Assassin Farmer

Chapter 55 Chief Embroidery

Su Shuijuan and Jiang Yingyun looked at each other with a few burning eyes in earnest for a few seconds. Then, looking forward to Jiang Yingyun's breath, Guan Er smiled and nodded. He responded to Jiang Yingyun's invitation: “Okay. I'll take it.”

Su Shuijuan was willing to give herself a chance to prove that the promise made by this beautiful woman in front of her deserved her credibility as much as her appearance.

And her instincts tell her that Jiang Yingyun must have an unknown bitterness.

Otherwise, in her capacity as the second-in-command of the largest embroidered building in the city, she would never have to come and lobby herself early.

She was well paid and rewarded with silver, and even a tight time frame was exceptionally gracious until the end of the year.

With this in mind, Su Shuijuan also took a courteous step back: “I will try to complete the project around the 20th month of La Moon so that you can spend more time improving the screen. ”

“Really? That's great!” Once Jiang Yingyun heard this, he jumped out of the kang with surprise. He reached out and held Su Shuiyun's hand. He couldn't stop thanking him: “Thank you! Thank you!" Thank you for taking over, and thank you for your understanding. This time, you're totally on the right side of the bet. Once you're done, you win!


“Then it is settled that as soon as I return to the embroidery building, I will send the embroidery and related items of" The Drunken Princess. "” Jiang Yingyun and Su Shuiju talked about embroidery. Looking at the rising sun, there are still a lot of livelihoods in the embroidery building waiting for him to go back and deal with it. He had to get up and say goodbye to Su Shuiju.

“Okay.” Su Shuiqiao nodded and just sent her and Xicui out of the hall. She saw the two Master Lin Shiyao apprentices practicing all morning and the little snow with a mole back.

“Cho, are you back?” Su Shuiyun smiled and took a bunch of sheepgrass in his hand, introducing him to stand aside and gaze curiously at his Jiang Yingyun: “Ah Yao, this is the second palm cabinet of the 'Yue Yun Embroidery Building’, Jiang Yingyun Jiang girl.” He smiled back at Jiang Yingyun: “Yingyun, this is my husband, Lin Shiyao. ”

Oh, my God. Jiang Yingyun only flashed this exclamation in his mind at this time.

My guess is wrong. That's outrageous.

The man in front of you, where is the shadow of half the farmer? Live detachment is a brilliant masterpiece with a clean face and condensed temperament!

Jiang Yingyun - Jiang Erzhang cabinet - whose eyes are sharp, things are smooth, and the analysis is organized. At this time, the brain is also completely opportunistic. A Su Shuiju is not enough, she wants to understand, and add Lin Shizhou! It's obviously not enough to stimulate her over a decade of business experience, is it?

The opposite view of Shizhou Lin is clearly much calmer than her.

He nodded at her faceless spot and squatted aside with his sword and watched Tian Dabao play. He went to the river pier in the south courtyard to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

“Shui... your husband...” Why don't you look like a farmer, but more like a warrior hiding here.

Jiang Yingyun swallowed the spit of his throat and looked at the cold-handed Lin Shi Liu holding a smiling teenager like an old hen. He could not help but slip a few steps and disappear into the eyes of everyone.

“I'm sorry, that's how Yao looks.” Su Shuiyun thought that Jiang Yingyun was blaming Lin Shiyao for his rudeness. He was somewhat embarrassed.

It's true to think of that man. He was so indifferent, but in private, enthusiasm was like fire. She could barely bear it. Why would she think of those shameful things at this time?

“It's all right, I can see that you have a good relationship.” Jiang Yingyun seemed somewhat envious to twist Su Shuiyun.

Although the man had entered the yard without a word, his gaze had been glued to Su Shui's body without a trace of detachment. Even as he nodded to himself like he was dealing with it, his eyes were locked around Su Shuiju.

If a woman's life is so valued by a man, what regrets are there? Jiang Yingyun sighed.

It is unlikely that she will achieve such luxury in her life.

Eleven years ago, she was ten years old, elder sister Jiang Yingyue was sixteen years old, and her parents met bandits on the way to replenishment, and both died, leaving her to live with her sister, and taking over the only thought left behind by her parents - "Yue Yun Embroidery House”, which her parents founded when she was six years old, the word “Yue Yun”, is the last name of her and elder sister.

Eleven years, as the white foal crossed the gap, the moment passed.

Nowadays, the Hyatt Cloud Embroidery Building has been standing on its heels in Flourish City for several years and has jumped to become the boss of the embroidery world.

Of course, all of this had to be attributed to the self-sacrifice of her older sister Jiang Yingyue. Sacrificed her wonderful youth: not marrying a wife, not leaving a son, pounding on the operation of the embroidery building.

For example, Jiang Yingyue, the eldest sister of the past twenty years, was mentioned by many small and large merchants in Flourish City, besides appreciating is sighing. Praise her way of doing business, sigh her lonely future.

It's just, how could she let her sister die alone? If you can't get a happy marriage for your elder sister, let her stay with you.

Besides, more than twenty years ago, she is too young as a flower, past the most desperately sought after age of Fang Hua by men.

Even now she is not picky, willing to marry, I'm afraid, waiting for the other half of her, either old or sick, or stupid. She'd rather not marry someone like that. Instead of being like her older sister, the sex takes the man away from her side.

However, her elder sister had long since decided not to marry again.

Even some of the merchant widowers who looked at her differently were rejected with a smile. Just to Jiang Yingyun - her only real sister's lifelong event, but always alert, watching Jiang Yingyun for a number of men of suitable age did not say, and entrusted the media to spy in the dark. As soon as he heard there was a good object, Jiang Yingyue would surely send the bridesmaid to the door to inquire.

It's just a pity, so far, the man she has come into contact with Jiang Yingyun is either mentally retarded or childish.

After so many times, she died and her older sister temporarily slowed the pace of her marriage.

With this in mind, Jiang Yingyun shook his head bitterly and darkly, restraining his mind suddenly burst out of pity.

Yes, compassion.

For the first time in 11 years, Jiang Yingyun's self-pity arising from the pair of beautiful family members in front of her made Sue famous for her steadiness and skill.


“Yao, there's something I want to tell you. ”

After breakfast, Su Shuiqiao lowered his head softly to Lin Shizhou, who was cleaning dishes and chopsticks at the kitchen door after cleaning the table.

“Embroidery?” Lin Shiyao glanced up at her and couldn't help laughing at her with a look of guilt that seemed to be doing something wrong.

“How do you know?” Su Shuiju raised his head in surprise and happened to crash deep into his laughing eyes. There, she did not find any blameworthy information.

“Mizuki, I'm not saying I won't stop you, as long as it's not so tightly embroidered as last time.” After all, it's her specialty and her hobby.

Lin Shiyao put away the washing dishes, wiped her hands dry, grabbed Su Shuiju and came to the warm house like spring, pulled her to sit on the kang.

“No, it won't. It's a long time.” Su Shuiju swung his hand continuously, causing Lin Shiyao to laugh soberly.

“Am I that scary?” He snuck a note on her lip, confirming with a smile. He doesn't want himself to gradually become a terrible and unreasonable man in her mind.

I know you're worried about my body. ”Su Shuiju shook his head. She never thought he was scary.

Oh, sure, at first sight in the coyote cave, she was still a little afraid of him. After all, he, at the time, was too cold to predict.

“Just know. In short, even after embroidery, in addition to three meals a day, you should always get up and drink water and walk in the middle. Otherwise, I'll confiscate your embroidery.” Lin Shiyao ordered again, and left behind a false and fierce threat.

Horizontally, he now has gains as well. The wild animals hunted a while ago have sold a total of seven or eight taels of silver to Lin Lin. Of course, Dabao earns more than he does. He never gets too much in this distribution. As long as the two of them go to the mountains together and jointly hunt down the silver and silver obtained from the sale of wild animals, he and Dabao are basically four or six open. Since Tian's protest, he has stopped taking Dabao into Daimyo Mountain for sword practice and hunting. Occasionally, however, a lot of wild animals can be found near Xiufeng, but they are only relatively cheap in value.


Just after noon on the same day, the guys at Yue Yun Embroidery House drove a carriage to Su Shui Hui's hand to pick up the dry stuff needed to embroider "The Drunken Princess". He also forwarded an autographed letter-point from Jiang Yingyue, the master cabinet of the embroidery building.

In other words, from now on, if Su Shuijuan promised, she would be the chief embroidery hired by Yueyun Embroidery Building. You can sit in the hall without embroidery, you can freely choose embroidery, and every month with or without embroidery, there is a fixed bribe of one or two silver dollars. In addition, the embroidery received is still separately settled according to each contract.

After watching Su Shuiju, he was really a little speechless. What good would it do to the embroidery building?

Whether you pick it up or not, you earn one or two taels of silver a month. Received, the remuneration and reward for embroidery are still settled according to the old model. So, isn't embroidery paying her one tael of silver a month for nothing?

“They want to keep you.” Lin Shiyao glanced at the end of the employment letter and left behind this affirmation. An embroiderer like Su Shuiju will create the reputation of the embroidery building no matter with which embroidery contract is signed. As for the speed of transmission, it naturally depends on the frequency with which she is embroidered.

Therefore, “Yueyun Embroidery Building" wanted to sign such a deed of engagement with Su Shuihui first. Even if there is no requirement for her to pick up or not pick up, several times a year, but at least one thing is clear, once the chief embroiderer's deed is signed, Su Shuiqiao will no longer be allowed to pick up other embroidered buildings.

Yes, that's the idea of Yueyun Embroidery House.

Of course, for Su Shuiju, such a contract would not only be harmless, but also have a fixed income. For Yue Yun Embroidery Building, such an initiative would completely eliminate the risk of other embroidery buildings wanting to dig angles.

So, for both parties, Su Shuiju, once offered to be hired, said it was a good thing to do it one by one. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets ( and your support is my biggest motivation.)