The trading ship came from modelling ahead of time, but I think it is a good hand to prevent failure.

That said, I didn't think it would take three months to make it.

I gave you a note summarizing the things you wanted me to think about, so you must be able to get a pretty unusual ship.

Ask Mr. Ablett to come back and we'll pull up.

I gave you a souvenir, some telescopes and azimuthal magnets, so you'll be using them at the east watch station. Whatever the magnet is, the telescope should be enough for surveillance.

"Tomorrow, aren't you going home?

"Yeah, I'd like to look at the situation on the eastern border once, so I'll take care of you overnight at Mr. Uyle's fort. Mr. O'Brie's men are supposed to let us know first."

The guide to the eastern border told me that Mr. O'Brie would.

He said he didn't have to treat us as suspicious because it was the most nervous area, but did the first Zylus have any problems?

"I guess some people end up without looking at the ocean for the rest of their lives. I'm sorry to hear that, too."

"If the two countries were close, it would be easier to travel, too. It seems like it would be a good idea to run a regular carriage."

Merchants who don't have a wagon will appreciate it.

I think I'll tell Mr. Zairas.

"What will you do when you leave? You mean west this time?

"Let's relax at Fort Aldes. I can rest assured that Mr. Zairas is in the west and that the heavily armed infantry is in the fort."

I just wanted to sort things out a little bit. I might be bored with Sadie and the others.

Well, maybe tomorrow's border inspection will get a little boring.

The next day we leave the villa early in the morning and follow the streets out of the walls that guard the harbour. I'm headed east to tell you about the Wall, but thank you to Mr. Zairas for bringing our Canator so far.

It must be a meadow, but it must be quite a wasteland.

It would be suitable for grazing, but it might not be suitable for farming. Still, you can see the peasants in the distance.

Doesn't seem to fail to make an effort to make it a little better land.

The sun is strong, but I don't sweat that much because I get wind at the rate that Canator goes. If this stops Canator from walking, sweat will erupt.

When we rest in the shade of tall shrubs everywhere, we drink tea from a water bottle.

It's less than ten people in total, but they're all so strong. Even Mu has a one-handed sword on her hips and a stone bow on her back. The princess is fluelet, and Marian is plugging the example double-edged axe into the back of her waist, I suppose.

Mr. Reynolds told me to watch out for the bandits, but we're about to be mistaken for them.

Even though it's hot in here, Me and Mu are dressed in black. Sadie and the others are Knights uniforms, but the black shirts will still be hot.

"Banter, this outfit is still a problem. Even if you come to reinforcements, it's going to be hot."

"Around there, I'd like Her Majesty the Queen to think of a Knights uniform for the summer. I have to do something about this outfit."

Mr. Marian is looking at Mu with a sympathetic eye for my words.

Now let's move on as we figure out what's going on.

I reached the border line after noon.

A fence higher than the back length of a person stretches from north to south. A fence about 1 m high is built about 30 m away, so don't call it a double fence.

"Well, here they come fast. Are we in line?

"No way, Mr. Lady's unit would have detected it before he got here."

Much better than the Madenian army, but also because of the discipline of the Tornian army and the ability of the troops. I just want you to sense us a little bit sooner.

Several horsemen arrived. You're the knights because you're lowering your long sword to the spear.

Jump off the horse and thank the knight when he comes to us. When we thanked him, we gave him a name.

"Her Majesty the Queen of Sylvania, and Lord Banter, you're on the line. I'm Bandell from the 1st Horse Rider. I've been waiting for you."

"Sure we're right, but what are you waiting for?

"Lord Zaylus, I have seen a line, and I heard Lord Banter can come. I heard you were a good unbeaten fighter at the interception, so I would like to hear from you... I'll show you around."

In that case, we were led to one of the surveillance stations by a knight.

It's like a long house in the wilderness. A few people are able to stand guard by building a canopy on the roof.

The surrounding area is not to say wasteland, but has some ups and downs. Looks like you might want to keep it a little higher.

The biggest waiting area at the station is the hall, but there are no floors and it's dirt.

When they recommended the bench and lowered their back, the soldiers handed us cups of tea.

"We apologize for not being able to entertain you, as this is the front line"

"The tea you can get in the wilderness is a treat above all else. By the way, how many such stations are there?

"There are three to the north and south. The distance between the monitoring stations will be approximately 300 M (45 km). One squadron is stationed at the surveillance post, and two squadrons are constantly reconnaissance along the lines of the plan."

There are supposed to be two battalions stranded here, so there will be more than one battalion stationed behind us.

"We have heard from Lord Zaylus that the construction of the surveillance station is what Lord Banter specializes in. If there's something wrong with our surveillance center, I'd like you to tell me..."

Even if we change the surveillance network now, can we handle it…….

I want you to bring me a little desk, and explain the relationship between the station and the fence, which is supposed to be a watchtower.

"For starters, the spacing of the surveillance stations feels slightly wider. I think an interval of no more than 150 M (22.5 KM) would be desirable if I could. If the spacing between monitoring stations is narrow, we will be able to cooperate with each other.

Near the Rydell River to the north is our docking yard and a surveillance post at the ridge tip, so you can be the first one 100 meters (15 km) from the river. "

There will be three to five more stations, but two battalions can be used. You will have a luxurious interception.

After building stones on the eastern side of the garrison and advising them to cover the roof with dirt as well, we end with a story about the pigeons.

"The wax is too low. The higher it is, the further it can be monitored. You should combine independently. The wasteland is full of ups and downs. It is a place to know the enemy's proximity, as well as to check its composition and depth. On the roof of the garrison, you'll know how close the enemy is."

When I talk like that, he listens with a nod.

Next time, they're not the same morale as Madenium. It would be outrageous if you insulted me.

We just talked about that for about an hour, heading north along the fence.

We just saw the docking yard, our crabble side territory, far away, and now we're heading west to advance the Canator.

I finally got out on the street at dusk.

If you go north on the street, you'll see the stone bridge immediately. When we got to the south fort, the sun was completely down, but there was a bonfire burning around the fort for us.

When I dive into the gates of the fort, Mr. Wyle himself greets me.

We were supposed to stay here tonight and talk to Mr. Uyle on the eastern line of defense.

"It's still a matter of proficiency in communication devices. I'm sending the Knight Apprentice kids to Altem Village, but it'll take a while on a platoon scale."

"It depends on your age. It seems easy for kids, but adults don't seem to remember it inside. I can't remember either, but Mu seems to have easily remembered."

"That's the distance the comms will reach. So you gave us quite a few telescopes... I wanted a bomb."

"I'm giving it to Mr. Zairas. As soon as Tornia's on the move, we'll be waiting at the south dock."

He's narrowing his eyes to my words and nodding. You also seem to know that I don't actively use bombs.

There are two battalions deployed to the east, but there is always one battalion of Marines stationed in the harbor, and if the battle takes place after more than two years, we can send out one battalion of reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sylvania? One battalion would be enough for the east and west guards. It also helps a lot that we have a militia.

"How far are you willing to spread the print?

"If you can, you want to expand the South Boarding Yard. By the time the Tronian army heads west, the kingdom of Neelesm will be gone. I want Krabble to slash west of the Label River."

Mr. Uyle seemed to think it was just a defensive battle. He opens his eyes in surprise and stares at me.

I stared back, too, so it felt like we were glittering for a while, but we laughed at each other after two breaths.

Mr. Wyle pours wine into my cup himself.

"Hahahaha...... Totally amazing. Lord Banter's thoughts are the very contents of Lord Bynum's petition to the King. You don't have to ask."

"The ability to stop the Label River will beat two battalions. If you pull the Tornian army that far, you should hesitate to send a large army to Crabble. So please tell Lord Bynum about one of my measures. When it comes time to destroy the stone bridge between Nielezm and Krabble..."

You must be surprised this time, because Mr. Uyle's hip floated half way up.

"Can you do that?

"Apart from whether or not we can do it, we think we can!

Slowly undoing the chair, Mr. Uyle began to think.

I'm guessing you're thinking about the impact of destroying the stone bridge. Perhaps the guilders of the Chamber of Commerce will disagree, but Sylvania has a lot to gain from the distribution of goods through our kingdom.

"Wait a minute. Lord Banter's idea certainly goes over us. I think we need to put it in the ears of Lord Bynum and the king."

"Please. If we do this fairly early, the territory of the Crabble is going to be razed."

How many armies would have acted as intended when the kingdom of Tornia had four times as many prints?

How will you incorporate the army of the conquered kingdom into your own army?

I have to think about that.

It is also conceivable to crush the armies of the former three kingdoms as a countermeasure to the insurgency. But if you do that, it's like creating the soil for rebellion. Can we deal with the simultaneous rise of a few battalions of our own?

It would be a pleasure to have the kingdom's prints spread as a king, but it seems to create a factor that cannot govern it, so don't feel like it's going to split into several kingdoms again.