Are you the Devil of the Labyrinth

Returning First Players

“Dungeon Heart looks pretty on the outside with beads or jewels. But the magic power inside is enormous. It's for controlling the dungeon. ”

“I heard that story from a fairy a few days ago. ”


She pulls out the dungeon heart inside the small wall and puts it in the slot of the Gauntlet.

Then I could see the Gauntlet fade away. Just as the power was returning to the machine, Dungeon Heart was energizing the Gauntlet.

Percy says, carefully touching the floating gauntlet.

“As you know, this Gauntlet needs a power source. In the first place, all the weapons they made were black steel. That's why it's so vague to classify an over-weapon as an artifact. There are many disturbing things to classify as artifacts in many ways. ”

The artifact uses the magic power of the user to exert its power.

However, the over-weapon needed a different power than the user's magic.

“Do you know how the over-the-weapon power sources were built? ”

“Unfortunately, I don't know. ”

“It's made by making a bowl of Demonic Stone and storing enormous amounts of magic in it. That's the identity of the power source that operates the over-the-weapon. ”

“... with the Beast Stone? ”

“Yes, or it doesn't seem right. ”

Beast refers to a monster that comes out of the realm of inviolability. The incomprehensible monsters that feed Maso. And it was also Mage's favorite hunting ground.

It was amazing to hear that the power source of Overdweapon is made of Demonic Stone.

Beast Beast is useless after hunting. Should it be a fresh shock to Yoohyun who was aware of it like that? The Black Steels are hunting Beasts.

.. but I was more concerned than that.

“How do you know that? ”

Even though the woman in front of you is an excellent wizard, it was strange to know the secrets of black steel. You talk like that, but this is pretty important information.

How she knows the key information about Overdweapon.

“Well, how do I know that? Pretty curious, don't you think?”

The woman smiled sadly. It's like I know. It's like I'm trying to guess.

Yoohyun gave up with a sigh, although it was a smile that raised people's curiosity.

The Spirit is coming. It's not unusual to have so much knowledge about him.

The existence itself is different from the usual wizard.

“Let's get back to the point. Why not use Dungeon Heart as a power source? ”

“The over-weapon can't stand to use Dungeon Heart as a power source. ”

“... does that mean that the dungeon is too powerful? ”

“That's it. It's okay now, but maybe later it'll explode without joking, right? Then maybe your arms won't stop at the level of flying, but it will become a completely swamped field around it. ”

I roughly understood the situation. Percy's words are too powerful to use Dungeon Heart as a power source. It's not weak, it's a problem because it's too strong.

‘It's not broken, it's exploding. ’

.. then we should give up Overdweapon eventually.

It was impossible to keep fighting with a mass of bombs that didn't know when to explode.

“Why? It's still hard to give up over-the-top weaponry without listening to me? ”

Engrave a nasty smile on the side of your mouth and ask. Yoohyun slowly lifts his head.

Seeing her face, it seemed like there was only one answer.

“Is there a way to solve this? ”

“It's simple. We just need to find the right guy for the output of this thing. ”

Yoohyun frowned on his forehead. Horses are making it easy.

“But you're wearing a dungeon heart because it doesn't work, right? All of the power sources on the over-the-air phone are now unavailable. ”

“I can fix that. Do you have an over-the-weapon power source? ”

Yoohyun soon pulled the power source of Overdweapon out of his arms. Fortunately I had it.

“Here it is. ”

“Good. Luckily, you look fine. Just a little bit longer.”

At the end of the speech, a huge magician appeared in the air.

"It's huge."

I didn't see the work of drawing the wizard. There was certainly no such process as YoungChang or Su-in.

It's just what she thinks the sorcerer draws. As Yoohyun, who knew how powerful it was, had nothing but to say that it was amazing.

Percy puts Yoohyun's power source on top of a magic circle in the air.

The power source was fixed in the center of the enchantment and floated round without falling to the ground.

I don't know how. At all, Yoohyun has no idea what concepts have been drawn into the wizard. If there was a Lute, would he have explained?

As she closes her eyes and reaches out to the Magician, a small lightning bolt starts to burst from the power source.

Yoohyun watched the process without blinking.

Is this really how it works?

... on the one hand, it was hard to believe that I was expecting something.

No matter how great a wizard you are, you can easily do this.

“It's okay. You can trust me. ”

Diana pulls her cloak by the side and says. Only faith was visible in Diana's eyes. As if you can trust Percy.

This trust is because Percy is Diana's teacher.

“Even if it looks like that, it's obvious that you're a great wizard. ”

While nodding, Yoohyun wondered one thing.

Diana said Percy was her teacher.

Why is Percy's disciple, an excellent wizard, an alchemist?

“But why are you an alchemist? If the teacher is a wizard, you should be a wizard too. ”


Diana blurs her face. I can't even think of a painful memory.

The girl who always has a strong face, has a depressed face.

Yoohyun regretted it late after speaking.

Maybe you touched something you shouldn't touch.

Percy opens his mouth in good time as a strange silence hovers between the two.

“The work is done. I broke the contract that was billed to the power source, and I added a new contract. Now here you will be if you bleed to confirm that you are the master. ”

“... That's amazing. ”

There was also a special device in the power source. However, Percy's ability to terminate and add new things is now hard to admire.

The Holy Spirit. I couldn't deny it now.

Yoohyun holds Percy's power source in his hands.

The power source was running hot.

“One drop of blood is enough. Can I borrow a dagger?”

When Percy asks, Yoohyun nods.

Yoohyun borrowed Percy's dagger and bled over the power source before the heat of the power source started to cool down.

As Yoohyun's blood touched, the power source vibrated several times and began to shed red light.

‘You really did it. ’

It seems to have succeeded. Yoohyun didn't have to check with Percy.

Yoohyun inserts a power source into the slot of the Gauntlet before the light even sags.

Oops, Gauntlet is resting.

Yoohyun smiled at the end of the process.

With this, all the troubles are over. The greed for Dungeon Heart is gone.

“So now Dungeon Heart is thinking about what to do. ”

“I intend to bring it to the fairy. ”

Give Dungeon Heart to Iris and receive Blessing.

The reason for insisting on Dungeon Heart was gone, so it was a much better choice to receive blessings.

“Yeah? That's a good choice. In the first place, it wasn't something humans could have. ”

Percy's tone was similar to that of reminding a young child.

.. what should I say? Is the woman in front of you really in her 30s?

Is it because they have gained unexpected gains in a number of ways?

Yoohyun's steps back to the inn were mild.

It was the right choice to ask Diana for help.

I didn't think I could get both Fairy Blessing and Overdweapon.

If you give up either one, you'll still give up the over-the-weapon.

If you could, it was best to get both.

But I didn't go that long either.

“ ”

It wasn't that long ago that I felt strange.

Yoohyun slowly turns his head.

Then I see nothing. There's nothing on this street right now.

But he's definitely nearby.

Since when? He's been following me ever since.

Same as last time. This is what happened when the Red Man came out of the temple with power.

Late evening. Just like everyone was aiming for the time now to disappear from the street.

Yoohyun's eyes, which were moving slowly, caught something.

And at that moment Yoohyun's body was moving.

As I stepped back, several daggers fell and plunged right in front of me.

Are you attacking this time? It's not like that night when I was just exploring.

Yoohyun groans in his arms. But there is nothing.


There is no reason to go to Diana's Workshop with a weapon.

So when you bled the power source, didn't you even borrow a dagger from Percy?


Yoohyun sighed and landed on the ground as if surrounded by the front and back.

If you don't have a weapon, take it. Fortunately, the over-weapon was wearing it on his right arm.

At least not bare hands.