It was not until October that the news of Gandhia's defeat of Zalwarn reached Gandhion, the king's capital.

It was on September 27th that the battle of the dragon warriors, the final showdown between the Gandhian and Zalwarn armies, took five days, then there are some distance problems. but August-Sancian was feeling that apparently that wasn't all.

If I had flown the bird, I could have let you know a little sooner. Besides, it's a win. This is a report that Gandion's citizens have been waiting for. No, it's not just the citizens. Nobles, military personnel and officials were waiting for reports of Gandia's victory.

Zalwarn is a big country. The fact that you can't win as lightly as Logner has been said since the beginning of the war. Zalwarn's military power went far beyond that combined with Gandhia and Logner, and ratings had been given that if we hit each other properly, we would lose without a single one.

Everyone was prepared that Zalwarn would soon be fighting, and some of them were giving up. The Logner War is just an outpost of the Zalwarn War. Logner is a country that belonged to Zalwarn, and it's more like he's plunging the battle into Zalwarn than he's taken control of that logner. It would be a fierce battle. Everyone whispered.

But no one thought there would be a war soon.

Gandia had not recovered her wounds in the Logner war, and although she had taken in the Logner army, that Logner army was not in complete condition either. There was an overwhelming lack of combat power to fight Zalwarn.

Still, it would be possible to fight neighboring countries if we had doubled our power. If you want to attack, Azark, or, Berel? When speculation was flowing, as usual, it was the mobilisation decree by King Leongand that suddenly shook the King's capital.

When the entire army of the Gandian and Logner armies were gathered in Myram, Logner's city, they electrically attacked Nagrasia, the southern end of Zalwarn, and fell into this. It was three days after the Nagrasian assault that reports of the Gandian army's invasion of Zalwarn territory reached Gandion.

The king's capital was rough.

Every day there was a hustle and bustle of controversy between the Leongands and the Gracians, and Augusto was only impressed by the nobles who could continue the battle of censure without ever getting tired of it.

The only reason that motivated the Leongands under such circumstances was because the Gandhian army's winning news continued to arrive. Mother-in-law claims that Leongands and other kings did not deserve a war that could not have been won all went behind them. Because the Gandian army continued to win the streak. I didn't just drop Nagrasia in an electric rush. On the Longhi River, he defeated a large army of Zalwarn troops and even subdued the intractable Bahandar. Furthermore, reports of dropping Malwale came into Gandion a few days before the end of the war reports arrived.

The Gandhian army's streak of victories, though unexpected for the Mother King, was also by no means pleasant. It is the same thing for the royal motherhood that Zalwarn was the greatest enemy.

Most of the clan owned by Queen Gracia believe in the Sius Cloud. They were disappointed that Leongand was a fool when they saw a hero in the Siuss Cloud and should have placed great expectations on his son Leongand. The lunatics assumed they had been unilaterally betrayed when they saw a paranoid and divergent reality in front of them in the name of expectations. The fact that Ciuscloud had fallen into an unexplained disease and had been whispered that it was impossible to return may also have applauded his disappointment with Leongand.

If we had made Sius Cloud equal to God, Leongand, the Son of God, would have had to be God as well. But what appeared before them in reality was a boy who, in his eyes, did not leave the realm of ordinary men, and it was difficult even for them to expect such a boy.

If you can't expect it, if Leongand is a fool, how about setting Linonclair, his sister and secondly, the heir to the throne, on the king? If you abolish the foolish Leongando and take Yingmai's highly regarded Linonclair as your queen, Gandia must also be cheap after the death of Sius Cloud.

The cheap idea intensified the activities of the lunatics.

But Linonclair's dowry to the Prince of Lucion ended the Queen's movement in vain. By that time, more voices had been heard blatantly denouncing Leongando and worrying about Gandhia's advance, both inside and outside the country.

The lifespan of the Sius Cloud was now about to run out, and even those who had entrusted a glimmer of hope to the recovery of their heroes were in the midst of giving up. The years known as the Dark Ages of Gandhia were one in which the entire King's Capital felt as if it were cloaked in thin darkness.

Is it from then on that the anti-Leongans became known as the Mother King, the Queen Queen?

If you cannot abolish Leongand or set up a substitute heir to the throne, after Leongand takes office, then you can set up a person in charge of national politics in the position of guardian.

It was the person they laid eyes on, Gracia Rae-Gandia. Make it the wife of Cius Cloud, Queen. She was the mother of Leongand, the King Mother, or a woman called the Queen.

Augusto thinks Gracia deserves a favor. Bright at the bottom, at the heart of the royal palace, a woman of precisely miraculous odor, whose boundless affection is poured out individually against everyone. Liked regardless of Mother Wang or Leongands, is Gracia's dehumanizing move, probably due to her own unique charm.

Most importantly, the lack of submission has led to the rise of the madmen of the Mother King.

(So there's no more divinity to take charge of)

I guess Gracia doesn't even realize she's in charge.

Augusto was walking in the city of Wangdu without a squire. Speaking of the San Sian family, he was famous enough not only for Gandhia, but also for nothing unknown in neighbouring countries, but he preferred one when he strolled around the city. Walking with his squire is so when it comes to the taste of nobility, but as far as he is concerned, he wants to feel the wind of the king's capital on his skin.

Wangdu Gandion. Lion Shrine. Lion King's Capital. There are many ways to call him, and to him the king's capital is the king's capital. It was the city where he was born and he grew up. It is the last place where the San Sian family has flown, as well as the land where they have restarted.

So, not that he liked this capital. I loved Gandhia, and for this country, I don't think it's hard to dedicate my life. In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that he was devoting much of his life to Gandia.

The city of Wang Capital was now boiling down to reports of Gandhia's victory over Zalwarn, making it the first festival in a long time. Nothing floats but the inhabitants of the King's Capital. Even the inhabitants of Mardar and the fortress of Balsar are set to float and fuss.

Zalwarn was the biggest and most powerful enemy for Gandia. Almost everyone in the King's Capital must have a head or look up to heaven and despair when they heard that Leongand suddenly invaded Zalwarn territory.

Zalwarn was a big country in a small group of nations, with more land than Gandhia, who drank Logner, and more power than the two countries. I don't think there's any prospect of winning, so much so that some whispered that Leongand had become self-inflicted. It was thought that there would be a desperate difference in power by then. Even Augusto mourned Leongand's demise for him.

but how about reality.

Isn't it true that the Gandhian army has won the grand victory after the grand victory and has finally taken control of the Dragon House as well?

(I don't have a good look, either)

The hustle and bustle nevertheless continues, although it drifts off Gandion's boulevard and away from the crowd waves. Everywhere is a festival, and as long as you are in the city, you must not be able to rest your ears.

He chuckled. This is why the Gandians can't stop. I guess they even forget that they were claiming that Leongand should be slandered and abolished. That's what makes it so light, as if you were having a bad dream. But you can't pack that. A people would be like that.

It must be the king who can successfully manipulate such a people.