Mother Zhou came to sleep at eight o'clock.

Before the baby had washed their feet, Lin Qinghe washed their brothers first, and then hit the mother Zhou.

Mother Zhou was so shocked that the oldest family was washing her feet with water?

"Mother, I will make lean porridge for Dawa and them tomorrow. I'll use Jingshui to make lean meat." Lin Qinghe only gave water and washed her feet, so she gave it to Mother Zhou.

"What are you going to buy tomorrow?" Mother Zhou asked, probably because she was quite pleasing to the eye.

"I didn't plan to buy anything, mainly because the baby did not keep their blouses and trousers warm. They had to go get some surprises. They weren't so demanding on this. They would ask the sister-in-law to do it, but she would pay for it. Lin Qinghe said.

If Mother Zhou wanted to spend money on her grandson, it must have been taken back by the daughter-in-law to the old Zhou's house, so she said, "It's up to them to wear clothes."

Lin Qinghe was not familiar with her. She almost got out her footwash and prepared to rest.

After so few days, Lin Qinghe is used to it, especially tomorrow, he will get up early and go to the county seat. If it is not dawn, he will set off.

Think about the legs sore.

Lin Qinghe got up the next morning. He got up and washed himself and then came out. Of course, he used to talk to Mother Zhou.

Just after discrediting, I saw Zhou Dong pulling the cart. He had just arrived, but he waited outside without knocking on the door.

"You have worked hard today and will go to the county town aunt to invite you to eat white bread." Lin Qinghe said.

Zhou Dong hurriedly said no, the food came from home.

It ’s now October, and it ’s really cold this morning, and it ’s still dark.

If there was not such a big guy like Zhou Dong, then Lin Qinghe would not dare to go this night.

"Now it's getting colder and colder every day. Does your quilt still keep out the cold?" Lin Qinghe asked.

"It's warm," Zhou Dong nodded.

"I ordered a big quilt on the county side last time and I can push down the one at home." Lin Qinghe said.

Zhou Dong stunned: "Is the aunt talking really?"

There are indeed quilts at home, but the time is a bit long, and now that he and her sister are both grown up, naturally they ca n’t sleep with them when they were young, so the brother and sister are one by one.

But because there is one per person, the brothers and sisters have been frozen since the year before. Fortunately, there is Kang, but it is still cold until it burns into the middle of the night.

He is okay, the key is his sister.

"Really." Lin Qinghe nodded.

This time when she went to the county town, she planned to take a large quilt out of the space. Not only the large quilt, but also the bedding was needed. These are essential for keeping the winter cold.

"Auntie, how much does that one cost? There are some cloth tickets at home that are useless and can be given to the auntie." Zhou Dong said quickly.

It is not easy to get a quilt at this time.

Although in Lin Qinghe's eyes, the piece at home was a bit old, but it was only a few years since he was full of marriage. Of course, this piece was not a newly-wed quilt. I plan to keep it as a mattress.

As for the mattresses in the space, you can go to the county seat to buy it, and some people will want it.

But it's just because the brothers and sisters of Zhou Dong didn't have a very easy life, and they often help to do some work. Although they will give money, they are always good for the brothers and sisters.

"Even if it's money, I don't lack that money for your maid, but when this year's grain is distributed, I'm going to buy a lot to go home and prepare, and then you will be responsible for carrying me home." Lin Qinghe said.

In previous years, the original owner called for Brother Zhou to help, and of course he would bring two eggs back to him before leaving.

Zhou Dong shook his head: "There is no need for the aunt to say that I will carry the aunt back."

"The person next to you will be responsible for me to get the supplies right this time. But this time I am going to buy a lot of things and come back. Today, I have to exhaust you." Lin Qinghe said.

When I walked, the sky began to light up, and when I walked one third of the way, the sky was bright.

At this time, Lin Qinghe was hungry, but she couldn't get it out. She propped up with Zhou Dong over the county, and then she entered the state-run restaurant. After entering, she took out three white bread rolls. East two.

Zhou Dong also had to quit, but Lin Qinghe said that he had a lot of work today, hurry to eat, and start working after eating.

Zhou Dong ate it.

Lin Qinghe was enough. Zhou Dong had the most delicious meal of white bread in his life, and there were still two. The ingredients inside ate Zhou Dong ’s tongue.

Although he can finish eating three more white breads, but two of them are really comfortable.

Lin Qinghe took him over to the county supply and marketing cooperative.

She is planning to come here for a large purchase today. In fact, at this time, there are many from the production team in all directions. Some production teams have to pay the grain and issue the coupons and money early, so they naturally come to the county to consume. Purchased this year's supplies.

Sure enough, there are a lot of people in the supply and marketing cooperative, and the cloth is basically not available for purchase, but Lin Qinghe does not care. She originally planned to buy it from the black market. Although the price is a little more expensive, but the quality is higher than that of the supply and marketing cooperative. Not bad at all.

If there are other materials for the supply and marketing cooperatives, there are still some. After watching Lin Qinghe, shrimp skin, mushroom kelp fungus and red dates, she bought them with a grocery ticket at home.

A pound of shrimp skin, a pound of mushrooms, a pound of kelp, two pounds of red dates, two pounds of dried fungus.

She and the children like to eat fungus.

In addition to these, there are three bags of white rabbit toffee, a pound of white sugar to keep aside, the malted milk was originally intended to be a can, but it is not too big to see a can, so two cans are needed.

There are also canned fruits. She is not interested in canned fruits this year, but the children have n’t eaten and bought two cans to go back and try them.

But the taste is definitely no match for the apples in her space.

Buy other snacks, such as Jiang Mi Tiao.

Because she bought more things, she bought a big wrap with the teller, and then directly packed these things, and asked Zhou Dong to come in and carry her out.

Don't look at Zhou Dong at the age of fifteen, but because he has been working as a farmer since childhood, his strength is not small.

Zhou Dong's mouth twitched, even if he didn't know what he bought inside, but he also knew that it definitely cost a lot of money.

The things that need to be bought on the supply and marketing cooperatives are almost the same. Lin Qinghe took Zhou Dong directly to the department store in the county.

Zhou Dong stayed outside to see the car and the things on the car. Lin Qinghe came in and bought two large quilts with the remaining cloth tickets.