Nares-Ragnahorn was in trouble.

No, I'm not in sincere trouble. Nahless has never thought of trouble in his life before, and I have such a weird certainty that nothing will ever happen that he will ever have trouble again. As long as you can stay calm no matter what happens, you can't be in trouble. If we assume every situation and act, we will not lose our calm.

However, in order to assume every situation, a variety of information was needed. Aggregate and analyze countless pieces of information to derive potential. It could be said that he was getting immutable calm, and now that he had difficulty obtaining information, he did not even know how long he could keep his calm thoughts.

They moved the prison.

I know it's a decision he made, though he hated the contact between him and Merrill, but Nares was transferred to a dungeon that didn't even reach the light and was completely cut off from the outside. It seems that Merrill's inability to do anything about it is not due to Mirell Bus's will. He has a verse on his beloved daughter that was sweet and also acquiesced in contact with Nares after his imprisonment. Thanks to this, Nares did not have a hard time collecting information until just before he was transferred to prison.

Meryl is a smart woman. I perceived what information Nares needed and didn't mean spending time talking unnecessarily. Only the information needed to predict the situation was told from her mouth.

What Nares gained was that an armed summoner was sent out of the Dinobus Cave, as he had hoped since the Mirel Bus. The five armed summoners, headed by Ginarvi-Lyburn, were sure to greatly increase Zalwarn's power of war. Unleashed from the wedge of Nares, Zalwarn will probably reveal its presence as a giant dragon to a small group of nations. I also thought that during the bundle, the story of Nagrasia being subdued by Gandia was heard from Merrill's mouth with some excitement.

The Zalwarn invasion by Gandhia took place at a rate far exceeding Nares' imagination, but it was a really convincing course of action if you think calmly.

Gandia had gained about twice as much fighting power by swallowing Logner. Furthermore, there is no way that the allies Lucion and Myon will not help Gandia's invasion of Zalwarn. Zalwarn is heading south, because Gandhia can then be targeted by Mion and Lucion. Besides, Gandhia's enlargement leads to the expansion of our own safety.

Lemanifla even signed me up for an alliance. Lemanifla was going to do enough to make the princess a messenger and even foresaw the strengthening of the alliance through political marriage. Nares was in favor of an alliance with Lemanifla, as well as Leongand's marriage to the Princess of Lemanifla. Remanifra is an urban state in the southern part of the small group of nations and is the leader of the alliance of the South. There is no harm in keeping an alliance.

The Princess of Lemanifla has brought about five hundred troops to the souvenir, which would also be possible to count in the force.

The total force should be well over 10,000, and Zalwarn and I can fight to some extent. If you stand around well, it must also be possible to improve the results there.

Zalwarn, however, is a major and powerful nation among the small group of nations. The total strength is 18,000 and nearly double that of Gandhia. If we hit each other properly, losing is self-evident. You shouldn't fight by cutting the front. We have to work out measures, do everything we can for the sake of divine conspiracy, and fight a battle we can win.

To that end, Nares lurked in Zalwarn for years, spreading a fierce poison. He provoked civil unrest, dispersed his power, placed a civilian in the wing general, and a martial officer in the central bureaucracy. It was a tricky move to scratch the eyes of Mirell Bus, who was noisy about his talents, but luckily Mirell Bus was a talent admirer and did not expose him for a long time. Mirelbas loved the talent of Nares too much.

Nares waved a definite spicy arm for Mirell Bus. Many times he contributed to and adopted a policy that would bolster the reform of Mirrelbas. He made efforts to recruit competent personnel and weaken the power of the Pendragon clan as per Mirelbus's policy. To win the trust of Mirell Bus.

for Gandia defeating Zalwarn.

As a result, Zalwarn's power was dispersed all over the place, and when it came to the entangled power, it was only about seven thousand of the Dragon House and the Five-Way Defense Force. If it keeps changing, even with the power Gandia possesses, it will be able to do as much as drop some cities.

And the Grey-Balzerg rebellion.

It must have been a huge pain for Mirelbus that his entire army, famously the strongest in Zalwarn, turned to the enemy. Three thousand soldiers have become enemies. Speaking of a sixth of Zalwarn's total troop strength, you'll see how much it is.

If you know the truth about Melisol, he must betray you.

Nares aside, even Mirelbus would have thought so. Gray had not sworn allegiance to Zalwarn or Mirelbus. They took the royal family and the people of Melisol hostage, so they followed Zalwarn. If there are no hostages, there is no reason to follow them. What's more, if you deliberately killed a hostage, you can't take a path other than hostility. All the more so if you're like Gray-Balzerg.

It was also puzzling to Nares why Mirelbas had bewitched the people of Merisol. Was it nevertheless necessary, taking into account the possibility that the overwhelming force of the Grey Army could turn to the enemy? In Melisol, he had also grasped to the point that Orian-Lebaen had conducted some kind of experiment, but before approaching the experiment's actual image, Nares' plot had been exposed. If I had a little more time, I would have found out what Orian and Mirell Bass did in Merisol.

Anyway, the presence of hostile forces born inside Zalwarn became a gap for Gandhia. More than having to keep an eye on the Grey army trend, Mirelbus needed careful attention to move the army. Careful behavior can be lifesaving at times.

But Zalwarn's power outweighs Gandhia's, and it hasn't changed, and it still doesn't allow predictions. If Leongando misjudged, the Gandhian army would easily disintegrate and force him to withdraw. No, you just have to retreat. If Leongando dies, that could be the end of a country called Gandhia itself.

Most importantly, I haven't heard of Leongand himself showing up in Zalwarn, and it would be ideal for him to take command around Myram in the Logner region, but I wouldn't be able to say so. A king can't turn his back on a country as big as Zalwarn.

In the dungeon, no light comes in. Naturally, there is no such thing as a magic crystal lamp. It was a small space and I couldn't stand up. I would just fall asleep and have the breadth to stretch my hands and legs.

There is only one thing that can be called an entrance or exit that has been blocked by an iron door, and naturally it is not a substitute that can be managed with Nares' arm power. If we could, we wouldn't be able to break through the surveillance ahead. The iron door has holes in it to capture the air or to the extent that we are sorry. Even if you peek into that hole, what you see is darkness. The wind coming in means it's not a confined space, but that stuff doesn't console anything.

The meal was once a day, but that was all decent. I don't even know why, Nares. Talking to a soldier carrying a meal had no answer, and he didn't even get the ingredients to speculate. But what a cash thing to have the power to live just because you put it on a crowded meal. I also thought that something might be trying to keep him alive. No matter, it's just a hopeful observation. There's also a Mirell bus in front of it, and it's probably just about trying to keep it alive at least, and that's more likely.

Nevertheless, there is no way that you can go for a convenience. Then we had to get it done in the cell, and after a few days, the dungeon was no longer roughly the kind of space in which humans lived. Narrow and strange odors take away even Nares' hope of life. Even the diner was so reluctant to get close.

It's a good idea of how Mirell Bus instructed his imprisonment to be slow and full of enthusiasm. After defeating Gandhia, Mirelbas intended to use Nahless' talent again.

Nares also believes that if Gandhia is doomed, there is no choice. If Gandia is defeated by Zalwarn and the royal family to serve is destroyed, there will be nothing to bind his soul to. The promise to Sius Cloud becomes empty.

But as it is, Zalwarn must shrivel both Nares' body and mind before he defeats Gandhia. If it just shrivels, it may still be useless. Nares feared it. Can I be on my own then, as I was able to get out of here?

There's a chance that Gandhia will defeat Zalwarn, but unless a lot of luck takes Gandhia's side, that's another dream of dreams, too.

Putting Nagrasia and Sumaada under control is enough. Control Once you have as much control as you can, it would also be a good idea to pull your troops and consolidate your border defenses with Zalwarn.

Gandhia should take in more Azarks and Berels than Zalwarn and boost his power. The showdown with Zalwarn is still early. It also means that we have the means to bridge the battle power gap.

I guess the black spear Setuna has the unimaginable power of Nares as far as listening. Leongando can't be exaggerating against Nares. He blindly believes in Nares and tells me everything without covering up. Sometimes you feel like your older brother, so clear. I don't think a man like that would only fake about Setuna.

Setuna-Kamiya. Was Setuna Zenon-Kamiya now? A boy from another world picked up by Leongando. Summoned by Azmaria-Altemax, he was no longer a Gandhian hero. His effect did save Gandhia and push Gandhia to the stage of war.

Can he bridge the battle power gap between Gandhia and Zalwarn?

If we could, would we not need any strategy or tactics in the future?

In the darkness of the dungeon, he held his knees and looked to the void.