Two days before the festival day, I was playing hide-and-seek outside Kugalug and the fort. I'm busy until lunch.

Well, next time, I'll give it to you.


At first, I hid, but it seemed like I could see my tail completely, so I was quickly found in Kugalug.

Normally he would hide away from the demon Kugalug, so he turned around and hid in the shadow of a nearby tree, but it seemed to have gone further back.

Miss, you're always looking for a second.

As a demon, I tried to close my eyes and count the numbers, but before that Kugarg said.

"Milfi, you're hiding, you're weak, so I'll handle it."

And around this time last year, when I arrived in front of the lock-in pantry between me and Lecca, Woodbaum and Tina, Kugarg continued.

"Because I'll cover you up in this. I am not going anywhere else. Then it's easy to find Milfi, isn't it?

"Are you sure? But if it's just in here, we'll find it soon.


Kugarug nodded with a spare attitude and entered the pantry, where the door was halfway open. So I'll count to 30 seconds, turning my back so I don't see where I'm hiding.

I've played hide and seek with Kugarug several times, but I may be weak. In other words, Kurgala is strong. You can climb lightly on a tree or something, and since your body is soft enough to be liquid, you can enter a narrow gap. Besides, it is hard to find if you hide in the shade because your hair is black, and you can freely erase the flame of the only noticeable tail.

In contrast, I can't climb to a high place, my body is not particularly soft, my hair is white and prominent, and it is difficult to hide because of the volume of the lid. It is a body that is not suitable for hiding.

That's why Kugarg took care of the handkerchief. If I play hide and seek throughout the fort, I may not be able to find Kugalug for the rest of my life, and Kugalug may be anxious.

As a matter of fact, I haven't been able to find Kugalug for more than an hour while hiding.

When Kugalug was about to cry that he might have left me, it seemed that Kugalug had been left with me, and he looked sad and came out of hiding.



Having received an answer, I will go into the pantry at once. Don't feel like you've heard the voice from the back, but the person in front of you feels straight. I thought it would be easy if it was only in the pantry, but there were lots of boxes and bags containing potatoes and vegetables, and there were many blind spots, so it might be difficult to find them.

Although I targeted the back of the pantry with the irregular technique of relying on my voice, there were no signs of Kugalug. Are you sure? It's dark in the pantry and the tail flames are out.

This is also a foul play, but I will close my eyes and explore Kugarg's "mind". Then, I definitely feel it from the immediate vicinity, so I'm sure I'm in there.

"I don't know...."

Worrying, I went back to the door. Then peek out through the gap in the door.

When I searched for signs of Kugalug, I also felt a "mood" outside Kugalug. It's similar to Kugarug, Hilkpa, and San Narcissi, but it's not for the three of us.


However, I just put out my face and looked around, but there is nothing particularly unusual outside.

"Oh, okay."

Speaking to himself, I now look up at the sky. It has been cloudy since this morning. If the weather forecast of yesterday's village chief hits, it may soon rain. It's not that cold and I don't feel the snow's "mood", so I think it rains if it rains.

"Besides, the sky over there is rattling. That's it!"

The reason why I felt the thunder.

I wondered if Lizard was here.

Lizards who want to show their strength don't sneak around. When she came, the sky was rough and the thunder sounded, but now the thunder in the distant sky sounded like a natural phenomenon, not something caused by Lizard.

Because today's weather is what the village chief expected from yesterday. If Lizard had come here using mobility, the weather would have deteriorated more rapidly as soon as he arrived. I don't think the village chief can predict either.


And when you looked out of the pantry and said that you were suspicious of me, Kugalug called out in hiding.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I start playing hide and seek again in a hurry. I could still hear Kugarg's voice from the back. In the back... on the left.

I don't feel like I'm playing hide and seek with my voice, but the scope of my search has narrowed considerably.

"That's right. Let's follow the smell."

I remembered that I was a fox and decided to rely on my sense of smell. It feels like a foul play, but Kugarg will forgive you.

Keep your nose close to the floor and smell the smell. Hmm, it doesn't seem to pass around here. The smell of potatoes next door bothers me.

Still, after a while, I was able to catch the smell of Kugalug. Instead of walking on the floor, Kugalug climbed onto a box of food and moved.

I didn't climb on the box, but from the smell, I put "I think I'm staying here" around and focused on it.

Then, behind the box containing carrots, Kugarug was round and hidden.

"Kugalug, look!


Kugarg comes out of the shadows and looks at me and says he's impressed.

"It's so cool to follow the smell, Milfi."

Kugalug is deeply impressed. It's like I've become my hide-and-seek master.

I felt like I was being licked by Kurgala, so I said with enthusiasm.

"Well then, next time, I'll give it to you again!

I can hide better than Master Kugalug.

"Shall I hide in this hut too?

"Yeah, Milfi, please use all of them. If you don't, I'll find you soon."

... this is completely licked. My hide-and-seek skills are completely licked!

"I can't believe it's all there!? I have so many places to hide, I have to find so many!?"

"Yeah, that's great. Outside, inside the fort. Maybe you can use it with the stable."

"Very much!?"


I complained that Kugalug would be in trouble, but Kugalug couldn't afford it.

"Okay! I don't know if I can't find it!

I say so with regret and run out to hide. But when he stops, he goes back to Kurgarg and says:

Mr, I can't give you a second, so give me a minute.

While thinking that Kugalug would lick me because I asked you to do this, I felt like I wanted to hide for a minute, so I didn't have to be shy.

Then Kugarg nodded "OK," so I ran out again. I wonder where to hide ~

I thought I'd hide somewhere in the fort and tried to get to the front door, but on the way, I stopped.

"Something stinks.... Jerky?

There was a dot of jerky falling forward.

"Why are you here?

Did the chef walk with the jerky and drop it? Or did crows and wild cats break into the kitchen, take the jerky, spill it and run away?

As I was staring at the jerky with all sorts of imagination, my mouth drooped freely.

(No, no)

Clean your mouth in a hurry.

(Don't drop it because it's dirty)

She keeps flapping while telling herself. As long as the jerky is nearby, the smell will bring out infinitely.

But did you really happen to fall here, Jerky?

(It happens to be neatly lined up)

The jerky falls on the ground at regular intervals, following the corner of the fort building.

"This... must be a trap."

That's how I felt. This is a trap to lure me.

The killer must be around Kix, Jildo, Jets. If you turn that corner with the jerky, there must be some kind of trap there. But I won't get caught.

I approached the corner of the fort building with a sneak peek from the shadow. I wonder if there's a pit there, if there's a net set up to catch my prey again, or if Kicks are waiting for me too.

However, he looked vigilantly, but the jar containing about one-fifth of the jarky was just rolling around the corner.

It's a slightly bigger bottle that I'm used to keeping on the kitchen shelf.

- Is that a trap? Is it true that the chef accidentally spilled the jerky while walking and finally dropped the bottle?

Is that true? But this bottle is not as heavy as a cat or crow can carry.

I wondered if the chef was by accident, but I stared at the jarky in the bottle. It is enough for me to say that only about a fifth is left.

I usually get only a little instead of a snack, but I might still be able to eat a lot now. The one that fell on the ground may be dirty, but what's in the bottle will be fine.

Before lunch, I was hungry. Everyone is overflowing again.

Take a quick look around and make sure no one is around. Kugalug still counts, I can't see from here.

(All right)

I gently thrust my forefoot into a bottle lying on the ground. And I tried to pull out the jerky a little bit, but my short legs didn't reach it subtly.

So now I'm going to stick my face in. The mouth of the bottle was the size of my head, but I was able to get it all in safely and find the jerky.

"Hey, hey."

Say with a happy face as you move around. The voice echoed because it was in the bottle.

But there, I feel strange.

--The signs of thunder became intense.

(Lightning falls...!?)

I wanted to look up at the sky as if the thunder that was supposed to have been ringing in the distance had come so far, but the bottle was heavy and I couldn't raise my face.

And then...

"I thought you wouldn't get caught in such a stupid trap... but you did."

I heard a stranger.