Arafoo Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki

I'll do it again, old man.

In the city of old times, the light lit up again.

Four days were set aside, and a squadron was sent to the great ruins beneath Irmanus by the life of the Duke of Delsassis.

The historians who accompanied them carefully examined the city and found that the city was completely isolated from the outside and its inhabitants starved to death due to the large number of white bone bodies rolling around the city.

Probably trapped underground due to a downfall, awaiting rescue but lacking food. Eventually a riot would have killed the lord.

Hungry people find themselves in a situation where they cannot survive without eating even a corpse, and eventually the people start killing each other.

In the end, they all died and later turned into a city of death where corpses just rolled. Full of enthusiasm, the inhabitants eventually turn to undead. That's what the scholars concluded, but it's probably not a mistake.

Zeros himself thought so.

About a week after the hour, the knights have collected their magic props and jewellery, and the civil engineers have begun street work from the North Gate opposite Etha Lante. I'm going to get my time back working on the delayed underground streets.

Most of the gemstones found in this city were cursed and so polluted with air that they could not even be sold.

The same is true of the demonic props discovered, which cannot be studied by the magicians and must be purified with the help of clerics in order to investigate them.

Most of all, no good priest would be able to purify a stack of ornaments and magic items like a mountain. Besides, it's politically lame to hold the clergy's hand at the moment.

What a headache situation. Creston, who came to inspect the matter, has consulted.

"... and I don't know if I can handle it, Lord Zeros"

"There's nothing I can't do, but I've been collecting this again for a long time. But I didn't expect Mr. Creston to come any time soon."

"Anyway, it's an ancient city alive. I'm exhausted, too. Unexpectedly throw out your job...... gehun!

'Unexpectedly the footwork is light, this grandfather...'

Creston has a job as a Duke, not to mention a hidden body.

Putting your foot on this land until you throw it out would either be viewing it as such an important base, or simply acting out of curiosity.

Apart from that, if we don't purify the cursed things like this, the Duke's family will take the debt. There are too many cursed tools out of politics, and even hiring clerics to perform purification will require a considerable amount of money.

In addition, some types of jewellery are awarded as rewards to mercenaries who have contributed to the national cause, but they cannot be given without purification, which may also hinder future utilities.

I'm a cleric good at these purifying tasks, but I change the color of my eyes to make money. But there was no reason to bring the priests to Etha Lante, a living ruin, and the investigation was riding up the reef.

With the erasure method, only the great sage was the outline of the request. For that reason, the control room that Zeros is looking into in an intriguing manner brought in a large number of magic props, including [appraisals], and requested Zeros to do so.

But even that old man wasn't willing to look into tons of tools. Because there were no lovely items that tickled my mind.

"Would you like to use this? [Purified crystal]"

"I've never even heard of crystals... [Demon Stone] kind of thing?

"Well, that's the place. It's a one-time disposable, but it's a protective item when you're surrounded by an undead in a group, and you're sealed with powerful purifying magic. A few seconds after liberation, Dokan, no human damage at all, so it's safe."

"Hmm, it's more interesting to say one way or the other, but let me use it."

Remove multiple crystalline stones from the inventory and hand them to Creston.

The item [purified crystal] received by Creston originally came from a failure when it artificially created a material item said to be a [burst crystal].

[Bombing crystals] are rarely found in mines, etc., but when impacted, as its name suggests, they cause a huge explosion. It was also the cause of occasional accidents in this other world and in mines. It is mainly used in place of gunpowder by shredding.

I'm pretty sure it's natural gunpowder, but it's not profitable to use for a small number of guns and other weapons, and it's usually a better level to produce gunpowder. Trial and error were made to intentionally create that [burst crystal], but what was done was a brittle crystal that contained no attributes whatsoever.

Moreover, all the materials needed to create it are expensive rare materials, making it a disposable item that is not profitable to use by enclosing magic.

Occasionally an undead mass occurrence raid occurs and says, 'Because I made it, but I don't have any body, shouldn't I use purifying magic to make it into a grenade?' and was an item produced by Chemo's proposal.

Fortunately, the allowable amount of encapsulation was unusually high, and it was possible to incorporate high-power magic. Conversely, I can say that's the only advantage. Moreover, by the time the creation success rate is abnormal, it is low.

"So let me just use it. Ho."

The creston unleashed the enchantment and threw the [purified crystal] toward a number of unmade collected tools. It has been piled, but only partially brought to this occasion.

Crystals are splashed and dazzling light envelops stacked tools.

- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

The sound of pain and resentment echoes from the bottom of hell.

For now, the purification seems to have succeeded.

"How much resentment was there..."

"There is no way that Non will know. Well, now you can look into magic props without worrying.... and what has Lord Zeros been doing since earlier?

"I'm doing a little research on the city's management features. It's better to remember some function before you get carried away by the wizards who know nothing."

The underground control facility is divided into multiple parts, and the place now is the city's defense management system.

Environmental maintenance systems within the underground cities also appeared to be linked, confirming the existence of systems that mainly produced temperatures, ventilation and pseudo-weather. Apparently it was an uninterrupted and advanced civilization, so much so that I trembled unintentionally at the power of the evil gods who wiped out such a super-civilized city in one blow.

However, knowledge on Earth can be applied to these technologies. Zeros mastered the control function little by little as he slapped the console.

"Evil God...... I could seal it well. You can't win no matter what you think, I can't believe you're dealing with an existence that even such an advanced civilization has easily destroyed. Absolutely impossible."

"But the brave men did it with their lives. Isn't that a brilliant story?"

"What do you think? Didn't you get blackmailed and have to obey without a choice?" The only way back to the original world is to defeat the Evil God "or something...... Even the brave once had a family in the original world."

"I don't have any dreams. Then it could be the predecessor of that country. That's when I started summoning brave men more often."

Brave summons requires immense magic.

For thirty years, we will continue to accumulate magic in the Summoning Formation and summon the people we have identified by drilling holes in space and time with that magic.

But the act of drilling holes in space-time can be a huge pain in the ass for this world.

A major reason for this is whether or not the magic power consumed is restored to the world again. No matter how much magic you use to express it as a phenomenon, it immediately returns to its original magic. Nature's magic is constant and never consumed.

However, it can be expected that the magic of summoning will not return to the outside world with a hole in time and space. Because it switches specific spaces, the magic used is likely to be lost in different worlds.

More than not, magic will continue to be consumed every 30 years.

"Well, it's only a hypothesis, but that's why you want to be unable to use the brave summons. Because I can't stand how frigid these four gods make me do whatever they want."

"Is a brave summons so dangerous by then? I've never heard such a story before."

"It's dangerous. Worst of all, this world can vanish with every other world around it. It's only possible, but it's too late for that. Only remove the danger as much as possible."

"Sure... Come to think of it, it's a mysterious technology with no idea of principle. It might just be good for punching a wedge in." Punish your suspicions. "

Today's old man was serious.

Talking to Creston, but never taking your eyes off the monitor of ancient magic civilization.

While tapping the key, carefully check the system, follow with your eyes the letters flowing to the monitor to decipher the full contents and ensure that you master the system.

At the same time, I was able to learn about the situation of the old demon-led civilization.

"Suggy, do you even have an artificial satellite!? What the hell, this advanced civilization... Was the Evil God War just the end of the century? Civilization level too high........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Whenever I grasp the information and go, I can understand the height of that civilization even if I don't like it.

When we interpret the former era of magical civilization on Earth, in technical terms, it is more than the 21st century. From there, it will perish on the way to the times ahead. It should have been all that highly civilized, but with a national system like the merger of a royal state and democracy, close to England, if you say so in the country.

Apparently there was a conflict with the subrace for religious reasons, and it seemed like a remedy to remind civilization that they had enslaved the Beastmen. Anyway, the beasts lived like natives of Africa and the Amazon at the time.

Even if it was inferior in terms of magic, its fighting power was excellent if considered a soldier, and it was apparently executed as an educational policy to familiarize them with civilization.

But the Beasts rebelled against it, and the skirmishes ensued as a result. By the way, Elves and Dwarves were cooperative in this policy.

The main reason is that they invade the territory on their own, attacking livestock and vandalizing fields, etc.

I get the impression that it's more like a vicious beast razing the fields than an uncivilized barbarian.

"That's an interesting story. I didn't know you could tell the world at the time... it was a pretty advanced civilization."

"By cultural standards, you're close to the world of the brave. No, is it more than that? I thought you were doing unscrupulous politics, which seems surprisingly respectful of human rights...... whoa?

Zeros discovers a [dragon vein] surveillance system among the letters reflected on the monitor.

When I inadvertently activated that system, the monitor showed video that could be visible to the state of magic flowing into the world and to the immense flow of magic flowing underground.

The dragon pulse situation in the world, observed from artificial satellites, looked like a mesh eye shape as if it were a melon.

I'm also curious to see bug-eating holes everywhere...

"Control system, what about the current dragon vein flow? Report to me as far as people live right now."

'Copy that. Currently, the dragon pulse is stable, but some confirm abnormal magic lag. It seems to be manipulated.'

"Can you show me that place? I want to check the situation."

'Got it. We'll send you footage from above to the monitor.'

"Ko, is this... Maha Lutart!? Can the country be monitored from above... great technology."

Creston is stunned to see the footage, but Zeros catches his eye on something else.

Within the huge temple and the thoughtful building, it was confirmed that the magic was concentrated at one point. Assume that perhaps this is the facility where the valiant summons is made.

And bug holes that concern me.

"What's this bug-eating hole?

"Today, magic is rapidly lost in this world, and its holes become dragon holes with significantly reduced magic concentrations. Analyzing the situation, it is presumed to have exploited large-scale magic for perhaps more than 2,000 years. Determined that it would take about 1,500 years for the magic to run out '

"Assume that an enormous amount of magic was consumed once every 30 years where this magic is concentrated. If so, is it possible to find ourselves in the current situation?

'I will search............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 83 percent probability that this coordinate point might be the cause.'

"Assuming the magic is lost, what is the impact of this world?

"Due to magic depletion, organisms with magic power in their bodies are almost extinct. Climate change is expected to devastate natural ecosystems and take 460000 years to regenerate '

"It's settled. Brave summons seems to be harming the world. From this world, there is a rapid loss of magic…"

"Hey, what the heck? - Huh!?

The bullshit I was telling the braves was seriously in a crisis situation.

There was an unpleasant sweat on Zeros' back, and he said, 'This, what punishment game? Makoto, who got out of the lie?' And he was in bad shape. I seriously think I would definitely like to complain if there was a god.

It hasn't gone out of style.

"Hey, can't you figure it out? The depletion of magic destroys the world…"

"Even if they say so, hey, there's nothing you can do at this stage if you don't make them stop the subpoena. I don't hear the priests talking about the Wizard..."

There is no way the priests would look good to a wizard trying to figure out reason.

On the contrary, it is likely that we even think that the magic of this world is eternal. I believe in God at all costs, but I can't accommodate him. Seriously, my faith is strong and I don't trust the words of the Wizard.

Magic has an important role to play in this world, mainly affecting plant growth and climate balance as well.

If that magic is lost, it will make a dramatic difference to the world's environment in a bad direction. There can be things like this world being all deserted.

"Can we deliberately change the magic currents in this area? It's about keeping magic from flowing into this facility..."

'Searching............ possible. This flow was found to be due to man-made interference, and by fully activating each city function, it is possible to link the dragon vein flow back to the original flow in conjunction with other facilities. Would you like to restore dragon pulse function?

"Do it. I'm going to give these people a painful blow... justice is on me!

'Copy that. Command search............ start code' Judgment '...... Safety lock, release. Defense system activated, enemy force target point D143125. Fix the coordinate axis and activate the attack satellite [Metatron]'

"" Ha ha!?

What do you care? The old man's line has activated some kind of system.

I don't even know what's going on, and the old man and Creston watch it go blind.

"Initiate a system link for all demon guided cities. ERROR, the central control system cannot be connected… We will now migrate the main system here. Demon-guided power reactor, start forced link...... [Dragon's Heart] Parallel excitation, start synchronization...... Start synchronization and movement of dragon veins. Begin Magic Conditioning, enter the Interference Sequence to Dragon Veins… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…"

- Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go...

A massive shake that strikes suddenly.

If you say it in terms of seismic intensity, Mag II Tude 6.5 seemed possible.

The shake also lasts for more than 20 minutes with aftershocks.

"We have confirmed the movement and stability of the dragon vein. Untone and activate the final attack weapon [Seraphim Burst] now. Move to firing position, confirm program initiation. Fire Sequence, Standby '

"Hey, something's going on... I think it's dangerous..."

"Uhm...... something bad is definitely happening"

Disturbing air was flowing.

Honestly, all I get is a bad feeling.

"Control system, what is [Seraphim Burst]!?

"[Seraphim Burst]. It is a laser weapon that converges sunlight and emits high-output energy over a counter-ground showdown weapon, a satellite orbit. The expected landing damage forecast is ambient...... '

"Wait, wait, make it stop! Shit, this sucks!!

"It is impossible to stop halfway through more than activated. It is possible to control the output of the power, how would you like it?

"Keep the output to a minimum, just shoot through that building!!

"Copy that, keep the output to 10 percent. Start the energy charge… form a gravitational distortion field, check solar convergence, ready to fire. Fixed aiming, counting down… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, firing '

On the monitor where they peek, there is a sight of the Great Shrine wrapped in light.

With a pale face, the old man and grandfather could only watch him flauntingly. I can't find the words.

"[Seraphim Burst] Confirm landing. We will now move to standby mode again… '

I can't tell you anything about the voice of the machine that tells you without emotion and the magnitude of the damage done. I can't even think of a word to say.

All there is is is a terrible sense of guilt that is unhelpfully and heavily pressured.

The two of them just kept looking silently at the hell pictures shown on the monitor. Whatever it was, it became impossible to summon the brave men, and it was physically devastating.

The result was slightly different from the direction the old man wanted...... Coincidence is a terrible thing.

Ancient magic civilizations possessed more technical skills than Zeros had ever imagined.

"(a), Indy Pendens Day......"

The word that barely came out was just a word of sentiment. Like some movie, it was very similar to the moment when Bill blows up under attack from above.

It is uncertain whether the religious state will be on this day, Independence Day.

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[Metis Holy Father] Capital of the Country [Maha Lutart].

Almost in the centre of the land exists the Grand Temple of Multhandel, the main mountain of the Tetratheism.

A beautiful temple incorporating various architectural styles, it is a sanctuary that conveys the teachings of God and at the same time has a role as a centre of administration for maintaining the country.

But this temple had other roles to play besides that.

Sole existed in a space built directly beneath the cathedral in the further centre of the temple, in the basement.

The technique of a system different from magical characters is carved narrowly on the ceiling and on one side of the wall, where immense magic gradually accumulates. By spending thirty years, this space plays its original role.

Yes, it is [a brave summons].

"Is the magic stable?

"It's against the last record, but there's no problem. Normally, the Summoners gather magic."

"Don't take too long. You want to use sacrifice again? A tiny bit, but the magic will gather."

"There are few heretics these days. Nor can the Beasts gather more unscrupulous magic than they cannot secure. I can't imagine what kind of damage it would do here."

The Summoning Magic Formation was a terribly unstable thing.

There is also unevenness in storing magic, and sometimes suddenly I stop collecting magic.

Because of the precision of the magic formula, it had a flaw that only slightly caused the magic to regurgitate, stopping the function. Still, many clerics devote their hearts and minds to managing this place and accumulating magic.

There is a dark stain on the floor of this room, which was once left as a testament to the existence of those sacrificed for the summons of the brave. Most of the sinners had been chosen for sacrifice, but with the times, many beasts were killed here. The major reason for this is the magic supply.

Brave summons requires an interminable amount of magic. It was the beginning of an attempt to bribe it with the blood of many people in order to make up for its magic at all. There was also magic in the blood, which was believed to be the source of the creation of magic. That still makes no difference.

But no matter how immensely magical a wizard is, it's no big deal in a subpoena that needs magic to drill holes in time and space. The magic you can gather is insignificant.

Still, this deed can continue only in order to make known the expansion of authority and the glory of God, which can continue indefinitely.

The brave are summoned only for that reason.

"How's it going? Chief Avonall."

"Archbishop Eltoca!? That's still the problem with not being able to build up magic. It must be a trivial sacrifice."

"You mustn't say anything noisy about this. They are faithful… all devout followers passed away to God, aren't they? I'm not saying any of those sloppy words."

"Also, I'm sorry. But you won't be able to summon him at the moment."

"It's a matter of liberation. Only half of the brave men are currently left behind. Besides, there seems to be some kind of leak in them, blowing extra things into them."

[Sage]. Its existence has set in motion and is now truly trying to discredit this country.

I am willing to hang on God's judgment any day because I am a wizard, but its strength far overwhelms the brave. They think if you turn it to the enemy, they won't be able to do just that either.

But even a wise man would not admit a existence that demeans faith.

"If you have to, you can force them to gather magic, right? Perhaps we need to consider the worst."

"Oh, that's..."

Summoners can force their magic to accumulate for times of need.

But the impact is enormous, and once you use that system, you lose magic around here.

There was a danger that the living and the living would not be able to live in a barren land.

"Yes, it's only a last resort. But you'll need to consider it."

"Forced magic robbery... will the city's inhabitants die too?

"You have no choice. This is also due to the impudence of the brave men."

It's a terrible word to summon on their own, but they themselves are allowed to do every deed in the name of God.

I seriously thought that even the brave ones would never be guilty of disposing of them.

Until this time only, but...

- Gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo!!

An earthquake that strikes suddenly.

The priests, who lived in an area less bordered by the earthquake than the original, could not cope with the sudden and intense shaking, and collapsed in the control room. I've never experienced a disaster called my own, so I thought it was God's wrath.

"So, what is it, this shake..."

"Is this God's will? That you must not use the worst of means…"

"Stupid things... we are messengers of God, aren't we? Who are we..."

"Wait! The function of the summons team has been stopped. Looks like magic is flowing somewhere. This is not on record!

"Be an idiot and find out what caused this!! We need to summon the brave, our future..."

Clergy moving in great haste.

But to try to find out what caused it, I don't know the structure of this subpoena.

Anyway, they are from old times, and they are not magicians. They also have no knowledge to find out the cause. This is a situation in which everyone may receive solemn clearance as a blame.

Shortly afterwards, in haste, before their eyes, a strip of light pierced the ceiling and pierced the summoning formation.

"Wow, are you saying that we were wrong, the Four Gods... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

And they are swallowed by the light.

Later shockwaves caused the Great Temple of Multhandel to collapse.

Thus the summoners disappeared from the earth. With many victims......

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Pope Mikhailov of [Metis Holy Land of Law] had left the Grand Temple of Multhandel that day on official business.

In a heavy carriage with majestic decorations, Mikhailov is in the middle of a slutty rapport with two girls. Having gained his current status with fraud and gold, he thought that God's teachings and so on would not matter.

The Four God accepts even him like this, empowering and tolerating him to make decisions about things with even more free extraction. Whether the Four gods are gods or evil gods to him, anything was good for his own good.

On the face of it, he plays an innocent white clergyman, dyeing his hands with a lot of bloody smell behind him.

"Are they still virgins when they drown in pleasure? Totally, lamentably."

"... ahhh ♡ Pope... there..."

"Sooo cunning... to me too, more ooh... ahh... ahh!

I don't think you're getting old. Strength of libido.

Even in old age, he persists in authority and does not know that his desire will remain.

Every act has been tolerated by the Four Gods, and in the name of God he has moved from the front and back to expand his authority. It also wants me to keep my name in history and be worshipped as the greatest being.

Everyone dies old. This is a natural dish, an absolute reason that cannot be changed.

That is why he was obsessed with power and strongly hoped to leave his name in the future for good. If wealth or other dies, it makes no sense. Its abnormality makes Sang's desire burn hard and roll because he is old.

But there was also a small shadow looming on that strong ambition. It is the presence of [Sage].

"... [Sage] And now why... No, I won't let anyone get in the way. Even if they're wise!

"Ugh! Pope...... no such, fierce no ♡"

"hey...... wow to me too"

While devouring the girls' bodies, Mikhailov was hitting his mind on eight hits of desire to the point of intense.

[Sage] is spoken of as a being who leads [the brave] in the hero Tan everyone knows.

If it is to be said authoritatively, it can also be taken to be far more well-known than the Pope. The [wise man] saw through everything and stood as an enemy before the Four Faiths.

When this happens, public opinion cracks as to which [wise man] or [pope] is right, and all of his actions are constantly monitored in the eyes of many people. I can't make contact with the people who do the back work like I've done before.

[Tetratheistic Blood League]. The fanatics who keep bleeding in the name of God with the absolution mark given by Mikhailov in their hands.

Their deeds, coming from an overgone faith, have been complained of by many clerics, but for him they are user-friendly pawns. Because they're crazy people who don't fear death at all.

However, the presence of [Sage] makes contact with them limited. [Sage] determined that Tetratheism was the enemy of the world, and appeared on it on the battlefield of all races.

It became even more necessary to summon [the brave] to fight it.

However, it will take thirty years of magic to summon the brave. It was also a matter of time before the Holy Father became known as the cult country as it is.

"What a sage, you filthy wizard! I won't let you get in the way! I will be the saint!!

There is no such fine dust as majesty as pope there. All there is is is an ambition like the Fire, of a man of lust caught in paranoia.

He blamed the girl's body for having just grown up with that intense thirst, and blamed her for all the madness that was raging and crazy. So much so that he is obsessed with keeping his name in the world.

If we change the way we look at it, we can also say that it reflects the shallowness of people.

And then something happens that determines his fate. I just saw the gate of the Grand Temple of Multhandel.

- Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

"Hey, what!?


"J, earthquake......!?

A sudden and tremendous earthquake of lateral swings.

Mikhail Lov's carriage also lost control in a horse rampage and stopped by rolling over with rubble.

It took me a while to get my messy coat done because I was in the middle of something, and if I managed to crawl out of the rolling carriage, the beautiful township is turning into rubble by stunning.

It was a weak structure for earthquakes and other natural disasters, as it is an architectural style that surrounds the original while loading bricks around it and creating a hierarchy with wooden columns inside. As a result, most of the city's buildings will collapse and many people will be buried beneath the rubble. It was an unprecedented devastating damage.

"Become... what? What happened..."

No earthquake or other damage has ever occurred in this country before.

As a result, people living in this area do not share knowledge of the disaster of earthquakes.

No, I know the knowledge of the natural phenomenon of earthquakes, but I didn't know the magnitude of the damage that would actually be caused when a major earthquake struck.

A further problem was that Mikhailov was remembered for his face by the people living in Maha Lutart. The people who saw the Pope will come beside him in search of salvation.

"Pope! My wife... is still in that rubble..."

"Please help! My child... my child!!

"Please help me... my arm, my arm!!

"Wait… in turn, helping me with everything…"

"You can treat it! My father is dying, come on!!

He can't do anything to quell a confused people.

He was surrounded by the people who pushed him over, and he was unable to move.

And the last damned push is coming.

"Hey, what the... Arr ha!?

One man points to the sky.

Beyond the sky, the dazzling light was shining, even though it was daylight.

Eventually it is emitted as an arrow of light towards the earth.

- Shdo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!

A cloud was torn apart and an arrow of light pierced the Great Temple of Multhandel.

The shock wave, which occurred shortly after the landing of the bullet on the ground, left the building on the left and right to disappear with the explosion. No, the damage to the buildings left behind is not unusual either.

More shockwaves from the explosion hit the city, and the city of Maha Lutart caused great damage to the temple as its starting point.

Probably impossible to use again as a temple, etc. With so much power, the symbols of the Four Faiths were unbroken.

"Sa, arrow of judgment...... Stupid, Four Gods... Why..."

Mikhailov's deeds should have been recognized by the Four Gods.

But what just happened was whether God betrayed Himself or did something that touched His wrath.

Either way, he doesn't have the help to unlock the current situation.

"Ah... God is angry..."

"Hey, why... Four gods... We were following your teachings..."

"This is the kind of work done to us who are pious... If you're saying this is a trial, this is too much..."

All the people of this city are devout followers of the Four Gods.

But what happened in front of them now is too terrible a test for God.

Faith is surely lost in this.

"Wait, faith will be lost!?

When Mikhailov becomes Pope, he is told the truth that comes from his predecessors the Pope.

The truth should not be told to anyone in his lifetime, and if he did poorly, it meant so much that the Tetratheism disappeared. It is the truth that [the four gods] are [proxy gods], not formal gods.

If the four gods are proxy gods, there will naturally be gods who inherently manage this world.

Assuming that the wise learned this truth and judged Tetratheism an enemy on it, there could naturally also have been a [new God] presence there.

Because defeating the Four Divinities leads to defeating the Four Divinities at the same time.

'If I... am the power of a new God, we... My wish is...'

In a painful attack by [the arrow of judgment], the center of the Tetratheism was devastated.

If that is the judgment of a new God, then it cannot be countered by the proxy God.

The long silence was broken and the wise moved, on which the symbol of the Four Divinities collapsed. This cannot be done by chance. Pope Mikhailrov remembers intense impatience in his heart.

"We must defeat... a new God and a wise man! We need to summon the brave now!!

The Great Temple of Multhandel, which was a symbol of the Four Faiths, collapsed, and shaded by the ambitions held in its body, Mikhailov, driven in haste, while treating the people, arrived desperately under the Great Temple.

But what he saw there was a sight that had been destroyed by the time the summoning party to summon [the brave], the weapon of God's killing, was unbroken.

On this day, Tetratheism lost its trump card, the Summoning of the Brave.

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Seeing the temple destroyed from above the monitor in satellite orbit, Zeros and Creston can't block their open mouths.

There was no consciousness chasing after too much awesome power.

"Hey, why did the evil gods destroy you? With so much power, there were elements that could win, weren't there?

Zeros had no idea what to do with it while making a mild escape from reality.

However, the dragon vein movement seen from satellite orbit and the power of military satellite attacks make it a headache considering its damage.

"And for now... you've avoided the world crisis. Brave summons is going to be prevented... haha"

"... well, yeah. But you can't tell anyone this... Too much damage."

With only ten percent output, the center of a giant city blew up. It would not be a privilege that you could possess personally. At the same time, the old civilization said, "Why did you defeat the Evil God? 'I can't help but remember to question it.

Anyway, the problem is, assuming this thing is discovered and pursued, 'I accidentally crushed the center of the country in an attempt to stop the brave summons. Hehe ♡' can't even be said. That is war.

If you do badly, war will break out with other countries, and many will attack to secure this city of Etha Lante.

It is a spark of war, no matter what you think.

"Here... that's bad"

"Hmm... if you move it inadvertently during the investigation, it will be irrevocable."

Watch the footage coming from the satellite orbit over the monitor, and the old man and grandfather whine half-heartedly.

The power of the ancient demon-guided weapon was tremendous and caused a hell of a lot of things with just 10 percent power. If you do poorly, you will certainly develop into a disastrous battle over this weapon.

That is the war on a global scale. Doesn't go out of style.

"Warning. Confirm system abnormality to orbital attack satellite [Metatron]. There is a lot of load in the power section, which is estimated to be due to aging. Dispose of [Metatron] at the current time. Prioritize confidentiality and blow it up. '

"Great... apparently the war over this weapon is going to be avoided, isn't it?

"Then it would be nice, wouldn't there be a few similar weapons?

"Transfer [Metatron] 's defense mission to [Sandalphone]. Stay alert from time to time. It should be noted that [Sandalphone] is not equipped with [Seraphim Burst]...... '

"It was a normal military satellite or it was helpful not to be equipped with bad stuff..."

"The detriment of that country is in our interest, but there are no ancient weapons left in our hands. Now I can finally safely use Etha Lante. I wondered what would happen for a while."

Zeros and Creston stroke their chests down.

I realized that there were no dangerous weapons, and I was relieved that I didn't have to carry anything troublesome. But...

'At this time, the surveillance mission with anti-ground attack weapons will be changed to [GUNGNIL]. The activation code key is [It's the beginning of Ragnarok!!] Please note that'

"" Nah-nah-nah!?

It was no surprise, the ancient defense system was not reluctant.

In the end, two wizards carried troublesome things into their backs.

"Why, why is the attack satellite an angel... and the name of the weapon is Nordic myth? Before that, who thought about this code key? What do you want me to do with a weapon like this?

For some reason, the name registration of the chief executive was fixed at [zeros].

Plus, full registration with facial authentication. It seems that the system in this city has made its own decision.

We have no choice but to escape reality anymore. Something was happening that didn't even make me laugh.

"Mr. Creston flags, so you're seriously in trouble, aren't you?

"... it's not Non's fault. It's just a coincidence... Isn't it bad everyday behavior?

They push me to manage the excess weapons in my hands and I don't know why. I just want to throw it all out if I can. If he finds out, the black clothes could be after him.

In the end, the old man and Creston consulted, and then this control room decided to keep no one in by completely sealing off the bulkhead. At the heart of Etha Lante, too.

I decided to bury this dangerous weapon in the dark, but it leaves me with great anxiety.

Because I can think of enough people to break in in some way, but there's nothing an old man can do about all this. I'm not willing to hang around and take care of my weapon for the rest of my life, but I'm also anxious to have it in the hands of others.

In case you think about it, I got a headache.

The old man's heart doesn't rest......