On the third day the children stepped into the back of the woods.

Normally, it's not weird to level up, but kids have too many deceptively skilled skills, so it's hard to get up to the physical level.

If the general public rushes out the orcs around here and the mercenaries defeat them, at least 10 levels will go up.

However, children strengthened by physical correction with skill skills do not. If you fight a powerful demon that is only commensurate with its power, you will end up with a level of finesse.

Leveling conditions became abnormally high because of too high a serious skill effect.

Normally, if we had raised the level evenly, this would not have happened, but children who did not know their weight were training themselves without understanding such a fundamental thing. When Zeros found out about this, it was a later festival.

'You're not here... This is to Ange in the back......'

Ange also sends a hand signal to Johnny, who told him there were no demons. It's a silent conversation that mercenaries often do with pre-trained technology.

It is done to convey the necessary conditions in zestures and to prevent demons from noticing them with their voices.

We must act with caution, especially when we are in untouched areas, and there are many mercenaries who often attract demons with their own voices and are in danger. I guess the basics are important.

"Ange, roger. I'll pass it on to the ladies."

Copy that. Don't be alarmed... you don't know where or what's lurking. '

"Johnny's not even careful."

Johnny and Ange talking with a hand sign.

The same is true of the other sons.

'I understand. Notify Lady......'

"Lady, roger. Transmit to Kai '

'Ouilla understood, too. Let me know when you find the meat.'

Children who communicate cleverly with their signatures, but when compared to other parties, there are countless unique signatures. Sometimes the hardest part about joining other parties can actually be this hand sign.

Each party of mercenaries has a different signature, and even the same sign may have completely different meanings between each party. Unexpectedly, there are many parties in distress that inadvertently send familiar signatures. It is often seen when members are welcomed from outside.

Communication of will was important, and it was common sense that even these handsigns were important to teach each other among their peers. Mercenaries are a life-threatening business.

"What are these kids really so familiar with? What the hell are you doing from time to time..."

"I've come to think of it as a particular mystery lately. Where does this really come from..."

Secrets of children that Sister doesn't even know about.

Zeros thinks that they, whose fundamentals are street childrens, were secretly moving to avoid annoying Luceris. No, it's only about 'I wish it were'......

I don't know how it actually is, but at least it hasn't happened to make it a case.

Well, I can't say I was moving cunningly so I don't know, but I stopped stepping in deep.

For mental health.

"Is Johnny a covert, scoundrel leader? Something, I don't feel balanced... '

It is their respective roles that mercenaries need to organize parties.

For example, tank jobs that take enemy attacks, and guerrilla jobs that use their mobility.

However, there are few parties in which leaders would make enemies in scouts. There is also a good chance that you will encounter the demon first, and if you do poorly, you will be killed.

You can tell what happens to the party that lost its leader if you look at the young mercenary party we met yesterday.

Decisiveness and difficulty working with peers. What leaders require is a calm situational decision and a strong trust from their peers. Responsibility is also serious and can be stressful and depressing if you do poorly.

Given that deciding on the behavior of the party as a whole and choosing to act calmly when necessary is required, it is certain that no one wants to take the lead.

These organized parties are cautiously slow to grow, but they are also likely to rise to the top ranks.

Most of them have a lot of on-the-spot connections, even when it comes to companionship, and mercenaries who organize impromptu parties are more overwhelming. I will abandon even my friends if I have to.

It was also statistically confirmed that the people partying on the spot had high wear and tear rates and that there would be more extra casualties.

"Who's the defenseman and who's the guerrilla? Well, Mr. Kaede will only have to play... '

Luceris and Zeros watch the hunt from afar.

Looks like Johnny discovered something at that time. Send a signal with a hand sign and surround it so that everyone can surround it.

"Mr. Zeros... I see those kids discovered something, didn't they?

"Yep... I hope it's not a troublesome demon. I don't think there's anyone around here like that."

As he talks lurking his voice, Lady sets a bow, stares at the arrow and squeezes the string.

And when I carefully set my aim, the momentum was good and the arrows were unleashed at once. But I wonder if the arrow has stabbed me and I get bounced back as "Po Yan."


I heard a wild scream.

What showed up was a big, super fat frog at the moment. [Dodon Toad] It was.

The thick skin, earthy and full of warts, with the secreted oil glowing terratella.

I know that the arrow that Radi released was inhibited by thick skin and ended up just being bounced off without stabbing.

"Ugh, take him down!!

"" "" Oooh-ooh!!

Knowing that he had been discovered by his enemies, Doddon Todd gently slapped the ground as he concentrated his magic on his forelegs.

Then a rock spear jumps out of the ground with fierce momentum and hits the children.

It is the local attribute magic [Gaia Lance].

"Don't think you can stop something with something like this!

Kaede quickly pulled out his hip-knife and flashed, cutting down Gaia Lance and stuffing Doddon Todd in time.

And he said, 'Saiyah!!' and slash thick skin with a hanging voice.


However, it could not be slashed with thick skin and soaked oil, and the soft skin buried a machete.

Determined dangerous, Kaede immediately flies backwards and some fluid pops out of Dodon Toad's warts in the moment. When the fluid falls to the ground, it emits a strange odor and smokes enough to flatter the face.

"Strong acid solution!? You're capable of that!

"Um, how do you take it down!

"From what I've seen, it looks like delicious meat."

The attack on the outside lacks an effective hit, and the damage is imperative due to the strong acid solution. This is hard to defeat.

Essentially, this demon is supposed to be defeated by magic. But it wasn't the kids who gave up here.

"Then this is what you have to do. [Exhales]!!

- Dom!!

- Gee, gee, gee, gee!

Ange used one of the moves that is within her fighting skills, [Exhales].

It is a move that shoots a blow in with magic in the palm and destroys organs from the inside.

However, there is a slight time lag until the effect is demonstrated, and you must avoid attacks from the target by leaving immediately. Because if not, they will fight back immediately.

Normally, it would be quite damaging, but Doddon Todd's skin has a problem with having to continue attacking just magic to almost render the blow powerless.

In the position of Ange, who immediately withdrew, a strong acid solution poured down.

"Uh-oh, nasty smell..."

The point is, you can push him away with a blow.

The kids who make that decision go to Doddon Toad with the same moves.

"Good...... apparently you can take it down"

"It's not such a sweet demon. I'm a frog, right? If you're caught off guard, you'll see painful eyes."

Luceris, who thought the children were pinches, seemed a little relieved to know he had the means to defeat them, but Zeros is never optimistic. The horror of demons is not to this extent.


Back to back with the looking giant, Doddon Todd jumped into space with a hell of a leap.

At the same time, Gaia Lance emerges again from the ground, and the children flee with all their might. But I don't realize that's what I'm after.

Changes in the ground caused by Gaia Lance can be an obstacle to Johnny and the others' speed of escape.

I couldn't escape any farther than I thought, even Caede was traveling with a knife slashing and tearing, but I couldn't earn more distance than I thought because of the continuous growing rock spears.

Dodon Toad falling from the sky at that time. Soft but strong skin does not pass through Gaia Lance's spear. Instead, it stimulates tumors in the body.

And strong acidic fluid sprays indiscriminately from all of its warts.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?


"This is what I'm after, you're smart for the habit of looking like an idiot!?

"Fuck you when it comes to frogs...... I wanted to kill you at all costs"

"Gelatinous and looks delicious... jiuru"

There were two people who didn't move.

The area is surrounded by a strong acid-stimulating odor. It's also highly irritating to open your eyes, and it's best to keep your eyes fine and manage not to block your vision.

Dodon Toad is basically an immobile demon.

The major reason for this is the weight that comes from the giant, and even if you jump, if you don't fortify your flesh with magic, it's too heavy to jump. Only in emergencies did it move until it consumed magic.

From the point of view of the game, he was a very durable blunt-footed demon and specialized in defense.

"If you attack, that weird juice, if you repeat a blow away, is a range attack... besides, it's troublesome, huh?

"You're a tranced crook, but you're pretty tough. The sword won't make it through, and what do we do?

The kids didn't have a decision to make.

If these attacks and defenses are to deal with a stabilised demon, they will need magical backup.

Of course, you can't win a physical attack, but instead, it costs money to treat equipment and injuries. That would be a big pain in the ass.

Zeros hasn't given the kids a magic scroll. This was meant to be part of our education to make money from our own hands and learn magic, but that consideration was behind us this time.

"Mr. Zeros...... can you handle it? Keep it up, those kids..."

"I'm not the one you can't defeat, hey. Is struggle inevitable due to lack of experience...... That said, I don't see how I've given up, and now let's be still."

"Such a long time, if anything happens to those kids it's too late!?

"It's easy to win if you're a magician. You just have to freeze it and pound a blow into the steeple. Well, let's see what those kids do."

Weaknesses also exist in Dodon Toad.

That's the thinnest spot on the top of the head. If you do that, you can't be sure of a slaughter or blow. It's easy to get through, and if you boil well, you can take a fatal blow.

The question is whether the children will notice the weakness. Knowing the ecology and weaknesses of demons is also important for mercenaries, as well as the knowledge necessary to ensure that they are stopped without taking time.

These kinds of knowledge are something you can remember with experience, and even if you were asking people, they don't definitely give you an attack. If you have a bad arm just because you need a strategy to defeat it, you will die.

"There are tactics. Okay, well, how soon can you guys take it down?

While watching, Zeros has his hands on the sword. I'm ready to jump out when I do.

But still, I try not to get my hands on it until it's critical.

The children turn to Don Toad many times, but they are bounced each time, or inhibited by a strong acid solution, repeatedly retracting. I know it's also doing damage, but its effects are far from fatal.

Durable demons are a pain in the ass.

"Damn, I can afford it..."

"If they don't inflict a fatal wound, they won't have magic. What do we do, Lady?

"There must be a weakness somewhere. Until then, we'll have to preserve our magic... it's just a matter of whether we have it or not, Johnny."


"" Kai!?

Pooch fighter dances the universe.

He jumps up high, decides on a two-spin rearward aerial anti-twist, and falls over the head of Doddon Todd.

"Meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat,

- Zdowwwwwwwwwww!!

Decide to land beautifully, while at the same time taking an intense blow to the head.

Kai doesn't care that magic is consumed. I was just thinking about eating the meat right in front of me. Doddon Todd is very delicious with meat.

The flavour of light meat but more oil than birds, the fat content inside the skin is popular for its swinging sweetness when simmered, and its crunchy texture. It was also good for beauty and a popular ingredient for women.

Yes, it's rich in cosmetic collagen.

"Meat, leave it - - Eh!! oraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraora!!"

"I'm scared... this is Kai's ability to fully open his appetite or I really want to pair it up for once"

"It's not the usual Kai...... Appetite is amazing. You've never seen Kai like that, have you?

Pooch fighter was a ghost. It was Shura seeking meat.

A fierce rush over Doddon Todd's head, with magic in all of his attacks.

Even the big adults were slamming a smothering blow into him just to say if this was still the case. What will get him that far......

"It's awesome, I feel obsessed with something..."

"Oh... I've never seen Kai like that before"

"He's... Seriously"

To Kai's transformation, Johnny and Lady have no words either.

Not so long ago, Kai's behavior was unusual.

"Meat...... thanks to the meat I met everyone. Oyla's friend the priest gave me...... '

Kai remembers himself a few years ago and keeps hitting him even with that thought in his fist.

Unparalleled thoughts about meat were in Kai's mind.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Kai lived in the alley until a few years ago.

Its appearance was not as puffy and thin as it is now, but as thin and thin as it is pathetic.

Food is also obtained by fishing for raw waste in the cafeteria, and if found, the shopkeeper beats him up. The meagre food you get will also be taken away if the orphans in the same alley find it, hungry and starving.

Every day was hell. He was also deprived of the food he finally got that day and was squatting alone in the shadow of a warehouse by the Auras Grand River just to endure his hunger.

The goddess I met at that time......

"What, you're a skinny kid for a long time. Are you dead?

The goddess was an unscrupulous, mouthless aunt - no, she was an old woman.

He is wearing a cleric's coat of law, but holds a bottle of liquor and a paper bag of skewers in his hand, looking down at Kai in his vain eyes.

I didn't have the power to squeeze out words anymore at this time. Just looking up was the best I could do.

"Hmm, you're alive. Damn, this isn't where the kid is. Well, if you're alive, you got lucky. You should eat it."

Paper bags thrown unwrought.

A good smell that can get in from it stimulates Kai's stomach.

"Ah...... ah!

"I won't take it away from you, just eat it. It stinks when you look at it, I want to..."

I couldn't stop it anymore.

Forcefully push the skewers removed from the paper bag into the stomach. I cheek like a beast and still weep over the flavor of meat that spreads in my mouth.

There were no words. I'm just happy, it's just delicious, my stomach just fills with tears.

As if to protect Kai like that, the priest stares with tender eyes as he stirs a liquor bottle by his side.

I would have flattened all the skewers in the paper bag if I had noticed, but I still don't have enough.


I wanted to eat more.

But no more skewers.

"What is it? Have you eaten already? I don't know what else to do, do you want to come with us? You look like a great guy in an orphanage. You don't have a rat."

"Koji...... are you there?

"Oh, yeah. It's Atashi's job to raise kids like you so they don't struggle. Well, it won't be gold, but uh-huh!

I don't know what's wrong, but the priest laughs in a good mood.

Kai is troubled. Having children like yourself means that there may be food grabbing. Food is taken away because I am weak.

I knew my stomach wouldn't fill if I wasn't strong.

"Relieved. They won't take away the food. If you do that, you know that the iron fist of an athlete will fall on your head. So what are you gonna do?"

"… go…… Kojidan…"

"That's settled. Kufu, it's going to be busy again...... hey?

When the priest turned his face toward the harbor, several men were running with their swords in one hand.

It's killing me for some reason, and it conveys a bad feeling.

"There he is! That baba, I messed with this place!

"Kill him! Fuck you licking imitation, die and apologize hey!!

"Whoa, did you find it? I'm not surprised you have a good nose. I'm not going to get caught! Hold on tight... you're light, this is gonna make it easier to get away"

Priest runs out holding Kai before he says anything.

Honestly, Kai doesn't even remember what happened when he kept swinging around at this time.

"If you can catch me, try to catch me! There's nothing you can do without a herd. O ncus bastards, if you have that gut. Uhhhhhhhh"

"Wait, baba! Damn, what a getaway!

"You're thirty times faster than normal Baba! Not an old man's ankle!?

"Fifty hands-on people have been hit, if you're alarmed, they'll kill you!

"Surround him, surround him and make him regret it at all costs! I'm sinking you into the Auras River!!

When I realized it, I was put to sleep in an orphanage bed.

Afterwards, you will meet Ange Johnny Lady in the same situation.

The skewers the four of us ate were really good. And for the first time at this time, I was able to be friends.

It was the edge where the skewers were connected.

Meat is a bond to Kai. A definite shaped bond that met the priest and gave me peace of mind with my companions.

Therefore it is close to faith. For Kai, meat was equal to God.

For the record, the skewered goddess, Priest Merlassa, said the minister continued to make noise, unchanged in his ministry, and at some point he was in a position to handle both Gorotsuki.

Now there's something wrong with it because it's called a priest, but Kai said, 'Well, I think that priest would be anything.'

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

'Everybody, we all eat meat. Ahhhhhhhh!

Shouting in his heart, Kai tried to tap into his last blow.

But the other person is also a creature. Don Todd jumps to escape the injury.


Though unintentionally shaped, Kai is structured and lands on the ground without difficulty.

He was fat but light. But you don't have enough magic. Flirt as soon as you land.

"Weaknesses are heads...... Lady, let's use spears!

"Whoa, Ange, Kaede! Equip the spear!!

"Yes, ha, ha, but... do you want to stab me?

"You could do it if you put magic into it. It doesn't seem to have any thicker skin than your body, so I think we can take it down with some force."

You no longer have to be arching your hands like this than you know your weaknesses.

Childrens motivated by Russia. But I wasn't aware of any serious mistakes at this time.

While preparing the spear, the children forgot about Kai. The way to fight with magic in your fists is the skill of a fighter, naturally, but if you use moves, you will consume magic.

There's no way Kai's magic left over from that rushing decision. Until now, there has been no such thing as a fellow falling due to lack of magic, and at the same time, the consideration of a fellow due to lack of experience is immature.

I mean, what happened...

"That... there's no Kai guy? Ange, where did Kai go?

"What? I wasn't there until just now... I'm not there. Kai, no, where are you?

"Wait, didn't Kai's guy consume a lot of magic? I should be able to move..."

"... Johnny, now... didn't you say something nasty? The inability to use magic to move..."

Yes, the biggest mistake you have to be most careful about if you are a mercenary, lack of magic.

Neglect attacks will be reversed if this state is maintained when opposed to demons. I mean, it's like you're telling me to eat.

"... no way..."

When Johnny turns his eyes to Don Todd, Dodd Todd is tasting something down his throat.

His mouth was wide but narrow in depth, his feet were hard to see from his mouth and he was a true representation of what had happened.

"" "" Kai is being eaten. Uh-huh!?

Lack of magic, take your eyes off your prey for gear changes, and fail to manage the health of your overweight buddies.

The kids made their first hate mistake. I don't know if I'm lucky, but Doddon Todd doesn't have any teeth. Most of the prey is consumed round.

When Kai fell, he stretched his tongue and preyed on it all at once.

Seeing as it's not completely swallowed, Kai will still be resisting.

"" "" Spit it it out - - - - - -!!

- Gyopaaaaaaaaaa!!

A strike involving magic was decided by the four at the same time, and Kai managed to be thrown out without being swallowed.

But the whole body is drooling with fluid. There is no demand in a pussy boy.

"Ah-boo, I almost got Kai to feed the frog"

"I thought my heart would stop. It's Kai... Is he alive?

"Disgusting...... derodorous, and raw warm and smelly. Huh, Oyla is soiled... to grief."

"You're fine. Well, it's the Atassis who took my eyes off me, and you can grieve... seriously, I'm sorry"

"Well, forgetting that you're dealing with demons is a fatal hate mistake..."

Occasionally there is a mix of childless conversations.

But maybe this is who these kids really are. They look young, but they've lived in alleys before. I know more about reality than anyone else.

Above all, he gave priority to defeating the prey in front of him after reflection.

"I see my weakness thanks to Kai. This is the real deal, the mourning fight!

"" "Oh-ooh!!

"Ouilla, I'm not dead..."

When the four put up their spears, they ran out simultaneously.

Doddon Todd flies a long stretching tongue, but the interception sees that it only flies in a straight line, turning from all directions and packing up the intermission at once.

"" "" [Alchemy Spear Stab Clash] "" "

Fly from all directions and dare attack with a spear on your head.

The flesh of the head stabbed deep into the thin spot, penetrating the skull as it was, and the spear went to the brain.

Doddon Todd has a moment of cramping and falls as-is slowly.

And defeat the demon and the routine comes.

"" "" "Monge - - - - - - Huh!?

Yes, it's leveling up.

The kids' levels were single-digit, but they said they went up about fifteen at once.

Unfortunately, Zeros didn't know the level of the kids. Did you think there was a reason for walnuts and chickens to say, 'Something, I couldn't see because I was afraid'?

It is against the law to see the status of others at will. However, [Appraisal] skills may be activated on their own, and there is no problem with prohibitions if they are not spoken out...

In any case, they were all struck by fatigue, and they could not move a single step.

"You knocked him down... Good for you. Eh."

"There was some danger, but you succeeded in defeating the big guy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Zeros was in a hurry but dared to watch when Kai was preyed upon by Doddon Toad.

I knew it was a demon without fangs, so I could live for a while, even if it swallowed up to my stomach. If the children could not be defeated, they were ready to intervene.

In the woods where no hunting grounds or maps even exist, if you stay alert, you will die immediately. The only way to be sensitive to danger is to gain experience.

When he was on Earth, Zeros had been run over by boars during the hunt. They were thrust because they were alarmed and neglected to be on perimeter alert. No one knows what's going to kill them in nature.

"Mr. Zeros... you could have rescued him quickly. Don't you have to watch until they swallow anything?

"If you're going to be independent, you'll die if you're not sharp enough against danger. You can start to have weird expectations if you defeat them in a detour, and it doesn't necessarily mean someone will help you when it's really dangerous. It's risky to shrink our lives when we're self-reliant. Hey, we can't go mercenaries unless we get over this with our own hands."

"That's tough...... How do we carry these kids?

"Right. Launch the signal bullet for now...... whoa?

If you look behind the woods, a mercenary guild hauling carriage was just coming this way.

There's nothing on the carrier, and we can afford to carry Doddon Todd and the kids.

The one who manipulates the carriage is somehow beside the horse, towing the reins. Anyway, it showed good timing.

"Was that... in the middle of a hunt?

"No, I'm just finishing up. I was just thinking about calling a carriage."

"It's also... luck or bad luck... no..."

Zeros leaned his neck slightly toward him who contained something.

From what I've seen, he's a demon mentor youth, blind with long stretched hair.

The impression that he seems weak - to put it badly, he is a young man who appears to have a deep-rooted personality. I'm a little concerned about the odd attitude.

"So... what did you defeat? He said he was a big guy... I need your help."

"It's Doddon Todd. The kids didn't knock it down so brilliantly, it's surprisingly big that it's so hard to carry."

"That's... oh, really big... sorry frog..."

"Why would you apologize?

The young man, weeping a little, is desperately putting Don Todd on the carrier.

"You... why are you crying? We're just collecting demons, aren't we?

"I... I like animals... So when I see him killed randomly...... gus......"

"I understand. We should avoid inadvertent biocides as much as we can, right? It's a sin to take lives from each other."

"I know. What we can't live without... I just feel sorry for these kids who get killed for nothing..."

"... why are you doing this job? I don't care what you think. It doesn't suit your personality, does it?

Zeros has a good point, but he says it's 'because his salary is good' in a world that's intelligent.

Money was needed for people to live. Even if it is the work of carrying demonic carcasses, it is necessary to live a life. But there seems to be a personality problem.

"Gus... I'll carry you to the guild now... hick..."

"Will you finally let the kids on board, too? I can't move right now. With elevated side effects..."

"Good... these kids are tired today, too, so it's a little late, isn't it?

And he said unto the young man, I will leave the horse unto thee. It's impossible for the two of us to carry five people, 'he replied. The carriage carrying the children slowly moves towards the village of Mob.

Trailed in the hands of young people......

"You're sweet."

"Uh-huh... something catches me, but I wonder what... huh?

Zeros felt something uncomfortable somewhere in his mind.

If you give the answer, the young man used gravitational magic when loading Doddon Todd into the carriage.

Gravity magic can only be used by high-ranking magicians. Rare magic was used by few magicians in this world. But Zeros never noticed it until the end.

Anyway, because Zeros was familiar with a world where gravitational magic was classic. I didn't realize the discomfort until the end, just because it was a familiar magic.

Zeros and Luceris will return to the village of Mob while collecting while traveling a little farther.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Pulling the horse's reins, the young man is slowly walking towards the village.

It was strange not to get in the carriage for some reason and walk to lean against the horse, but the children never felt anything suspicious there.

However, even though I can't move, my spare time kids say extra things. That's......

"Hey brother... we want to get back to the village soon"

"Um, someone wants to go back to the inn and get some rest in bed right away."

"What?... that's a little..."

"Why, if you run a horse, you'll be right in the village, right? So slowly, another demon will attack you."

"That's... that's right..."

The children who defeated the big men wanted to return to the village immediately.

However, the carriage is going on its hunting grounds at a slow pace and by the time it returns to the village, the sun will be down.

I couldn't stand the restless children.

"You guys, you're tired, aren't you? If we get attacked by demons here, they'll kill us..."

"I want meat for yummy...... meat, meat, hard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!

"But... I..."

"Don't run the carriage because it's good. We'd better get back to the village and get the horses some rest."

"If a demon attacks you and you die, is your brother responsible and good? You can't, can you?"

I started saying pretty busy things.

Kids look at people and change their attitudes. It seems that this young man has decided that he is lower than himself.

"Ugh... but also the horses..."

"It's more human than horses, isn't it? Because if anything happens, you're the only one who can sue me, right?

"Ugh............ I can't help it... I don't care what happens...?

"" "" "What...?

There was a time when I lived in an alley, which is why I know the sense of crisis. That now beats the alarm with an eight beat as if it were a drum a drummer beats.

But it was too late to notice. That this young man is more troublesome than we think...

Already the young man was in a state of riding on the platform and running the carriage with the reins in his hand.

The young man's hair deliberately goes upside down. At the same time, the horses gradually changed their appearance, and the horse was transforming into a pitch-black military horse with eight legs. It is Slapenille.

[Change] In a pseudomorphism due to skill, these abilities are often found in holy beasts and phantom beasts.

"HYA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You fucking hungry bastards, you requested me, and you're gonna let me go up the heavenly stairs as you wish! My Honeys are killing people, Tension, Max!! It's the beginning of FeverTime, let him hear the flashy Dixie!! Don't be shy, okay? Because you guys wanted it - hehe hehe!!

The weak young man was truly funky and transformed into a high tension.

"Come on, it's one way to hell from here. ♪ What do you say, it's fun? I'm gonna tell you plenty of hihi-hi ~ ♡ I don't listen to you crying, you guys are my hot BEAT. Well, you're gonna hit a bunch of my raging hot stuff on DQN souls such as Temee!! Gehhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

"" "" ".................. (Gakugaku Bull)" "" "

The nightmare begins again.

The time has come.

"Yikes, my black big magnum is ginguin and it's going to explode, HEAT enough to roll so hard that you want to butch a bullet in right now!! I can't stop you anymore, I'm NONSTOP to hell!! I'm OUTSIDER ’KING!! Aren't you in heaven? I don't care, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!!

With words and deeds that made no sense, the carriage began to run wild.

No one will be able to stop you anymore. It is the beginning of hell now.

The children vehemently regretted what Nama had said, but it was already too late. A carriage of carriages towed by three Slapenilles repeatedly storms the hunting grounds to the point of intense speed.

I should be able to get back to the village soon, but I was blasting away and winding up the dust, even as I went all the way around.

[High Speed Jonathan].

Name of the player [Botch Mon]. He is a very ordinary plain and weak young man who loves animals so much, whose personality is transformed if he rides on horsebacks, carriages, etc.

The ordinary young man still blasts his hunting grounds in high tension today. With the screaming of the children......

The only praiseworthy part of him would be that he uses skills [hands-down]. I still haven't let the dead out and I just want to believe this is his conscience.

But there's nowhere to stop him from storming off even once.

On this day, the children learned not to judge people by their appearance.

The price is too great......