Astral Pet Store

Chapter 730 New Places

"Can you reply?"

At this time, Nie Fuze asked the intelligence person, I would like to return to the signal just deciphered.

The intelligence person shook his head and said: "Back to the legendary adult, with our Blue Star's current technology, you can't reply to the accurate information, on the atmosphere, detect extraordinary energy shroud, surround the whole planet shield, estimate at the atmosphere Outside, they can't know the situation in us. "

"If you want to reply, you can only send the light wave out with the current electric wave technology, the extraordinary energy is not shielded, so the optical wave can penetrate, so the words can also remind them, our planet is civilized on the planet. It is not the original planet. "

Nie Fufeng and Su Ping look at the eye, Su Ping stood, he didn't understand, too lazy to understand.

"OK." Nie fires nodded.

From the decipherous words that have just been deciphered, those people outside, I really don't know the situation in the Blue Star, and I can see the extraordinary energy of the transition to shield.

If it is a primitive planet, it will be big.

The intelligence personnel look at Su Ping, see Su Ping, did not deny, immediately nodded, said: "This needs to be invited to come ..."

"Despite the call!" Nie fire made a big hand, told him.



While passing the signal, Nie Fu Feng took Su Ping to the side, handed the leader to Su Ping, said: "Sin brother, you can register now, I have dismissed my leader message from inside."

After finishing, he injected a star, only to see the green crystal token, an dark vortex, which has a singular suction.

"Improve your soul and star breath." Nie Fire said.

Su Pei looked at both eyes and felt that this dark swirl did not danger, this released his own spiritual and stars, injected into it.

Soon, after the injection is finished, the dark swirl contraction is invisible, and Su Ping immediately felt more things in his mind and connect with himself.

"Tianhe Department No. 801013 Planet, Lord Application for Registration ..."

"I am recording the soul and star power ..."

"Remove, please enter your name."

The number sounds sound in the mind, and the sound does not contain emotions, like mechanical sounds.

Su Ping almost thought that the system was funny in his own mind, after listening, I found some wrong, the system likes to install mental disabilities ... but always install more, and this is more likely, the more I feel, it is true. intelligent.

"The number is 801013?"

Su Ping looked at Nie Fire and confirmed him not to have a magic.

"Well, you need you to enter your name, you just entered what it is." Nie Fu smiled: "This leader has a lot of features. For example, when you explore, it is a map navigation, which contains the federal almost 90 area. Star Map, in addition, it is still a receiver!

When you become a lord by review, you can enter the Lord's virtual world with the main star. It is the lord of other planets. You can settle the lord, share information, there is also a virtual fighting, you can Cutting with other lords inside ... "

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on this green crystal-like lord star, and there was a hint in his eyes.

Su Ping is a bit surprised, what technology is this? I haven't heard it.

Based on this small token, you can make it with other lords, learn together in the virtual world?

"Is there anything you have before going?" Su Ping asked curious.

Nie fire, the old face is red, and it is said: "When I became a Blue Star Lord, it was also on the shelves, but it was only a cultivation of Tianmun. Inside the other lord, it is a star air, how can people? I am willing to learn from me, and I will not be able to make someone else. If someone else listens to me, no one is willing to take care, otherwise I have already set it to some strong friends, come to our planet to be transformed! "

Su Ping suddenly, heard his last words, no good way: "Even if you can make it to others,

Nie Fu frightened, smiled: "Sin brother, don't mention this again, my daily star is also given you, it is for you to make a wedding dress ..."

"That is what I got by myself, what is you given away." Su Ping rushed, this love did not receive.

Nie fire mouth is pulling, he can't argue, there is no Su Ping, the Blue Star is gone, Su Ping is really wrong ...


He sighed himself.

Su Ping saw him nothing to say, no more aggressive, conversation: "Then you have become a starry sky, and didn't you make friends inside?"

Nie fire smiled, said: "Some of the cultivation of people don't work, some of the cultivation of the Blue Star is too weak, you have not come into contact with the federal, in the same order, they can completely Press us, I am fighting with those starry overalls, even if I can't stop! "

"In their , even can kill our virtual hole legend!"

He sighed: "Because of this, I want to send the genius of the Blue Star, I hope they learn the strong federalx, bring back Blue Star ..."

Su Ping's temporary eyebrows: "It's too weak, and there is no unfairness in the vain of the sea."

Nie Fu frightened, his mouth slightly twitched, he reacted, he said in front of Suiping this monster, it is a self-suction.

One of you just stepped into the legend, you can kill the stars.

Say like this monster? !

"Said, what is your name in the registered inside?" Su Ping asked.

Nie Fufeng is depressed, heard this, it is rare to show a few points, and smiles. Cloud evil god, how? "


Why don't you call zero zero?

Su Ping has some words, thinking about it, what is it?

Since he doesn't need to use this name, he naturally doesn't want to use it, go out, the low-key point is always good ... It is better to call Yan Shuangying? Wait, forgiveness is too heavy, or called ... My surname horse?

This is not very suitable, and it's too much to be a senior person.

Soon, Su Ping reacted, since you have to make money, it is natural to look at the money, and you will call it to say hello to other planets. It is a good advertising position.

That is called ...

Pets cultivating a dragon interested parties please contact?

If you say it, Su Ping really didn't joke. His consciousness returned to a virtual box that was already in the mind, and entered this in the name registration.

"Nickname is not used, is it confirmed?"


Hey, registration is complete!

Su Ping has a little surprise, he is also worried that the name is too long to register, it seems that there are many planets in the federal people!

"The data review is completed, Tianhe Department No. 801013 Planet Lord

Soon, some of the basic information of Blue Star has emerged in Su Ping.

Blue Star: Five-class planet!

Planet area ...

Planetary area ...

Planet quality ...

Planetary stars average concentration ...

Planet population ...

Su Ping swept away, see some dizziness, and then put it down first.

The number of planets above the planet, the number, the number before the disaster, more than 1.32 billion, now new information, has not been uploaded in time, if this is a federal examination, it will be fined, even more severe punishment.

"How, the registration is complete, what are you calling?" Nie fire asked curious.

Su Ping shakes his head: "Say the leader."


Nie Fu Feng is a bit confused.

Su Ping has to report the named name.

When I have finished listening, Nie Fu Feng's expression has been enough to plug three eggs, and his eyes are all round, and they are said: "Su, Southern brother, you didn't joking?"

"I am very humorous?" Su Ping asked.

Nie fires, humorous, your sister!

The Lord of the Tanglang, actually be so stupid, soil, or the name of the explosion, don't you have a little face?

This makes other lords see, what will it think? !

Su Ping looked at Nie Fu Feng's expression, immediately knew that his thoughts, patted his shoulders, said: "You, still have no reflection, the skin is outside the body, as long as you don't, others can't hit your face, don't think too many."


This ... is very reasonable, I can't refute!

Nie Fufeng stayed in the original place, distorted mouth.

After a while, Nie Fu Feng went back to God, seeing Su Ping's face and uncomfortable appearance, my heart smirk, suddenly, he took a thought in his mind. If Su Ping is promoted to the starry sky, he is so stupid The name is to discuss with other lords, defeating it, I don't know what people are taste ...

When you think of it, he can't help but laugh, it seems that there is a weird picture.

"I have to leave within three days, first go to others." Su Ping didn't continue to delay, said: "If you contact the above, you can notify me."

Nie fire came back to God, nodded: "Give it to me."


Su Ping left here, and went to visit those acquaintances.

Although he will come back, no one knows when it will, Su Ping finds Ye's no repair, etc., found Li Yuanfeng, told them.

Everyone is very horrified and asked.

Su Ping did not say, everyone saw Su Ping's difficulty, and didn't worry, it was a complicated mood.

In the end, everyone decided to give Su Ping good.

In addition to the leaves, Su Ping also saw the newly built cultivator association in the defense line of rebuilding, and he saw a lot of familiar faces, but he didn't say goodbye. After all, he still had to come back, telling these people. And not saying, nothing, unrequitedness, it is the cutting power of the Blue Star, knowing that his lord is going to go, it is necessary.

Standing in a high air, Su Qi quietly looked at this full land, seeing countless figure in hardworking repair and reconstruction, his mood is somewhat embarrassed.

Participate is always awkward.

After waiting for a long time quietly, wait until the mood is calm down, Su Ping returns to the store, he also told this matter to his parents. As for the reason, it can't explain, can only be explained.

[Reading Welfare] Send you a cash red envelope! Pay attention to VX public [book friends "can be collected!

Knowing the status and identity of Suiping today, parents have nothing to ask, after all, Su Ping is high, what they see is what they can't see, and they may not understand.

However, they all have chosen, they are not willing to leave the Blue Star, and they are not willing to touch the fresh things outside. They go up. I am willing to live here to pension here. Every day, look at the familiar landscape, afraid.

Su Ping saw it, and he didn't force them.

As for Su Ling, she did not choose to follow this time, so Su Ping was unexpected.

He thought that according to this guy's good character, he must go out to see the market, open the eyes, and did not expect to choose to leave.

However, when I saw Su Ling, the Su Ping suddenly understood something.

... Is it not willing to drag your own legs?

His mouth is moving, but he didn't say anything. Some things, he didn't care, but others may not have to have a heart.

"Terring, I really change the day, come back to you more, wave stars!" Su Ping silently promised promise.

In the face of the unknown of relocation, he didn't dare to guarantee, you can take care of this sister, this also makes him more desire and want to become stronger!

In addition, in the saying, Su Ping knows one thing.

I am a father, Su Yuanshan, which is actually the Skyman of Longjiang Base!

He used to be excused from the sea, it was just another base city's ten-party locks were attacked by the beasts commanded by the other side, and there was a turbulent. He went to help with stability.

After this breakthrough this time, Su Ping faintly felt the energy of the poor and deep, heard this, some surprised, but it was as mentally prepared.

Before the hapie, Su Yuanshan passed his own hidden breath to Su Ping, named fog hidden interest!

This is an ancient secret that Su Yuanshan has obtained from a small secret city. It is very effective in hiding the breath!

Su Ping is not polite, anyway, is a family, and this secret is indeed, and his previous perception is very keen, but he did not detect the energy of his father. It is estimated that it is a strong sense of stars, no If you carefully explore, you can't explore it!

And his father's truly cultivation is the same as other spaces.

Su Yuanshan is the Skyman of Longjiang. There are two generations before it, but the last generation is not his grandfather, there is no blood relationship with his home, just the relationship between teachers and students.

The responsibilities of each generation of space are hidden in the dark, protect the ten party, so Su Yuanshan has never revealed the power, unless it is necessary, this also leads to Su Ping's family, more general, can be more than a day. .

However, in Su Ling, the cultivation and awakening of Su Ling, Su Yuanshan is in the dark, including Su Ling, the cultivation of Su Ling, has inherited her, although in Su Ping, this day is not much. Excellent, but in the same age, Su Lingzi is already very strong. In the Star Pet College, it has always been famous in the best, and the first grade is the first.

I know that my father is now repairing, Su Ping stays here, and it is still a little relieved.

Time is in a hurry.

At the next day, the extraordinary energy outside the atmosphere dissipates that a large amount of spacecraft enters Blue Star, and it is also a case where the Blue Star is detected in the first time.

Like the previous information, the strong in these spacecrafts has been previously isolated by the extraordinary energy, and they can't be peeked into this obsolete in this planet that suddenly jump here.

At this moment, with energy dissipation, plus the previously passed the optical waves, they found this really a non-owned original planet, but a legal planet that has been registered in the federal.

After aware of this intelligence, many spacecrafts have left the direction of the direction.

Some spacecrafts issued a request for Deng Star, and I want to see what the new neighbor moved.

From the data detected in their spacecraft, this planet ... very general.

For these debuts, Su Ping did not refuse, and the reaction of these spacecrafts also made Su Ping completely relieved, it seems that in the orderly area in the federal, it is indeed observing the federal law. Sogeneous situations.

As Su Ping came, these spacecraft came to the Blue Star, Nie Fire had prepared, planning a zone in advance, as a spacecraft parking area.

From the spacecraft, there is a shadow, in hundreds of spacecrafts, a total of more than ten starry sky, the breath, let the Nie fire with mental preparation are nervous.

With Su Ping, Nie Fu Feng and Jiyuan Wind and other legendary accompanying these debuts.

When I saw Nie Fire, the breath of these stars and the stars were slightly converged. They were no longer asking. When I learned that Su Ping was a lord, I was very surprised, but I didn't ask, even if someone was directly, I asked it, Su Ping It is also a laugh and no words.

After knowing the situation of the blue star, these strong people from all planets have not interest, some are left directly.

After all, from their instrument test data, this planet should be very backward of the barren planet, there is no mining potential ... There is no need to make a complex.


On the third day.

Su Ping will be able to explain the things, it is entrusted to Nie Fu Feng and the original wind. It is a lot of things to this federation. He doesn't understand. It is basically a handkerchief. Everything is handed over to Nie Fire.

Time swayed, he had to migrate the last two hours of leaving.

In addition to the store, Su Ping waved his good friends with his parents and Su Ling.

When I returned to the store, I only had Tang Yu, Joanna, and his apprentice Zhongling.

Tang Ran smoked is a temporary worker, Su Ping did not plan to leave, after all, the store upgraded, more decking people, Joana, one person, may not be able to take it.

Zhong Ling, also hopes to go outside, seeing a broader world, seeing more advanced cultivation techniques in the federal, and Su Ping is also happy to bring her out.

"Don't say goodbye to your family?" Su Ping looked like smoke and asked.

Tang Ru smog is looking at the store, some are reluctant, he will receive the attention, nodded: "Already say goodbye ... I will give my sister."

Tangru Yu ... Su Ping's eyes flashing, there is a look of the girl in the mind, thinking that the other party has previously been in the war, and he is willing to stand up from the security area in the store. He nodded, and did not say anything.

Anyway, this is a matter of Tang family. He has no power to intervene.


"I also said with my family." Zhong Linglun was busy.


Su Ping didn't say more, the heart communication system, said: "How to migrate, how to move? Using my random migration opportunity, do you have to aim at my opportunity, deliberately think about a magazine? Drop? "

"You think too much." The system scorn: "I want you to do it, just need an order, do you dare not?"

Su Ping's double eyes turgs out, give you a pole, it is true!

However, as a workman, he really can't resist.

"For you!" Su Pingxin is cold.

The system is light: "Taking into account the problem of shop business, your random migration opportunity, I compressed to this star system, between the first-class economic zone and the third-class economic zone, can you randomly, you can see you Luck. "

Su Ping asked: "Then I random to a place, such a big shop directly, will it be scared?"

"You don't have to worry about it, this system has its own strength, let everything goes without traces, and do not know the ghost!" The system is proud.

"Is it?"

Su Pei saw it so stupid, some came, "OK, then come random!"

"please confirm."

"Confirm confirmation, don't repeat this boring confirmation prompt."

"Small Naughty Pets Store is about to start the store jump ... This transition will consume a host, randomly enlighten the opportunity, and start the jump address randomly selected ..."

"Transition countdown start ..."

"3 ... 2 ... 15 ... 1 ... 05 ..."



Some of the skin of this system, Su Ping is unbearable.

But very quickly, the countdown is zero.

Su Ping has released a star force, ready to withstand the shock like a previous planet, while covering the West to Tang Ri smoke and Zhong Linghao.

But after a second, two seconds ... it seems to occur?

Su Ping stunned, in the heart, inquiry system: "What about the jump?"

"It is over." The system is light.

Su Ping, looked at the door of the store, and suddenly glanced.

I saw the store outside the door, no longer the Qin family building, but a wide brilliant street, as well as a building-style poached hood building.

Is this jump? !

Su Ping can't help it, so let me hear!

Didn't move!

This feels like he is tight, waiting for the explosion at any time, the result ... a fart is not bored, then he just is nervous?

"Who know?" Peeking the madness.

Only with this tone, the Su Ping's sea can appear a unfamiliar face, and then shrug the model.

Su Ping doubled vertical.

At this moment, two sound came from outside the door.

"Mia, do you want to buy a petty, I know that there is a favorite in this vicinity, just I have known the manager there, you can introduce the cultivation of the breeding from you to help you choose." A male voice said.

"No, I just came out to buy some pet grains, and one store is going." Another girl replied, and the tone was slightly cold.