Arafoo Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki

Old man, it's gonna get hot.

Cavaliers' office.

There, two knights were face-to-face.

One was Marks Wilton, who was also chief of the Knights, and the other was Arlev Gilbard, the man.

"I called the report, but it's awesome. You think the level is 154 in this short period of time? How many dead lines have you been diving through?"

"It's just as described there. We kept fighting troublesome demons every day and managed to survive."

"You think goblins and orcs are horns, orgasms, trolls, chimailas, and maneaters? You made it home alive, didn't you?

"If we don't defeat them, it's us who will be eaten. That's already in many ways..."

Earlev looking away for some reason.

Marks, a little surprised by the words, but still looks at the report.

"On the second day, food was taken away, and from there, a life-saving survivor... he survived really well"

"No, it would be thanks to many of my men. I don't think I'm that strong yet."

Food security is difficult in the Greater Deep Green Zone, and many things are unsuitable as food, even meat, for analogy.

This is especially true of trolls and chimailas.

In response to Arlev, who replied faintly, Marks could not hide his surprise at what he had become visible in the past few days.

(What experience do we have, so far... Obviously not someone else)

A hegemony that is not an ordinary interrogation that can be stepped in from Arlev's body.

Marcus trembled with surprise and joy at the signs of reason but overwhelming his surroundings as if they were wild beasts.

It was Marcus who trained and raised him, and he was savoring the hearts and minds of his parents, who rejoiced in the growth of my child.

And I turned the report they wrote down, and I read its contents and said, 'Bhoo!?' and blow it out.

It was described because it was a crazy ape ecology.

"Arlev... is this some kind of joke?

"No, it's pure truth. I'm a... a menacing monster to us."

"Sure... if this is true, it's horrible content in a way. But......"

"You may not want to believe it. But you're not going to be blind forever."

Crazy Ape is a population of monkeys that exist only in females.

The female contends for the sequence, and the weakest monkey perverts into a male.

The problem would be that the changed male would attack the human man.

In the competition for survival, Crazy Ape returns to the original female by attacking a human man and demonstrating his power.

Mohaw acts against a human man are a testament to his power, and the sequence rolls up as a result.

Beyond acting in a herd, sequences are only the most necessary for survival, and human men are made tools for their sequencing and for leaving seeds behind.

Crazy Ape has no other perverse preferences, but is purely committed to surviving.

The problem is that for a human man, the behavior of this creature is a threat in another sense, but there is no thought to think about that in the first place in Crazy Ape.

It is only a habit cultivated from competition for survival.

"Ku...... crazy, crazy"

"No, if that's what they do to leave their species, then I guess that makes sense. It's a different matter of whether you can be convinced..."

"Sure... we can't help it because we have different races in the first place, but have some of them ever sacrificed?

"Perhaps, there will be. Mercenaries and bandits in trouble for money... you don't even want to think about it."

Other villages where people suddenly disappeared or travelers. If I say so, I won't hang up.

Moreover, it is difficult to supplement it because it is difficult to move forests in flocks but it changes bases, its power is also phenomenal.

There will be no teeth in the concurrent mercenaries, and there is no doubt that they will be pathetic victims.

"Let's give the mercenary guild a cautionary recommendation. No more victims will come true."

"That's a reasonable decision. Even if it feeds them, it's their own fault."

"White monkey fur, or you can sell it for a high price. But I thought it was just goblins and oaks..."

There are only a limited number of demons that use humans and multi-racial species as tools of reproduction.

These demons, when they often appeared out of the woods, were pests that attacked people.

Mercenaries, too, are more than people, while more people will have to disclose the information thus obtained.

If this information is challenging and still a sacrifice is made, it shall be deemed that they were not strong enough.

Somehow it is a demon with over two hundred levels, and even if it is challenged and returned, it can only be done at its own risk.

"... you're tired but you had a hard time. You should go home and please your wife..."

"No, because this is my duty. Your concern hurts."

"I'll give you some of the money I earned from selling the materials in the near future. I'm sorry about today."

"You want to rest for a while. That forest was hell..."


As Arlev left the office, Marcus squatted with his head on his desk.

"This... Seriously, am I going to explain this? My head hurts..."

My heart is heavy, to be honest with you, considering what I'm going to do.

By then, the ecology of Crazy Ape had been abnormal and unusual.

After that, Marcus disclosed this information in disgrace, but the mercenary guild laughed and many mercenaries never returned.

By then, the [fur of the white monkey], which was traded at a high price, was attractive.

Whatever the joke, it was commendable to have those who risked their lives to bring back the information, but whether or not to believe the information was a different matter.

Those mercenaries who did not believe in the information probably regretted it violently.

But by the time you regret it, it is often all too late.

It seems harsh, but it's the mercenary world that's responsible for everything, even if you take the information lightly and destroy yourself.

Later, the mercenary guild lowered its head and pleaded for a search for the disappeared mercenaries, but Marcus never got around to it.

After all, the mercenaries who didn't believe the information were bad...

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Three days back in the city of Santore.

As usual, Celestina and Zveit are in the middle of training their golem counterparts.

However, that golem had been changed from Mad Golem to Stone Golem in part.

The stone golem also defeated the two, struggling, and the two who have dived through the dead line seem to be in excellent condition.

Levels and skill levels have changed to an unparalleled level a week ago, and the movement does not have the same dangerous impression as before.

"Well, I lifted my arms a lot. It's like someone else."

"Again, it changes when you go through a real fight. Because you can feel what's important on your skin."

"What is the level of the stone golem? Mad Golem seems to be moving well too..."

"On average, it's kept to LV100. It won't change the taste when it's a long fight, but instead, we've got two people remembering it."

"Aren't you... Kuku, you've grown really reliable? My faction will have more influence."

Apparently, Creston is willing to add the two to the faction he organized.

In considering the fate of the country, we need to do something that the Demon Advocates and the Knights can rub.

However, with the addition of two people who can decipher magic characters even in weak factions, it can also increase influence.

Besides, I can't handle it unhindered because I'm a relative of the royal family.

"I'm a schemer inside. But there is always a fool who can't help it, though?

"I need you to move there in the dark. The royal organization will be happy to help you reform the country."

"Doesn't the guild behind also exist? You can't fool around with people's rumors, can you? Royal Palace servants and all that."

"What, I'm ready. That's it. The readjusted textbooks will hunt them down."

"It's a textbook produced by other factions, isn't it? How user-friendly would you have been if you hadn't rubbed it badly? I struggle to understand why you did such a stupid imitation."

"He seems to be doing some serious research and bribing most of his research money. I guess the serious wizards got in trouble and turned it into a complete defect instead of optimizing it."

"Isn't that a vicious circle...... are you sure you're okay? This country…"

Regardless of the internal affairs aspect, as far as defence is concerned, Gdagda, the current situation is pulling each other's legs.

If another country comes in, it could be devastated first.

There will be no human being who does not disturb such a country.

"We have to keep our hands in the air so that we don't. Who did this to a country like this..."

"I'd like to hear it from you. What would happen if this happened?

Either way, since one wizard begins to seek power and bribe other leading aristocrats.

If one makes a mistake, there are only two avenues left.

to exhort injustice or to commit injustice.

(It's not gonna be a war, is it? Sorry for the trouble... I don't want to get involved...)

If we try to correct our mistakes, there will certainly be those who rebel there.

These people come to protect themselves, and any outrageous imitation is fine.

"Well, we're already on the move. Optimized magic scrolled and started selling in this city"

"If cheap and decent magic sells, does that mean the feet of the factions will collapse?

"Um, some of the wizards who were kicked out of the faction also pulled in here."

Magic scrolls for sale or magic drugs created by alchemy are the main sources of income for the Magic Instructor.

The faction supported the foundation of the organization by collecting 60% of its sales.

Delsassis, the current lord, sold a magic scroll optimized by Zeros in a store that was also his side business.

That is the worst thing that could rock the foundation for each faction.

Somehow the Duke of Solister family is this national number of merchants and at the same time royal relatives.

It was a troublesome lineage to turn to the enemy.

"Thanks to the Lord. That magic erasure magic formula is really useful."

"When you learn magic, magic scrolling is just in the way. Including collecting magic paper and selling it, you'll make a lot of money."

"Some of the sales will be transferred to you, too, right? I've already asked the financiers operating on my territory for an account."

"Life has been cheap for a while."

"Now that the land is under development, we're already starting to lay the foundations for the house, right? The Lord's magic" Gaia Control "is truly brilliant."

Knowing the magic he had used in the orphanage, Creston asked if he would sell the magic.

I am not willing to spread magic around, but by limiting its use, I have succeeded in diverting its effects from my surroundings, and now farmers have become popular enough to buy it.

Digging holes, cementing the surrounding soil to make it look like a rock, or digging a side ditch, which means using it in [civil work] made it look like it was not aggressive.

Besides, spreading magic doesn't leave that magic on the scroll, and you don't have to worry about leaking it outside.

A magician may buy it, but a magician who can use local attribute magic in the first place doesn't need to remember this magic.

For this reason, the magic of Gaia Control was generally beginning to spread widely.

Because the use of this magic by ordinary people with low magic cannot in large part be a threat, but the Wizards and Knights who have forgotten the number of violence do not see it as so problematic at the moment.

Somehow they are beginning to be used for farming, so it seems simple initial magic to their eyes.

"Rather, let's look at the training. The opinions of Mr Creston, who has experience in action, should also be fully helpful to both of us. I'm the only one with a bias in knowledge."

"Mm-hmm. Old age helps, so I can't be happier. Whatever, sweet grandson."

Zeros twitched in his heart, 'It's not your granddaughter who's cute, it's your granddaughter's mistake'.

I have a lot to think about, but I can't stop looking back at the training.

"As always... he's attacking me like an asshole. Plus, he's tough on defense."

"St-Ngolem's defense is troublesome. Slow movement is salvation..."

"Instead, he has an array..."

Stonegolem defended and defended the other golems, a classic Mad Golem attack from around, but it was difficult to get out of the siege net just because it was a classic.

A stone golem that has more defense than a Mad Golem is impossible to destroy in one blow, and most importantly, it can also attack indirectly.

Stonegolem separates countless stones that make up his own jaws and floats them in the air.


"Chip!" Mana Shields "!!

The floating stone becomes a bullet and is shot into by the Zvates.

It deployed a magic barrier and painstakingly prevented an attack.

"Stone Shot. It's troublesome when you get hit at close range."

"Ah... it's easy to understand because it makes a stone float before you shoot it off, but it has a wide range of attacks"

"It doesn't seem to be damaging to get shot into the Mad Golem because it's mud."

"In the end, we just have to destroy the nucleus. It's a pain in the ass."

There are two kinds of Mad Golem, the collaboration between the attacking subject's Mad Golem (Tai) and the Mad Golem (Thin) capable of medium and indirect combat, and the addition of Stone Golem, which is a defensive necessity, is making the formation an iron wall.

The Golem cannot be defeated without destroying the nucleus, but it is extremely troublesome to reach its nucleus.

Furthermore, even if it is destroyed halfway through, it regenerates the body again if a nucleus exists.

Returning from the Great Deep Green Zone of Farfuran, the level has risen, but at the same time the difficulty of training has increased considerably.

"Now that you've added a fast moving golem, you can't help it."

"Not at all. But that's good. You can fail as many times as you want."

"Right. Okay, I'll set you up!

"Whoa, let's go!

"" "The Silver God Wall"!!

The two let the "Silver God Wall" unfold.

This magic allows barriers to unfold as long as magic lasts, and can be reshaped at will.

Celestina is an assault type that stretches countless thorns forward to annihilate the surrounding golems.

Zveit turns his enemies into giant swords.

Long-term combat is just exhausting beyond having a stone golem.

Sometimes we decided it would be effective to take bold action and defeat the commander in charge.

"Shield Bash!"

"Blade Slash!"

Two people who activated and added martial arts skills to the Silver Divine Wall and dared once and for all to destroy their enemies.

In Celestina's assault, Mad Golem collapsed in formation without being able to attack, and the golem that was surrounding him was not sent by Zvate.

Moreover, by adding Melee moves, their power is doubled.

This combat training would be over if we defeated the Golem of Leadership, but that Golem was an extremely large stone golem.

It is difficult to defeat with a single blow, but victory is assured if an attack can be made on the nucleus.

The two tried to find a way to live in the short showdown. The very idea is not a mistake. But......

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Zdon!

When the leader, Stonegolem Commander, can roar, he shakes his arms up and slaps the ground forcefully.

Oscillating waves caused by simultaneous shocks rock the ground, disrupting the posture of the two.

"Become?!" Earthquake "?!

"Nah ability, I didn't ask!!

Naturally occurring demonic golems do not show these magical attacks.

For if magic is consumed in any way, it will return itself to just stone again.

But it's not like magic can never be used.

In an emergency, these attacks are carried out, crushing them with a mass attack where the enemy is frightened.

Then the subordination is Mad Golem, crumbling around like a slime, surrounding the two surroundings instantly.

The behavior of trying to find a winning opportunity takes the opposite form of being countered.

As a result, the two were to be covered in mud.

"Yeah, you're a little too quick to make a decision. It's not like they're showing you what's in your hand, is it?

"But not in a good way. I'm looking forward to the future."

"But I regret... Just a little bit more."

"Earthquake over there...... I can't even insult the golem"

"The golem of the Great Deep Green Zone doesn't have to be that much. We got massive amounts of dirt and sand rolled up in Earthquake and the surrounding woods blew up, so hey... I miss you."

"" "You (lord/teacher)... you lived well (of...)?

In a normally dying environment, Zeros, who survived a week, was phenomenal.

We are also surprised by the menacing demons we do not know, but it seemed that Zeros, who survived in more dangerous places than that, were far away.

The two godchildren know.

That the place we spent has not yet even reached the gateway to hell...

The Devil's Forest was a deep and terrible danger zone.

While you remember the battle, your usual routine of combat training ends.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Recently, Zveit was somewhere behaving suspiciously.

From time to time, when I saw Celestina tilt, I began to exhale in a deep sigh.

Still looking behind her from behind, she still exhales.

"Today is the day...... But......"

From the side, I have a love affair for my sister, all I see is Brother Abunai.

Not knowing such a thing, he wandered between determination and fear in hiding.

The other women's salaries don't even know they're looking at themselves...

"Me... were you such a pathetic person?

"No, that would be original qualities"

"That's not true! I've always lived my life as a man."

"Are you in possession? Did you also try to use your power on Mr. Luceris to force him into things?

"Ugh... I did make a mistake. Now I think I've done something stupid."

"I wish I was reflecting, but some of them don't even take people's advice and hey..."

"I know you haven't been dealt with, but what a regret, Master?!

Soon to Zeros, who was behind him, Zveit jumped in amazement.

I didn't feel any sign at all.


"Now... Exactly, you should stop doing that, right?

"What is it?"

"Even if it's just one parent, such a love affection for a blood-connected sister..."

"Because you're not?! It's not like that!!

When he came here, he realized that his actions were misleading the people around him.

"Because you didn't unintentionally come 'murray' against your half-blooded connected sister?

"No!! Never!! I just wanted to apologize!!

"Apologize? Ahhh... I see"

Zeros noticed his mistake here.

Zveit was a trace of this Duke of Solister family and a tenant who had been abusing Celestina for a long time.

I assume you were asking for an opportunity to settle the past.

"I know you do, but he couldn't exercise his magic for a long time. But I didn't think the cause was in the magic formula at the time. Now I say, our lineage is the lineage of magicians from generation to generation.

I couldn't stand the incompetence in such a clan. Until recently... "

"Cheng Cheng..., I fully understand."

Zveit is proud of his blood muscles, his history, and all of it.

Celestina couldn't find any talent in it, but he couldn't stand it.

But what happens if that situation turns around?

If the existence that seemed incompetent was in fact closed to talent by the magic ceremony of a large book, and was thus treated cold, guilt would not be the half-baked thing.

Not to mention the fact that he himself took the initiative and was in a cold-hearted position, he couldn't stand that guilt.

"... if that's all you can think of, why would you imitate Mr. Luceris so humid?

"There already, that's good!! I just really think something was wrong with you!!

because of the influence of the factions and because they were in a mild state of affection.

"You can't change the past, can you?

"Ugh... I sure do, but I figure it out myself well. Something went off in a fever..."

"I don't think that excuse makes sense, but he wants to look back on his past self anyway and apologize to Mr. Celestina... is that what you want to say?

"From the beginning, that's what you're saying! Why do you have such bad feelings for my real sister..."

"Some of them are like that"

"I don't have that weird taste!!

Zeros was going to find out what was going on, but for some reason he was sneaking up on Zveit.

In fact, he enjoyed seeing Zveit hesitate.

"Why don't you just apologize? It must be easy."

"It's easy to say. You know, from the actual party, it's pretty weird, huh?

"That's the weight of the sin you carried in. Forgive me, not forgive me, but follow me."

"You can't do that, so you're worried!!

He doesn't seem to be able to stop, so if he steps in, he just arches his hand and looks at it without being able to make a good place.

I don't know what it feels like, but this will be a key occasion to be brave enough to move forward.

It's better if you're just trying to bully me, but I feel sorry for you.

"If you think it's bad, the key is to keep your head down immediately. If you stay like this forever, you won't even be able to apologize, will you?

People tend to move in easier directions, so if you can't keep your head down when you say you have to, you lose credibility. "

"But I don't know... say I'm embarrassed or I'm not dressed..."

"Is that what those who have been cheating on me say? Now, if we don't correct our mistakes, we will continue to carry pathetic thoughts with us for the rest of our lives. If you think about it, you should keep your head down."

"I know... when I try to go, here's... what I mean..."

... It was hectic.

Where does the usual power go? It's kind of disgusting to watch and honestly disgusting.

But this appearance of a good young man comes from the old man's zero.

- Pup.

And hung up.

"I didn't say it, so just apologize!! Temeh would be a man, but what the fuck are you talking about, you fucking piece of shit!!

"Whoa?! What's the matter, Master..."

More burning.

"What's wrong, some of these!! I guess Temehe has been making me scratch shame on that kid for a long time, but is there any more shame or shit now!!

This involves the holding of Temehe and the selling of men's vouchers! I have to show the guy here, he'll stay a feminine shithead forever, is that good!!

"Ugh... that's a little pitiful..."

Heat to the point of burning out of it.

"It's not 'a little'!! Temeh is noble, nobility is a folk to protect, and he has to bow his head to someone he doesn't like!! As much as I apologize to my bloody sister, I don't know.

If you think it's bad, apologize immediately! And even if you don't forgive me, it's your own sin! Carve it on your chest and keep living, if you're allowed to, try being man enough to protect you in the future!!

"Also, what if I'm not forgiven...?

"I didn't even do it. From within, I'm sorry to see the results!! Behave first, nothing else!!

The road comes in sight after we act. I didn't do anything. You don't have to worry from within, and Celestina's reply will be one later, but in the end, if you don't act, you won't get an answer!! Damn, tell me the truth!!

You got it! If you get it, act up, you young builder!!

Old man, the first heat up in this world.

Long time no burning condition.

He was on Earth, always pulling his men in this state.

A few crushed all night, kept him working until the deadline expired, and he himself was in that training ground.

It goes without saying that the street name was [Chief Dos].

Seemed like a grey position close to unlimited black.

"Yay, I certainly haven't done anything yet... Master... I'm coming for you!

But it seems to me that Zveit, who was a bloodthirsty man from the beginning, felt something too hot in his heart.

The young man runs out.

To say goodbye to myself until now.

Celestina was in the wind on a balcony alone.

The wind blowing through the woods brings the scent of deep green trees.

Enjoying these times of her own is one of her hobbies.

But at such a fine time, there was one intruder.

It is Zveit.

"Celestina, do you have a minute?

"Can I help you? Brother."

"No, this is my problem."


A little, you felt strange signs, Celestina waits for Zveit's words, even with a little vigilance.

"Celestina, including from when I was a kid... I'm sorry I ever did!

"Brother?! What the hell..."

She went and bowed her head, and she was confused.

"I am the trail of this Duke's house. Because that's what they've been saying since I was a kid, back then, I couldn't forgive myself for drawing the same blood you couldn't use magic.

But now that it turns out that it's due to a flaw in the magic formula that you haven't had any downfall, I wanted to liquidate the many tricks I've done to you, my mistakes.

So this is how I keep my head down. I'm so sorry! I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm aware that's all I've done. "

"Brother... that's it"

Celestina knows how proud Zveit was of his clan.

The fact that only one of them has hit her so hard that she couldn't use magic may be helpless.

But Celestina was new to his honesty when she learned of the error and bowed her head.

The Duke of Solister is a family of guardians who protect this country for generations.

It is a family with rare magical talents and their magical power to protect many people.

I am also convinced that I will be treated cold when I was born in that clan and could not use magic.

But Celestina felt proud to be a nobleman to Zveit, who came to know it was a mistake and apologized further.

That's why I think I have to live up to that integrity myself.

"Brother, what do you think of the teacher's magic?

"Oh? What, all of a sudden... honestly, I think you're awesome? That power, and magical efficiency... no matter which one you take, the digits are different"

"Right. But at the same time it is… a danger to this country.

How much blood would be shed if that power, leaked to the enemy, was consumed with only a small amount of magic?

"You're going to ravage the battlefield. Very unlike the magic we know, it's an overwhelming force."

Plus, there's extensive extermination magic.

"That's hard to believe... I've heard the story, but there's no such thing as a magician who actually finished it. I thought I had improved my magic extensively."

Extensive extermination magic is also known as strategic-class magic currently being studied in each faction.

It becomes problematic when it is already completed and held by an individual.

It's like a nuclear warhead walking with hands and feet.

For the record, the distinction between wide-ranging magic and wide-ranging extermination magic is the magnitude of power.

Widespread magic is constant in its own right, and it can weaken its power, but it cannot produce more power than prescribed.

Because of the steady power required, the maximum power was fixed as a result.

When this became widespread extermination magic, the power was unlimited, and theoretically it was thought possible to destroy even the world.

"The teacher said. When you drown in the power of magic, you risk sometimes producing vicious magic... … As a teacher's apprentice, I want to create magic that makes people happy"

"You were completing strategic-class magic... No, it could be a master. The Mage is all about research."

"It's not for destruction. Isn't it the mission of our disciples to create the kind of magical use that can contribute to many people?

"I am the heir to a clan that protects this country. I think it's my mission to protect the people, but if there's any other way, you go. I'll do my part as a nobleman."


"Certainly the magic of the master is awesome. But if you misuse it, there will only be tragedy. I came back here to understand that I am responsible for my power.

But I'm only trying to protect the people... and I'm going to martyr on my mission as a nobleman "

The end of the two paths is different.

In order to enrich the lives of the people, Celestina aims at a path that stains her hands with blood to protect the people.

Both are necessary and will follow each other on conflicting paths that will never meet.

"Celestina... have you seen the extensive extermination magic of the Master?

"I saw the magic ceremony, but I still felt an awesome circulation of magic. The magic formula is too advanced to understand, and... it's too dangerous."

"That's why. Maybe you want me to take a different path, Master."

"Is it really good for you, brother, on the road to keep fighting?

"Because that's my duty. I was raised alive by the people's blood taxes, and I'm not going to run away. You don't have to die."

Zveit was already ready.

Celestina realizes that she was wrong about him.

Because Zveit is educated in English talent, his upbringing is usually high no matter how crude, and he was taught his duties as a nobleman, unlike young people his age in general, which he kept in his heart.

Therefore, her presence was driven by the unforgivable thought of Celestina, who could not use magic to protect the people.

Although he grew up with blood taxes, he was of no use.

But it was to protect the people, because they were prepared to follow the same path as their esteemed grandfather.

"Doesn't it make any difference to pursue magic for the people?

"It's the difference between enriching lives or protecting lives and property. I'm sorry, I can only go this way."

"No, it's enough to know what your brother wants. I... forgive your brother"


readiness as a nobleman that Zveit had within.

It was enough to know that.

From an early age, Zveit understood and carried the weight of the people's lives.

In contrast, she herself just kept her dark emotions inside, seemed to be trying, and actually understood that she was running away from her position.

"This is the only way I can stay. When I graduate from college, I'll be in the military."


"Why don't you just look here and see what you can do? You don't have to rush. Your grandfather won't let you get married."

"Is it just me, is it good? Brother Kreussus, all of them..."

"I'm sure he's ready. He's annoying." "

Zvate laughs without giving in.

There, there was no caged colour ready until earlier, and there was a smile like an age-appropriate boy.

On this day, they were to let their past obsession go away.

But Celestina had a terribly sad look on his face.

This is the first time Celestina has ever known how heavy Zveit's life is that only a determined path can be taken.