The march north, aiming for Malwale and leaving Nagrasia tomorrow morning on the fifteenth, had just finally passed through Thruke.

There are three routes to march from Nagrasia to Malware. One is a route north down the street, attacking Thruke, and then on to Malware. However, this was dismissed on the basis of the decision that the through-out strategy would take time.

The only difference that remains is in which direction to avoid the throughs. Do you want to detour west or east? A route detouring west would pass the eye and nose tip of the five-way defense team Fabruneia, and taking the route to the east could have touched the Fort Gallon vigilance net. Speaking of Fort Gallon, it is formerly Melisol territory and is known to have Gray-Barzelg standing and caged with three thousand men under his command. It was decided that it was better to cross in front of me and not to irritate me poorly.

It was unclear to what extent the five-way defense team, including Fabulneia, was functioning, but the decision would have been far more than dealing with three thousand people at Fort Gallon, so General Deion-Hawklow, left eye, set a marching path to the west. The possibility of an attack was great, not only from Fabulneia, but also from the throughs that would pass directly beside him, but he feared that the central and western armies would finish their first purpose and move towards the Dragon House while they stopped and were thinking.

The attack on the Dragon Mansion means aligning your feet, and Deion's own pride will not be tolerated, even if there is no problem with the North march being somewhat delayed. If we don't somehow get to Malware and let it fall that way, we can't show that we've been appointed General Left Eye.

The Northern march's route choice seemed right, and he never attacked from either Thruke or Fabruneia. Exactly like going to a deserted field, we were able to pass through the west side of Thruke, just halfway between Thruke and Malware for the seventeenth morning.

If we proceed by force, we will also be able to reach Malware on the 18th.

That's what Deion had in mind, but he wasn't going to enforce it. First, my men will disagree with me. He is a commander, in the position of General Left Eye. He had absolute authority, but his own perception of the placed situation did not make him do it.

Deion thought he had been appointed General Left Eye in order to make amends. Personnel to maintain military equilibrium, he recognized.

No one would have complained about the election of Alghazard-Barghazar to the Grand General during the restructuring of the army. Daiki, who has long supported the Gandhian army, no longer stands at the root of the Gandhian army, admiring him and revering him, from ancient soldiers to recruits. There is hope. It would be appropriate to divide the entire army.

Then a right-eye general and a left-eye general were made. It was assumed to be the ruler of the army on the Logner side and the ruler of the army on the Gandia side, second only to the Grand General. Astal-Lanadies was promoted to General Right Eye, probably because most of the army personnel on the Logner side are Logners. It takes prudence and boldness to dominate and rule one of the countries that has just swallowed. Astar's inauguration of General Right Eye can also be considered a cautious and bold candidate. Her popularity in Logner was said to be algazard in Gandhia or more. Though there were some disagreements (crap because she's a losing general), there were times when I couldn't find more suitors than her, and Astar became a right-eye general.

And Deion was elected General Left Eye.

At the beginning of his election, he thought it was a bad joke.

Deion had long been a general of the Gandhian army. I don't have a track record either. However, although he had led the main unit in the Logner offensive that prompted him to restructure the army, the war ended without any active showcase. No, he rather exposed himself to lethargy. The main unit, led by Deion, was nearly damaged by an attack by an enemy armed summoner. If the enemy armed summoner had not been repelled by Setuna-Kamiya, it must have been obliterated as soon as it was discovered. The enemy was just wielding death.

That happened, and he was confused.

Or so it was also true that there was no such person as General Left Eye to serve more than him. It would be pride and pride in his own abilities. What stood alongside him was not alone with his men. Other than my men, not so many. Four friends of King Leongand. They have no generals. I see, as the belly of the king, they will be worthy as a proximity, full of talent and strength. But not like those who lead soldiers and run the battlefield. So do the knights. Gandhian knights, starting with Laxus, are still warriors running around the battlefield, or shields protecting the king's capital. I can't be a general.

If so, I guess he was elected and examined.

Still, he couldn't escape the feeling that he was chosen for equilibrium.

That's why I became cautious in my remarks and my thoughts were longer than usual. A little glitch could jeopardize his position. He doesn't really understand what Leongand is like. I'm not lying. That would be for sure. I am not a fool, I am rather clever, and I always calmly pass judgment. Deion had never seen where he became emotional.

Speech in Myram.

I don't know about that.

Is it the heart of Leongand or is it a heat show?

At any rate, Deion must succeed in this Malware offense at all costs. The less damage, the better. When attacking the Dragon Mansion, how much power remains will determine our victory.

Tomorrow morning, the seventeenth, he was thinking about it, looking around at the slow-moving camp.

A morning burn is burning up the eastern sky white. The sky is clear and the clouds are flowing sparsely. The breeze strokes my cheeks. It's a peaceful morning. I don't think I'm in operational action, but this would be what morning is all about.

A mixed army of 1,000 men each from the Second and Third Regiments of the Gandia side and the Second Regiment of the Logner side. The general command of this army, commonly known as the North March, is entrusted to Deion. Since I naturally know and am familiar with the commanders of each regiment in the army on the Gandia side, I had no problems communicating my intentions. It is Second Legion Chief Sigil-Clotter and Third Legion Chief Rock-Fox.

The problem is the treatment of the Second Army Regiment on the Logner side. Having been newly integrated into the Gandhian army, there is a sense that they were torn by Gandhia and ruled on it. The rebellion against Gandhia is also strong, and I still follow it because there is no other way to live than to do so. I'm a soldier. Finding a way to live besides military personnel is not that easy.

There's no way they can all live with a fold in their hearts. The Gandians are the same. There are naturally people in defeated countries who have lost to themselves, such as the Logners, who think they can rule as they please. How many people, like Leongando, think they are more Gandhia itself than they have dominated and ruled? Most of all, the weight of the punishment inflicted on those who disobeyed the military rules would have controlled the words and actions of the Gandian military, and if time went by, it would have dissolved the Gandian's assumptions about the Logners.

It takes a long time.

Not now, not then.

More short-circuited, we need a way to fill the distance from them. Regardless, if Deion commands, they will obey irrevocably and go to the battlefield. But you can't do that. Only then will they not be able to fight properly. We have to create a situation where we're not being fought, we're fighting.

It is the commander's job to break bones for that, but it is also true that this time only, we have to rely on other hands.

The means is currently the person walking next to Deion. He woke up early in the morning and was following Deion around in vain. He also understands his position very well.

"If you force it, it means you'll see Malware in the middle of the night."

"Right now, it's not a good idea to exhaust the soldiers in vain. I don't care if you have a problem with the Malware offense."

"That's right."

As Deion politely explained, he smiled lightly. It is Elius-Logner. He and I had been acting together since Deion left Gandion, the king's capital, and had exchanged words somehow on the road.

It is a trace of the Logner family, a young man who, about two months ago, became the throne by the revolt of Astar and lost his throne by the invasion of Gandia.

Royal Logner did not become a citizen by losing his torn kingship to Gandia. The measure of Leongando makes him a member of the aristocracy that lives in Gandia's king's capital. His parents seemed to live a life of leisure and comfort in the King's capital, but he himself seemed unable to remain in a noble capacity.

He also had to fight to improve the position and position of the Logners in Gandia. As a successor to Logner's house, as the last king, you must be fine. Regardless, there was also the option of living in the wind with both parents in Wang Du. Leongand seems to have recommended it too, but he politely declined and seems to have chosen this way.

Thanks to this, Deion no longer has trouble communicating with the military on the Logner side.

He is still revered and admired among the Logners as the last king. Both Leno-Gilbers, the commander of the Second Legion of the Army on the Logner side, and his men changed their attitudes as soon as they got ahead of Elius. They are still Logners and cannot be Gandians. That is normal in a way. Gandhia took control of Logner for less than February. It's too short to change people's minds.

No suggestion by Deion, if approved by Elius, would have led to any complaints or grievances from the Logner military. His majesty, the last king, had not been compromised at all, and his influence had been too strong. It may be that Leongand did not give him a special place because he was worried about the strength of that influence.

If he was a general, for example, there could have been a massive rebellion with just one word. But the current army of logners is divided and controlled by Astar. She won't do anything more rebellious than having Logner taken hostage. The situation is very different from the one in which she rebelled against Cyril.

The fact that Elius is accompanying this march north is due in large part to its influence. It is a consideration of using his influence to ensure that joint Gandian and Logner operations are carried smoothly.

Considered militarily, it was also possible to configure the north march exclusively with the Gandia side of the army. It is somewhat disturbing, however, to leave the defense of Nagrasia, which has just been dominated, to the army on the Logner side. I can't tell you how crazy they are and how unlikely they are to get inside Zalwarn.

The westbound army is accompanied by right-eyed general Astal-Lanadies as commander, who thinks it's impossible for her to betray her first. She is guided by the peace of the people of Logner, which can only be a reversal of the former era of belonging, such as falling back to Zalwarn. Even in an attempt to regain Rogner's reign, it would just empty out more than Elius being on his side. And it has a black spear. He alone can be a drag on the western march.

No, a restraint on Astar. There are rumors that Astar admitted to the defeat of the Logner army because he witnessed the killing by Setuna-Kamiya. Regardless of whether that is true or not, it seems certain that General Right Eye has some kind of emotion for Black Spear.

Besides, even for Logner military personnel, black spears would be terrifying. No one has ever been more reliable as an ally. The horror of turning to the enemy is unimaginable to Deion.

"Drop Malwale and you can rest for a few days. We must align the footsteps of all armies. but that's why it's forbidden to impose. We're not going to waste soldiers."

"Yeah. I'm gonna know that, too."

Elius was a constantly smiling, cool young man. Even as Deion, it was easy to talk to him and liked him. If he's gonna be on his side, he'll be able to do well with Logner's military.

"But how is Malwale going to attack?

"I was worried about that."

Perhaps Deion's fear of him stems from the fact that Elius is a born royalty. Of course, it doesn't make any difference that I'm still you. At present, Deion is in a better position to march north, but there is no problem in considering it. The better the relationship I had with him, the less walls I felt with the Logner military.

"I've decided to leave it to Cain-Vivre"

When Deion told him, Elius nodded as he was convinced.

The military's armed summoner. The masked man, Cain-Vivre, accompanies the march north. Putting the armed summoner to pieces would be a natural decision. The western march that hits Bahandar has the strongest spear, the central army that breaks through the center has an invincible shield, and the north march has Cain-Vivre. Deion only knows his prowess in writing, but it seems he must be a competent armed summoner. But there's no way an incompetent person could be an armed summoner.

He said he had the technique of dropping Malware relatively easily in last night's military debate.

Betting on that isn't a bad idea to look at. If you fail, you can raise the whole army and fight. There's no other way.

Malwales does not leak into the example of a large city, a city surrounded by robust walls. Breaking through walls and castle gates wasn't easy.