At the Northern Fort

Thunder spirits Lizard (2)

Released from Father's restraints, Ryzaard coughed softly and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, your father returned to human form and picked me up in his arms. The ceiling of the cave is low, so my neck is bent in a tight way, is that okay?

Let's go back to .......

Yeah. Everyone will be heartbroken, so we need to get back to the fort.

So I look at Lizard and continue, "Let's go with Lizard.

"Lizard, come with me.

Ryzaard looked lost, but Father grabbed him by one arm and said, "You have to take him to any way you can.

...... Anyway, if you don't take them with you, you will have to ....... I don't think even ...... Snowlea will be happy if we let him go like this.

So Father used his mobility technique and the three of us returned to the north fort.


"Milfie, are you okay?

As soon as I got home, your mother took me from your father and hugged me tightly. Kugarug was also worried, and looked up at you, pacing around your mother's feet.

Thank God you're safe.

The one-eyed knight, the commander, and everyone in the fort breathed a sigh of relief, and Hilgupapa said, "We thought we'd catch up with you!

'We thought we'd go after them too! Wrothrust said he wanted to be alone, so I left him to it!

And mother glares at Lizard with a glare.

You are ready to do this, aren't you? You are prepared to do this, aren't you? Such as kidnapping the beloved child of straw.

Mother, wait. I know it was a bit of a cajolery, but I think Lizard just wanted to talk to me alone. He didn't hurt me in any way.

I hurriedly covered for Ryzaard. The lightning was a bit scary, though.

"I'm sorry,

Lizard also apologized, but your mother still held me tightly. This time I don't want her to take it away from me at the first opportunity.

Lizard says in a depressed tone, "But she's right.

'But it's just what the boy said. I took her because I wanted to talk to her alone and I did not intend to harm her.

What did you want to talk about?

It was Daphine who asked.

...... I wanted to ask you something.

"To Milfilia? What did you want this little boy to teach you?

When your mother relaxed her anger a bit and asked surprisingly, Ryzaard was silent for a moment, squirming.

'Speak up!

Unable to wait, Hilgpa says loudly.

I just wanted to know how to get to .......

But Ryzaard blurted out, and Hilgpa said, "I can't hear you! And returned.

After a few seconds of silence, Ryzaard was ready to say it clearly.

'I was going to ask you to show me how to get people to like me!

And right after he said it, he covered his face and looked up at the heavens.

'Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed ....... So I would have liked to be alone with that girl.

The spirits and the knights of the fort were all pouting as they watched Ryzaard endure the shame. And me, of course.

Lizard, did he want everyone to like him?

Mother asks Lizard, who is blushing.

'Why do you want people to like you? You must not have been a genie of that nature.

...... Again, I'm sorry about the past. I'm sorry. I felt I had to go apologize to everyone who attacked me, except for Wortrust.

Father being casually excluded.

Maybe it's because nothing offensive was working on your father. Even if you apologize, your father doesn't know what you're talking about. Also, it could be that you don't want to apologize because your father tore your pride to shreds.

I was young back then. I was exaggerated and insecure. As a spirit of lightning, my nature is similar to that of the spirit of light and the spirit of fire, but I was weaker than them. But I thought all the other spirits must think that I was weaker than them, so I wanted to show them my power.

Lizard looks at your mother there.

'You know what the Snow Genie would do? Something like my inferiority complex. Snow is like water, but weaker than water. And the same goes for ...... flower spirits. Flowers and trees are friends, but trees are stronger.

"Warawa has no sense of inferiority. From The Wortrust: ...... "A strawman is not inferior, but a strawman cannot be weaker than this absent-minded man.

Your mother raises her chin up and says, "I don't know if you really believe that or if you're just trying to be pushy. I'm not sure if she really thinks that, or if she's just being pushy.

But Ryzaard seemed to think that she really thought so and sighed with a huff.

'Yes, yes, Snowlea is strong.

What's the matter with you? Thirty years ago, you were just like a child. The size of the body is the same as a full-grown spirit, but inside it is a child.

When your mother retorts, Ryzaard nods honestly.

...... Right. As I said before, I had an inferiority complex back then, and I wanted to be feared by everyone.

Then Daphine asked the question, "Why did it change?

'How did that change? Not only does it change your personality, but also the way you look and talk.

When asked why, Ryzaard dropped his gaze slightly and began to talk about the old days.

...... The forest I used to live in was close to the middle of nowhere. I'm sure the humans would have loved the water and wood spirits, but as a lightning spirit, I was feared by the nearby residents. I didn't attack humans in any way, but the humans built an altar of their own accord and often brought sacrifices to the village to prevent me from being struck by lightning. Dead rabbits, deer, etc.

Everyone was silent and watched the story unfold.

But I didn't want it, so I was pushing back. Then the humans thought that animals weren't enough for me, and they sent a human child as a sacrifice.


I couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Ryzaard looked at me, laughed a little, and continued, "Fortunately, the child didn't die.

Fortunately, the child is not dead. I think the adults told the child to go into the forest where I live by himself.

I was relieved to find out that he hadn't been killed.

But I was a little happy when I found the child. Could a human child have come here to befriend me, a spirit of lightning? I think.

Ryzaard's voice bounced a bit as he said this, but then it went dark again.

But I soon found out that this was not the case. The boy said he was a sacrifice and that he came to be eaten by me. ...... that's what changed me.

Today's weather is still unsettled, and there is still thunder in the distance. It doesn't seem to be the thunder that Lizard caused, but it seems to represent what's on his mind.

The child was very frightened. The child was shaking and shaking, his eyes were wide open and his face was very pale. When I saw that, I thought it's not a good feeling to be feared by people, and I was shocked. I thought, "Well, then, I'm not a genie, I'm a monster.

I didn't know that happened.

Daphine says sorry. Lizard also seems to take pity on the sacrificed child.

The child was properly returned to the village, but then I didn't want everyone to be afraid of me anymore. Mentally, I've grown up a bit and realized that I was trying to be chic. When I went to sell the fight to you guys, I was happy to think that people were surprised at my strength, but I realized that they were wrong. They were just flabbergasted because I attacked them out of the blue.

Ryzaard looks up and continues, a little embarrassed.

It made me feel ashamed of myself, so I stopped being overbearing, and now I want people to like me. And now I want people to like me. I wanted to be kind, to be liked by people. Well, both the desire to be feared and the desire to be liked are feelings of wanting someone to accept you.

So, changing the subject for a moment, Ryzaard says to Snowlea, "I was jealous of Snowlea.

'I was jealous of you Snowlea. You're a snow spirit, so you should be shunned by the humans as much as I am, and yet here you are, getting along with them.

As I mentioned earlier, Lysard found an altar at the foot of Mount Snowlea thirty years ago when he came to sell a fight to your mother.

It's not a dead animal at the altar," he said. It's not a dead animal on the altar, but a bottle of wine. I thought that Snowlea must have liked alcohol so she gave him something he liked.

What's more, Ryzaard also happened to see the Star Festival in Colby Village at that time. He revealed that he was jealous of the idea of having a festival to welcome the spirits.

I wanted to be liked by everyone, just like Snowlea. I wanted to be liked by everyone, spirits and humans alike.

So Ryzaard touched his hair and explained.

'So for starters, I let my hair down and changed the look. I also wanted the atmosphere to be calmer and gentler, so I used Daphine as a role model for now, and I even shifted my tone.

Ryzaard says with an embarrassed look.

It seems that, although he was a Yankee, it's not that he was actually a woman at heart. It's just that when I tried to talk to you kindly, I ended up speaking in a female tone like Daphine, so it seems that I'm not a woman at heart.

On the other hand, Daphine was surprised that she was being used as a role model, but she was also happy.

'Lysard, you thought I was a calm and gentle spirit,'

Well. The other spirits have some difficulties with personality. I thought Woodbaum would be nice, but he's a bit scared. I'm sure you're not the only one who's been in this situation.

Lizard doesn't say anything about them, as if your mother or hirgpa wasn't a candidate from the beginning.

Daphine smiles and says, "I think I'll like you now.

'I think I'm going to like you now.

"Ho, really ......?

So, after listening in silence for a long time, I couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Lizard, this is great!

Lizard, that's awesome!