"Brothers, I have a plan."

Zhao Xiujie's voice sounded in the separate communication channel of his team.

"I just contacted Captain Song in the brother formation. We have finalized our tactics. We definitely won't go on like this. Our fleet can't afford to consume it, and there is no trickery in this kind of battle..."

The impatient Song Boyi was already like an ant on a hot pot. At this time, he couldn't help but said: "Don't our two formations have six nanoclouds? Just blast them all the way. There are only five enemy ships left. We still have something left!"

"Lao Song has already destroyed a fighter plane carrying Nano Cloud." Zhao Xiujie said sharply, "According to your tactics, in case we run out of ammunition in the end and can't blow up Nano Cloud, do you want to kill all our brothers? ?"

Song Boyi was silent.

Zhao Xiujie said: "I know you are in a hurry, but there is no other way. There is only one way. Our two formations will cover each other at all costs and no cost, and we will kill them by suicide charge-you remember that we had a training session. Is it the tactics of that time, spiral charge formation, life-for-distance...Of course, this time is true, and today none of us will survive, so I have to say first..."

"Needless to say, Captain, charge."

"Charge Captain."

"None of us were of military background, but our brothers are killing us, and we didn't urge a word. That is trusting us. We have to find a way out for everyone."

"Fuck the captain, we will follow you!"

Zhao Xiujie opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he only felt that something was stuck in his throat. After a long while, he only shouted hoarsely: "Brothers, re-formation, and report to me every half second. ...Now, we start to charge!"

The scattered formations of Black Star fighters began to regroup. They gathered together into a line, spiraling around each other and moving forward.

They no longer evade the attack. They only headed by Zhao Xiujie's fighter plane, rushing forward all the way, receiving an attack on the outside, the next Black Star fighter plane spirals up to take its place.

And then, they joined the second Black Star battleship formation to form a larger spiral structure, like a spiral sword about to pierce the ghost ship fleet in one fell swoop!

This change certainly attracted the attention of Lin Yuandong and Qiao Xiangchen.

Lin Yuandong frowned: "In this case, the entire army will be wiped out before the 7,000-meter warship can't be rushed by their number of fighters!"

Qiao Xiangchen said in a deep voice, "So we have to help them. Brother Dong, you still bombard at close range, and my fleet will start charging!"


"We are the farthest away. It's not that we charge, who will charge?" Qiao Xiangchen said, "You haven't seen the latest analysis result. The main gun of this seven-kilometer warship caused some kind of space collapse effect. It is not a material weapon. , Only acts on space, so it can cross the shield. If it attaches importance to the Black Star fleet and shoots it down, I am afraid... Therefore, I want to attract its attention."

With the effort of speaking, the third battle group that was harassing in the distance has completed its turn and started to accelerate.

At this moment, a battleship suddenly accelerated and stopped in front of Qiao Xiangchen's red pioneer flagship.

That was Xu Rushan's frigate. The man said solemnly: "Charge, you must become a target. You must never be a target. Please let me lead the charge!"

Without hesitation, Qiao Xiangchen immediately agreed to his decision. His Red Pioneer began to slow down, and the remaining warships of the third battle group, led by Xu Rushan's frigate, led the charge towards the ground.

Like Zhao Xiujie and their Black Star attack team, Xu Rushan's charge is also indomitable, only accelerating, accelerating, and accelerating!

The fleet became meteors across the galaxy, crashing into the seven-kilometer battleship under the arch of ghost ships.

And in the center of the battlefield vortex, wreckage and flying bullets, the "spiral sword" constructed by the attack aircraft composed of two black planetary fighters has been damaged for more than half, but it has not stopped, and is still advancing forward indefinitely.

Broken battleship wreckage, dark starry sky, and fluttering bullets were all left behind. In the messages of these two fighter aircraft formations, there were still fewer and fewer voices reporting survival...

"This is the No. 3 aircraft. The armor plate on the right side of our aircraft is damaged, and the speed is reduced. It is about to replace the displacement to the outer layer..."

"This is Unit Seven. My engine has been damaged and the fuel tank is damaged. I will leave the team... Please be sure to destroy the enemy ship..."

"Here is... I... please destroy the enemy ship..."

From time to time, black sphere battleships burned and left the spiral flying formation, engulfed by nanomachines and flying gunfire behind them, shattered, and written death to write the most gorgeous moment in life.

But despite this, they are still charging.

Not only them, but on a higher starry sky scale, the warships of the third battle group are under the guidance of Xu Rushan, like an arrow from the string rushing towards the ghost ship fleet. The distance of tens of thousands of kilometers gives them plenty of time to accelerate. Faster and faster...

And they also succeeded in attracting the attention of the ghost ship fleet, and the huge seven-kilometer battleship turned slowly, aiming its main gun in this direction.

The first forty-three seconds.

The front end of Xu Rushan's frigate was twisted, deformed, and burst, leaving the fleet.

The third battle group is still charging.

The second forty-three seconds.

Another Qimingzhe-class battleship was destroyed in the air.

At this moment, the third battle group is still charging, and it has infinitely approached the ghost ship fleet.

It was also at this moment that the warships of the Ghost Ship fleet raised their heights at the same time, and their guns aimed at the infinitely close third battle group here, firing frantically.

If you continue to dive, the third battle group will undoubtedly hit all the cannons of the Ghost Ship fleet instantly, causing heavy losses in an instant.

However, it was also at this moment that the charge of the third battle group stopped abruptly, showing an arc to rise in height, passing by the ghost ship fleet.

At the same time, the Black Star fighter group has also infinitely approached the Seven Thousand Mile Ghost Ship.

At this moment, there are only five of the twenty-four Black Star fighters left in the two fighter groups, and three of the remaining five have high-temperature molten nanoclouds.

Zhao Xiujie’s fighter is leading the charge at the forefront of this ill-formed spiral sword. As the captain, the fighter does not carry nanoclouds on it. At this moment, his black star has also been severely damaged. All saw Mars.

But he still didn't pause for a moment. Seeing the seven-kilometer battleship right in front of his eyes, he hissed: "The moment to protect our bomb carrier and tear off the shield of the enemy ship is the moment we win!"