Archean Eon Art

Chapter 3 Artisans and Guru

Meng Chuan carefully read a biography story, some of them are the biography of the big family for a certain ancestor, to promote his own ancestor!Some are really well-known and spontaneously written biographical stories.Even some of the most famous gods and deities have dozens of versions of biographical stories.There are also biographies that the sect voluntarily wrote to the devil.The most exaggerated writing written by a devil himself wanted to make his deeds remember his deeds.

"These biographical stories are mainly storytelling, and they are useful to my practice. Sometimes a book is just a few sentences. Even a biographical story has not found anything useful."

"Moreover, some of these stories have high credibility and some have low credibility. They also need to be classified."

After all, Meng Chuan is a child of the Shenmo family, and after being taught by the Jinghu Taoist system, the foundation is very solid, and the top swordsmanship has been practiced to a point where it is only one step away from the'unity.'

There is such a foundation...

It is better to tell which ones are useful from biographical stories.

"You don't need to practice your sword, you are just a slave to the sword. You must be careful to practice the sword, and you will be the master of the sword."

Meng Chuan stared at this sentence and pondered: "The Northern Sword Emperor, the descendant of the pointer is also a strong man without leakage. At that time, the descendant had at least reached the unity of swordsmanship. The usual practice should be considered with care. But North The Earth Sword Emperor also said such a sentence...Obviously, the sword technique of the strong without leakage, in his view, cultivation is still not enough."


Meng Chuan continued to look at a biography of Gods and Demons.

Occasionally, only a few words or even a deed left by a certain demon will cause Meng Chuan to speculate.

To ordinary people, it is just a story.

In the eyes of interested people, they can see some reasons why those gods and demons are so powerful.

"One trick is fresh, it's eaten all over the sky. It takes only one trick to kill the enemy, as long as you practice the strongest one, it's enough to practice those messes." This is a biography story, three thousand years ago One of the conversations between Wei Feng, a powerful god and demon, and his disciples.A total of fifteen versions of the biography of Wei Feng, the magic knife, have been found on the market in Dongning.

Among them are "one trick fresh, eat all over the sky, only one trick to kill the enemy, as long as the strongest one is enough." Similar words.

Meng Chuan also recorded.

In addition to biographical stories, Meng Chuan also paid attention to the family mottos of some well-known families of gods and demons.

The family motto is left by the devil to the younger generation. It is generally considered by the devil to be extremely important.

The more records, Meng Chuan also secretly panicked.

"You can only learn from it; you can only learn from it. The most powerful theology in history. This is true! But the biographical stories are all half-clawed. If you don't have a deep enough foundation, then It's easy to go crooked." Meng Chuan understands this point because he sees the family mottos of many families and attaches great importance to the foundation of cultivation.

It is clearly stated that family disciples must enter the Taoist Temple to carry out a complete system of cultivation.

Because Daoyuan... is the oldest sect in the world, "Yuanchu Mountain", which was established in every big city of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The teaching system of Taoyuan was formulated by Yuanchu Mountain.In order to practice in Daoyuan, we can have a solid foundation.

Of course, it is only the basis of teaching. Meng Chuan's sword skills are only one foot away. The Daoyuan's seven years of cultivation have been taught to him.What he needs is more to explore by himself.

"My foundation is sufficient. What I need now is the final step."

"I recorded a lot of notes on this day, and many of them inspired me."

"However, don't worry. I will simply read these books, and then merge them. Some of the principles of practice, at least three gods and demon have said, in order to be more trustworthy."


day after day.

The more Meng Chuan collects, the more he integrates.Combined with some of the'Training Laws' of Jinghu Daoyuan, that is some of the practice rules set by the Yuan Dynasty.

The combination of the two makes Meng Chuan understand more.

"All right."

In the evening, Meng Chuan looked at his notes in front of him and smiled.

"These five days are more important than my five years of practice." Meng Chuan looked at the notes in front with excitement, and he had a clearer understanding of the practice.

As for the first practice, the foundation is extremely important, just like the foundation of the house, it is the best choice to enter the Taoist Temple for complete practice.

Second, frequency is important.No matter how much you think about it, you can't compare it to practice 10,000 times!Thousands of knives are drawn every day, and the blood shadow stabbing is practiced tens of thousands of times a day. In a similar way, all twelve gods and demons have said it.

The third article, a fresh one, eat all over the sky!It is similar to the second article. It only takes one move to kill the enemy, and one move to the extreme. It is more useful than the ten more powerful killing moves.

The fourth is that cultivation is indeed hard. Endure hardship and grind your teeth to practice, after all, it is just a craftsman!Only by really enjoying it, being obsessed with it, and carefully pondering the mystery of each move, Fang Cheng master.

Meng Chuan also understood the true meaning of the sentence of the Emperor of the Northland, "Practice a sword without heart, just a slave of the sword. Practice the sword with heart, and become the master of the sword." The ordinary practitioners seem to work very hard, but this is not true. Attentively.Really intention...I really enjoy the swordsmanship, obsessed with the swordsmanship, throw away all foreign objects, completely indulge in them, so crazy demon, Fang has great achievements, can become a master.Otherwise it is just a craftsman.

Article 5: Progress in the day, change in the month, and success in the end...

Article 6...


A total of nine.

All of them are mentioned by at least three gods and demons, and based on Meng Chuan's knowledge, they are also very reasonable.

"I have practiced a knife for several hours every day. I was tired all over, and I was biting my teeth when I was tired. I used to think that I was very serious, but obviously I didn't have enough "heart". I should enjoy the knife and indulge in the knife. It’s right to carefully consider every move." Meng Chuan thinks this is the biggest problem.It is very tiring to practice.

Usually, he paints for an hour in the afternoon. This is his only luxurious enjoyment, a hobby cultivated in his childhood. In the painting, the fatigue of cultivation will be forgotten, and the mind will be very calm.

So, he persisted year after year.

Now it seems that the mentality is wrong.

"As I did before, it seems to be diligent and hard work, after all, is a craftsman." Meng Chuan couldn't help but put down the recorded notes and went straight out of the study to the courtyard.

In the yard, he began to practice the top knife "leaf knife".

Different from the past.

This time only the first "leaf-drawing style" of the deciduous knife, Meng Chuan put everything behind, and the heart is completely used in the knife method, as if there is only a knife in the world!Immediately, the knife!Feeling the silent sound when the knife is out of the sheath, and feeling the knife cutting the "wind", the knife method is still the same set of knife methods, but the mentality has changed, and the "seeing" has changed.

Choosing the fast knife from an early age is because Meng Chuan really likes it from the heart.It's just that he becomes exhausted under the practice day after day, and that passionate love is worn away.And today when he changed his mentality and felt the knife again.

That love is waking up.

The knife came out of the sheath silently.

The trajectory of the knife is as beautiful as the trace of painting.He worked hard to make this trajectory more beautiful, breaking the'wind' faster!The really powerful knife technique is aesthetic, and Meng Chuan's knife technique is also approaching this level.

Meng Chuan tried the same trick over and over again, working harder and quieter, and cutting the "wind" harder.

Fifty times in a row, it's fun.

"It's time to practice like this!" Meng Chuan was excited and followed him to perform the second form of "Moon Swirl".


On the second day of Meng Chuan's integration of practice notes, an underground hall in the Yun family.


In the center of the hall, a purple flame rose.

A dark-haired old man sat cross-legged in the flames, unharmed.

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Yun Fu'an respectfully walked into the hall, but he didn't dare to approach at all. He felt the heat wave coming from far away, and the air was twisting.

"Fu An." The old man with black hair opened his eyes and his eyes were calm. "I just got the news that the old lady of the Meng family was hit hard when she resisted the demon clan in Anhaiguan. I'm afraid it won't last long. It should be in recent days. Will return to Dongning."

Yun Fuan was extremely shocked: "Dad, are you talking about that Meng Xiangu?"

"It's her."

The black-haired old man nodded slightly.

"Will it be wrong?" Yun Fuan couldn't believe it. "It's not that Meng Xiangu is the best at investigating, and all movements in the land of ten miles can't hide her, she doesn't need to rush to the front, how can she be seriously injured?"

"It won't be wrong," the black-haired old man said coldly. "The king of Anhai invited several high-health doctors for her. The old lady was too seriously injured, and she has already returned to heaven. It is no longer a secret on the side of Anhaiguan! If she is No longer fighting, live carefully, at most it will last seven or eight years. If you fight desperately, you may live shorter."

"At most seven or eight years?" Yun Fuan couldn't help saying, "If Meng Xiangu is gone, won't the Meng family end?"

"The five great demon families in Dongning House will soon become the four great demon families." The black-haired old man nodded.

A family, prospered by the gods and demons.

In the same way, without the devil, the family becomes ordinary.

"They Meng family is not qualified to occupy so many places in Dongning, so many benefits." The dark-haired old man said coldly, "Yes, Qing Ping and Meng family called Meng Chuan's marriage contract, you also Go to the Meng family, let them hand over the marriage letter, and tear it on the spot! The Meng family today... is not worthy of marrying us."

"Yes." Yun Fuan said respectfully.

"But before the old lady died, she didn't have to do too ugly." The black-haired old man closed his eyes.

Yun Fuan quietly retreated.


"What? Dissolve the engagement?" Yun Qingping looked at his father in amazement.

Don't you agree?Why did you suddenly change your tongue?

"Daddy just told you." Yun Fuan smiled, "Today I will go to the Meng family to help you dissolve the marriage contract."

"Will this Meng family obediently hand over the marriage proposal?" Yun Qingping couldn't help it.

"They will obediently surrender." Yun Fuan said to himself. His father got news from his friends. The Meng family must have known about the ancestors. These big families have self-knowledge. .

Yun Qingping even said: "Dad, I want to dissolve the marriage contract, but I don't want to tear my face, it breaks the peace between the two. Otherwise, please ask Uncle Meng to come and discuss..."

"You don't have to be so troublesome." Yun Fuan smiled, "Okay, I'll leave it to me. You just have to wait for good news at home."