Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival!

SA-114 Bees of farmers in the Kingdom of Madenium

"I want to wait, I miss being a bandit. I get all kinds of opinions all I want to say."

At the end of the meeting, an old bandit buddy stays in the hall where everyone left for tea.

Mr. Zairas' sloppy tone of words is apparently common to everyone.

"Not at all. It may not be a bad idea to give up the government to Crabble and start the Mountains again."

This is the end to Her Majesty the Queen.

If there is no civil unrest in the Madenium early, it feels like the Kingdom of Sylvania is going to collapse.

"Beyond having already served its original purpose, the responsibility of the kingdom it founded should be taken. Besides, there are some suspicious clouds between East and West. In the future, if we grow a successor so that we can be mere decorations, we can hide in peace."

Looks like Mr. Zaylus and the others were intrigued by my words.

Everybody's got their faces on me.

"Are you saying that in a way, you can free me from national politics? So what do you do?"

"The idea is to embark on a ship looking for new and innovative trading routes……"

It became noisy as soon as possible.

Maybe it was a romantic gathering, in a way.

I'm coming with you! Like, can you swim? What words are flying around?

"Not a bad story, but when you represent me, isn't that a problem?

"You just have to make a successor soon, and if you're ten years old, you can have a guardian to represent you."

Because Mr. Torrell said that in his true face, Her Majesty's face turned red.

"But then there's no problem. You guys are gonna make a good successor, too, and we're gonna be back in those days again in ten years!

Mr. Zairas' loud voice is in the hall.

"Wait! There's a way to speed that up."

Nuff...... and Sadie looks at us with a creepy laugh.

You think so hard.

"Finally, it would be nice to have someone who can protect us from our absence. The queen of the kingdom of Krabble is my father, the king's sister."

"Are you asking me to represent my niece?

"Bye. In a way, it's not nominal. Quite a bit in return would be necessary, but can I leave it to you for a couple of years?

It's certainly an idea.

But in this case, when I came back, it was annexed to the Kingdom of Krabble... I wonder what happens all the time?

"It's a novel idea, but when we come back, we should also consider saying that the name of the kingdom has changed, etc."

"Say what? You started with thirty people and you were excited about the kingdom. If you go back and don't have a kingdom, you can be happy again."

Now everyone's eyes have moved on me.

You think you can handle this with me?

I think that's a dangerous idea.

"I take Her Majesty's words seriously, but they were there. Let's incorporate both proposals here. Although it is a little unscrupulous, I am also certain that my neighbour, the Kingdom of Krabble, favours my Sylvania."

"The candidate is in charge of me. Let's get ready with Torrell. Of course not."

"Instead of hiring sailors, you should send about one detachment from your mobile infantry to Crabble's Shipping Practice Station. I'll coordinate with Crabble in that direction with my wife."

"The products needed for the journey may not be the same as for land. Builder, I'll take care of the area."

It's troublesome because when we talk about this, we get aggressive.

Will my job then be to design the ship? Looks like we need to look at the trading ships in this world once and for all.

It's time for Fort Aldes to be wrapped in snow.

Wouldn't there be much disagreement about a visit to the warm Krabble kingdom?

At the dawn of the year, Fort Aldes was completely engulfed in snow.

When I was talking to Sadie about going to Crabble, Mu opened the living room door and told me about Mr. Lady's arrival.

They came pretty fast.

As I rushed down to Mr. Lady's waiting in the hall, I took a seat and lowered my head deeply to me.

I just instructed him to sit in his seat with one hand, and I'll sit back too.

"What is it?"

"Peasants have beeped up in the Madenium"

What the fuck! Take a seat in surprise. I asked Mu, who brought the tea, to call Mr. Zairas to the fort as soon as possible.

When I light the pipe from the fireplace, I slowly return to my seat.

"How's the scale?

"It's still a village unit, but it's going to be straightaway."

Too soon is the problem.

Anyway, it's coming, but we're not ready.

For once, we are gathering supplies in the fort at the foot, but we still have the power. Can the soldiers recruited last year stand the battle in action?

"Tell Mr. Cuelet to step up surveillance of the eastern ridge. Mr. Quelle and the others were based in the Wolf's Nest, weren't they?

"It looks like you're putting three squadrons in a wolf's nest hole. The other detachment seems to be expanding west though. Enhanced surveillance is a flight from the Madenium, isn't it? You must not be created a bandit group. Let me tell you right away."

Saying so, I ran my men who came with me.

In the meantime, should we get this far? It might be a good idea to carry food in advance from Mr. Torrell's to the wolf's nest hole.

This will be good after everyone has gathered.

The brave army from Krabble has been pulled up. The number of soldiers trained is too low.

Again, it would be better to keep in view the convening of militias as well.

"Tell the village of Mictos there's a possibility of a militia outpost."

I took the comms and Mu is back, so I entrusted the note to the comms.

"Has it begun……. You should let Crabble know. Depending on Nielezm's movements, Krabble border security should be enhanced."

"Sure...... It would be good with Mr. Uyle in the south fort. If you contact the Knight of the King's Capital, we can let you know by the end of the day."

A word from Sadie, who came late, is necessary to continue the relationship.

After all, we need to create a communications network, including Crabble.

We're in a hurry to request a telecommuter.

Open a map of the Kingdom of Sylvania on the table to see the major impulses of the Kingdom of Madenium.

The Wang capital is in the northeast, and it seems the only big town is around the Wang capital. It is said that the population is so small that it leaves the Wang capital.

Our ultimate goal is to incorporate a ridge south of the beacon into the prints and hold the foot fort at the exit of the mountain road that crossed the beacon.

"In some cases, we can also send out one platoon-sized militia from the northern village?

"For once, I just want to ask you to get ready. I want to hold the area around the beacon."

He nodded at my words and left the hall.

I told him everything I told him, so he said he would gather the militias in the northern village.

"After all, are we going to use recruits?

"As a number, you want to use it. Execution will be called an old companion. That said, the problem is to say that this ridge is long to the north and south. Early on, if we don't seal off the jaws, it's not unlikely that the people who raised them in Sylvania will fall into an avalanche."

Something to the east of the square at the end of the narrow road, I think.

In case they break the fence, they'll be able to stop it on a narrow road. One platoon in the square is also helpful where you can garrison.

The smooth movement of the heavy units will be a challenge for this expansion of the fireyard thieving prints.

There's not even a long way down the ridge to the south.

You should have built a watchtower on the ridge east of the dock early.

"You're telling me you're going to pave the way along the ridge and put a watchtower? Sounds like it's gonna take a while."

"If that makes Sylvania feel safe, we'll have to make it. There's a team of cats who specialize in surveillance. Once you've built it, you'll be able to maintain functionality in two detachments."

We have a range of mountain walking veterans who have spent more than three hunting trips. A small number of cross-border units will be able to stop them if they hold a stone bow.

And I'm also wondering if the Madenium bees are confined to the region, or if they are expanding throughout the kingdom.

This looks like we're gonna have to wait for the next report.

At dawn of the night, the former bandits gather at Fort Aldes one after another.

I'm sorry to bother you in the snow, but I'm here to talk to you about a sudden change. If you look at the people you've gathered, there's Mr. Jill next to Mr. Zaylus. You look like the neighbor, Mr. Zaylus.

"I'll explain the situation. At this stage, it's just what Lady's report says."

Mr. Lady will explain the situation again using the map spread out on the table.

After all, we don't even know if it's temporary or if it's spread all over the kingdom.

The excessive tax levy on farmers will be wrapped around rural districts, but will it be fulfilled and spread throughout the territory?

Don't make that distinction, it would be reckless to cut west of the Madenian kingdom.

"The day after tomorrow, my men will bring you the following news. They are instructed to check on the situation for three days before returning."

"But Banter was after this opportunity, wasn't he? Shouldn't we be attacking him?

"There it is. There are two problems. The first is that we are not ready for battle. The second is that given the defense of the cut prints, we have to create about three surveillance stations on the ridge south of the platform."

"Do you want this fort? Then you won't be able to use the streets to move a large army. If you move it and drop this fort, you can stop it like before on a narrow road. What's the purpose of Banter's surveillance base?

The idea of a soldier in this world seems to be a positive attack. The Madenian kingdom could have dropped the Kingdom of Cardina in an electric shock fight, probably because no military man had that idea.

"It would be troublesome to cross the ridge with a few troops and take the same action as Mr. Lady and the others."

"Are you saying the enemy will make a similar unit? Once you get in, it's hard to end it."

Mr. Zairas also seems to be aware of the effectiveness of Mr. Lady's troops.

There is only one way. We're going to have people on the same level as Mr. Lady and the others do counter terrorism.

We'll leave this to Mr. Cullet and the others, but we want to build a base for you.

"The seat will be good with the sealing off of the bamboo. We can handle it with two detachments of mobile infantry from the village of Artem and one platoon of militias from the village of Mictus. If we head east, the west will be thin. Send the recruits to the west fort and build a line of defense."

If it were Isa, you could also ask the ex-Yukio army, stationed west of the Raidel River, for help.

We must gather the old men and prepare a unit headed east.