Astral Pet Store

109 Slightly Deeper One Point

Cheng Shuanglin knew that since Dong Mingsong had also lifted Luo Guxue out, no matter what the reason, it showed that the young man in front of him was not easy.

Dong Mingsong was fully able to understand Cheng Shuanglin’s surprise. After all, he was also shocked when he heard it for the first time, but he believed that Luo Guxue would not lie, and from the matter of the thunder mouse, he guessed that there was a top nurturing master behind him Cultivating Su Ping in secret, so Su Ping has such strength, although surprised, but barely acceptable.

"Mr. Su is a rare wizard who cannot be judged by ordinary people. Unfortunately, he does not participate in the elite league, otherwise he is likely to play on behalf of our base city." Dong Mingsong said regretfully.

Cheng Shuanglin was speechless.

She has been a mentor for four or five years, and she has also graduated from a talented student. In these years, she has also seen a lot of excellent demon students, such as this year's third-year champion, Ye Hao, and the wizard Su Yanying.

There are stars from last year, Mo Bai from the previous year, and so on. Each of them is a stunning generation, the pride of their mentor and the pride of the college.


These people, at the age of Su Ping, can't say that they can kill the eighth-order high-level demon skeleton beast, which is incredible.

Thinking of Su Ping's sloppy appearance of riding a bicycle and wearing cheap clothes, Cheng Shuanglin felt a little dreamy. To tell the truth that there is a sky outside, she knows. After all, in the elite league, she has seen many real peerless geniuses, each At this time, the pet masters who can reach the global finals can all summon the powerful pet beasts of the ninth rank with the rank of six ranks.

The leapfrogging battle is the norm for geniuses, and the true genius of wickedness is so shameful that it spans a large level.

Like Su Ping, although shocking, she can accept it, but the only unexpected thing is that this kind of bright star genius, who is enough to perform in the elite league, will appear in front of herself.

And the image...doesn't match what she thought.

When Dong Mingsong saw that she hadn't spoken, she said to Su Ping: "Did you think about it, what is the subject and what are you going to teach?"

Su Ping was really unprepared and asked, "What do you generally teach?"

Upon hearing it, Dong Mingsong knew that he was unprepared and smiled bitterly in his heart, saying: "The basic knowledge of the basic increase in skills of the pet bat master, the ecological environment of the beast, and the skill matching of the beast will be taught by ordinary instructors. What the higher tutors need to teach is something that is not in the textbooks.

For example, your own experience in training beasts, or your special application of a certain skill, is your own original, or the actual teaching of the beast, use the same skills, personally demonstrate, play different effects, and so on."

After listening to him, Su Ping was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the lecture was quite complicated, and the average person couldn't really teach it.

"What did Teacher Luo teach?" Su Ping asked curiously.

Dong Mingsong smiled and said: "Instructor Luo has been fighting in the barren areas all year round. He teaches the actual combat experience and the secret to survive in the barren areas. These are the things that the students yearn for. After all, most students will choose to enter after graduation. The barren area, which is their future battlefield, wants to know and understand in advance."

Su Ping understood and asked, "What about the other three mentors?"

"They also teach about the same, but the content is different. Sometimes they will also teach some of their own beast training experiences. For example, Blue River Tutor, he is still a half trainer, so he will teach students some tips for cultivating beasts. trick."

Speaking of which, Dong Mingsong thinks that Su Ping is also a half-cultivator. After all, he still has a top-level trainer behind him, who will always teach Su Ping something, "You can also talk about nurturing while teaching. The pet beast should also attract many students."

Su Ping did not respond to his suggestion, but thought about it.

Dong Mingsong saw Su Ping thinking about it, and did not disturb him. He turned to Cheng Shuanglin and said, "I heard you have something to come to me, what is it?"

Cheng Shuanglin had recovered, and looked at Su Ping's back on the sofa with a complex complexion.

She came here to ask Dong Mingsong to ask about textbooks and textbooks. In addition, she also wanted to talk about Su Ping's position, but now it seems that the reason for hiring Su Ping is obviously not what she can say. After all, Su Ping is not Ordinary tutor, her opinion has no effect.

"These sets of textbooks seem to have a problem."

Cheng Shuanglin handed over several books in his hand to Dong Mingsong and said, "I have folded pages to make marks when there are problems. The vice principal can see if you have time. You are a master of the eighth-order war pet. I have many, and I don’t know if it’s a textbook problem or my own understanding.”

Dong Mingsong was surprised, glanced at a few textbooks on the table, then looked at Cheng Shuanglin, smiled lightly, and said, "Okay, I will respond to you when I finish reading." Cheng Shuanglin's work is serious, he still appreciates it very much of.

Cheng Shuanglin nodded, looked at Su Ping, then turned and left.

After Cheng Shuanglin left, Dong Mingsong called Feng Yanjing outside and asked him to notify the class teacher of each class to pass on the teaching of Su Ping and to promote the identity of Su Ping by the way.

Feng Yanjing agreed, his eyes slightly strange, but he didn't show anything.

After Feng Yanjing left, Su Ping also almost thought about what to teach.The reason why he thinks is not because he can’t think of what he can teach, but because he can teach too much, and he has to select some less secret things to teach.

Don't look at how he doesn't exercise much in the barren area, his star power level is not high, and the time to become a pet strategist is also very short.


In the thousands of deaths in the breeding grounds, as well as in many breeding grounds, he has seen too many things.

There are ancient beasts that have long disappeared in the Federal Register, there are pets that have long disappeared, there are experiences of struggling to survive in the cultivation of various environments, and there are also battles with higher pets, king beasts, and king creatures experience.

Although the latter two were killed in seconds, but at least the king beast attacked, there are traces, and he saw it.

He knows some different types of king beasts, how to release skills, what preludes, and the habits of attacking.

There are also some deadly plants, some are highly toxic, and some will prey on nearby creatures, he also remembers.

These things are rare in the deserted area on Blue Star.

However, it is very likely to be encountered in the unknown world of star cracks.

After all, those worlds in the starry sky cracks often have something that has long disappeared, similar to the cultivation place that Su Ping entered.

In addition to these insights, Su Ping's own understanding of skills is also extremely profound. For example, using deterrence techniques to solve mental attacks, this is also his unique secret.

In addition, there are some other skill combinations that can produce amazing effects, which were also explored in his thousands of death attempts.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Dong Mingsong saw Su Ping's loose expression and smiled, "Don't be too stressed. You can consider the type of beast you are good at, such as Luo Guxue. She mainly teaches the fire beasts. She has a fire department herself. The holy flame bird has a deep research on the fire beasts, and the Blue River instructor has a deep research on the water beasts. All students who like fire and water beasts will not miss their lessons."

Su Ping nodded, "I will teach the undead to pet."

"Undead pet?" Dong Mingsong was stunned.

Undead pets were originally a large category of beasts. They are an independent category like the demon and dragon systems. However, because there are too few people, they are divided into demon pets.

In their Fengshan College, they rarely use undead pets. After all, most of the undead pets are too ugly and ugly, and the food of the undead pets is also difficult to find. Some undead pets even have to eat a fresh heart... …This is too much psychological test for ordinary students!

"Can't it?" Su Ping asked.

Dong Mingsong smiled bitterly: "It's not impossible, but there are too few students who are petted by the undead, just afraid..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't use a lot of students. They don't have to use it. But when they arrive in a barren area, they have to face it. Do they still have the option to fight against monsters?" Su Ping said.

Dong Mingsong stunned and nodded slightly, "This is also true, are you going to talk about fighting against undead monsters?"

"Almost." Su Ping nodded.

He has already thought about it.

Teach something useful, but not so top secret.

For example, a little deeper combat skills.

And a little deeper wilderness experience.

There is also a slightly deeper skill application.

It is not that he wants to hide it deliberately, but these things are basically enough for the students to digest. The things that are too deep are difficult for him to use. The simplest of them is to use deterrent technology to crack the mental attack.

But this is quite difficult.

You must have a good grasp of the time of the show, the difference is within milliseconds, even if the average person knows it, it will not be used.


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