On the fifth day I entered the labyrinth.

There were a lot of things going on, but I was getting used to the changed maze myself. The monsters that I've never seen before started popping out, but everyone fought calmly.

“By the way, Lute, what kind of magic did you use to fight strange lizards back then? ”

The southern archipelago asked Lute while he was having a quiet meal with a campfire.

Those weirdos who were all pink were especially memorable during the expedition. It was strong, but the pressure I felt at first was enormous. Moreover, I was quite offended by the way he attacked my tongue like a whip.

When I found them attached to a ceiling 20 meters high, I first heard how to magazine them. The weapon of the southern archipelago can reach no more than a few meters.

But Lute's magic brought them down from the ceiling. At that time, I only had an idea that I should catch quickly, so I didn't care. If I come back and think about it now, I can't help but wonder.

Lute smiled softly at the southern archipelago's question.

“I didn't use so much magic. They didn't want to come down from the ceiling, so they took the friction off the ceiling and forced it to fall. It was really difficult at the time. ”

Lute used a spell called "Greece." At first, I wanted to do something if it didn't work, but it worked. Lute was surprised to see it with his inner heart. Flamango Lizards have never fought Lute several times.

“Oh, did you think so? Smart one, Lute. ”

“Huhu. Thank you. ”

In praise of the southern archipelago, Lute laughed to see if he was in a good mood.

Hearing the two stories, Yoohyun looks around the group's faces in turn.

The first day after entering the maze may have been fine, but it has been a continuation of the fight since. I didn't know when or where to attack. I had to stay tense every hour. Given that, everyone was not very tired.

Whether I wanted to relax during the night or not, the mild atmosphere continued to wander around during the meal time. Yoohyun didn't want to break the mood right now, but he felt it was time.

Yoohyun tells the story.

“It's going to be a little harder in the future. We'll be in contact with adventurers soon enough. ”

Yoohyun's story suddenly sank into a mild mood. He stiffened himself in the second year, when he laughed and talked with Ranshashen, and immediately awakened and listened to Yoohyun's story.

“Do you think there are adventurers nearby? ”

I asked carefully, maintaining the calm color of the cigarette. In the meantime, I couldn't see any sign of the adventurers. The only thing I found was Goblin's body, which was forcibly swept away by the Wave of Iron Horn on the first day.

I've been fighting monsters all day without any harvest today.

In that situation, Yoohyun brought out the current story.

“Misha's report shows that traces of adventurers were found not far from here. From now on, we'll have to meet. ”

Understanding Yoohyun's words, Song Ga-yeon nodded. Misha must be the one we met when we handed the quest to the temple. The report he received will not be wrong.

“So from tonight on, you're going to have to be especially careful. From now on, we're going to do it in pairs. It might make you sleep less, but you understand why, right? ”

While telling it, Yoohyun looked at the group's face once. No one questions Yoohyun's gaze like that. Everyone nodded.

Yoohyun, who saw it, smiled and said,

“Now let's order the fire saliva today. ”


The fight to set the fire was fierce in its own way. Of course, everyone wanted to have a front and a back, but eventually the first one was Lute and the last one was Song Ga-yeon.

Originally, it was right to be paired and stand on fire, but the last time I decided to sing songs alone.

In the first place, there was a slight mismatch in the group's numbers, and Yoohyun was already up by the time Song Song Song opened fire. Moreover, it was quite vague that the last time the spirits did not know when to regain the light.

In the end, Gil Yumi and Langshashen made a pair in the middle and decided to stand the second time ahead of Yoohyun.

One day, Yoohyun slowly opened his eyes as he shook his body.

It was repeated a number of times that the vision flashed black at the time of the sinking, and the point was clearly caught. Then it was Langshashen who had a small face somewhere.

As Yoohyun opened his eyes, Langshashen shook his lips as if nervous and said with strength.

“It's Yoohyun's turn. ”

“... don't be so nervous. It's a natural thing to wake him up. ”

“Still... a little...”

In Yoohyun's words, Langshashen avoided his gaze with a bitter smile with a shameful expression.

Yoohyun raised her up after telling her to grow up. At the same time, Lee Seo-yeon, who had fallen asleep at the touch of Gil Yumi, came to his attention. I wake up and twist my body in my sleep, but I barely get it right.

Yoohyun went to the place where he stood first and waited for Lee Seo-yeon.

Yoohyun, approaching slowly with a slightly bruised face, asked her.

“Are you tired, too? ”

“A little... I'm sorry...”

Seeing Lee Seo-yeon answer without strength, Yoohyun smiled bitterly.

You may be moving a long way, but you will be quite mentally exhausted by using magic in every fight. In that case, it was the answer to sleep, but the environment does not follow.

Yoohyun, sitting next to her, said to her without hiding her face.

“If you're not sure, you can ask the kids. It won't be too much. ”

Lee Seo-yeon flinched.

“Well, you don't have to. It's not that bad... and it's too lung for the kids...”

Yoohyun's words were a story that woke up somewhere. I appreciate his kindness, but I'm afraid I'll have to see the face of the group if that happens. I know they won't be angry, but I'm sorry.

I don't know how sorry I was for the group's consideration on the first day.

Yoohyun smiled calmly at Lee Seo-yeon's reaction.

“Tell me if you still have a hard time. If the important priest of the party falls suddenly, it is difficult in its own way. ”


Lee Seo-yeon blushed with gratitude for Yoohyun's kind consideration. Somehow my heart pounded. She knew it was because he was worried about himself.

But on the other hand, I tried to kill the feelings I was trying to count on for that kindness. It was quite a turmoil to get special treatment from the group. Lee Seo-yeon wanted to be his help.

Time passes without emotion.

Lee secretly looked at Yoohyun's side face, who barely knew what he was thinking. That alone did not bore me at all.

She felt this time was not bad. There was no sound, but only a weak breath between each other, which could be felt solely here, where serenity dominated the surroundings.

Lee Seo-yeon and Yoohyun had a good time together.

At some point, Lee Seo-yeon, staring at Yoohyun's face, opened his mouth.

“... what were you doing before you came here? ”

“... before you came here? ”

Yoohyun opened his eyes to a question he didn't think of.

I noticed she was staring at me, but suddenly I didn't know she was going to ask me that question.

Yoohyun, who had been floating for a while, thought about what to say.

“I don't know. I was just walking around. Should I say that I was on an unauthorized trip? ”

“You must have enjoyed your trip. ”

Yoohyun replied, Lee Seo-yeon just smiled brightly. Yoohyun felt complex as she looked at the bright face as if it were full of flowers. Yoohyun didn't like to travel.

I was just wandering around feeling empty in a world without any foolishness.

Simply put, I was killing time.

“Thinking about it, my brother was on a plane the day we were summoned. Was it also about the trip back then? ”

Lee Seo-yeon still remembers clearly. I felt the throbbing of the day I was on a plane to travel with my school friends. The day before the trip, my mother's murmuring clearly hovers over my ears.


Suddenly I think of my mother's words. Lee Seo-yeon felt thirsty. I felt stupid when I became depressed because of the story I brought out.

Thinking about it, it was strange to ask Yoohyun a question for the first time. What were you doing before you got here? There's no reason to ask that in the first place.

While regretting his words, Lee Seo-yeon stared at Yoohyun cleanly.

Yoohyun looked back at Lee Seo-yeon, whose face turned red, and answered her question.

“I was going to Jeju Island just like you. In fact, I've been thinking about getting on a plane for a while. But... I don't like to travel. ”


In Yoohyun's words, Lee Seo-yeon had a curious face.

I felt a heavy emotion in Yoohyun's last words. It wasn't sadness. Hearing it was an abyss of emptiness that became depressing.

“What I was traveling for was simply to kill time. I had nothing to do with it. In a way, I didn't want to think about it, so I was just moving. ”

“............ ”

In Yoohyun's voice, Lee Seo-yeon felt a falling feeling that was rising. Maybe you asked me something I shouldn't have asked. She deepened her feelings of regret.

Thinking about it, she didn't know much about Yoohyun.

I was a man who stretched out his hand in all kinds of danger, but I don't really know anything. All I know is the stories from being summoned to this world. I didn't know anything about who he really was.

Lee Seo-yeon felt complicated about that fact.

I wanted to ask because Lee Seo-yeon wanted to know more about Yoohyun. I had a terribly intuitive feeling that it wasn't a very good story, but the feeling of wanting to ask it soared in and out of my heart.

She shakes her lips several times, hesitates, clenches her fist and opens her mouth with strength to her chest.

“What are you...”

... but her efforts became foaming.

I heard a little noise.

“................. ”

Yoohyun's atmosphere was sharper than the blade, and Seo-yeon flinched without even knowing it. Yoohyun's cold gaze faces the entrance of the cave.

The current group was a small cave. In the maze, this was a good place to rest.

But that means it applies equally to other organisms.

Lee Seo-yeon suddenly died in a changed atmosphere. I forcibly insert what I was about to say into the hole and look at Yoohyun's eyes.

Yoohyun, who was staring at the entrance for a while, whispered to Lee Seo-yeon in a small voice.

“Wake up the group. Enemies.”