Astral Pet Store

Chapter 940 rushed to

Super god pet beast shop is the ninth and forty chapters to rush to Lei Mingzhou.

Jufeng Mountain in the depths of the beefish forest.

At this moment, there are many , surrounded by mountains, some are flying, and some landed in the mountains, the three layers of the three layers of three layers.

In the heart of many , it is a deep pit stone, and there is a strong blood in Shitan, about halfway height.

In this huge stone pool, I squatted on the ground, the chain is wrapped around, in the dragon wings, scapula, back Dragon ridge, dragon tail bone, etc., there is a sharp black nail, and the chain is connected in series. Make it unplayed!

On this burly .....

"The district inferior species, actually seduce my family, with a despicable body, and in the picture, I'm going to the Dragon, and climbed my family, sin, killing!"

A majesty voice, from the next year, a year, the sea, the beast, cold and ruthless.


"Killing !!"

"Killing !!"

In addition, the many ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,

On the ground, if the snow white, if it is dead, it is sad in the eyes.

Next to it, the head of the stunned, the Raytaro, the original weakness, and the half of the dragon, suddenly opened, big!


A crazy roaring is issued from his mouth, the Qi Zhen, actually put the full length of killing!

"To move it, kill me first !!" The burly , double eyes red, stand up, the lock chain is pulled, the chain is rumored, and the wound is torn, The blood of the whole body is eager, slipping on the scales that have been dried up.

It lifts the head, with a proud and noble, coming to the audience.

On the ground, the snow is in the body, turning to look at it, a pair of eyes in the moment, there is a rain, it sounds a sobbity: "Don't, don't worry about me, you are long, they will not put What are you, I am dead, if I have a reincarnation, I will change into the dragon, match you ... "

"You don't need to turn into the dragon, you will do it now!" The burly

Snow white long has long been tears, and I have a sorrow.

"shut up!!"

Suddenly, a roaring, followed by a sharp horror, shocking the audience.

The group of dragons bowed and watched the figure.


"! Even with a despicable long insects, it is also born in a calendared monster hybrid. When do you want to be awake !!" "The family is angry and low, and the hatred is not steel.

"It is not a longpole, it is my companion!" The burly Ray dragon beast raised, and glared at the huge figure that could not be violated, the volume far exceeded its huge figure.

This is the king of the small pressure in its head, never dare to resist, but this time, it is positive and straightforward, and the middle is the anger and just!

"Domestic mouth!" The family roared again. I felt that the other party was unbearable, and I couldn't stand it. It's a long-term Lei Long beast road next to the one next year: "Instruction, deal with this despicable thing, let it die in the dragon pool, it is already My family is kind to it! "

"Compliance, the ethnic people." Year of the old dragon promised.

At this time, suddenly the excitement sounded.

The sky in the top is suddenly dark,

The moon appears.

At the same time, the rapid speed of the rapids is flying over the head. I originally clearly see a neighboring star of the star ring. At this moment, I have been thrown away until I disappeared.


When the family saw this scene, I looked up, I looked up, and I suddenly showed an amplitude. "Such a planet is moving? How is it! Reinonel guy did not like this, what is the enemy?"

At this point, the surrounding groups are exciting, and there is an unprecedented example of this history, and the scene never seen is shocked.

"Tang, long, this is?"

I can't help but ask.

"Is it a illusion? Reinonol guy guy is doing something, don't I notice my star action?" The college is also surprised, guess.

On the ground, the burly It uses all efforts to close the head to the snow white head, and the eyes are tenderly looking at it. At this moment, for them, there is no matter to affect them, they can traven them.

If you are destined to die, you will be able to take it.

"Stars are whistling!"

"It seems that our planet is whistling!"

"What happened!?"

Group Dragon is looking up to the starry sky, such an imagination, allowing them to be put on hold.


At the moment of the Leya Planet, the Lord of the Zusporen star, the Leifar family was also alarmed.

They have time to monitor the situation of various planets in the galaxy, the detachment of Lea Planet, is too moving, and is monitored in the first time.

"what's the situation?"

"Lea ran away? Fly?"

"Is it a gravitation ring? Is it a problem of planet?"

"No, the data on the gravitational instrument is normal, it seems to be driving this planet, rushing out the galaxy!"

"Strange, just monitoring, Lea Planet When the galaxy is out of the galaxy, the fluctuations in the planet are turned into a green area, which is only equivalent to the level of the nine tsunami!"

"It's impossible, you will get out of this fast, according to the calculation of the impact, you will have a global talenger, at least twenty disaster!"

At the same time, the call rescue signal of Lea Planet came.

Soon, this intelligence with the distress information of Lea Planet, all sent it to the Leiki long hand.

"Lea star fly?"

"Strange, Wait, don't panic, I will check it."

The Lord of this Leifa family, immediately moving, personally.

As a strong strong, he has his own exclusive spacecraft, removed from the space, such as a void god, instantly break the atmosphere of the planet, flew to space, and then the engine broke out, there is a starry sky in front of the spaceship, The whole is like the profit arrows that are ready to be sent, run through the swirls.


The spacecraft disappears, etc., it has jumped to the seven-eight light.


After the spacecraft jumped, didn't you come to the front of Leian Star, sit in the spaceship, you can see that Lea Planet is like a group of , flying in the void!


Just catching up with Lea Planet, this lord is unique, some movement, "seems to have a hidden power cover, this is ... Fengxiao's power ?!"

He is a little surprised, the Lea Planet is actually driven by the power of the gods, is it in flight?

"Sealing the strong, to play the Rya Star Birth?"

"Lea Planet is not a rich planet, is it a temporary casual, weird, this god strong is not reported to me, will not be afraid of federal law ..."

Leifa lord brow wrinkles, I don't know how it is good.

He did not dare to act rashly.

"The Lord's adults, do we want to intercept the Lea Planet?" A woman in a mood, a woman wearing exquisite aviation suit.

She spent laugh, expression is vivid, but the fact is just a robot, the epidermis is manufactured by silicone, and the touch is nothing different, and there is a temperature system.

"No, follow it first." Leifa blouse.

Don't wait to wait for an event.


Lea Planet, Warfit City's shop.

Su Ping let the Tang Ran's use of customers in the store, and suspend business today.

As for the movement of Bi Fixians, although there are some customers' attention, these customers don't know what she is doing, and they will not be able to cross the stars, and they are connected with the beautiful girls. After all, this is too uncompristerable. And most people still can't believe that at this moment, the planet is moving, but it is thinking that the starry is outside.

"too fast!"

"Seniors, can you still hold it?"

Su Pei looked at the positioning of the Lord, some shocking, this speed was not inferior. He took the spaceship.

"adhere to?"

Bi Xianzi turned his head. "What is your joke? Do you need to stick this kind of thing?"


Ok, disturb.

"I want to jump at the planet, and it may be a bit vibrating." Bi Faii said.

After that, in the fairy in her, the jade-like green homes hang, heaven, Su Ping suddenly felt a shock of the feet, followed by reading the store outside the store:

"The star is disappeared!"

"The stars are gone, what is going on?"

Everyone is shocked and feared, I don't know what this planet is happening.

Su Ping came to the store to see, suddenly somewhat frightened meat, Bi Faii, this is the whole Lea Planet to deep space!

What is dangerous in deep space, and virtuality can cross the second space.

At this moment, the dark space outside this planet, Su Ping feels that there is a third or fourth space.

The more the space is deeper, the faster, suddenly, Su Pinghe heard a fascinating whisper, this low language is just disappeared, but just a moment, let Su Ping honestly.

Is this the fifth space of the ancient biological low? !

When Su Ping shocked, the starry sky had suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and there was a shot of the sun to see a very huge star in the distance, which is jumping into a galaxy.

Soon, these scenes disappeared again, and the planet jumped again.

Su Ping returned to the store, looking at the fairy, seeing her expression has become more dignified, there is no more casual, it seems that driving a planet shuttled in deep space, and is quite quite Exercise.

Su Ping bowed his head and looked at it. This look suddenly.

Just a jump, the distance is shortened by one-fifth!

At least seven eight small stars in the middle, hundreds of thousands of light years!

"Blue Star ..."

Su Pingwangwangwang's non-flashing spot, there is Blue Star, father, mother, sister, waiting for me, I am coming!

Su Ping began preparing, summon the Purgatory candle dragon beast and the little , adjust the status.

Soon, the second spatial jump ended.

The distance is greatly shortened.

time flies.

People on the entire Lea planet are in shocking.


On the other hand, Blue Star.

Since the abyss seal, the soil area of ​​the entire Blue Star has been greatly improved, the size of the planet is far from the original, and the disaster is over, soon, the blue star has gradually recovered, it was originally surrendered by the abyss beast. All states, resended builders return.

In today, there are basically repaired base markets in the continents.

At this moment, in a deep sea in the blue star Asian land, this deep sea wave is rushing, a Tongtian ancient tree stands here, the lower half of the ancient tree, located in the deep sea of ​​the waves, only the part However, it has run through the cloud, and the straightness is straight to the atmosphere.

The tree crown is surrounded by clouds, branched, jade green leaves under solar irradiation, flowing into Jinxia, ​​extremely extraordinary.

This is the mysterious tree that appears on Blue Star.

This ancient trees are too great, so that the news quickly leaked and unable to hide!

Nowadays, Blue Star has already launched the federal, there are many travelers who come to Blue Star, and tourism can be described as very developed. After all, the Blue Star is an ancient planet, there is a reputation of life origin, and many people want to see what this old man Dongxing is exactly. kind.

Under the sightseeing of these alien tourists, the news cannot be blocked, and the people will attract forces in just a few days, and more and more people come over with time.

At this moment, in this ancient tree, many figure is surrounded.

"There is a mysterious farm under this crown, can't be close!"

"My rule power cannot be broken, this tree is mysterious, it feels that it will be extremely fruitful!"

"This is likely to be a plant in a star!"

"All, our Baro Family is the first, this ancient tree has no comments?"

"Fart! See you have a copy, want to swallow, you can't get enough in the Baroian family!"

Everyone is cold, and it is coming here to compete with each other.

At the distance, the number of matches is hung on the sea, looking up at this ancient tree, and many of the above.

"This ancient tree just appeared, so long to be so big, it must be a baby, we really want to argger to give these foreign people?"

"Don't let, what can I do, the lord is not there, Nie predecessors are injured, still in the health, the guy here is the same starry sky with the predecessors, and we don't have this ability."

"Damn, obviously what our planet is on our planet, why are we also divided into a cup!"

Several people gathered here, responsible for observing the movement, but there are some gloomy and anger on each face.