Aren’t You Too Sweet Salt-God Sato-San?
33rd "Magic"
My eyes glare at the strong western day.
I don't have the heat like the day anymore, but I can't stop the unpleasant sweat from earlier.
... Hold on tight, Mr. Pushtail.
I repeated it in my heart again.
"... let me tell you something from me, take the smartphone from my daughters of my age, and put my ass on what I do on top of it... I can't take a favorable view of“ protecting ”this very well"
"Anyway, what I say about word choices is what all fools do, whether it's" management ”or“ restraint, "I don't care how you call them, I'm talking about the essence right now"
"Either way, it's wrong"
"Talk to me about pedagogy, then tell me what's wrong"
Stuck in words.
So for the first time, I realize it was my own failure to jump defenselessly into such a delicate field.
"... not normal, normal parents, don't do that..."
That's why you jumped out of my mouth. With a boring answer.
With this in mind, Wagen-san scorned me with his chilled eyes, revealing his disappointment.
"- If there are only ordinary people in the world, there is no need for educational theory or anything else in the first place, rather there is educational theory for children who are not called normal, you know, Shoutai"
His voice was low, quiet, but full of definite anger.
"Lately, there have been too many adult moddles (...) complaining selflessly about freedom, not being tied down, stretching and nurturing, leaving it to the autonomy of the child? No, that's just letting go."
"... what does that mean"
"It's adult moddle, a child pretending to be an adult doesn't raise a child, doesn't protect, even relinquishes parental responsibility. And if you get out of hand, you know what else is so cruel."
"So you're telling me that you have a full role as a parent?"
"I've only said that from the beginning"
Mr. Wagen-san has a sharp eye like an eagle, and he stares at this one with his gimp.
In his eyes dwelt the light of definite will.
"I am a parent and an adult. I interfere strongly with what I do, and if anything happens as a result, I take full responsibility for it, and I'm prepared to do that and I'm following this educational policy, but how about you?
"What do you mean..."
Word butt clouds.
I was completely overwhelmed.
"Right, what if, for example, in a simple place, Koharu but lost his depression to Minstagram, which resulted in his academic abandonment and he didn't take it to the university he aspired to?
"What if, for example, an image uploaded to the Internet causes you to be the object of jealousy and jealousy and get stuck but isolated in your class?
"Hey, if you start talking about assumptions, you won't have Kiri......! Because of that, there's plenty of potential for it to work!
"In denouncing my education policy, if it doesn't work, I'm asking you how you're going to take responsibility."
… there is no way I can say, such as to take responsibility lightly.
The weight of the word is that high school students' helplessness is stained and realized.
When he accidentally lays down his face, Wagen-san says in a sigh mix.
"Society is irrational, just living can hurt you, and you already know it."
In retrospect of my situation over the last few days, I pushed silence.
"I know the theory of hurting and growing up, but is it wrong for some people to try to protect their daughter like this by hurting her?
I can't answer anything.
Because I had admitted deep down that his words were right again.
... Indeed, Sato is not a good communicator and not a very strong mentalist.
I wonder if it would be too irresponsible, as he put it, to just watch her be defeated by the setbacks and regrets that come with her failure.
Then isn't it a wise education to wait for a good adult (...) to protect her and grow a little bit?
"... there seems to be nothing more to talk about"
Wagen-san pours the remaining tea into the teacup for a breath.
"Welcome, it was a bad time."
He took a thousand yen from the purse he had taken out of his pocket and slammed it on the table.
And in exchange, he tries to recover Mr. Sato's smartphone, which was placed on the table.
... The more I looked at it, the simpler it was a smartphone that I didn't think belonged to a high school girl.
But when I look at it, I can clearly recall.
A happy face, an angry face, a crying face - I can remember Sato's face for all the hard work he's been doing.
"... the muscles"
Wagen-san reached for his smartphone and stopped it perfectly.
"Muscles grow for the first time after being damaged"
In response to this, Mr. Wagen-san exhaled a deep sigh, like a heartfelt retreat.
"You weren't listening? Hurt stops some people from growing..."
"- And muscles cry when they deprive themselves of the opportunity to be hurt."
I stare back at Wagen-san.
I understood his beliefs and the strength of his will... but still, he's wrong.
"It's not me or you, Koharu herself (...) wants it, even if it's objectively irrational, she wants to choose how to grow up like that."
"Then suppose it breaks..."
- I can't break it.
I ran out of words.
... Sato is certainly not a good communicator and maybe he is not a very strong mentalist.
But that's when she definitely uploaded one image to Minsta.
My first upload to Minsta, a roll ice cream photo.
I'm sure unspeakable anxiety and regret would have swirled in her.
Still, she jumped out into a vast ocean of nets by herself, knowing she was bad.
- Is that something she can break with a little or softly failing?
"I'm talking about an educational theory that sounds like it, but you're just overprotective, Mr. Koharu is much stronger than you think"
"... I see"
I can pull in the hand that Wagen-san extended.
When I realized, the colour of contempt had disappeared from his eyes.
"Apparently, he's not just saying (...), if this happens, it's waterboarding, shall we change the story"
That said, he refers to Mr. Sato's smartphone.
"Minstagram now that I'm koharu but obsessed...... what the hell does this (...) mean?
"I don't understand, is it enough to take the risk I mentioned earlier? I just think it's crap."
Wagen-san's gaze at this one adds sharpness again.
"According to what I've heard, all middle and high school students are now jumping to show off their photos on this app, but what the hell does this act mean? And I don't know what cooking is, but I don't know what it means to take pictures everywhere. People say it's to keep memories, but I think it's because I'm an old person."
He pushed up the bridge of glasses with his middle finger and said in a cold tone.
"- I don't feel the need to go out of my way to put things on record to the extent that they disappear from my memory if I don't put them in the picture"
I keep my mouth shut.
It's not like I didn't have words to give it back.
Rather, I knew this question was bound to fly, so much so that I had prepared an answer in advance so that I could argue theoretically.
I kept my mouth shut because I felt different (...) to answer rationally in the words I came here and prepared.
I got up from the chair, I said.
"… so strange"
In my head talking quietly, there have been a number of sights flashing back since I met Mr. Sato.
About when we drank tapioca milk tea, about when we ate roll ice cream, and about when we both took pictures.
"Sure, Wagen-san is right, maybe that's what's natural"
Behind me, the midsummer sun is finally setting on the horizon.
A glimmer of tears tells my cheeks.
I knew what the hell this was a tear for.
It is a tear of sorrow, against a day of singleness for her, that will never return.
I don't cut it enough that my chest was about to rip open, but still, I didn't regret it.
"No matter how much fun it was or how much I want to remember, I'll forget all of it, everything changes, that's human, but -"
- Because I can remember.
I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and I was in love with her, and
And it (...) came under us like that.
"This is..."
Wagen-san looks out for the sight that spreads in front of him.
- The world was surrounded by warm golden colours.
Both the "cafe tutuji” and the flower garden with the seasonal flowers, once the golden colour envelops and shines.
Everything in my eyes is colored by fantastic lights and magical.
This is what I wanted to show Sato and Sato's father.
Only me and my father have ever had a monopoly, a treasure.
Magic time, showing up only for a short time just before sunset.
The most mysterious and dramatic photographs of the day, woven by soft sunshine (...) An instant miracle.
I say to him in a pale light.
"- Is it so strange that you don't want to forget a moment of emotion with your loved ones, that you want to show them off"
Magic Hour.
Wagen-san, for the first time, had a surprising color on his expression.