Apocalyptic black technology system

Chapter 356 Planetary Defense System

Chapter 75 Ring Planetary Defense System

Since the last encounter with the alien flying saucer suffered a loss, Su Ran has a long memory and has always been thinking about building a group of space fighters. Maybe it will not be of much use in a real war, but it is better than using it. Not at that time.

In addition to these, under the five-level manufacturing list, there are some weapons that Su Ran is more concerned about, such as the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse torpedo with a cost of 11,000, the nuclear torpedo with a 2,000 resource point, and the biochemical torpedo.

Moreover, under the five-level manufacturing list, medical and daily necessities have also increased a lot, which are all cutting-edge products of the next era.

Not only that, Su Ran noticed that under the five-level manufacturing list, there was one more thing that was quite interesting.

Name: Intermediate dark energy excitation drug unit.

[Description: This is an advanced version of the Dark Energy Stimulating Drug Unit. It is an extremely advanced biological potential stimulating drug. Using this drug, unconventional creatures with a certain dark energy perception can have further dark energy perception, Manipulation ability (note that this drug can only be used by those who have used the first-stage primary dark energy stimulation drug, and the use of this drug by natural unconventional organisms and conventional organisms is very likely to cause uncomfortable symptoms such as epilepsy and death).The six tubes of this medicine are a course of enlightening treatment, and a course of treatment can allow the drug user to obtain intermediate dark energy control ability.

[Cost: 15,000 resource points.

From the beginning of dark energy stimulating drugs to the present, Su Ran finally saw the next level of dark energy drugs. Even if this thing is quite expensive and the explanation is quite puzzling, Su Ran still has a way to see the sun after the clouds are gone. feel.

After this course of treatment, I should be able to become a serious awakened person, right?

And it's the stronger one...

However, there are no resources to build it yet.

In addition, there are also a lot of individual equipment under the five-level manufacturing list. Su Ran found exoskeleton armor, ranging from low-level exoskeleton with a cost of 100 resource points to exoskeleton reproductive armor with thousands of resource points. Have.

With this batch of equipment, the combat capability and survivability of combat personnel on the ship will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

And below level five, there are many more optional creations for intelligent AI, and its computing power and anthropomorphic intelligence have been greatly improved, but it seems that it is still limited by the lack of soul, and there are still some shortcomings.

Su Ran plans to use this batch of AIs to be the helm of the Qiminger-class battleship, the lowest-ranking warship in the future fleet, and to equip the entire fleet with a batch of troops at all levels for emergencies.

In fact, under the five-level system, the types of things that can be manufactured also include an unprecedented category.

It is the ring planetary defense system.

This planetary defense system is different from shipbuilding. It can't be smashed out on the spot with a few resource points. It is just a blueprint concept and control system including technology. Buying it is just buying a solution and master control system. , And if you want it to become a real thing to play a role, you still need human and material resources to build and manufacture it yourself.

And this is exactly the defense system after the establishment of the global united front that Su Ran said at the previous global conference. Su Ran is willing to purchase a defense system and give it to various countries and forces around the world to build together. Complement each other with the fleet and make the earth an "iron bucket".

Of course, the blueprint, technology, and control system of this set of defense systems... Su Ran took a look at it. Right now, a set of "Proton Storm" that the earth can use costs a astronomical price of one hundred thousand resource points. Su Ran still can't get it right now. .

But don't worry, Su Ran believes that when all countries express their stances, he will certainly have surplus here.

At this moment, their convoy was slowing down and came to a halt.

——Their motorcade drove unimpeded all the way into the Kyoto Airport.

And several huge warships docked at Kyoto Airport, attracting the attention of not knowing how many people.

As for the Cloud City—because of its size, it has been in a semi-suspended state.

Su Ran got out of the car and ordered everyone to return to his battleship.

Everyone also scattered away.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man who ran over with a team of air crew, ground crew and security personnel.

There are quite a few people in Wuyangyang, and it can be seen that although these people are staff members of the Kyoto Airport, they are all stiff in postures and have the same steps. They should all be of military origin.

At this time, the inside and outside of Kyoto Airport are of course under the control of the military.

Li Rui, who was closely following Su Ran, immediately took a step forward when he saw this, and said: "Do you... do you want a pass? The first person should have greeted you."

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head, and said, "No, Shinkyo Fleet, where do you need a pass? Isn’t this battleship just a pass? I’m Yu Deyao, the current person in charge of Kyoto Airport. I heard that the commander is here. Now, I just want to take our people to give it away, give it away."

Li Rui was a little surprised, but Su Ran took the initiative to walk over, shook hands with Yu Deyao, and said, "Thank you for coming to see me off, but I'm afraid I can't stay long."

Su Ran does have important matters.Just four hours ago, when he was still in Dongying, he received news from the Xinjing headquarters, saying that Meng Yibai had sent a mantis-like war insect to ask for help, and that the mantis-like war insect had also brought in trouble. With little data and information, Meng Yibai’s situation seems to be quite bad. On the way to Kyoto, Su Ran glanced at it, but realized that it was extraordinary. He not only wanted to save Meng Yibai’s life, but also important. The thing is, he saw a new opportunity in this matter, so he didn't want to delay.

"I understand, I understand." Yu Deyao nodded and said, "You leave yours, we are only here to deliver them. You have defeated the insects and saved many lives. We just want to see you and see. Xinjing Fleet."

These words touched Su Ran's heart slightly. Looking around, he saw that most of the airport staff behind Yu Deyao were equally excited and grateful.

These people may come from the army, but they are also ordinary people. They see less benefits and see the fleet pay more. Here today, it is really just to take a look, give one away, and express gratitude.

Su Ran paused, thought for a while, and said, "This planet is also my homeland. I hope this will always be the homeland of our humanity."

After speaking, Su Ran hurried away with a group of people.

The many warships docked at the Kyoto Airport took off one after the other, headed by the Yuncheng, slowly swept into the clouds.

On the ground, Yu Deyao brought the airport staff behind him to salute: "May mankind live forever, may China live forever, and may the fleet live forever!"

