Chapter 2 Hanging in mid-air


Su Ran was taken aback.

Originally, his head and stomach were swollen together, and he was not sober, but at this time he was all sober.

According to common sense, when most people wake up and see a woman lying next to them who wears very little and has a decent figure, most of them will have other associations.

At this time, Su Ran's expression was horrified, and he saw the look of a monster.

Because lying beside him is not a good stubble.

This was the dark-energy combat unit of the Insect Swarm, and almost took down the severely damaged Yuncheng by its own efforts.

Su Ran was about to let go of his hand and retreat for a certain distance, and immediately shot!


Su Ran pulled his hand, but he failed to draw successfully.

Because he was holding someone's hand, the other party was also holding his hand.

Both sides used tremendous force, and it was really not easy for Su Ran to unilaterally withdraw his hand.

Especially right now, Su Ran himself was also in a very weak state.

Su Ran's head was still a bit muddled, and after trying hard to draw his hand twice, he found that the other party did not wake up.

——It's not dead, it's true that he didn't wake up, he was in a coma.

At this time, Su Ran took another sharp breath and settled down.

I didn't wake up!

Isn't this alien so good?Not as good as my human body!

After being confused for a long time, Su Ran shook his head at this time and settled down.

It's easy to handle without waking up.

This is simply a godsend, a good opportunity to kill it.

There was a murderous flash in Su Ran's eyes, and his backhand took out a hunting gun from his watch space.

Because he was too close to him, he was afraid of killing himself, and he didn't dare to dig out the equipment too ruthless.

However, a dark energy hunting gun should be enough. At such a close distance, the opponent is only strong in dark energy and can definitely kill him.

But be careful, it may be useless to start the head, it is best to switch to the hand cannon mode and blow up its body.

Safe and secure.

What hunk men never look back at the explosion, that are stupid things that people who have never died would do.

However, Su Ran switched the dark energy hunting gun to the hand cannon mode. Before he could hit his hand, he saw his dark energy hunting gun... floating.

At this moment, Su Ran was a little dazed, and wondered: I have no use for dark energy?

Later, he suddenly realized what was the same, lowered his head stiffly, and looked at the "woman" in front of him.

The other party didn't know when he opened his eyes, and was looking at him with a pair of black and white eyes blankly.

With eyes facing each other, the air seemed to freeze.

Only the sea breeze was blowing from afar, and the woman's silver hair was swirling in the air. The picture was quite beautiful.

Beautiful fart!

Su Ran's face changed suddenly, and he realized that he might have pulled them too hard and woke him up.

Seeing that his dark energy hunting and killing guns were all flying, Su Ran later realized that his dark energy was coming. His eyes widened, his hands slightly bluffed, and his expression was about to be magnified.

As a result, Su Ran soon also flew up.

The expression of his magnificent move turned into an expression of constipation when his big move was not released.

My dark energy... doesn't work anymore?

This was the only thought that flashed through Su Ran's mind.

Afterwards, he was thrown off and hit a few meters away on the beach, eating a mouthful of sand.

However, this strength is not great, but Su Ran realized that the other party is obviously the end of the force, and the dark energy is exhausted!

At this time, the woman stood up swayingly, but when she stood up, she let out a painful grunt, and fell to the ground as soon as she softened.

Su Ran only noticed at this time that the four blade feet behind the opponent had all disappeared!

Moreover, as the blade feet were "uprooted", the magma-like rock "plate armor" on her body that was both an armor and a protective layer also fell off a lot, and a large silver-gray skin was exposed on her back, even the front Also quite happy together.

Su Ran frowned, he only vaguely remembered that this seemed to be his own masterpiece.

The other party seemed to perceive Su Ran's gaze, and instinctively covered the important part of his predecessor.

But soon, her expression became painful-her injury was much more serious than Su Ran, she was relying on a strong biological advantage to support her, if it were a human, she would have died long ago.

This action was unexpected by Su Ran, but he couldn't take care of it at this time. The camel that died was bigger than a horse, and it was Su Ran's consistent style to quickly kill and whip to death.

Therefore, he glanced at it. The dark energy hunting and killing gun had been thrown away for a long time. He did not pick it up, and simply took out a grenade from his watch space.

——Previously, on the Cloud City, Su Ran almost wiped out his family. This was his last inventory.

Afterwards, Su Ran stood on the deserted beach, pulling back the distance quickly, pulling the grip of the grenade, and threw it towards the other side.

The woman uttered "Ah", and quickly raised her hand in a panic, and shot the grenade flying with her dark energy.

The grenade flew obliquely toward the sea, and exploded on the sea, with a bright light.

Upon seeing this, Su Ran moved to the dark energy hunting gun that landed on the other side. With the other hand, he took out the pistol directly from his waist—the weapons in his watch space were basically gone, and only left. Some magazines, food and drink, as well as medical supplies and biological supplies.

During this process, Su Ran sensed that his leg seemed to be broken, and when he moved, he felt a heart-piercing pain.

But life and death matter, and the enemy is now, how can Su Ran manage these.

A shuttle pistol was shot out, but she didn't even touch the woman.

But every time Su Ran fired a shot over here, the woman over there shouted in surprise.

Fortunately, taking advantage of this opportunity, although Su Ran walked slowly, she also succeeded in reaching the spot where the dark energy hunting and killing spear.

Right now, he stretched out his hand, ready to pick up the gun.


At this moment, Su Ran felt his body lighten--he was flying again.

Su Ran looked at the dark energy hunting gun that was getting further and further away from him: "..."

This time, he was not thrown away, but was pulled closer by the opponent.

Su Ran suddenly felt a little funny.

Sister, how come I spend 15 thousand resource points with dark energy skills that are not easy to use?!

But when he got closer, Su Ran saw that the other party was sitting on the ground with a frown, his face turned pale, looking at him, and asking, "You...are you also a human?"

Su Ran, who was hanging in the air, was slightly stunned by the normalization of his tone and ecology.

Then he suddenly realized that her pupils had become the same as normal humans.

