Arms dealer in another world

Arms dealer in another world

Weapons Dealer Starts with Self sufficiency

The successful escort as an arms dealer made enough money to make ‘legitimately successful businessmen’ look poor.

It was not a luxury to make that kind of money. In fact, when you saw the relatively modest words of your guard, you asked me to enjoy more of my life.

There was a cartel boss.

Such security, but did not save money on clothing and equipment used. It is not luxury but the quality and merchandise of God, and it was a matter that depended on life.

“You look like shit. ”

A guard who had taken off his suit from Earth to here kicked his tongue. Even in a chaotic department store, unusual luxury suits and shoes were torn and soiled during the battle and the escape. The good clothes and shoes I had chosen to wear to meet important guests were now trash.

I saw the new clothes and shoes I received next to the rubbish. This was the costume of the world called Eril.

Vest made of hand woven fabric, upper and lower, and leather reinforced. It is not a new outfit, but a used item worn by someone.

It was really understated by the guard's eyes, but I couldn't do it. You can't expect fancy clothes in an anti-government hideout. Even the clothes of the wealthy were of this level, so I did not treat them with special protection.

Looking for new clothes in your underwear.

The guard turns his gaze towards the vest.

It looks like a plain black vest that can be worn on the outside and inside. However, it is actually the finest armor made of all kinds of new materials, including carbon nanotubes.

It weighs only 3 kg, but its bulletproof performance prevents all rifles before and after it, as well as its blade performance prevents cold weapons. It is a new and state-of-the-art bulletproof vest that is still hard to see in the U.S. military.

As a testament to the power of the castle, the bulletproof vest remained intact despite fierce combat. It was expensive and rewarding.

“Are you all dressed? ”

Cecilia, who was waiting outside, sets her foot inside the tent. Cecilia frowns as she sees the guard still in his underwear, looking at his clothes.

“Not yet?”

“I need to think about something for a moment. ”

“Hurry up and change. ”

Cecilia, who was about to leave again, paused for a moment at the top of her guard's exposed upper body.

She was great because she always cared about taking care of herself. 177cm tall, body

Weighing 72 kg, he was not a heavyweight fighter, but he was well-trained and strong.

But it wasn't the muscles or the body that stopped Cecilia's gaze. Scars all over the body.

I don't care if it was just a knife print or something. Cecilia Ado has been hurt a lot in her life on the battlefield, and she has shot and killed many enemies with more than that.

However, the most noticeable wound on the guard's body was not such a common wound. It was a burn covering about a third of the abdomen.

Significantly old burn marks were evident from being burnt as hot as pharynx. It is rare for such a wound to remain in the body due to a common accident.

Cecilia goes outside the tent instead of asking. We weren't even close enough to ask.

Although it was momentary, the guard also looked at what Cecilia's eyes meant.

“I can see this everywhere. ”

Looking down at his burn, the guard mutters bitterly.

A scar from a childhood mistake. Originally, I had to cut my wrist well in return for making a mistake, but instead of protecting my wrist, I got this wound.

The idea of security was short-lived. Solving the current situation is more important than the dark past.

The guard wears a top and bottom of this world and wears a bulletproof vest on top. You don't have to hide it now, so it was convenient to wear it on the outside.

The guard who had changed all his clothes went outside the tent and asked Cecilia, who was waiting for him.

“Are you ready? ”

“I have prepared as much as I can. ”

“I hope you meet my expectations. ”

A guard who joined the Anti-Imperial Union first studied the world's technological powers.

It was a study of watermelon licking ceremonies for lightning strikes, but I learned a lot from it. Above all, this world, Eril, was able to see that civilization itself was different from Earth.

Based on science and technology, Eril was far less insane on Earth. The Dwarves who are not here are skilled, but I haven't met them.

There was no way.

But there was magic in Eril.

It's a hoax that used to be deceived by magic on earth, or believed to be possible by people long ago. At least by security standards.

In Eral, however, magic was one of the foundations of civilization, a technology that changed nature using the power of 'Mana', created and existing together since the world was born.

In this world of Eril, the magic phase was truly enormous. Magic itself was a huge discipline, in martial arts, medicine, architecture, etc.

Magic was also widely used.

It was imperative to apply the principle of magic in order to achieve a high level of academic or technological level.

It was impossible for a bodyguard who didn't even know the Magic ‘Horse’ to learn about it right away. It's not that Mann's guards are not talented at magic anymore.

Cecilia said:

‘You could see spirits. ’

‘I thought so. ’

‘Even Elves, a race of nature, find it hard to see spirits that easily. Howling phosphorus

I don't know what the liver has to do with you coming from this world, but it's a great blessing to be able to see spirits easily. ’

‘In what sense? ’

‘Even a lifelong wizard like that is hard to do with spirits and friendship. A gift is a great gift. ’

Security hasn't quite understood what Cecilia said yet. That's how great it is to look at an insect or a clay doll.

But of all the academics in the world, there's something a security guard could apply right now.

It was.

It was alchemy.


‘It is the discipline of creating new things by refining metals or drugs. ’

‘I know that. Isn't it some kind of chemical? ’

Cecilia decides to destroy the escort after confirming the existence of alchemy.

Magically refining a gun and making a bomb is now a dream. But Alchemy thinks

If it was some kind of chemical, you were worth digging into.

Luckily, an Alchemy facility was built in the lair. It was not for free research, but to combine various medicines.

The Alchemy Facility was built separately in a slightly fallen place in the lair. It was to prepare for the "ifs." Security suspected that the contingency was a fire, explosion, or gas leakage.

“Is this the stranger? ”

Keeping a tent made of Alchemy facilities is a crooked old alchemist.

"Elves are like the concept of aging," he said, "so you can recognize them as human beings without seeing your ears."

“Nice to meet you. ”

“Yes, I heard about you. What do they call it... from another world? ”

“An arms dealer.”

“An arms dealer... Okay... Wait, what? ”

The alchemist turns to Cecilia and asks.

“Why did you bring an arms dealer here? ”

“This man asked for it. ”

“What request? ”

“He wants to see if you can make powerful weapons through alchemical ingredients and improvements. ”

The alchemist snorts.

“Alchemy weapon? Alchemy is about making medicine and changing metals, not weapons. If you're going to make weapons, you might as well go to the Forge. ”

“That's my job. ”

“Hmph. Chief's orders...

Alchemists grumble and defend.

Crab showed me his facilities.

The first security guard to see the facility was a little surprised. Considering the level of this world that we have seen so far, if expressed primarily, I thought that there would be an open level of facilities.

But the Alchemy Facility was not unfinished. It was a sight reminiscent of a fairly plausible level of chemical laboratory.

Various flask vessels made of glass, filters, small lamps, scales, even tools that looked similar to thermometers, burritos, and spots.

You can't say it's on a global scale, but you don't even know what a gun is.

was a significant level of experimental tool.


The alchemist grumbling in awe of the security said willingly.

“Of course. This place is overrated. A third of the medicines used by allies are made here. A kid like you has never seen anything like it. ”

“I have never seen, used a lot. ”

“Excuse me?”

The guard continued to observe the laboratory instead of arguing with the alchemist. In the corner, I saw various drugs. The guard asked me about them, and the smoking cesspool explained them one by one.

I gave it to him.

The juice of some herb dried up the animal's intestines, so it was meaningless for the current security. But there were also things that made the guard's eyes flash.

“What is this white powder?"

“A cornerstone.”

“The cornerstone?”

“Yes, it's useful to burn something fiercely... Do you know what this is? ”

Of course I knew. If it is a cornerstone, potassium nitrate is the main ingredient.

What was important was nitric acid. From primitive gunpowder such as black gunpowder, all kinds of high performance gunpowder are also made from nitric acid as the main material. Even with nitric acid, half the bomb material was ready, it was no exaggeration.

The cornerstone in front of me looked quite good. Although not pure nitric acid, this alone was detectable. Moreover, the cornerstone was not the end.

“What is this liquid? ”

“Sulfuric acid made by refining sulfur. It's used for humidity. ”

It wasn't just hydrochloric acid.

There were several gunpowder materials that were familiar to guards such as ammonia, mercury, etc. Water qualities that could be used as gunpowder materials were used as alchemical materials, not gunpowder materials, in this world.

Escort felt the need to amend the assessment of the world. Even though we don't know what guns and bombs are and science is out of whack, we can't say that it's completely stupid.

In a way, it is a world that has evolved in a different direction from the Earth. The study of magic that I do not yet know, and the alchemical facility in front of me was one of the witnesses.

“That bomb, can you make it here? ”

The guard nods at Cecilia's question.

“That's enough. ”

In the worst case, I was prepared to dig toilets and collect materials to make low-quality black powder. However, with this arrangement of facilities and materials, the party didn't seem to have to suffer like that.

“Tell the chieftain. I won't let you down. ”


An alchemist who didn't know much about security and didn't participate in the weapons demonstration was just curious about security.

Next episode...