flash drive. The archives here read the memories of the humans parasitized by them. This is the pinnacle of the neuroscience field. They are extremely advanced races in the biological field. The Zergs are also explorers in this field, but they are as backward as they are. I don’t know how many millennia.

"However, it is fortunate that they have no army or warships. When they first invaded the new capital, they should have only a few individuals. It was very miserable-no matter how advanced biological races, they also have defects that have to be avoided-biological Its own flaws.

"Although they have brought a devastating blow to the upper-middle structure of the new capital, they are not invaders like the Zerg, they are more like a group of fleeing famines, extremely weak, and the number of reproduction bases that first arrived in the new capital may not be More than ten, otherwise, with their biotechnology, the new capital should be turned into a ghost town overnight, and their invincible creature army can be created within a month!"

Su Ran was silent.

He doesn't want to talk much.

Chen Ling continued: "On the 18th-the first day was still normal. It should be the slow development period of this spore. It is very smart. When the number of reproduction is limited, it only needs to reproduce in one individual first. If it succeeds, it grows a nervous system for it to think and judge, and it can quickly pass their spores to the upper layers of the new capital through observation and contact, through the first level, and capture the higher-level individuals of humans to become theirs. One member.

"A breeze, a sneeze, and a short physical contact can all help it spread.

"Then the terrifying change began.

"At noon on the 19th, a scientific researcher from our Institute of Biology was the first to discover the anomaly and quarantined the survivors of the ice city urgently, but it was too late. At that time, we still did not realize the seriousness of the situation. There was violent turbulence, and overnight, the upper level of the new capital had a great change... Sorry, because of my level, I don’t know the specific situation. I only know that after that night, these spore parasites have completely mastered it. With great power, they rely on this method of diffusion and parasitism to quickly expand their power to the middle and lower levels, turning all doubtful and influential people into their people, and the real shocks of killing only occur at the top level. In the several small circles in the city, it quickly began to end quickly. In the new capital, there was almost no wind, and because there was almost no way to prevent it in the early days, many people even knew that the people who control the new capital have become a group of strange life forms. The monsters can only hide and disappear, otherwise they will stay in the top circle that is now full of'monsters and ghosts', and sooner or later they will become a member of them."

Su Ran's gaze was dimmed. He seemed to be able to imagine a scene like that, sitting on a high-level conference table. Suddenly, rows of high-level military and government officials stood up expressionlessly and drew their guns one by one. Kill colleagues who have absolute trust in them.

The blood was full, and there were corpses lying on the ground in shock.

More spores spread like a plague, turning all those who are suspicious of this great change into theirs, thus achieving unprecedented unity and no objection.

This is stronger and more effective than any coup.

Su Ran said: "In other words, the current military and political circles in the new capital are like a big tree full of holes eaten by parasites. We can neither take strong measures, because there will be a lot of real Human beings die; we can't send people to distinguish and contact each other carefully, because when the people we send find the parasites, they are likely to be parasitic on the spot, or even infiltrate ourselves?"

Chen Ling was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Su Ran would immediately realize the key and the problem, and nodded, "That's right."