Apocalyptic black technology system

Chapter 229: Amazing Plan

Or is it that Dongying people and that flying saucer are just using each other?

Su Ran fell into a deep thought.

With regard to this flying saucer, Yuan Licheng made sense: if we find it, we must kill it.

Spore life is a lesson from the past. There is no concept of "peaceful coexistence" with extraterrestrial creatures. Even if they do, they will use each other. Beware of others stab you backhand at any time.

With such a partner, Su Ran deeply felt that having a spore life was enough.

However, if the fleet is rushed out, even if the flying saucer under Kyushu Island is successfully wiped out, the next thing that will most likely be the swarm's counterattack.

Su Ran shook his head and continued to scan down.

Further down, there is another paragraph about the discovery of the American emperor.

They didn't find any alien spacecraft in the underground cavity.They just found an entrance to the underground world on an island, where it was not swallowed by sea water, on the contrary there were many prehistoric creatures.This record looks similar to Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Because the island named "Adam" is relatively close to the Americas, China's exploration is also very limited.

However, what can be confirmed is that there is no King Kong Godzilla in the underground space under that island.

As for the details of the spacecraft that Lao Mei found on the moon that Su Ran wanted to see, there were few details.

This hole project is obviously limited to the earth, of course there will be no situation on the moon.

Su Ran could only sigh, a little disappointed.

At this time, his car had also successfully arrived at the headquarters of the fleet, and Yuan Licheng had already been waiting here.

Li Yilan followed behind him.

When Li Yilan saw Su Ran, she couldn't help but said, "You are back!"

Li Yilan looked resentful, and her tone was like a deep boudoir who was abandoned at home.Su Ran was a little ashamed: "Didn't I go to Korea Resources? Understand! Understand!"

With that, Su Ran turned his head: "Yuan Licheng, you are..."

"It is said that you humiliated William and his country?"

"Where is this kind of thing?" Su Ran looked at Yuan Licheng innocently, and said: "He told me how advanced their technology is, how to surpass the times, then I am courteous, so I have to talk to him about our side. This is very normal, just chatting. I didn’t expect him to be so stingy."

Yuan Licheng nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, I understand. Tomorrow this statement will spread throughout the New Beijing Special Economic Zone."

Su Ran: "???? I thought you were asking me to ask the teacher."

"I'm just asking about the situation." Yuan Licheng said, "Don't you also behave defiantly when you meet with the special envoy of Dongying? Your attitude towards William is also normal. The other party didn't have any suspicions, they just wanted It's not a good idea to use this to promote yours. I figured out the situation and countered the trend. It should be normal, right?"

At this time, they had already passed through the hall and got on the elevator.

Su Ran nodded and said: "Then what do you mean by coming out to meet me?"

"Indicating closeness, so as to pave the way for secretly attacking you."

Li Yilan was shocked when she heard this: "Are you going to act secretly on Su Ran? What move?"

Yuan Li set up Ma to shut up.

Su Ran's expression was also a bit awkward.

Obviously neither of them wanted to tell Li Yilan about those things.

Li Yilan is the kind of person who will never betray, but everyone knows that this girl is quite a cheat, and she knows more, she may not be able to get people out.

Seeing such a scene, Li Yilan also understood something, and hummed twice: "If you don't say it, you won't say it, it's mysterious.

At this time, the elevator door stopped, and the door opened. Li Yilan stepped straight ahead, passed Su Ran and Yuan Licheng, and walked out first.

Outside the elevator, there were still a few people who were going to take the elevator downstairs. Seeing this scene, they were all a little surprised. When the embarrassed Su Ran and Yuan Licheng also left, they started talking.

"Just now, was that Captain Li? Why was she so angry?"

"Have you seen that, Captain Li not only shook the expressions of your Commander and Adjutant Yuan, but also passed them and got out of the elevator!"


Su Ran and Yuan Licheng returned to their offices, and Yuan Licheng said, "Your Excellency Commander, have you got the Hollow Plan?"

With that, Yuan Licheng's gaze slowly moved down, falling on the pile of documents in Su Ran's hands.

Su Ran smiled lightly, handed over the file in his hand, and said, "Yes. This is the empty plan. Would you like to see it?"

"No." Yuan Licheng smiled and said, "I think the less I know about this kind of thing, the better."

Su Ran did not reluctantly, Yuan Licheng refused, so he put away the relevant documents of the Hole Project.

At this time, Yuan Licheng asked: "What about our plan for expedition?"

Su Ran paused slightly and said, "Let's drag it first."

Yuan Licheng frowned slightly: "This is..."

"It's not that simple to succeed in assassinating me? Moreover, the flying saucer has been on the earth for many years, and the time it was discovered was at least five years ago, or even earlier. So don't worry about this matter." Then he sat down in his seat, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "I don't believe it can fly in a few days."

Indeed, Su Ran was quite surprised when he heard Yuan Licheng say these things before, but as he got the Hollow Plan, his thinking was also changing.

The flying saucer under Kyushu Island is undoubtedly an absolute threat, but it does not necessarily need to be eradicated immediately.

Especially when it was confirmed in the cave project data that the flying saucer might have existed for hundreds or even a long time, Su Ran was even less worried.

Even if it has recovered a lot, it won't be fully recovered all at once because of this mere ten days.

In that case, don't worry about it.

Moreover, even if it starts, it does not necessarily need to break the "covenant" with the Zerg.

Su Ran said: "Maybe we can let the insect swarm deal with them, or we can deal with them with the insect swarm!"

Yuan Licheng frowned, as if he didn't react to what Su Ran's rather circumstantial remarks meant for the first time. After a while, he realized what he meant, and said in shock, "You mean to say , Do you want to shake the existence of this flying saucer to the Swarm? Let them deal with it? Even our fleet and the Swarm cooperate to take down this unknown alien spacecraft?"

"That's right." Su Ran smiled: "Since everyone is alien, why can't we unite to fight another alien?"

