Arafoo Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki

Apricot and Eromura defense?

The properties of the Cobolt species lie in the collective de action.

This demon is highly intelligent and troublesome to organize around the boss. Unlike the monsters who attack with numbers like oaks and goblins, the doctors are different.

The dog was more of a group hunting creature than the former, and also possessed Cobolt, whose trait was a man-shaped demon. Finally, they specialize in fighting on an army scale.

[Warrior] [General] [King] [Magic Instructor] [Assassin] and demons close to the human form may have abilities close to these professions (Jobs). Herds also develop significantly, especially when there are individuals with productive capacity.

Also, I'm good at Kobolt's mass warfare, regardless of whether it's up or down at the individual level, and its threat is no different when I say military. Other demons can see it unleashing scouts, but this demon is the only one working out maneuvers and strategies. The man-shaped demons that make up the majority of the herd were mostly force pushers.

Hunting down prey, setting traps, the opponent's emphasis on efficiency, even on the size of an army, never fighting straight from the front. These properties are really troublesome.

Explore and execute methods of warfare that reliably weaken prey, no matter how advantageous the circumstances may be. We can also draw enemies to a settlement in our favor if necessary.

Above all, it is the smell and hearing that are superior. Even though physical abilities prevail over humans, Kobolt's sense of smell and hearing adds to his superiority.

Even with the same power, the human side will surely be defeated if man and Kobolt fight. If we fight properly, there will be no more dangerous demons.

For this reason, as soon as we discovered Cobolt, it was urgently necessary to crush the herd before it grew larger as soon as possible.

"Really... where did you break in from? No way, there's a big hole somewhere?

"Mm... [howls] and it's troublesome when they call my people. I'll be done in a minute."

"Don't you dare, keep an appraisal"

Eromura immediately executed the behavior familiar with the game.

Race High Cobolt Sheaf Race Cobolt Ranger

Level 457, level 58.

Skills [Dagger Technique 'Ghost'] - ERROR -


[Trapper 'Ghost']



[Physical enhancement]

- - ERROR -

"On Cobolt, level 58!? Error is... what the heck, this!? It should be weak on a level, but it doesn't look very like it. And... '

Because of my mind, it seemed like a black jaw was boiling from the bodies of the Kobolts.

When [appraisal] is performed in this world, the demon may send strange information to the back of his brain only.

Some of the detailed information can be obnoxious displays, which can sometimes be unfriendly.

"Apricot... is this world crazy? [Appraisal] And you got an error?

"Reality is not a game. Gaming elements other than technical ones are smarter to cut off…"

"Yeah, but it's gonna be the standard for working out an operation."

"It's dangerous to rely too much. Better than that, just knock it down. Trouble if they call my people..."

Eromura and apricots run out.

Did [Hi Kobolt] and [Kobolt] perceive the danger, and when they instantly turned their heels back, they fled with all their might.

Kobolt's [howling] is also a signal to let your people know they have enemies. It was possible to howl even while fleeing, and it was dangerous to be called to company in a situation where Celestina or Carostee were present.

"[Disease Thunder]!!

"... [Kamikaze]"

Warrior craftsmanship, [Disease Thunder] and [Kamikaze] known as [Arts)], are sword moves that combine [residence] with [slaughter].

A move that instantaneously accelerates speed and inflicts a deadly attack on the enemy, but at least [sickness thunder] is not the kind of move to use in narrow passages.


Hai Kobolt was slashed to death by the two of them, but Eromura clashes against the wall as it were, and the apricots fly off even as they kick the wall, slowing down and landing magnificently.

What doesn't stop easily when the speed increases is that neither people nor vehicles change.


"... Doji. You should have chosen the moves to use."

"I was aggressive, so I didn't have time to choose my moves!!

"Amateurs are the ones who aim for the big moves from the start...... It is through the use of basic moves that you become a true samurai"

"Apricot... you're a ninja, aren't you? You're more of a warrior than a warrior, right? Why are you talking about samurai souls?

It's not a dialogue where elementary school pukes.

It's like a warrior of war stretching his spine and turning his back on Cool with his arms...

"Once through the blade, it's hell there...... A samurai soul is something that attracts readiness."

- And hovered.

A girl who had only lived there for ten years talked about her life on her back, wrapping around an atmosphere like an old master, with a nihil grin in the slightest gap she hid with her headscarf.

Even though she is a girl, she is indeed a man.

"It's not elementary school dialogue, why are you so manly!? What are you talking about on your back?

He was an erotic murderer who lost to elementary school students masculinity.

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When High Kobolt is dismantled and the demon stone is removed, Elomura magically burns down the body.

The smell of meat cooking in the narrow aisle makes me feel unspeakable and unpleasant like a crematorium. But I wanted to make sure I had the materials to sell.

"I don't know... you're dismantling demons, but you don't get nauseous. You're supposed to be bad at gross..."

"... I think there are a lot of things. But now blocking the break-in route is a prerequisite."

"Are you really an elementary student, Ayashii... You're a kid, but you're wasting your time, okay?

"To a world of sneak, age… irrelevant.... it's the ninja's art that invites you to be alert"

"You're so sneaky... but you're not sneaky"

On Earth it makes me nauseous just to see the scene dismantling the creature, but Eromura is dismantling the demon without any such mental stress at all. I was wondering about myself like that.

A human being who lived in modern Japan would be disgusted with killing and dismantling a few creatures. If you are weak in spirit, nausea comes even if you just smell the smell of blood.

But I've never been uncomfortable with killing demons and getting materials since I came to this other world.

I've done something similar a few times now, but for the first time I've noticed something strange with the same reincarnators beside me. Because apricots were also killing creatures plainly again.

"Lanobe, where you say unfoldingly, [rewriting perception]? No, maybe because of the effects of cross-world metastases, you adapted to this world? I'm pretty sure some kind of force worked, but normally I can't stand it. '

He remembered a strange catch for not knowing the cause. For the first time, the awareness that this is an anomaly has sprung up in Eromura.

In the first place, those who live in modern society are resistant to killing organisms. Kill the organism yourself and feed it, like some native. It's not normal to think.

When processing cows and chickens into meat, the process is not pleasant to flatter. To put it badly, it's an odd sight to say the least.

When buying meat in the supermarket, it is already processed and packed, but there is always a scene to kill the creature to get there. The work scene is a very cruel one that the average person can't stand.

It was strange that I, plainly imitating that cruelty, seemed terribly other HR.

It's definitely not strange to be called a psychopath in Japan. Because the modern Japanese have so much repentance for killing organisms.

In a sense, it can also be described as an occasional affective education. But that common sense doesn't work in this world.

Normally thinking about it should put a considerable strain on the spirit, but Eromla doesn't feel at all uncomfortable with this task of [dismantling].

Rather, I was not surprised to recognize it as' natural '.


"Are you all right, Mr. Carostee..."

"I didn't think the smell of blood was so bad."

'Normally this is what happens... I guess they still fixed [recognition]. If I were you on Earth, I would definitely be throwing up... Why haven't you noticed this before?

"... boy, that's why"

"Apricot - don't read people's minds!?

Eromura, you are the type to put on your face, so it's easy to tell what you're thinking with your expression.

And the apricots were more insightful than that.

"Claws on fur, demon stones, fangs...... this is what you would be able to rip off. It's strange that some of the creatures become materials for weapons and protective equipment."

"Hmm... I don't need it anymore, but if I sell it, it'll be like a penny"

"Don't you feel bad about Apricot? If it's normal, it's not weird to throw up, is it?

"It's okay... even when I tapped my brother, I never threw up. No problem."

"What did you do to your brother!? Either that or have you seen blood on Earth?!?

"... secret"

I was a little concerned about the apricot family situation, but decided it was dangerous to step in any further.

Because apricots, as usual, are faceless, but somehow I perceived something like killer seeping out. Even if you step into a family situation and get a light 'scratch' on the apricot, there is a difference in power that can be critical for Eromura.

Even [ninjas] and [assassins] have the characteristics of being prone to a special blow. No matter how weak the usual apricots are, the effect enhanced by body correction is only powerful for the difference in level.

Assuming the apricot drops a knife on the neck muscle of Eromura, it turns into a blow that may be beheaded depending on the enhanced corrective effect. The world where levels exist is so dangerous by now./(adj-na, adv) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

"Keep the joke around here..."

"... the joke is erotic mullah's face"

"I'm relieved - - Ew!! What better way than that, the demons are in there!? Are you taking Teena and Caro Caro to explore?!?

"" Stop that nickname... "

"Eromura...... calm down. I think the number of demons is low. Then blocking the entrance and exit is a prerequisite... I sweep the clutterfish. Hmm... no problem"

"What about me?

"Two escorts...... also called meat walls. Absolutely dead, if you miss, I'll kill you."

Eromura, finally laid on his elementary school ass.

Besides, it's a wall treatment that protects you two, and if you fail, it's life-threatening.

"Me, what do you care, Pinch? You treat me badly, don't you? Human rights are being ignored, right?

"Hmm... man shut up - be a wall? No problem."

"My life is just a problem. How much?!?

Apricots were harsh on men.

I especially hated the chara man and the kimo fat hickey. And it's also Spartan.

The erotic murmur of a micro-characteristic man is only thought of as a leisurely toy for apricots.

Everywhere I have honest thoughts that go hand in hand with [the exterminator].

"Mmm... well, I'll go first"

"What? Hey, are we coming too!?

"Alone, can you go home?

"Mm, I can't... I don't remember the directions."

"So erotic mullahs are sacrificed - too, it becomes a wall. I'll fight."

"I told you, I did say sacrifice!? I'm willing to abandon you in some cases!! Whoa whoa whoa!!

Eromura, the elementary school finally made me cry.

Behind the apricot, who walks off the head with prestige, there was a pitifully sobbing [Brave Night] figure.

Eromura can survive, or we still don't know that.

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A pillar that sends magic to the ceiling of an underground city.

In fact, it also serves as a huge vent, but at the same time it is a material inlet that connects the ground to the basement.

Naturally, the food supporting the population of the city was also the lifeline of the city using the elevator of this pillar and transporting it to [Etha Lante].

The four people who arrive at its entrance peek down from the hierarchy on the third floor and are stunned by the situation.

It immediately turned out where [Hi Kobolt] had broken in from. The shutters at the portal were damaged and the cobolts forcefully drilled through the slightest gap.

The defensive bulkhead would have blocked it from the left and right in front of the entrance, but the cobolt is walking around the interior in our face because there are no people to operate it. The place where the four people are is located is near the upper third floor of the entrance. Although stairs for workers existed, disaster prevention doors were closed and locked, thus ensuring a relatively safe place.

But he could never be caught off guard because [Hi Kobolt] had broken in, and he lurked his breath with his body down and watched what was going on down there.

"Dude... the shutters are cracking open, right? You can't just block it a little bit."

"Hmm... maybe Kobolt should be wiped out. [Greater Cobolt] may not be allowed, but miscellaneous fish can easily break in"

"That's bad... the bulkhead isn't closed. If these guys break in, it's bad. Sure, the bulkhead was going to lower the lever downstairs, right? But in this number, it would suck if they called my people."

The bulkhead of the ground hierarchy was not closed.

That's why they broke into the interior from a broken shutter, and the cobolts roam. Besides, you have to go straight down to close the bulkhead.

I have to lower the emergency levers installed on the walls, but the number of cobolts is too high to storm the detours.

"How... the entrance we broke into can be opened from the inside. They're so smart, Etha Lante will be attacked by a bunch of demons."

"Nh... Kobolt is at war with Oak. I'm sure they'll call for backup."

"You mean the guys downstairs are headed for reinforcements, too? Then poke that gap and lower the bulkhead..."

"I think the lever on the bulkhead is inside the left interwall box. [Sleep] magic, can you use it?

"I can use it, but it's not as effective as the Wizard, is it? If they find out, they'll attack us in groups."

"... no problem. Easy win."

Apricots were confident.

But Celestina and Carostie were blue.

Demons break into Etha Lante. That would undoubtedly lead to a defensive battle, but given the level of the demons, the number of victims would be considerable.

Now we're quietly lurking our breath, but if we find out where we are, the Kobolts will come first. Besides, we have very little chance of winning right now.

It was an obscure situation as to whether he could escape.

"Lurk your breath and wait quietly. Lurk like a shadow and end with an electroluminescent fire."

"Can't they find out where he is with his sense of smell? You have excellent hearing, don't you?

"I put up [deodorant sealing sound junction]... it won't be noticed for a while"

"When... I don't know that line, do I?

"The secret of ninjas...... I won't tell anyone."

In [Sword and Sausalis], the monsters are real-world, too. Demons with particularly sharp sight, hearing, and smell tend to hit players first.

Continuing to deal with such monsters can sometimes gain skills.

It is called [lurking], [sign perception (micro)], [beating] or [amateur swordsmanship]. There are many other types, but the sensory and technical skills of this hand are merged by increasing levels, which eventually develop into vocational skills.

Vocational skills learn [moves (arts)] and [basic recipes] depending on the level, and the player independently enhances the moves and recipes gained. To do so, it must be studied.

[Deodorant sealing sound junction] was a composite technique combining the [junction] 's spell-based moves with the magical [silence] and production items [odorless balls].

One of the reasons why the fascination of discovering and using various moves and items with creative ingenuity fascinated [Sword and Sousalis]. Pretty powerful moves and techniques were created depending on the player, many of which were considered secret.

Use your gained power and technology to create an original. Such knowledge was shared at parties and within guilds. Apricot moves were also a secret to the Ninja Party.

"Um... what do you do when you come up the stairs?

"No matter how much you mislead your sense of smell or hearing, there's nothing you can do about all the sight, is there?

"At that time... success or failure"

"It's all right because the disaster doors are closed, isn't it?

Unlike games, people die easily in this world just because they break their necks. This means that the laws of physics prevail.

If you look at the goblin status in [Appraisal], for example, HP does exist.

However, a steep attack can cause head injuries or fatal injuries. In some cases, you may die from a single blow, which is a less likely guideline.

If the brain can do it first, it can't be alive. The world is unusual with levels of cuisine in reality.

"Something's going on, isn't it?

"Hmm... HP should be recognized for the intensity of its vitality. Sometimes if you get your head crushed, you die in an instant."

"I don't often get HP on [appraisal], but is it smarter not to guess... Realistically, we'll have to do something about it for the steeple."

"... hmm? The motion... changed?

From the outside, a howl echoes, and the Kobolts begin to move in unison.

But the holes that have broken in are narrow, and it's finally time for one to go through. Occasionally, the intrusion path can be overflowing with cobolts.

"Are you struggling enough to call your people? Is the orc strong too... seriously?"

"Chance...... close the bulkhead when the number drops. Secure under complete lockdown?

"The Kobolts are going out of the hole forcefully, aren't they? Is it in itself that you have to head for even if you are injured?

"This is your chance! You should poke the gap where the cobolt is gone and close the bulkhead."

"That's a little sweet...... I think a few soldiers will stay."

As Apricot said, Kobolt left his soldiers and went outside.

That number, seventeen. A single digit would have been easier, but with all this number, even magically letting them sleep would also come out of the effects leaking individuals.

"... erotica"

"Yes, yes, I know. [Sleep mist]!

"... high once"


A white mist rises at the material inlet.

Cobolt, who inhaled the fog, is struck by a sudden drowsiness and falls. But there were still a few cobolts that didn't sleep.

"... I am"

The moment he whined so, the apricots flew all at once from the equivalent height of a three-story building.

He throws bitterness free as he falls and is definitely sucked into the head of the cobolt.

'Weird...... different strength. Level difference? That's different too... something fundamental is completely different... Besides, it's like a black mist boiling off a cobolt...... what is it?

The discomfort felt by the Kobolts.

Apricots themselves didn't seem as strong as Kobolt, but they seemed tight for Eromura to deal with.

She doesn't have [appraisal] skills and is good at feeling the strength of her opponent intuitively. The feeling conveys discomfort to the strength of the cobolt.

Now I had something to do and decided to put the boiling discomfort in a corner of my head.

"Shh... it's amazing. Mr. Apricot."

"It's an instant kill in the middle of a blow!

"Well, I'm not serious about that, so it's a monster - if you turn it on the enemy, you'll lose your neck with a blow"

"I see what it means to be like a teacher. Mr. Apricot, you're too strong."

"You're so young, how can you be that strong? That's crazy!

When the apricot finishes all the cobolts that are awake, it reaches out to the box installed on the left wall.


"... it won't arrive." You can get it up. "

The lid on the box was opened, but it was not even reachable to the lever facing upwards.

From above, the box did not appear to be in such a high position.

In fact, however, this box is present higher than the apricot. The surface at the bottom of the box alone would be about one hundred and seventy centimeters tall.

In apricots with a height of only one hundred and forty centimeters, the box could not lower the lever, even if it could be opened. It is clearly an ancient installation error.

"or... cute"

"For some reason, you can inspire a protective appetite. This is adorable..."

"No, not if you adore me."

But the look was adorable.

The apricot stretched out for a while, desperately trying to lower the lever, but realizing that he should jump along the way, he weighed in and dropped it all at once as he jumped.

- Vi - Huh!! Vi - Huh!! Vi - Huh!!

The spaced alarm sounded and the heavy bulkhead slowly emerged from the left and right interior of the wall. Celestina and the others exhale in relief when this prevents Etha Lante from breaking in.

While the bulkhead closed, the apricots had a bitterless recovery.

Ninja gear to purchase weapons is handled as a special order in the Solister Magic Kingdom. You have to order directly from the blacksmith, which can be an unexpected valuable item.

When the number of sprinklers becomes necessary, it also struggles to replenish as much as it is used. Eastern weapons were pretty good.


Apricot noticed his mistake.

An alarm noise that sounds miserable. The Kobolts woke up to that sound.

A few more came back to see if Cobolt, who went outside, had also detected the anomaly. I am currently desperately trying to dive into the shutter hole.

"Yabeye! Apricot, run!!


Having listened to the voice of Eromura, Kobolt looks up at the same time and learns of the existence of the enemy.

And, incredibly, I stuck my nails against the wall and crawled up all at once. The concrete walls are like tofu.

"Whoa, are you serious?!?

As Kobolt jumped up in front of the aisle where Eromura and the others were, he climbed with his hands on the railing. Three cobolts had already swept out the theater in front of them and raised a roar of intimidation.

"Do it... damn it!

While spitting evil, he pulls out his sword, the apricot was definitely tailoring a cobolt trying to head up. But the numbers are gradually increasing.

The cobolt that tries to forcefully get through the street hole, thereby making the hole drilled in the shutter progressively wider, expanding enough to pass through if there are already about two of them.

The defensive wall still doesn't close completely and still can't be counted on for defense in a slow move.

"... make a quick decision. [Shadow body]"

A shadow body that creates minutes of body with magic. Even if I finish three Kobolts in an instant with a knife on my back that's on the ground floor, I can't get in the way of the newly appearing Kobolts and go upstairs.

Upstairs, Eromura was entering a state of engagement.

"... miscellaneous fish, wussai. Mendo."

Never strong, but there were only a few miscellaneous fish that appeared even after defeating them.

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"Give me strength, my holy sword [Caliburn]!

Eromura, the [Brave Night], can activate the sealed force by chanting keywords to the sword in his hand.

[Holy Sword] can be made by special materials, and its making is close to alchemy, not blacksmithing.

It can only be made in a production position with the skills of a blacksmith and alchemist, and [Caliburn] is a relatively early holy sword. Using this sword as a base to forge and heal using other materials makes it possible to power the Holy Sword more forcefully.

But to do so, we will need a fairly challenging piece of rare material, which is not available in the erotic murmurs of today. This is the first holy sword that Elomla, who was playing brave, has the effect of temporarily multiplying her physical abilities by 1.5 times.

"[Physical Boost], [Lightning Boost], Enchant [Plasma Blaze]!

More physical and attribute enhancement magic was added, and the magic of granting lightning attributes was added to the sword.

Kobolt is vulnerable to lightning attributes and this is an operation that doubles the damage dealt. The added effect of the regime greatly boosts combat power.

"I'm going all at once, [Thunderlight flashing]!

When the front cobolt was wrapped with thunder and filled with intermission at an amazing rate, the body of the cobolt was slashed in two with a horizontal giraffe as it was.

Leaving the momentum intact to stay in the rear. When approaching the pull, it flashed with a left reverse. Sink the second one into a sea of blood.

"Another one, [Thundertip Blade]"

Slap a purple electric ram into the third cobolt and cut off the right arm of the cobolt with a cut up from there.


"Yabeye, Shit!?

Beyond Cobolt, who escaped untouchably, was the appearance of Celestina and the others.

They can't deal with Kobolt right now, and they're going to kill him with the worst blow.

"Both of you, run!!

A hurried erotic murmur, but when they put their hands on each other, "[Lightning Lance]," "[Plasma Ball]," they shoot off their attack spells at the same time.

The attack between the two struck directly at High Cobolt, slightly but with fright.

Regardless of Celestina, who can chant without chanting, Carostee seemed to have done the spell chant beforehand.

"Chance! [Iron Slashing Sword]!!

When I filled the gap without missing a moment, I slashed and threw it away in [Caliburn].

No matter how painful my usual attitude was, it didn't seem like I was playing mid-level players. Quite an aim.

"Apricot Ha!?

Worried about the apricots dealing with more demons than he did, Eromura hurried to check downstairs...

"Mm... slow"



Elementary school ninjas were unmatched.

On one side of the perimeter, a pile of corpses is built, and the sea of blood is spreading.

However, it did not even adhere to a drop of blood on the apricot, showing obvious differences in character.

Hell is there.

"Ugh, I thought you were strong, but you're invincible. What's the point of me being here? Oh, man. Too strong... I'd like to call you" Apricot. "

Level inequality renders a man's retention meaningless.

"Oh, I think I've gained some character"

"Right... I'm a little lazy."

Besides the slight attack support, the two were leveling up.

"Don't close the bulkhead any longer... Apricot looks like an easy win, and you need to support it..."

- Zuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Eromla has flagged it.

Suddenly, he smashed through a deadline shutter and a large demon broke into it.

The demon has a boar on its head, a giant bear on its body, and butterfly-like wings on its back. It is a demon commonly known as the Chimeric species.

"What!? Um, the creepy demon..."

"I've never even seen it in a demonic atlas. No way, new breed!?

"Is that... [Pork Bear Butterfly]!? Stupid, why is that guy here?!?

[Pork bear butterfly]. The official name is [Boarhead Butterfly Bear].

It is a popular demon in [Sword and Sousalis] by its very appearance and name. But strong.

It usually looks good to recognize as a chimera, but it is famous for coming up with an offense that the player hates furiously on only one point. What is that attack?

"That demon stinks so bad anyway. Just farting is enough to wipe out the top party..."

Yes, it was' Onala 'that was troublesome.

If eaten at close range, it causes [malodor] [poison] [paralysis] [confusion] [stun] [instant death (micro)] state abnormalities, and the effect time is terribly long. If new players encountered at the beginning, they would often return to death many times in [instant death (micro)].

I need to use the [premium deodorant] of the item for [bad odor]. He is then the demon who has increased the production of players who will be wiped out in one shot by Onala in order to attract the demons around him. But materials can be traded at high prices.

Tachi was famous as a bad demon, and as a demon coming up with a terrible attack, he was alert next to [Giant Rodriguez Great Mucherpanda].

"Hmm... the bulkhead is half closed. Buying time is a top priority…"

We decide to distance ourselves from [Borehead Butterfly Bear], who is feeding on his sharp nails, and prioritize time buying until the bulkhead closes.

Change the target of the attack to a cobolt that tries to climb the wall and knock it off so it doesn't go upstairs without bitterness.

I realized that I no longer had time to worry about the number of bitters left.