“Then we'll go now. ”

When morning came, Misha laughed, saying that. Misha's party seems to be leaving already because she only solved it lightly in the morning. Yoohyun nodded.

“Be careful and go back. There are a lot of adventurers moving around here. ”

“... what the hell. Are you worried? Don't worry about that. There was a fluctuation, but the nearby maze is like our front yard. ”

Misha gives out a confident face with her chest firmly enough to look good. But Yoohyun couldn't understand her confidence like that.

“That would be the old story, too. Does that come from the situation where so many monsters have come from elsewhere? The maze will be disparate now. ”

In Yoohyun's cold words, Misha smiled bitterly. That's right. I actually saw all kinds of monsters as I came all the way here. And they were all monsters I'd never seen before.

Now I couldn't see it as a maze that I knew.

“... but I do. But I've come all the way here well, and so will I when I get back. ”

With that, Misha turned her back as if the story were over. Misha's party, which was already ready, also prepared to leave in farewell to Yoohyun's group.

Yoohyun looked at Misha's back and said Najib.

“Anyway, one last piece of advice. ”


Misha stares at Yoohyun's face with her head turned to Yoohyun's low voice.

“Watch out for the dwarves. I suggest you run away if you find a Dwarf in the maze. Fighting is only when it is judged to be absolutely unavoidable. ”

“ · · · · · ·. Because of the black steel? ”

Misha stares at Yoohyun with a serious face. I was told to get tired of black steel during the night. Yoohyun, who tried not to explain long at first, told me in detail whether he felt he needed an explanation.

Not an easily imaginable opponent. In the first place, Misha had never seen a species called Dwarf.

However, even if you look at Yoohyun's atmosphere, you can see that he is quite a difficult opponent.

“That's right. Meeting Dwarves here is the same as meeting Black Steel. With your skills, it will be impossible to deal with them. ”

“Hmm. It's as if we know our skills. ”

“I'm not trying to ignore you. It's just a realistic advice. ”

“Okay. I'm telling you to watch out for the dwarves anyway. If I meet you, I'll run away without even looking back. ”

Misha smiles once again and waves her hand as if she were saying goodbye. Yoohyun's group murmured as she watched Misha's party move away.

“... some interesting people. ”

Yoohyun shrugged and turned his back.


It was a little unexpected to meet Misha's party, but Yoohyun's movements remained unchanged.

Still, the group's cheeks were a little loose, even though it was only for one night that it was better to meet other people. Moreover, interestingly, Langshashen received an arrow from Misha's party member.

She felt good about how many times she reused the bitten arrows. She could get tons of arrows that she had never used before.

“Luckily, there wasn't a big problem in town while we were gone. ”

Song Ga-yeon, who was walking next to me, said. I talked to Misha's party members the most last night and asked about the situation in the town.

“But if something's a little weird, it's too late to react in Roberia. Actually, I was thinking maybe I should get back to you from Roberia by now. ”

Yoohyun also agreed to that.

“Something must be going on in Roberia right now. But they can't abandon us. They must be moving hard to get in touch with us right now. ”

“I can't throw it away... can I ask why? ”

Song Gyun asked, slowly raising his head, staring at Yoohyun's eyes. Yoohyun could feel a lot of curiosity and curiosity in her clean black eyes.

Yoohyun, who had hesitated for a moment, answered her question.

“Because we're the first generation of players to be summoned. ”

“... is that all? ”

Song Gyeonggin frowned as if he wanted a big answer.

But for the biggest reason, it was just this.

Of course, if you pick something else up, you'll have more to answer for, but it was also one of the biggest reasons. The first players were quite symbolic beings.

What happens now when the second players are summoned to come out of the training camp and tell the story that all the first players have been exterminated?

Between the second players, mistrust of the fairy will pierce through the sky.

And it was obvious that the mistrust would be passed on to the third stage, the third stage players, in turn, giving rise to a massive flow that could not be stopped.

She nodded as if she was convinced that Song Ga-yeon wanted to explain something more. Fortunately, the explanation was more satisfactory. There was also a small smile on the side of the mouth.

“You're amazing, too. I have a wide view of the situation. ”

“.. is that so? ”

Song Gyeong-yeon praised me, but as Yoohyun, I don't know.

If Yoohyun was facing the situation without regressing, how did he notice the anxiety of the fairies? He was just faced with the fear that he might be abandoned and die like this.

Did you hear the story about Song Ga-yeon next door?

“Umm.. Anyway, you have no reason to abandon us in Roberia? ”

Lee Seo-yeon stared at Yoohyun with a reassuring face.

Yoohyun nodded, repeating the answer he had just given.

“Well, that's a good thing. In fact, I've been very anxious. ”

He's been worried about that all along. Somehow, it was a little regrettable that I didn't tell you in advance what she looked like.

There, Yoohyun stroked her head and told her not to worry again.

Then I could see her face blushing small, but I think I was ashamed. Yoohyun hurriedly cleared his hand with a bitter smile as a result of an unwitting act.

After Misha and her separation, the adventurers' attacks have not ceased.

In the meantime, there was a fight with four parties. All four parties were bounty hunters who chased Yoohyun's party, but they celebrated their victory by defeating them all without a problem.

However, the last party had to be a little classic about how hard it was to keep fighting. I am not able to develop my usual skills because I am physically exhausted.

Yoohyun encouraged the group to drink energetic potions and relax. Now they were all showing difficulty in taking one shot with a bold face.

As I drank the vital potion, I became a better face.

Diana's potion was guaranteed to work without the taste.

“But this is the last time. ”

He said that he felt sorry for Gil Yumi because he felt the effect several times. There was an empty potion bottle in her hand. It was a bottle full of vital potions until just now.

I've been in the maze for quite some time. Thanks to this, most of the consumables I had when I entered the maze were all used. Among them were vital potions, of course.

“It didn't taste good... but it's a little too bad it worked so well. ”

Langshashen said with a face similar to Gil Yumi. Her expression, which she showed when she first drank vital potions, is not easily forgotten and supportive. Everyone laughed at her reaction.

But that was also about three weeks ago.

I also had a lot of heavy backpacks. Yoohyun remembered Misha's face there.

Yoohyun's answer to her question about how much longer there would be was this:

We'll have three more days.

In fact, if you hadn't heard about black steel, you might have followed Misha back to Lorelai. The goal I set was achieved.

When I asked the adventurers I met today a number of questions under the word "interrogation," they said they were struggling to pursue the Iron Horn.

It may be the reason why the Iron Horns moved quite far from their original area, but there were so many adventurers killed by demons on the way.

He said that the only people heading to the third floor in this situation are bounty hunters who are hunting demons for honor and money.

The current results, judged by the stories of adventurers, are satisfactory.

No matter how late, Yoohyun thought it would be 40 days to make contact in Roberia.

In less than 40 days, there will be unconditional contact. In that regard, the results now could not be sustained until contact was made in Roberia. At least Yoohyun thought so.

Nevertheless, Yoohyun insisted on being in the maze a little more because he cared.

Black steel.

I needed to know what they were interested in.

So Yoohyun was waiting for them. If there was no response, Yoohyun intended to return to Lorelai in three days. I think more than that is a waste of time.

“Maybe they found the mark. ”

When Lute asked, Yoohyun shrugged.

“I don't know. But if the black steel is right, you won't be interested in us even if you see the mark. ”

With Yoohyun's confidence, Lute asks without hiding his frustrated heart.

“What the hell is that sign? I'm engraving what Yoohyun said, but I have no idea what that means. ”

“Let's just say it's a pretty disturbing sign for Black Steel. ”


It was when Lute further questioned Yoohyun's vaguely worded attitude.

“Brother, they're adventurers. ”

Song Gyeonggin said that he detected something again this time.

“... but there's a problem. ”

However, Yoohyun looked suspicious as she felt shaken by her words.

Song Ga-yeon said, swallowing his saliva as if he was more nervous than ever.

“The number is over 50. ”

Yoohyun's group, who was resting on the horse, frowned.

And so was Yoohyun.