[It was a mistake to keep him alive because of your greed!]

An angry little roar burst from above. Several red eyes stare at me as it grows dark. Soon I was in a position.

The fight, which had been paused for a while, began again. His attack began first, and the black light falling from the sky was enough to dampen his spine.


He didn't show any more leeway. Like a hysterical woman whose work doesn't go well, she screams with a thin, pointy voice. The tympanic membrane ached because the volume was not humanly measurable. At that time, I unwittingly remembered the appearance of a young child.

A young child gets angry easily if he or she does not progress as he or she thinks. Now he did.

The more I did, the more I ran ahead of him. I was able to see if it was enough to embarrass him, but it was stupid.

If I started the attack once, I would have to continue in a manner that would kill me. In that respect, he was defeated in the battle against me. It was a spider who was angry and scared.

As I quickly narrowed the distance, I stepped strongly on the ground with my right foot. Then I cut across the sword with all my might toward his front leg.

[Argh! It hurts! It hurts!]

It's useless. It's hard.

He's in pain, but I frowned back at the sensation I felt at the tip of my sword. Then his legs hit the ground with a shock.

It was a natural self-protection by suffering. Strangely, my heart was calm even though I knew my head would be sewn on his leg even if it was a little late.

That's probably because the analysis of him is over. His movements also begin to become familiar to the eye, and he predicts himself how he will move while fighting.

I didn't feel very good when I cut it like I cut a piece of hard wood, but his legs were bleeding intermittently, even though it worked.

Somehow I felt like a person. Monsters can fight like monsters, but screaming is like a person.

At this point, he screams with a step back, feeling that the fight is going on at a disadvantage. It was a request for rescue at the same time with a scream of winter suffering.

[Why aren't you coming?!]

In fact, the scariest thing was the servants he had, rather than the power. I can't fight back in the water.

If there are multiple attacks when I swing the sword once, there is no answer. That's why we have to deal with him when the servants don't come.

I don't know how far I would have gone, but I rushed to the beast without worrying about the back at all. Then he came back in terror, but it was too late to bully me.


All I call him is his leg. It was high enough to put a sword directly into his body, so it was a bit crowded. This attack completely destroyed one of his legs.

Puddle up!

I broke my leg as though I had struck a blunt object rather than cutting it with a sword. Then his body shook and tilted. I just lost my balance with the previous strike.

It is not possible to collapse with multiple legs, but his legs were messed up before the attack. There are plenty of people to play that role properly.

I don't think he felt like fighting anymore. His choice was simple.

“Now I think I'll come and let you run away. ”

I started running away with my back visible to me. But there aren't many places for him to run. It is a large cavity, but his body was also huge, and there was nowhere to run from here.

It was impossible to get anywhere else through the aisle because of his huge body, and the chase continued.

However, the steps of the stubborn one caught me easily.

I tried to run away from the ceiling with a spider web, but I can't stand it. Every time I do that, I cut off his spider web and put a sword in the vicinity of his ass.


His screams continue lamentably. I stuffed my sword as persistently as I avenged what had been done in the meantime. The feeling of digging the soft end of the flesh was rather pleasant, rather than saying that it was offensive.

I was rubbing my lips and putting a knife to his body. With the feeling of being bullied rather than killed. I never intended to kill him comfortably.

I don't know the body structure of the spider, but I harassed him without killing him as much as I could. The wounds were as much as possible, but I wielded my sword so I wouldn't die moderately.

Do you think you can see the result of sticking a hard sword to his body like a tick?

[Argh · · ·]

His body starts to stumble with a scream. When his body shook, I, who was on my back, quickly came down to the ground because it was difficult to balance.

Oops, I heard a thumping sound as I landed lightly on the ground. Realizing that the end of the fight had come, I lifted my head. Then his condition came to my attention. He's shaking his body.

It was similar to what you would see when you stepped on a small spider.

[I don't want to die · · ·. I don't want to die in a place like this.]

It's miserable. His body is full of wounds. The native green stripe, which was engraved all over the body, was reddish in blood, and even the legs, which were as sturdy as a spear, were cut in half and crumpled.

It was impossible for him to stand up properly because he was drawn to one axis. The more he breaks his legs, the slower his movements start to become noticeable.

“The end.”

I walked towards him. He is generously bleeding red blood with his head on the floor. The floor has already been soaked with his blood. Is it his fault? A pool of his blood is made here.

[· · · · Why don't you come.]

This was the first question I asked when I stood in front of him. I knew very well what the intent of the question was. It probably means servants who never come back.

“I don't know. ”

I shrugged my shoulders and put a sword in his head.

He died without even the scream of the terminal that announced his death. The shaking legs and trunk also stopped, and the broken legs were stretched on the floor without strength. Finally, his red pupils turn gray and lose their vitality.

The message box came to mind as I was picking my breath while confirming his death.

[Achievements achieved. You have defeated Visquiar, the ruler of Tutorial Forest. The fairies who ate so many humans and dealt with the Spider Queen as a toy will remember you.]

[You have earned bonus stat ‘10’.]

[You acquired the Green Biscuit Longsword.]


I unwittingly laughed as I read the message window. Was there something like this? It really felt like a game to me.

I immediately looked around because there was a message saying I had acquired a weapon. Then I saw a sword rising from the head of a monster called Visquiara.

It was a green sword. With a little distance, the blade is green. It was a blunt-looking sword, but I can feel the sharpness of the blade all the way here.

I immediately pulled out the sword that had risen from his head. When I grabbed the handle of the sword, it was familiarity. It's like a black thing I've been dealing with for a long time.

The item does not come out this way because it catches monsters. This means that this is a gift prepared by the fairies themselves.

When I lifted up my sword, I remembered the message window.

[Rare item with item description. Would you like to check?]

A little nod followed the message window.

[Green Biscuit Longsword]

[Description: A young queen spider of the Visquiar tribe was abducted a long time ago. The young queen spider, who fell into the unknown forest, wandered through the forest without even realizing her identity. And over time, as they became adults, they prepared to nest, and they were able to build their own nests. But the queen spider was soon attacked by an intruder, and a sword is bound for that unjust death.]

[Curse of Biscuit: Bane Wound on Sword] Continues to deteriorate as a Lesser Curse. Increases bleeding, decreases wound recovery rate, and increases pain.]

‘Not bad. ’

Excellent. After reading the item description, I decided so. The sword itself is excellent, but I even liked its ability.

Touch your fingers carefully on the blade side, and you can feel the cool touch of the blade on your fingertips. It felt different from a normal sword, but it seemed to be true that Han had a relationship. Even now, the screams of Visquiar seem to reach here.

I was in the middle of a lot of thinking about the newly acquired sword.

Hit it. Hit it.

I heard someone's footsteps behind my back. I slowly turned my head, pausing at the sound of it. I can't see if it's because of the distance yet.

However, thanks to the death of Visquiar, the steps were particularly felt in the static. It sounded as if he was not hiding his existence on purpose.

· · · It's a bad sound.

In my opinion, it was time to catch the Biscuit Longsword.

Ugh, he showed up.

“There were more people. ”

It was a beast, with a beast's throat, and the one who suited him spoke with a voice. I was a little surprised by his appearance, but I looked at him in the hand.

A sharp claw holds something in his fingertips. It wasn't a weapon, it was a person, and I knew exactly who it was. She was a female teacher who gathered people to the Biscuit Nest. Furthermore, life is colourless whether or not the eye has already been cut off.

The clothes she was wearing were torn to such an extent that all her flesh was revealed, and the neck held by the beast's hand was firmly held and the tongue came out of her mouth. It's like you suffocated. No, I might have really strangled him. Did you play with it like a toy?

Because he was a stranger anyway.

Her death doesn't really touch her chest.

‘The smell of blood. ’

I frowned on my eyebrows and filled my tongue with the smell of blood. The smell of blood was well mixed with that of spiders and men.

At that moment, the last words of Bisquaire came to mind. He was crying out to the servants until the end. However, they did not come until just before Bisquaire's death.

I think I know why now. I took a deep breath and took a back step, as I was able to approximate it even though I didn't know the details. But he didn't stand still either.

If I took one step back, he followed me one step at a time. Ugh, I was watching the beast's eyes and found a smile on his mouth.