"Whoa!? Earthquake!?

"But this is the dungeon.

"I've never heard of an earthquake in a dungeon!?

"And, for now, everyone! Keep your team together!

Surprised by the sudden shaking of the dungeon, everyone acted immediately.

Reassemble immediately for each team and quietly wait for the shake to subside as you approach the wall.

Tenge and morning fog soon joined the fifth row of teams and swayed together.

The shake subsided after about three minutes.

"What was that? I've never heard of an earthquake in a dungeon."

"You, too? I've been an Explorer for over a decade, but this is my first time."

"It was such a shake. There aren't so many earthquakes like this in Japan."

"Well, we were born in an earthquake country."

I think about the earthquake now.

However, Tenji realized that there was no information in it that could have been the answer.

"... no way"

"What's wrong? Masaki-san."

While everyone decided it was just an earthquake, only the leader, Godao, had a confused look on his face.

The team member's right castle answered in wonder.

Should I answer or not?

The Five Paths were lost for a few seconds, but I decided to talk, thinking that I shouldn't hide anything in the dungeon.

"No, I hope it's just too much of a conjecture... Has anyone ever been in the 'Indeterminate Dungeon'?

The Fifth Path invited everyone to gather to see if they were still unsure.

However, everyone immediately shook their necks sideways.

Oh, yeah, just me. I don't know anybody even if I say "oniisan" once. First Class Explorer Inagaki once asked him to go to an atypical dungeon in China. "

An indeterminate dungeon? That's right, a demonic dungeon where the path, structure, and monster algorithms of the dungeon change quite often. It's so difficult that I can't get in there. "

"Yes, that's it. Commonly known as the Witch Dungeon. I'm experiencing structural changes in the dungeon that are said to rarely happen once in a while....."

"Masaki-san, do you think this earthquake is right?

"Ah, I felt something similar. But I've had that experience over a decade ago, so I'm not sure."

All breathed into the words of the Five Paths.

There are a number of classification methods for dungeons, one of which is "regular" or "indeterminate".

A classic dungeon is a dungeon that does not change its shape as its name suggests, and this Ochanomizu dungeon is classified as a classic dungeon.

And another atypical dungeon.

This is a dungeon that occasionally transforms the dungeon, and only two places in the world are rarely observed.

However, irregular dungeons have a much higher difficulty than usual due to their characteristics, and even if they are classified as five-grade dungeons at MP concentrations, they are to be set as three-grade dungeons above two.

If this is not a regular dungeon, but an irregular dungeon...

"I don't know if it's ever been observed or if it's the first time... but it's likely that this is an atypical dungeon. In other words, there are two grades up, which means" second class dungeon. "

"But you haven't decided yet, have you?

"Oh, I haven't decided yet. It's just my guess."

"What shall we do, Masaki-san? Do you want to go home after you take down the third boss? Or should we turn back right away?

"That's right... let's take a break here for now. Maybe things are changing around. Check the surroundings in pairs, focusing on regular Chariot members! Ready?"


Got it!

"Got it!


Due to the immediate interruption of the Five Ways, all but the regular members of Chariot took a break here.

Since there are 15 regular members participating in this event, we will split into five groups to check the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the other Explorers sat in a standing position not too far from the team, taking a break, but began to swap information.

That's where Tenji and the morning fog start working right away.

When it comes to breaks, it's a luggage job.

I handed over cookies and moisture that I could easily eat from my bag, and I also handed over a towel for sweat wiping.

After eating, collect the garbage and pack it into the bag. The dungeon decides that Explorers who can use their Fire System skills after a certain amount of garbage has accumulated will burn on the spot. Interestingly enough, burning scum and smoke in the dungeon are absorbed by the walls and floors of the dungeon.

So I finished my work with the morning mist and the two of them, and they both decided to take a break.

In the 15-story area, the cobblestone road is already gone, and the thin ink rock skin is the bare spot.

As a result, they found an indentation in the wall that would make it easier to sit down, and they sat down exhaling.

"Here you go."

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Asami."

The morning fog sat down and took the beverage out of the bag and handed it to Tenge.

Take it and put it in your mouth little by little so you don't drink too much. The morning fog stared at the state with a greedy face.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, but please give me a little too. I'm a little thirsty."

"Yes, of course."

Tenji blushed at the cuteness of Mr. Asami, who sat nearby, and hurriedly handed over the pet bottle.

Water in the dungeon is precious.

Therefore, it was normal to spin the same pet bottle in the team and drink it.

Of course, the tentacles who were studying knowledge at Explorer High School didn't know, and the morning mist contained the water that the tentacles had just drunk in their mouths.

"Phew, it's delicious. Where's the water?

"Okay, sure, but...."

Tenge was very shy and red.

I don't care about indirect kissing if she's a regular explorer, but she's a classmate next door, and she's pretty cute too. A virgin tenge was about to explode in shame when he immediately drank his own water.

There appeared a man.

"Chariot's water is specially made. This toon heals itself with a small amount of health.... ahh, can I sit here?

It was Inagaki who came there as a first-year student of the same Explorer High School as Tenji.

He sat right next to the morning fog opposite the tenge, wiping his upper body with the towel he just gave him.

"I see, it was such precious water."

"Ah, Chariot is one of the leading guilds in Japan. They're surrounded by craftsmen who can make such precious things."

"Will Inagaki-san join Chariot?

"Oh, I'd love to... but I'm a little reluctant to join my dad's guild."

"Your father is the famous one, right?"

"You know very well. Oh, let's not talk about this. I don't like it very much."

The expression of Inagaki looked a little angry.

Tenge listened quietly to his identity without breaking into conversations.

Tenge was a new second generation child with the same unique abilities as the two.

The new second generation refers to the next generation of children born between the Explorer and the Explorer under the name freely given by some magazine. The reason for this was the certainty of strong inherent abilities.

Inherent abilities are innate abilities.

The dungeon appeared 23 years ago, and many people suddenly woke up to superpowers at the border that day. The awakening rate is said to be about 0.0001%.

It was a unique ability that was so precious that a naturally occurring Explorer and another naturally occurring Explorer gave birth to a child and the child developed a more powerful unique ability than usual.

Time went by, and five years later, it was proven that the Explorer and the Explorer would always have unique abilities and would still have more powerful abilities than the early awakened adults.

Then, children born between Explorers and Explorers like Tenge became known as the new second generation.

Such people can be recommended for admission to Japanese Explorers High School unconditionally.

However, some of its unique abilities included "losers" and "winners".

The winners are those who have the ability to support allies like the morning mist, the ability to attack lightning spears like Inagaki, and the ability to become Explorers instantly.

However, the unique ability that Tenge was born with was the obvious loser's ability to float within 500 g and 30 cm on one side.

Against that backdrop, Tenge was trying to keep out of contact with winning Explorer eggs like them.

That's why I won't break into this story.

Speaking of which, Tenjo

However, I talked tirelessly without knowing the heart of such a tenge.

Suddenly, Tenji showed obvious upset and managed to narrow down the words.


"Is Tenjo here besides you?

"No, no... I'm not here"

"Why do you suddenly become respectful? Well, that's fine. Looks like you've been in the dungeon a long time since school. Why are you in such a hurry? I don't want to be a searcher, and I don't want to lack prudence."

Think about how you should answer the question.

To be honest, it's money. But I didn't tell anyone about people's household income, and I didn't want to answer Tenji.

That's why he was right not to answer his question.

That's when it happened.

The hand of salvation was turned from the angel next door.

"There are things people can't tell you. Of course, there's a lot I can't tell you. Inagaki-san, right?

"Oh, is that so? I'm sorry I asked you a weird question."

Tired of realizing that he had stepped into the question, he immediately lowered his head to Tenji.

As if to blow up this place, which was about to become such awkward air, Chariot's member, Right Castle, who came back to us in a hurry from afar, appeared.

"What about Masaki-san!?

"He's not back yet, Mr. Right Castle."

As soon as I saw the situation, I got tired and answered to the right castle.

"I see... I'm in trouble, tired."

"What's the trouble?

"Ah... but first, let's keep quiet until Masaki-san returns. I'm not sure yet."

Students and other explorers were concerned about the reason, but the castle never talked.

Talking at the speculative stage could have caused confusion.


I tried to ask the judgment of Gojo Masaki, who is also the most capable person.