Ashes and Kingdoms

2-4. The disputed Parliament

Around the same time Finn and the others were opening up to auditors in Nanais, in the Imperial Capital, Glaus was obsessed by the councillors, headed by Fercius, and had difficulty interpreting. When I struggled to preach reason with anger against someone who doesn't have an ear to hear from, I think the battlefield was still better.

Varys, present, tied his lips with a rugged face and stood still to the shady questions and impeachment speeches that were unleashed one after the other. We provide all the support we can to find and point out gaps in logic, or to stop what comes off the eastern issue, which is the agenda in the first place. But if you blatantly shelter Glaus, here and now, Fercius will point his spear at the emperor himself. That's what we're after.

(Don't get on their hands)

I tell myself over and over again, clench my fists and endure. If Islev hadn't returned, Glaus and I would have raised our own abandonment and possibly jumped out of the floor.

It was clear that Lord Nacteth was behind Fercius. It was an open secret that the letters were busy coming and going, and the arguments have hidden signs.

Its Fercius still monopolized the stage again, spitting and sifting the hot valve.

"More than three years have already passed since the death of Dragon Hou Elecia in the first place, and even though there will no longer be a war in Nornicom, why do we need commanders of the highest rank in the Legion! I didn't know you could even move your lower back once while you had the authority to appoint a successor officer. How comfortable the chair at the Lords Nornicom seems. Like a throne!

Glause makes an objectionable face, though it is as comfortable as sitting on a needle pocket exposed to internal and external hostility. But Fercius took the lead.

"Where it is already widely known that three years ago we had no choice but to know that Nornicom's popular sentiments have now calmed down and, on the contrary, become much more cooperative. Thanks to the efforts of General Glaus, the boulder is a general, and it is very popular in the Imperial Capital. You seem to have skill in politics as well as war."

"If it were to be," Varis argued on his behalf. "After Elesia's death, he was ruled before without making Nornicom turn away. You can rest assured of anyone in the east. [M] While the widow of the Tius family was alive, he would have beheaded in fear of the flames of vengeance and hidden behind him with General Glaus as his shield, now let's pull that shield down? For your peace of mind, do I have to order you to turn the East into a worm-free hell?"

"We just need the fittest to rule! Never let the empire and the council wander, and those who have no ambition to leave the capital."

The two stare at each other and their gaze scatters a spark. And, there, his hands reluctantly raised from a seat made only one apart on the wall, "Um". Everyone looks back to the unexpected speaker in surprise. Sitting there was Senato Jr. I am not a senator, nor am I entitled to participate in the debate, but I am only allowed to listen on the grounds that it is for the future.

"Will you allow me to speak, Your Majesty the Emperor, Senator Fercius"

Politely asked by the next emperor, no senator can say no.

Encouraged, Senato stood up and looked around with him.

"I've been listening to your arguments since just now, but for one thing, I don't know why you... the senators and the emperor have all overlooked them"

Slowly choosing words, he said, staring at Fercius with his grey golden eyes.

"Why doesn't everyone believe and suspect that Dragon Horse Elecia is dead"

Fercius is frightened when he is thrust through the conditions that are a prerequisite for the debate. Glaus pulled his mouth together and nodded small. Senato took it to the edge of his sight and went on as inspired.

"For the past three years or so, I have come to collect lost knowledge from documents and other things left in the Emperor's Villa in Siros. To get even a few clues as to what dragons and dragon horses are like. Therefore, my guess is that, as far as reports from the East are concerned, it is unlikely that Flaming Dragon and its Dragon Marquis were killed in the attack by General Glaus. A normal human trained weapon cannot kill a dragon. If the General's unleashed crossbow arrow had struck Dragon Marquis directly, only Elesia might have died... but after Nornicom surrendered, some of the bonfires in the realm would still have had the protection of the Gens God, I hear"

That's it, Senato checks with Glaus.

"Mm-hmm. A few months after the recapture of Combs, I confirmed my night defense because of the increased threat of the Dark Beast..."

As soon as he was about to say, several senators snorted at his hearing. Dark Beast again, all the time. Glaus got upset, but decided to ignore the occasion.

"Obviously some of them had stronger protections than those of the priests. It is the view of our priest that the testimony was given by Dragon Marquis, but there is nothing else."

"Then again, Dragon Hou isn't dead either. Even if you've had quite a bit of pain, you should assume that as long as you live, you'll come back to Nornicom again. At that time, neither the legions nor the people of Nornicom would stand if, for once, a proven victorious general were to defend the East. But if not, there could be unexpected damage. I don't know when the return of Dragon Hou will be, but isn't it premature to call it back in just three years? Please, senators, reconsider from the beginning."

It is the language of a boy unfamiliar with the debate, and its contents contain elements of agha, which it seems ridiculous to take seriously in the Council. Still, the senators went out of their way to meet each other and start secretly consulting.

For one thing, he gets a good response, and Senato breathes in relief. But the moment I lifted my face, I was shot out by the dark and ominous gaze of Fersius, and I swung.

The old senator's eyes were like a bottomless darkness. My lips move slightly and my voice crawls out of the gap like every wow.

- Inert Na. The fool, Ni Fallen Sitaka...

Sure, that sounded like Senato's ear. The voice reminded him of his grandfather's reprimand, and he shuddered unexpectedly. Hit the seat trying to retract and fall back.

Some of the nearby seats noticed how he was and turned a suspicious face, but no one seemed to notice the insults of Fercius. Even Senato himself had already begun to feel that what was happening now was a hallucination.

Looking again, I didn't see anything different about Fercius. I'm just pointing a pitiful, dignified, arrogant smile at you.

"May I say something swallowing, Master Senato-Neneis"

Felcius opens his mouth with a whiff of disgust.

"If Dragon Marquis is really alive, don't they hear one whispering rumor for over three years about something that's about to come from somewhere? Even if you are healing wounds in a world unknown to man by giving up a hundred steps, if you are as profound as you are, your return will be a long way off. By then, the general would have come with a cane, not a spear."

I giggle in the back of my throat. Some senators followed and laughed.

"Prudence will be one of the qualities the emperor needs, but beyond degrees, he will be penetrated by those below, allowing for growth. Let me tell you something because you don't seem to have noticed. General Glaus is persuading his sister to comfort His Majesty the Emperor on his behalf while he is away."


Ha, and signs of breathtaking. Glaus and the emperor, and Senato and several councillors, changed their complexion. Fercius nodded satisfactorily and raised his voice inside the cross spear.

"Sitting in the east will also be to shield Nornicom from the rear, General, when he holds the Son he has made himself the turf of power and has given birth to his sister to the new Emperor! If you master the economy and legions of the East and become the uncle of the new Emperor, you will take over the Empire substantially!

"It's unfounded slander!" Glaus yelled back. "Senators, do you believe in such unspeakable accusations!? Have I ever betrayed His Majesty the Emperor and the Council! I want you to remember, how dedicated I have been to this for the Empire!

It was Glaus who went on to count some achievements himself, but, behold, this is a sign of chronic heart, and he ended up relentlessly convicted.

A whirlpool of accusations and anger swallowed the floor, seemingly making it impossible to clean it up, but abruptly, Teng himself, who began the noise, drew the curtain. He stuck his throat because he was so excited and yelled so much, he gasped and curled, and he just fell down.

The floor was even more confused, but things settled down a moment later. Happy or unhappy, Fercius was not desperate, he was just suffering from disturbed breathing, but soon a doctor rushed to take the old senator out.

Too excited, everyone chill their heads, so that day coincided with the adjournment of the meeting.

Varis and Senato followed the capitol with tired faces together and did not speak a word to each other until they returned to the royal palace.

but when he managed to get to the back of the mansion, Senato asked in a small voice, concerned for the eyes.

"Master Varys. Is your marriage to the General's sister true?"

"It's not decided yet. Where did the story leak from..."

Varys shook his head and sighed. Return to the handrail of the corridor overlooking the garden and follow with your eyes the water that flows slightly down the waterway from the fountain. And he said abruptly.

"People die unexpectedly. Like foam floating in the waterway there. You can't be relieved that you've succeeded one of them."


I understand that, and Senato nods, reluctantly lining up next to the emperor. Varys, as always, watched only the running water.

"Nah, but being the first successor doesn't change who he takes as his wife and what kind of child is born. But if you leave the world sooner than I do, no one will, then you won't be able to do it. Because I'm not that tough either. Don't be optimistic about going ahead. The only way to adopt a new child is to consult with my grandfather."

That's all I said, and accidentally he spilled a spicy mockery.

"How optimistic Fercius is. I wonder why you're so sure that I'm really going to marry Glaus' sister and have a baby, and grow up to be old enough for her to be safely imperial. On top of that, it was the same damn thing, but it survived, and Glaus was a good winner until then, and he could compete over the emperor, etc."

Varys stood up and laughed, as if he had heard a delightful joke. It was such a thorny, flimsy laugh. Senato is frightened, he finds no words to speak, he just silences.

Soon Varis stopped laughing and shook his head against himself, turning a smile bitterly at Senato.

"I'm sorry, I said something that didn't go down. Forget it. Whatever it is, I have no place to be. And as for the woman that shall be his wife, he shall choose him that hath no fear of his son's reign, and shall make him so. Don't be dramatic."

"... from the beginning, I do not doubt His Majesty's kindness"

Difficultly Senato repaired his voice. I cough up and manage to move my face still stiff.

"It's not the parties like me or His Majesty that will be the problem, but the trends around, like Senator Fercius and... or my grandfather"

Reminds me of my grandfather's voice leaking out of Fercius's mouth, and Senato frowns and nags. Was that really a mistake to hear? Or......

Varys spoke calmly as he touched Senato, who had become a dark face.

"Right. We need to work out a way to get through Parliament tomorrow than we did earlier. There will be some coming soon with Islev. Rest in your room, but be good.... helped me today. Thank you."

To be patient and thankful, Varys left the scene quietly. Senato stared into the garden for some time afterwards and stood still to figure out what to do now.